***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Thanks girls :) amelias favourite noises are dadada and ta-ta. She's started waving when we wave at her , she doesn't crawl yet but her rolling has come on well the past few weeks. Her bedtime is 7oclock, she has a bottle and is asleep until 6 or 7 the next day xx
Millie is also very vocal, and her noise preference is to scream :wacko: not in a crying way, she just loves screaming! And she's SO loud, and has a right set of lungs that can just pump that scraming wail on and on and on and on..... it's tiresome :rofl: she's also saying da-da a lot, although not to Daddy, just saying it in general.
Bean, I wouldn't worry about noises...Gabby is saying a lot of dadadada, ist, thathatha and various other incoherent sounds. I respond to every sound with 'mamama' but haven't heard those sounds in months. She is totally going to say dada and mean it for DH well before she says mama. now she isn't directing her sounds at anything.

bby, hope everyone in your house is on the mend!

Lolly, our LO's will be 8 months in mere days! I can't believe it. So not ready to say i have an 8 month old! great for millie and her excellent crawling ability!

Scooby, adorable chubby toes! too precious! I love baby feet. I have found that G's feet actually kinda smell like feet rather than cute baby like the rest of her. Is this weird?? I find myself washing them almost daily, but I have also been known to have an extremely sensitive nose. DH thinks i'm crazy when I tell him this.

Verona, beautiful children!

Kelly, wow that is a fast progression. I fear the same around here. I do feel like G lags behind a bit and I have to wonder if its because she spends so much time at daycare, and they don't give her proper exposure to try to stand up, crawl, roll, etc. I still hate sending her there. I called the place that i have been on the waiting list for since October...still 6 babies in front of me. When i signed up they said 9-12 babies in front. Maybe by the time she is 1 I'll get in...
Bedtime around here is about 930. We go up into her room and sit in the dark in the rocking chair. She has a bottle and then I put her in her crib. Sometimes she rolls right over and goes to sleep and sometimes she cries (more like whimpers or whines) for a few minutes. She often takes a nap around 6 or so for a half an hour and she takes 1 or 2 decent naps during the day. She wakes once a night on average for a bottle and then sleeps straight through to between 730 and 9am. Does anyone notice that when they wake up in the middle of the night with LO that your body aches. I feel like I just want to stretch out and go limp and when I wake up I'm sore all over.

Scooby, Camden's toes are adorable! I don't know if I could even paint Cait's nails while she sleeps. she'd have to be in a deep deep sleep and she is generally a light sleeper.Too cute though.

Bean, Cait used to make all sorts of noises that she doesn't anymore. I'm not too worried about it as she's learned new ones and new skills. She mostly screeches, grumbles, coughs, or makes mmmm noises now with the occasional babble. She used to say dadada and ah ah ah but hasn't in weeks. I think they go through stages of what kind of skills they are learning. Right now, Cait isn't too concerned with making noises but with learning to pick up small things with her fingers and trying to take steps along the furniture. It's sp fun to watch them learn.

Chloe I think Cait's feet smell like feet too. Not really bad but they don't smell as sweet as the rest of her skin. DH agrees with me and Cait laughs out loud if you put your face near her foot and say "Phew, stinky stinky stinky!" I find myself washing them with face wipes in between baths but they still don't smell great. :shrug: And Yay for the rolling! She'll be crawling in no time and you'll be chasing her like crazy!

I hope everyone is well
I wouldn't be worried either about the noises. Ella only said Dada and banana for the longest time. She actually only started saying mama in the past month. Angel says mama alot, and occasionally says Dada, yay, lala, what sounds like Hi.
I was just logging in here to ask about the sounds your LOs make and looks like the conversation is already started! Harrison makes a lot of H sounds, which as I type that.. I realize hmm his name starts with H.. I wonder if he just hears that sound more and is mimicking it. We try to get him to say Hi.. sometimes we really wonder if he is but I won't say so until it's very clear. DH taught him how to wave hello over the past few days, and now everytime he looks at himself in the mirror he waves, it's adorable!

Other than the H sounds though, he doesn't make many others (besides the screaming.. ouch my ears!). I wonder when he'll start to pick up more.
Oh and we also have a crawler! He's been army crawling for about a month, and finally this week figured it all out. I posted a video in my journal (linked below)
IST - I feel really achy when Camden wakes up overnight too, I'm not sure what it's all about. It's rare that she does wake up, so I just figured it was because I'm not used to it. But we sit in the rocking chair while she nurses back to sleep and I am so uncomfortable, I usually nurse with my legs crossed but it literally hurts to do so if it's a night time feed. So weird!

Chloe - I sometimes notice Camden's feet don't smell so fresh and feel clammy...I think it's after she's been in her jumperoo jumping around like crazy.
Thanks for the encouragement! Usually I'm pretty good about not worrying but I felt like maybe I wasn't doing enough for her. But I spend loads of time reading with her and playing on the floor and singing nursery rhymes. I suppose she'll do everything in her own time.
I'm reading Your Baby's first Year: week by week. I have found it to be really helpful but I did laugh at it today - it said for 30 weeks that 'your baby may only be having one nap a day now'! I haven't even been able to get Amber to go from three naps to two naps a day. Again, I'm not worried about that because if she's sstn I'm happy! I'm sure when she's a bit older we'll be able to get rid of the third nap.

So, does anyone have any exciting weekend plans? My dh works over the weekends so I have to say I have a whole lot of nothing going on! I actually want the weekend to fly by. I had an interview earlier this week and I'm dying to hear something back.
Hi ladies, just back from 5 days in Cairns. Rosa had her first meltdown on the plane. Actually before we boarded the plane and it lasted for the. entire. flight. Which, thank goodness was only one and a half hours but still, she's a. learned to scream, b. learned to have a tantrum, and c. I wasn't able to do aaaaanything to calm her down.
She wouldn't breastfeed, wouldn't take a bottle, wouldn't sit still, didn't like it when I fanned her (to make her cooler), or wrapped her in a muslin (wanted to be warm? comfy?), she screamed as we walked, turned away from people that wanted to see her, and looked around straining her neck to see others, she would not sleep, but kept rubbing her eyes. AUGH.
Sorry...just really needed to vent. Glad to be home and starting to read back thru the posts!
Okay, I know that I posted about the love of tags, and I am so happy that Rosa isn't the only one with that sweet little addiction, but Kelly, as soon as I read your post about tags being useful for sleep training, I ran in and gave Rosa her label piggie! She's sleeping but GOOD GRIEF if it helps, let's try it out. Didn't even think of that!!
Oh expat that sounds so miserable. Big hugs to you for surviving that plane ride. As for the taggie, it took awhile for C to become attached to his blankie and use it to soothe. At first he played with it instead of sleeping but eventually it became his lovey. I put it in between us when I nursed him so hed associate it with comfort and make it smell like me.
Scooby it's the strangest thing, right? Cait wakes about once a night for a bottle and each time my body just aches like my holding it up instead of being limp and sleeping is hurting it. I'm so desperate to stretch and lay down that I writhe around uncomfortably until she's asleep. It's so weird but it's been happening at least a few months each time I wake with her. I'm also having tons of aches and pains, probably from chasing her around. Also I think my gallbladder is acting up because I have the signature chest, back, and shoulder pain. It isn't awful but it's so uncomfortable and sore. So I'm keeping an eye on that as well.

We have a baby shower to attend tomorrow, bean. Other than that no big plans. I'm trying to get a date night in order with DH in the next few weeks so I'm hoping that pans out as I need out of this house! I hope they call about your interview and it has a good outcome!

Epatt so sorry to hear about your plane trip. I hope your next is much better. I think it's stressful taking Cait to a grocery store let alone a plane trip!

I hope you're all well and have a great weekend if I'm not around!
Expat sorry about your flight! I'm so scared of that happening with Amber! But it doesn't look like we'll be flying again anytime soon so should be ok!

Amber is so funny when she's sleeping! She keeps pulling her knees up under her, sometimes together, sometimes one at a time. Its hysterical to watch. But she doesn't do it at all when she's awake so obviously only practicing in her sleep so far!!
oh, and seeing as its Saturday here already: happy seven months to Amber and Camden and happy 8 months to Millie. We really are on the downhill run to one!!
Ok so firstly.....

I'm so sorry that I haven't been apart of this group, only two reasons. 1- not been on BnB much and 2- couldn't find this thread lol.

I will go back right to the first post and read everything that's gone on with everyone.

For now I hope everyone is well and sorry again xx
Elljo, that will be a lot of reading! I don't know if I could read back to the beginning, it would take forever for me especially since my son keeps me so busy these days. I spend all day chasing him all over trying to prevent death.

Me and dh just got back from an overnight stay in Ouray, CO (about two hours from where we live in Durango). It's so beautiful and we stayed in a little bed and breakfast in the mountains to celebrate our 6 year wedding anniversary. We had such a good time and left C with my mom. She said he did great! I had so much anxiety about him taking bottles since he had a bottle strike for three months but he drank well and slept fairly well too. I'm so proud! We got to go for a hike, go out to dinner, and brought a bottle of wine back to our room for some evening drinks and conversation (and other things we haven't done in a long time!:blush:). I missed lo by the next day though. We were walking down the street and I heard a baby babbling and my heart ached for a moment. I also pumped every 3-4 hours but still got plugged ducts. So painful! C nursed them out thankfully but I'm still a bit sore. Well, gtg. Hope you ladies had a good weekend!
Kelly - sounds like a wonderful getaway! sorry about the plugged ducts, that has also happened to me both times I have flown. The second time I was even with my LO and feeding regularly. I think just the stress of travel must contribute to it.

We have a third tooth! It's not the top front, it the one next to it.. I wonder if the top front are coming soon as well. The same one on the other side is also right under the gum. Hopefully we continue on with no biting with BFing with these top teeth.. :help:[-o<

We also went to the beach for the first time yesterday. H did great, we set up a shade for sitting on the beach. Got to put his toes in the sand and in the ocean. On the way back though.. we were using up the last of our disposables we had bought for our SLC trip.. and had the biggest blowout I'd ever seen in the carseat, all over the carseat and straps. Yuck. We had to take about twenty minutes cleaning H and the carseat up so we could continue home. That's what I get for cheating on our cloth diapers. never again! :dohh:
Welcome back Elljo. That will be a lot of reading if you really go all the way to the first page!

Oh happy 7 months Amber and Camden! Soon enough Cait will be 8 months, I can't believe how time has flown!

Kelly so glad to hear you had a good anniversary getaway. I need a getaway myself but as you said you missed Carter so much I think I'd miss Cait too. I'm going to start with trying to go to a movie or something and then hopefully I'll be able to stay a night away from her. Sorry about the blocked ducts...ouch!

Daydream, yay for more teeth! Is Harrison teething well without much pain? Cait has no teeth here so I'm just hoping she isn't in too much teething pain. I hope he doesn't bite while nursing:wacko:. That was a big fear of mine but nursing didn't quite work out for us and she still hasn't any teeth yet.

I'm feeling so blah! Just tired and queezy and sniffly with a headache. I have one of every ailment it seems. Hoping to feel better soon and not pass it on to LO.

I hope you're all well!

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