I just take metformin, but my BG was pretty much controlled before that. I only took it for PCOS the help with ovulation and I carried on as it lowers the risk of MC apparently. My hba1c pre preg was 5.7 and at 12w it was 5.2 which is classed as normal.
The guidelines for diabetic induction are based on one study of type 1 diabetics on insulin. they found the rate of stillbirth was 5 times higher I think, but still rly low. I cant find the study atm, but it wasnt ever meant to suggest that induction would even solve the problem. The RCOG guidelines say that induction at 40w for diabetics is based on common practice rather than actual evidence. PM me your email address if you like, Ive got an AIMS pdf about reasons for induction and why you might want to question it.
Also theres some info on https://www.homebirth.org.uk/gd.htm about home births.
https://www.aims.org.uk/ is good to generally know what your rights are - just because they tell you to do something, doesnt mean you have to. If youve weighed up the risks then you could give birth on a pogo stick if you wanted.
Theres some info about GD on https://www.midwifery.org.uk/index....eferences&catid=91:hidden-archives&Itemid=110 some of which apples to t2.
From what Ive read I think the issue is that the placenta ages quicker in diabetics/insulin dependant dias, so they want the baby out. But they can monitor using a kind of ultrasound and tell when it starts to fail. Its obviously more time consuming for them but so what tbh. The way I see it is it cant be a life or death situation or they would do a c section at failure. If theyre willing to do a long induction then theres enough time to do a ultrasound to check if these things are needed.
Youd have to make your own mind up ofc. Im standing my ground, they can scan me every day if they want but they aint putting me on the intervention train until they can prove i need it.