***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Thanks Sigh - yes, I'd come across that link. It's a good one. I'm pretty much doing all that you suggested (aside from the CC) but unlike Ellie, Ava has never slept well. I was logging her sleep too but I've had to stop as I was obsessing about it far too much. I think that's the biggest part of the problem - she doesn't know how to sleep without me :( It's been like this since day one and each time I have thought she'll grow out of it/is teething/is getting used to solids and actually I think it's just the situation I've got her into :( I lost count of the number of times I fed her last night and she's been up since 0500. I tried for 90 mins to get her back to sleep but no joy. I think I may try her in her own room tonight. It can't be any worse, I guess!

Oh Scooby - that would drive me mad! Is there any way you can take your Mum aside and gently say that you are so grateful for her help and support but things have changed since she had you and you need to manage the feeding your way? It's a difficult one as Grandparents are so excited and wanting to be involved too but there needs to be a degree of respect for your choices as a mother. My Mum used to make her "suggestions" when Ava was younger and the way I got round it was by asking if her ideas were "evidence-based". They never were and she soon got the message! At one point, I sent her some links to read and this seemed to quieten things down. You know your own mother, I guess, but if it is annoying you this much, perhaps you should say something? Great news on the DOC band!
Sigh, sounds like u are having great luck with the sleep training! So excited for u! And other moms who aren't having as good of luck yet, don't worry, they are still so young and relief will come soon!

Scooby, great news about the band! That seemed quick! Do u notice any flatness left? It's amazing how moldable their little heads are. And sorry about your continued mom troubles. I think honey has some good suggestions. But I don't know how sensitive your mom is. Sometimes it's best to just suck it up if it's not hurting anyone to avoid problems down the road, but then again maybe she just isn't aware that it bothers you and she would stop if she knew?

Kelly, glad C's bloods are good!

G had her 6 month checkup yesterday (2.5 wks late). 27", 18.5 lbs. Down around 75% for both. Used to be 95%. She got a fever last night and still has it this morning, probably from the vaccines. Makes me so sad! Last night it was 99.9 and this morning it was 100.8. Gave her Tylenol both times, and it didn't really affect her sleep. She still slept all night but I can tell she is miserable by her sad little cry. Breaks my heart! She was not her usual smiley self yesterday :(
Ladies I don't have much advice as Joseph still fights with me over day time naps and still falls asleep feeding at night.

Honey I was going to ask whether you think you and hubby are disturbing her sleep and maybe she'll sleep better in her own room? I think at this age babies realise that mummy isn't attached and scarily sometimes leaves. Do you think this regression is because she's adjusting to the realisation that you sometimes aren't there but you come back? Maybe this is why she needs you at the mo? I would also say that Joseph definitely needs milk 2-3 times through the night at least. I know some babies here are managing the night without but he is really hungry and feeds well going straight back to sleep after. (Normally but he's also going through bad phase at mo). I usually try not to pick him up or feed him if its I under 3 hours. I hold his hand through the cot and he sometimes goes back off. If he doesn't I feed him. If I make him go longer he seems to fill up and go longer for the next one. Even if its been 2 hour and I know he'll be awake again in an hour I still try not leave him as next feed might be 3-4 hours rather than another 2 cos he's snacked!!

Does that make sense? Also remember how far you have come!! Ava was co sleeping totally a few months ago!! You've made huge progress. I don't have anything useful to add as I haven't tackled it with Joseph yet.

Hope you have a better night flower xxx
By the way I was brave and have Joseph a juicy pear to chew on this morning! I left it whole as was too scared he'd chew lumps off. He really enjoyed licking and chewing on it. Broke of couple of tiny bits that made him gag a little. Is this what they first do with finger foods? It are they supposed to eat it all or????

Here he is with it!


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tooth - SO cute!!!!

Honey - i forgot that she's in the room with you. Ellie didn't sleep long stretches until we moved her to her own room.

She woke at 4:10 and I fed her and put her back in the crib at 4:45. She cried for a few seconds then grumbled on and off until 5:40! I felt so bad but she was making the same noises she makes when she used to wake at 5 am exhausted and we would rock her but she wouldn't sleep. Not sure why that's such a bad hour for her. She didn't cry though, just some groaning and tossing and turning. She finally fell asleep at 5:40 and woke around 7:30. She was exhausted though in the morning and is down for a nap right now (hopefully a long one!)
Yay tooth you've been so brave!!! Well done! Joseph looks like he is really enjoying his pear. I found that it was best to cut the food into chunky chip size (say 1cm x 1cm x 6cm ish) as this is easier to pick up and get to the mouth. Don't worry about the gagging. It's just LO working out what happens when they eat. It only lasts a few days and then they get it sussed. Try softer foods too (try and ignore the mess!) - get Joseph in some old clothes or in a long sleeved bib and then lay out things like cucumber, cooked carrot/potato/sweet potato, pepper etc and watch him go. Let him pick up the food himself and ideally have something to eat at the same time so he can copy you. Don't worry if more goes on the floor to start with. Just let him get used to the feel/smell and practice his hand to mouth co-ordination. I just take the chair outside and hose it down afterwards!

Thanks for all your advice on sleep. I do think that Ava is starting some separation anxiety as she has started crying when I leave the room and refusing to be held by other people (even when she has been ok with them before). Having had the nightmare settling last night, today she did really well though and the only thing that I changed is brought her last nap forward. I'll see how she does tonight..... Sigh -4-6 is the witching hour for us too :(

Kelly - glad Carter's bloods are ok.

Chloe - hope the fever resolves soon x
I don't know if I'm that brave yet honey!! Hope you have a better night. Is she in her own room tonight then??
Chloe - Hope she's feeling better soon xx Nothing lots of cuddles can't fix :)

Tooth - Mmm, now I have a craving for pear. Well done on being brave! xx

sigh - Fantastic stuff with the sleep progress, hopefully the naps will sort themselves out soon enough.

I'm with you all in this WW26 (I used to think the WW was an abbrv for World War, as in it feels like the world is ending at 3am in the morning, which to be honest, kind of does) lots of night wakings, crankiness, wanting to be cuddled/held and entertained more. One shining light though, the past week she had been waking up to nurse then staying up for an hour or more refusing to fall back to sleep. Last night she fell right back to sleep as soon as she was done. Kind of wish she would STTN while MIL is here, I can't imagine sleep deprivation mixed with dealing with in-laws 24/7 is fun. :haha:

To who mentioned a milk curfew; I'm going to wait it out a little longer and see if the sleep problems resolve itself (wishful thinking), but if she still wakes at those times (11pm & 3/4am) I was thinking of eliminating the 3/4am feeding first. I figure it might work better that her longest stretch of sleep precedes waking up "for the day" and I already know she can handle 7/8 hours without nursing. I haven't read any of the books though so it's just a theory! Let me know how the curfew thing goes!

Ps - Wow scooby I can't believe she's almost done with the doc band already. We had a PT appointment at the hospital over a month ago and they just said they'd see her again at 7 months. It was such a disappointment as I just want to get it over and done with and I'm scared it'll be too little too late. It's wonderful to hear about the improvement you've seen in a short amount of time! xx
Thanks everyone, we're so excited to see Camden without her band all the time. It's kind of strange, she's allowed to have it off 1 hour each day for a bath and to clean it, and she looks sort of funny with it off because we're so used to seeing her in it.

Coco - hopefully you'll find that Mia won't need one. But if she does I hope they'll allow you to get started sooner rather than later!

Tooth - good job with the pear! I'm nervous about the gagging/choking thing too, but Camden does some gagging with just her rice cereal so I expect I'll be seeing much more of it with real food.
Hi ladies. I just wanted to say to all u ladies with sleeping issues that ever baby is different. My girls r 13 months n 3 days apart. Ella my 19 month old started sleeping thru the night at only one month old and still does to this day. The only times she doesn't is when she is teething and or sick. Angelyca on the other hand has yet to sttn she still wakes between two or three times a night. And to u ladies who have babies in the room with u here might b some helpful info. Ella has shared a room with us since day one. When we first started putting her to bed we would all go to bed at same time. We found that she wouldn't settle. So we started putting her to bed before we go to bed. So here is our routine. 830 pm we give her bath. After bath we put diaper on pjs on brush her hair. Than we take her n she gives mamaw (my mom) a kiss n hug goodnight she says nite nite n love you. Than we take her to everyone else (papaw (my dad) Mimi(my grandma) n her sisters.) She also says nite ite n I love u to them n kiss n hug them. Then me n hubby takes turns on who puts her down. So if it was my night I would have her do her routine with daddy. Than take her to her crib get my goodnights n lay her down n give her sippy. N paci. Rub her head n say nite. Nite mommy loves u n leave room n shut door. ( when she was about six months we gave her her bottle as she could hold herself) n we always have the TVs on for her so she could hear something she can't really see it. Hope this might help some of u. Oh n we gave her rice cereal in her bottle which helps them be full and helps them sleep thru the night for u ladies that feed formula or pumped bm. Doctors don't recommend it anymore but thats what are parents did when we were babies and we all came out fine.
Oh n before she could hold bottle by herself I fed her in my arms with the formula n rice cereal and she would fall asleep in my arms n I would lay her down in crib sometimes she would wake in transfer buI would put Paci in and leave room n we always go to bed @ ten an hour after her.
Yummy pears, tooth! I Tried watermelon yesterday which went over pretty well. Maybe try that, too? And Gabby gagged herself once, and that was it. she has coughed a few times when eating, but thankfully no more gagging. I also talked to the pediatrician the other day and she said foods aren't for nutrition until 1 year old, so anything from now until then is just exploration and fun. She said some babies eat 1 meal a day until they are a year, and drink 40 oz of milk, while others will start off eating 3 meals right away and only need 8 oz of milk. its so varied from baby to baby. Eventually joseph will start to swallow things, but for now don't worry if he doesnt. he is just learning flavors and textures. I plan to try out pears today. G also really liked mango, but it was a bit slippery to hold.

coco, they must not be very worried if there is so much time between appointments and evaluations?

So does anyone notice since starting solids that your LO poops a lot more often? G is pooping almost daily now. I miss my once weekly pooper!
Chloe - Ava has always been like clockwork in that Department! Right after her first feed there is a little offering..... since weaning she sometimes poos more often in the day (a record 4 times in one day) but usually just a larger morning poo. Once a week?! I think I'd go spare worrying if that happened. Its so funny how different they are.

I don't want to pre-empt anything but Ava has been asleep since 1900 and has self-settled 4 or 5 times now (I've got the monitor with me). I changed her to 2 naps today as I'd read that babies this age only need 2-3 hours during the day and so far she has settled very peacefully for both naps and for bed. Keeping everything I have crossed!!! Tooth - haven't had a chance to move her yet but planning to try it out this week, just incase I am disturbing her. Interestingly, she sleeps pretty well from say 7-10 when I am not in the room. It may just be the deepest part of her sleep, but maybe she also knows when I am there and can't resist saying hello! I've also reduced her clothing incase she was getting too warm - realised I was still putting her to bed in a long sleeved vest, sleepsuit and 2.5 tog grobag :haha: Any UK ladies trying out a 1.0 bag in this British summer we are having?
Goodluck Honey! I just realized that we did sortof the same thing too. Ellie was sleeping every 2 hours but I recently extended it to 2-3 so she's taking 3 naps instead of 4. Hopefully we can cut down to 2 but she needs to stop taking short naps first! Does Ava nap a lot during the day? I think another reason Ellie slept so much at night before was because she was a cat napper and would take around five 15-20 min naps a day.

Ellie was up twice last night and wouldn't settle from 5-6 so i brought her to our room and fed her (like i usually do in the mornings) and of course she fell asleep here! I put her down at 8:30 instead of 9 pm today to see if that helps. Going to try 8 pm in the next few days.

BTW - thank you to the person who suggested giving her a lovey (I don't remember who!). I bought her an aden and anais blanky (comes in a 2 pack and it's muslin thin cotton so I don't have to worry about her covering her face with it). I slept on it and gave it to her and she's holding it close while sleeping right now :)
Goodluck Honey! I just realized that we did sortof the same thing too. Ellie was sleeping every 2 hours but I recently extended it to 2-3 so she's taking 3 naps instead of 4. Hopefully we can cut down to 2 but she needs to stop taking short naps first! Does Ava nap a lot during the day? I think another reason Ellie slept so much at night before was because she was a cat napper and would take around five 15-20 min naps a day.

Ellie was up twice last night and wouldn't settle from 5-6 so i brought her to our room and fed her (like i usually do in the mornings) and of course she fell asleep here! I put her down at 8:30 instead of 9 pm today to see if that helps. Going to try 8 pm in the next few days.

BTW - thank you to the person who suggested giving her a lovey (I don't remember who!). I bought her an aden and anais blanky (comes in a 2 pack and it's muslin thin cotton so I don't have to worry about her covering her face with it). I slept on it and gave it to her and she's holding it close while sleeping right now :)

I think that was me that suggested the lovey. I read it in that Sleep Lady book. Carter has a little taggie blankie that he absolutely loves. He hugs it, sucks on it and clutches it in his sleep. It has definitely helped but now he is addicted to having his back rubbed to fall asleep. We kind of traded one crutch for another. Last night he didn't wake until 2:45 am though. But then he was up until 4:30 and wouldn't settle so I nursed him and then he still wouldn't settle! He then slept in until 7:15 though. Luckily, he usually takes two naps that are very long, about two hours each some days. I'm grateful for those long naps and it's a huge improvement from his catnapping days. Hoping night time will follow suit soon.

Lots to do so not much time to read all the posts here! Will catch up on reading later. :)
Lol, bell! too cute!

Gabby has started to become clingy at night. When I put her in the crib and she is asleep in my arms, she wakes up and starts to cry and wont stop until she is picked up. This has happened multiple times the past couple nights, for both her intial put down for bed, and then she has awoken shortly before midnight and behaved the same, and then for her morning feeding she behaves the same. This morning I put her in bed with DH while I got ready for work and they were both asleep within 10 minutes. Definitely don't want to get into this habit. Although she is almost 29 weeks, she is just past 26 weeks if i go by her due date, so I may be in this 26 week wonder week phase. She was so close to rolling over yesterday! maybe once she masters that she will return to STTN and will not cry when she is put down.

What is a lovey? Is that just a blanket, or is it one of those blankets that has the stuffed animal head in the middle?
Bye bye DOC Band! I noticed Sunday and Monday that it wasn't fitting quite right and last night it left a red spot on the back of her head that took several hours to go away without the band on, which is a sign that it doesn't fit correctly. So I called today and they said not to put it back on her and just come in Thursday for our final appointment. So they'll do another scan and will be able to show us the measurements and how they compare to when we started. So excited not to have to worry about that thing anymore! Hooray!!
Scooby - GREAT news!!! yayyy!!

Babybell - He is sooooooooo cute!!!!!

chloe - A lovey is a blanket or a toy... something that the baby can keep with them that reminds them of you. I slept on the small blanket so it smells like me and she held it the last few nights. I found her playing with it this morning lol

Ellie has started this weird tongue flicking thing. It's kind of funny lol. A sign that teeth are coming? Here's DH with her on father's day. lol
Yay scooby! Hope that the scans come out well.

Honey, good for Ava self settling. Hope that continues for you guys.

Bell, Lewis is SO cute! Already learning proper care for his teeth, good boy!

Sigh, such a cute photo! Like father like daughter. Carter started this weird slurping thing where he sucks on his tongue. He's teething for sure.

Last night C was up EIGHT times. I finally just brought him to bed with me and he woke up screaming again around 4 even with being in the bed with us. He was just crying and crying. Not sure what the heck his problem is but I'm so damn tired of it. I just yelled "what is your problem?!?!" and then felt horrible about it. But jeez, he still sleeps like a freaking newborn and it's been this way for pretty much the last 6 months. I'm losing all hope in ever sttn. So frustrated, at the end of my rope. Sorry for the rant.

Oh, and my sister's fil who lives next to us in his camper (ghetto I know but he needed the space) burned his camper to the ground last night. There was an electrical shortage and his home and all his things burned down. Poor man. Now we have a big black pile of ash in our front yard. To top it off, I have a family coming to visit tonight as I may be watching their baby at my house a couple days a week. I'm contemplating canceling as I don' know if I can handle two babies at once right now with C not sleeping at night. But we need the money so badly and dh is pressuring me to get a job so I kind of have no choice. But our house is a mess and now there is rubble outside so I'm so embarrassed to have anyone over as I look like shit with no sleep last night. Ok, seriously the pity party is over. Thanks for the vent ladies. Needed to get that out of me!

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