***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Tooth I'd just keep trying and not worry. I bet one day it'll go off like a switch and Joseph will want all sorts of purees and things. We give Cait rice cereal in the morning around 830 and then a fruit or a vegetable at around 5pm, the rest of the day she gets bottles only.I'm also afraid of giving her anything she might choke on though she does have a mesh bad so I may try that soon. I'm not sure how you can convince him but he may just be nursing plenty and not in the mood to try anything else.

I have an issue with relatives constantly trying to make me feed things to my baby that I know she isn't ready for like ice cream and meat! Are these people crazy or what?! They're constantly saying things like 'aww your mother won't let you have anything good, she'll get upset' or 'so and so's baby was eating [fill in the blank] when he/she was that big'....Do they know that my child is toothless and only 6 months old!? Her system couldn't handle the foods they want to give my baby and I have a hard enough time getting her to sleep I wouldn't want her to have a sick stomach on top of it! I may end up slapping someone I'm so tired of it! Blah! Sorry for the rant.
Wow, daydream that's awesome you could donate your milk. I have a lot of extra milk too but no bank here to donate to and the hospital won't take it either.

Scooby, her hair is so long and beautiful!

Baby bell, What a helper Lewis is! So cute.

Tooth, I wouldn't worry too much about Joseph not eating solids. My niece hated all puréed food and didn't really start eating much food at all until she was a year old. Her growth is great though! It just makes for more messes, time spent, and stinky poops honestly! Carter loves pears too though so you might try that. I didn't cook them as I didn't want to cook out any nutrients. Just blended it up and it was juicy enough I didn't have to add anything.

Still waiting on Carter's blood test results! Agony! I'm sure it's probably fine but I want to hear some confirmation. Uugh.

I've stopped nursing at night now (except last night I fed C at 2 am because I had to suction his nose out and he cried so I felt bad and didn't expect he'd go back to sleep after that). So far it's been 5 nights and each night gets a little easier. The first three night he was awake for 2 hours in the middle of the night as I wouldn't nurse him back to sleep. That was rough but the 4th night he only woke a couple times and I patted his back and he went right back to sleep. He has been getting up at 5:30 am on the other hand though so that's rough. Hoping this leads to sttn soon! He was up about 3 times last night! So tired!
Wow, daydream that's awesome you could donate your milk. I have a lot of extra milk too but no bank here to donate to and the hospital won't take it either.

Our milk bank does take shipments I believe. And through their facebook page it seems like there are several other associated milk banks around the country. https://www.sanjosemilkbank.com/index.htm

And good luck with night weaning! H still eats once or twice, but it's not disrupting our schedules really so I'm not in a rush to get him to stop. If he starts waking more often though I'll have to get more serious about it.
Kelly I have to try refusing to nurse during the night. I go back to work soon and noone can I still be nursing at night as I work shifts. Think il wait until oh got his week holiday though
Hi Ladies, I haven't been on here for ages and there's so much to catch up on! Firstly to all the mums having sleep issues :hugs: I really do feel your pain! My lo is sleeping sttn but my first baby didn't sleep through until 9-10mths old and was waking hourly until that point. They will eventually get there just some babies take a bit longer then others :hugs:

Loving all the baby photos! Everyons lo's are all sooo cute!! I can't believe how active and mobile some of your lo's are already! My little guy can only sit unassisted for maybe 20secs before falling sideways and he has zero interest in crawling let alone rolling :haha: Think he just likes being a bubba for now and since he's my last i'm loving it :)

Tulloch got his first tooth a couple of days ago and other then him rubbing him gums I never would have known he was teething! I'm not sure if you can get them in other countries but I bought an Amber teething necklace for him and so far it seems to be working wonders :thumbup: The Amber when against the body heats up and produces an oil which is proven to act like an anti inflammatory and eases discomfort, so for the mums with teething issues might be something to look into :)
Does anyone bring solids in to daycare for their LO? My daycare is asking for some, and i'm not sure how much to bring, as I only have been playing around with food during dinner. But they have asked on 4 separate occasions now, saying G isn't satisfied with just milk, so I guess I'll start bringing some in. I really wanted to give them oatmeal, but since i'm not buying instant anything, and making my own stuff, it has to be boiled for 10 minutes. Anyone try making cereal ahead of time and just having it be warmed up? I dont know if it would turn pasty or not?
My daycare hasn't asked. That seems kind of early? People who've had older children, when do we start increasing the number of solid feeds for the babies? I was thinking it wasn't for a few more months but really haven't looked into it yet.

Chloe - I'm using this https://www.diapers.com/p/sprout-whole-grain-brown-rice-135125 it's the instant kind if you wanted to send that for them to mix with some breastmilk at daycare? Probably easier than boiling oatmeal. I think that brand also has oatmeal.
IST - I find it so annoying when people pressure me to feed Camden solid food. Why can't they just mind their own business?!

As far as taking food to daycare, my daycare will provide food whenever we tell them we're ready, but they're not pressuring us at all. I'm still unsure if I'm going to do a lot of purées or if I'm going to do more of the BLW approach. If I choose BLW I don't know how they'll feed about it, especially with the possibility of choking. Anybody have opinions on how often babies really need solid food offered? I'm considering just doing it at home and not bothering daycare with it for another few months.
Hello! Just a quick post.

Tooth - Have you read Annabel Karmel's baby and toddler meal planner? It's well worth a look. I would try cooking the food to start with - a bit easier to digest. Don't panic. Joseph will eat when he is ready. Pears are good, apples too (a sweet variety) but Ava preferred savoury to begin with - carrot, parsnip, sweet potato etc.
We started with solids about an hour after the morning feed and then included lunch and then tea.

Daydream - I added a meal after each week or so. Ava now has solids at 0630, 1230 and 1730 and milk after these meals plus milk feeds at 0930, 1530 and 1830 and far too many times during the night :(
Thanks honey bee I've just found it on eBay.

To add to the list.... Joseph doesn't like pear either!!

Anyone else finding their little ones becoming whiney and grumpy?? Joseph just moans and groans if he's not getting my undivided attention at the moment. I can't leave him for a minute and can't get anything done for him!! Demanding little monkey!!
Tooth - you're right towards the end of a wonder week, so hopefully soon he should be happier. We're in the same boat over here.
Thanks daydream! I have the wonder weeks book but keep forgetting about it!
I have the app, which is awesome because it has a chart that shows where you are in the weeks. It's nice to have a visual of how much longer we have to go
Whining and clingy here too!
Tooth - what time of day are you trying Joseph with the solids? Also, how many times do you offer it before giving up? If you are worried about finger foods you could try a nuby nibbler? I used ours a couple of times before I was confident enough to let Ava loose!
Usually about 4-5pm honey. I tried him earlier but not for a while. I usually keep trying for a good few spoons. As little bits get in and he chews tiny bits. I bet he doesn't even swallow 1/2 a teaspoon though in total. Then he jut sticks his tongue out and won't let the spoon in. Blowing raspberries! Every type of food I have tried he screws his face up as if its sour lemons as soon as he tastes it. Yet he goes through the chewing motion when he watches us eat and tries to grab our food! I bet he'd love a finger biscuit!!

What's a nubby nibbler??
Oh I just googled it honey bee. I was thinking of getting one of these. Are they any good?? What kind of things have you all put in them?

You'd never believe I had teenagers would you! Back then you weaned at 4 months and both took to it no problems!!
I've only used mine a few times - banana, peach and melon (things that were quite slippery to hold). I was given it but thought it might work for you as you were anxious about finger foods. I think I'd try again, but earlier in the day. By 4-5 he must be getting tired. Have you tried mixing in your own milk to eg a carrot purée? Also, experiment with thickness of the purée. I started out making mine quite milky, smooth and warm and then moved to thicker purée and added texture too. Don't stress, he'll get there when he's ready xxx
Oh wow, was going to multi-quote, but there's just too many posts to go through! It's been a little crazy here, lots of back and forth between my house and my mums while OH goes away for work/does loud housework preparing for MIL. Did I mention MIL is coming next week to stay with us for 3 weeks - plus OH's 9 year old niece? Yay?

It'll be the first time she meets Mia so I'm excited, but also dreading the lack of privacy plus my "shadow" (the niece) who adores me bless her but would follow me to the bathroom to watch me have a piss if I let her.

All this change in routine is really messing up my baby. My once awesome sleeper is now waking several times during the night. We've had some rough growth spurts before, but those were easy enough since she would nurse and fall right back to sleep. Now she wakes and wants to party for an hour. The other night I was rocking her/shushing/patting/pleading for two hours straight. Eventually I just brought her to bed with me and let her comfort nurse while I slept (I woke 40 minutes later and she was still gnawing on me)

Enough about us - how is everyone? Hugs all round! The pictures are too cute - I loved seeing Camden at the beach (bless her, holding onto her hat and screaming at the oceans haha) Eliana in her dress and the boys doing their 'gymnastics' and helping out around the house. So many strong babies on here, it's crazy (and "hairy" too, so jealous! Mia pulls out what little hair she has :/). Mia is still very much a "baby" like someone else was saying, she seems to know how to sit/roll but can't be bothered/isn't interested yet. Oh well, in their own time!

Lol at the high-pitched squealing... we had that all day long for a few weeks when she turned five months old. She stopped doing it once she discovered new sounds to make.. the novelty wore off I guess (thank god:D).

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