***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Haha Sigh - love the photo. Ava used to sleep around 4 hours in the day until about a month or so ago. I've cut it right back for the last two days and so far so good. I've pretty much followed the 2,3,4 rule and it definitely helps her to settle for her naps and have naps around 60 mins rather than 30 which she had suddenly started doing. She has also slept til 7, rather than 5, although she is still feeding at least 4 times in that period. Can't win them all eh?

Bell - good job. Get them into good habits now!

Kelly - what can I say but :hugs: I really hope things get better for you soon x

Scooby - yay!!! Woo hoo!!!
Bell!! Great photo! Nice to see good habits already!

Scooby. Brilliant news you must be very happy!

Sigh as always she is gorgeous!!

Kelly as honey said big hugs. I have no suggestions to help with sleeping but maybe you could talk to a health visitor or someone for advice if you are feeling so stressed? Big hugs x

Honey bee glad you're having slight improvement. As for the 1 tog duvet. I haven't used it yet but have it on hand tonight to see if he's hot when he wakes for a feed later as its quite stuffy tonight. Also have swapped to sleeveless vests in warmer weather.

I have to share this photo of my almost 17 years old daughter Amber that I found today.... Look at her compared to Joseph in my avatar!! They're so alike! She was a baldie too!!


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Tooth - Wow they could be twins!!! So cute! You should try to take a picture of Joseph at the same angle and put them in a frame next to each other :)

Honey - glad things are getting better. Hopefully she'll cut down the feeds soon so you can get some much deserved rest!

Kellym - :hugs: I hope this passes soon. So sorry you're going through a hard time. The clinginess might be related to teething. Are you still doing the sleep lady shuffle?

My friend sent me this... LOL. So wrong.

Wow tooth - as soon as I saw the photo I thought it was Joseph. Don't worry, Ava is a baldy too!

Sigh - so wrong!

So Ava has now fallen asleep, at lunchtime (before feeding), with a filthy nappy (I was on my way home from running errands). The stroller has been stationary for 30 minutes. Normally, this would result in her wakening in a matter of seconds. She is sound asleep, completely conked out.....go figure :saywhat:

Anyone else finding that their babies are refusing to be fed now? Ava used to enjoy her purée but now she either grabs the spoon to feed herself or wants finger food. I think this will move us more to BLW.....

Ha ha honey! Brilliant photo!!! She's such a smiler!!

Just back from HV Joseph is 21lb 2oz just above 95th percentile now so his boobie milk is still doing the trick!! I spoke to her about his lack of interest in weaning and she just said keep offering tiny bit once a day and eventually he'll get hang of it. Same advice as you guys gave let him eat it off his fingers or have taste of mine and not to rush if I don't feel ready for finger foods. She made me feel more relaxed. It's hard not to feel pressured when most of your babies have been doing so well on solids for weeks now.

Anyway! Hope you uk girls are enjoying the warm weather! Joseph is cute with his little chubby legs out in the fresh air!
tooth, so crazy! They look like twins! And good work on Joseph's growing! What a big boy!

Honey, what an adorable photo! She looks so happy. :)

Sigh, that video is messed up! Made me laugh pretty hard.
Wow, tooth, I thought that was a pic of Joseph! They look so alike!

Gabby is also a member of the bald baby club. What little hair she has is coming in blonde it looks like. Dh has black curly hair, and I am blonde straight hair. Really hope she gets my hair instead of his!
Honey, hilarious! What is wrong with letting her feed herself with the spoon? My mom freaked out when I gave G a stick of watermelon. She doesn't understand BLW at all. She means well but this is the first time I am actually annoyed with her. Ugh! Does she really think I would do anything to endanger my child? So frustrating.
So much to read in just a few days away!

Sigh Cait has the little Aden and Anais blankies too. It makes me more comfy knowing she can pull it over her face and breathe easier than a flannel receiving blanket. Also love the Father's day pic! So funny...

Tooth Joseph and your daughter look so similar! Amazing. And both very cute, lol.

I got curious and gave Cait a piece of cookie and she knew just what to do with it! She didn't choke on it or anything! She's also really enjoying her sippy cups and I've been giving her the occasional taste of what I'm eating here and there. I'm doing it at my own pace and feeling good about it, I don't want anyone telling me what to do. Scooby I know how you feel about your mother feeding baby against your wishes...so annoying. Yay about the doc band!

Cait has one more month of wearing the harness at night only. Then she has an x ray and hopefully we're done with it forever! I'm so tired of it already!

As for sleeping Cait has slept decent the last two nights but still not as well as she was. I'm wondering if it was due to the learning to crawl and now that she can she will sleep a bit better. I miss the nights she would sleep 8 or 10 hours without waking me. I'm getting rather sleepy. To those of you also having sleep troubles, I feel your pain.

We are officially mobile! Cait has begun crawling! She's still not very good at it but it gets her places. I'm sure she will get better at it as time goes on. It's time to baby proof now! Where did my baby go? She's so big now.:cry:

Will post a six month pic later.

Hope you are all well!
Below are a few 6 month pics that were taken on the 10th.


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lol, sigh that video is disturbing and funny at the same time.

Honey beautiful pic! Ava looks to really be enjoying herself! Cait doesn't refuse my feeding her. If fact I'm pretty sure she can, she can also hold her own bottle but sometimes refuses to do that. I guess she thinks that since mommy is around she can be lazy. lol.
IST she is gorgeous!! I can't believe she's crawling! Well done!

So Joseph has an annoying new game! FAKE COUGHING!! He thinks its hilarious and has started doing it for attention too. He just had the ladies on the checkout at sainsburys in hysterics!! He's so proud of himself but its driving me nuts!!! Little monkey!
tooth - lol! H does this too! My sister plays this game where he coughs, she then coughs and says Oh no I've caught the Harrison sickness!
Tooth Joseph is such a clever boy! So funny about his fake coughing! Too cute.

I am thinking of buying a convertible car seat. I'm not sure it's different between the US and the UK? I'm looking for something affordable yet safe. Comfy for Cait and fits in a small car. Can rear face and and forward face also. Any suggestions? I keep looking at them and I can't decide on anything. Cait doesn't need it yet but she will soon enough so I'd like to get a jump on it.
Hello guys! I'm trying to catch up on all the posts, it's been a while! Tessa and I have been sick over here. Over a week of fevers and coughing - no fun! Luckily DD1 and OH didn't catch it! Otherwise, things are great, Tess is looooving solids, which she gets once or twice a day. Her favorite is applesauce. She's rolling super easy now, and tries to scoot around on her bum! Still falling over a bit as she sits up though so not quite sitting on her own yet. Anyways, back to trying to catch up! Seems like all the babies are doing so well!


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Imso - we are getting close to buying one too. We will get the Chicco Nextfit. I think we will just keep that one in DH's car and keep the infant seat in my car since he still can technically fit in it. I'm just so tired of lugging around the infant seat so I'd rather just have carseats we leave in the car.
juless hope you both feel better.

honey I wish Cait had less hair sometimes as she's taken to throwing a fit when I try to comb it! So young to be so rebellious!

daydream that is some car seat! Looks like it has everything! I'm not sure I can afford it but it definitely looks like the best one out there! I may have to save my pennies!
IST, i too am in search of a small seat. I dont know if i want one that can go front and rear facing, along with a booster, or just a rear facing one like this for nowhttps://www.amazon.com/Safety-OnSide-Protect-Convertible-Bedrock/dp/B004EBUX8K/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_S_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=30617VZ5ZA7JK&coliid=IGY4AK5ZAY8WA I think they are supposed to be rear facing until they are 2. Oh, and Gabby also has hair envy!

juless, welcome back! Tessa is still a cutie!
IST and Daydream - the Chicco Nextfit is the seat I intend to buy also. And we will leave our Chicco Keyfit infant carrier in OHs car at least until she grows out of it. The nextfit is expensive, but I'm in love with it, and I love how EASY Chicco has made installation of all their seats. If anyone buys it before me please let me know how you like it!

Love all the new photos of the LOs, everyone is getting so big!

Also, thanks to whoever mention a while back to look for the Ergo Baby carriers at TJmaxx, I finally found one today! Super excited to try it out!

We had our last visit at Cranial Technologies today, and Camden got a DOC Band graduation certificate. They did a final 3D scan and showed us how it compared the first one they took, and there's such a big difference!! I'm very happy with our results. We'll get the actual measurements in a week or two. We've been doing lots of swimming lately, and Camden loves splashing around in her little float. Here are a few pictures from today, some of which are quickly dunking her head under, she doesn't mind it! Supposedly it helps them from being afraid to go under as they get older.




There is definitely some hair envy going on here too! I'm dying for Amber to actually grow some real hair! In the sunlight we can see the red tinges in her hair and I want to know if she's going to be a real little redhead or if she's going to have a tinge in the sun.

Scooby I'm so jealous of the swimming! Amber enjoyed it so much but there just isn't anywhere I can take her to swim here.

Welcome back Jules! Tessa really is a little cutie.

Tooth we also have the fake coughing going on here! Amber particularly likes to do it when its nap time! She thinks its awesome.

A few nights ago I thought we were heading down the terrible sleep department! I was so worried! For two nights Amber woke herself up at 2:30am rolling over. Then the next night she woke up at 12, 2, 4 and then for the day at 6! I was not at all enthusiastic. Thankfully the past two nights she has gone back to her normal 9 to 6 sleeping!
She is also doing so well putting herself to sleep. Sometimes she fights a little but now we don't rock her to sleep at all. As soon as she makes 'I'm tired' sounds we put her in the crib. Sometimes she plays for a while but soon enough she's off to la-la land!

My mother-in-law arrives this Sunday with her sister. I was feeling a little apprehensive but now I'm quite excited to have some family here and to also meet dh's aunt.
Plus, I got the exciting news from work that I will be going on holiday next week instead of three weeks time! AND my holidays have changed from 5 weeks to 9 weeks! Yay me!!

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