had an email from the had of midwifery who was lovely and basically said yes thats rly worrying, the mw at least have leaflets about things such as the flu jab so even if she doesnt know the info she should just give me the leaflet. glad i mentioned it now, theyre swapping me to the other mw in the practice which im a bit worried about as they share patients if theyre on hols etc so dunno what would happen there, i literally refuse to see that old mw from now on as its getting to the time where things get important. a friend of a friend reported something to her mw at 20w and was fobbed off, ended up not going well at all.... theyre the first people we turn to if we need something or are worried about something, oh that and GOOGLE!!
My SIL announced that shes decided to have a c section last night, she started saying it was because baby was 3w ahead by fundal height, which everyone knows means virtially nothing, then it came out its basically because shes scared which is really sad. every birth is different but because shes had one c section and one vbac her mw has pressured into the medical route which isnt necessarily safer! Her consultant has said shes fine for a vbac but I suppose it reduces the fear thinking that someone else is responsible for it even if the risks are the same.
Im gonna have to keep my trap shut about it as its her decision after all and Im not gonna compound the issue, but my MIL is such a nightmare, will be telling me how sensible SIL is for doing it and how abnormal my plans for a normal birth are. sigh. and these are the in laws! my 'rents are actually not so bad. not rly what i signed up for, his family=his problem tbh!
Hope everyones well