***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Congrats Lolly! I have to say I'm just a little jealous because I've been pretty broody lately. How exciting!

Scooby Cait has been gaining weight like crazy and is now 21lbs. Her doctor did mention a few months ago that it is normal for their weight gain to slow, stop, or for them to lose a little bit when they switch completely to table food and begin to walk more. I think 19lbs sounds pretty healthy and now that Camden is cruising all over she is probably just plateaued for a little while. Congrats on the big move! I bet you're excited. I both loved and hated moving. It was so fun to have a new house but so much work. I hope you feel better and are able to get some work done. Also I am awful at remembering to brush Cait's teeth. Hopefully I will remember more and fit it into the schedule.

So Caitlyn is still have mild tummy troubles. Much better than they were but she's still just not right. I don't think it has anything to do with the milk now. I think it might be from teething. She still only has the 2 bottom teeth but I think more will be poking through soon. She keeps waking up at 5;30 and crying for about 10 minutes and going back to sleep until 7 or 7:30am. It's still an hour or so earlier than she was waking and she seems to be a much lighter sleeper than she used to be. Each time I check on her she stirs and sometimes wakes. I'm attributing it all to teething because nothing else really seems to be wrong. Maybe a growth spurt as well? Who knows?!

Anyway I hope you are all well.
IST- I think teething is causing all kinds of crazy stuff with Camden too. Red cheeks, runny nose, loose stool, and overall crabbiness. She's gotten very clingy to me lately too.
Thanks ladies! I've been super broody too, looking forward to being pregnant again :)
IST- I think teething is causing all kinds of crazy stuff with Camden too. Red cheeks, runny nose, loose stool, and overall crabbiness. She's gotten very clingy to me lately too.

Sounds exactly like Cait. She has been overly miserable the past few days. Tired, clingy, some loose bowel movements, some normal, not sleeping great, rosy cheeks (could also be due to this dry, arctic weather we are having)slight runny nose. I am still keeping an eye on her due to her tummy but I think teething might be the answer. Oh boy, I hope these teeth come in soon.

Lolly I've been looking forward to TTC for a while now but there are still a few things I want to do before hand. We were thinking of starting in July. RIght now I am without AF though unfortunately. Hopefully by the time we are ready to try I will have had a few normal cycles. Congrats again! Keep us updated!
Congrats, Lolly! Makes me a bit broody too! I just got my first AF in 2 years, so i guess i can theoretically start trying now, but I think i will wait until the summer.

I too am AWFUL with brushing Gabby's teeth. she loves to brush her teeth (well, chew on the toothbrush), and asks for it by pointing whenever we are in the bathroom, but i rarely actually take her into the bathroom, so i always forget. If anyone has a good system to remember, please share! And I think teething may be the cause of some fussyness over here too...red cheeks, clingyness, loose stools, runny nose, and her eyes have randomly been watering for over a week now. not gooey, just random tears when she is clearly not crying. I'm not sure what's up with that.

Me and DH are leaving G with my parents for 4 whole days this weekend while we go to NYC. I am sad/excited. I will miss her sooo much! 4 whole days! tonight is our last night with her until Tuesday night:cry:

I hope cait's tummy improves soon!

And I wouldn't worry about camden's lack of weight gain. I'm sure the cruising has something to do with it. 19 lbs sounds nice and healthy to me! I wouldn't mind if gabby was 19 lbs...would be easier on my back than her current 23 lbs....She has been pretty steady at 22/23 lbs for about 2 months now.
We're having all these teething issues too! And I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one not great at remembering to brush teeth! I bought one of those finger toothbrushes and slowly its been getting better but its not an easy habit to build up.

I'm also very broody and jealous. I really wanted to start NTNP/TTC this summer but dh has pretty much told me he doesn't want to have more kids. I'm pretty devastated about it. There is a slight glimmer of hope that the 'conversation' has been put on hold for now. Anyway, I don't want to think about it now.

Scooby I'm glad your move has gone well!

Out of curiosity, what happened at everyone's one year appointment? Amber was weighed and measured and got her chicken pox vaccine. Then we were taken into another room with a doctor who gave her two little blocks and wanted Amber to bang them together and then put one on top of the other. And then she had to pick up a small bead and then get the bead out of a glass bottle. I understand they need to check how they are developing but I'm wondering if this is normal now?
That's interesting, bean. They didn't do any developmental testing at our visit. Camden got 4 vaccines.She was scheduled for 5 but the doctor recommended waiting on one of them unless we were planning on taking her out of the country in the next few months.
They didn't do that here, bean. I did take a survey at her 9 month appt about whether or not I was concerned about her social skills, development, etc, and the doctor always asks what is she doing at home. She was weighed and measured and got 3 vaccinations and the regular checkup.
bbygurl - poor LO! She's lucky to have a strong mommy like you keeping her spirits up! Hope she feels better soon!! :hugs:

Lolly - OMG! CONGRATS!!! Great news :happydance:

Bean - Ours didn't do any testing either, they just asked a few questions (can she wave, etc).

Question for all you ladies, when your AF returned, did u cramp for a while before it? I haven't had a period yet and DH and I were a little (ahem) not careful a couple weeks ago. For the last 2 weeks I've been pretty crampy with no spotting or anything. I had a leftover FRER so I took it on Monday and got a negative but I feel kinda weird today so I'm thinking maybe I should take another one. I'm pretty sure it's nothing but what if it's something... eeeek! Not sure how it would work having multiple kids and working.

Other than that nothing too much here. Ellie is talking up a storm... mostly jibberish but some of it is starting to turn into words. She's been counting 1-2-3, only we didnt know because it was "WAIII CHHHHHHHI SHEEEEEE" but now it's turned into "WEYYY TWOOO THEEEE" lol She is running all over the place and falling constantly. She's getting better with the food (she now chews but still holds it in her mouth!!) She's been a constant 20.5 lbs for the last 1 -2 months so I was a little concerned she wasn't gaining wait esp since she doesn't nurse or pee as much as she should but she seems ok. She's in this 1-2 nap transition and it SUCKSSSS. Some days she needs 2, some she needs 1. If i try to keep her up on a day she needs 2, she ends up waking up in the middle of the night and playing for hours. ahhh!

Hope you all are well!!
Bean, no such tests at my Dr either. She just asks what kind of 'tricks' gabby can to in order to assess her development. I have no doubt gabby would try to make a liar out of me if the Dr asked her to do something that i know she can do. What if Amber wasn't cooperative in the office?

Sigh, I had lots of weird feelings in the weeks leading up to AF too, so much that I too took a test. I had super sensitive nipples, weird cramping, and random light spotting. and no AF for a couple weeks. But my test was negative, and AF showed up about a week after i tested. Now AF is gone and i'm still spotting. I think my body is just so confused since it hadn't had a period in 2 years.

I too am fighting with the 1-2 nap phase. If she has a late nap, she doesnt need a second one, but if she has an early nap, she needs a second one, but hates going down for it unless its in the car. She will also wake up and play if I put her down for bed too early. It's a sensitive game, this toddler sleep thing!
Thanks everyone. I was talking to my Chinese friend about it and she rolled her eyes! She says it is so typical China that they expect so much out of LOs. She said once they hit ten months they start on'are they walking yet? How are you helping? Overachievers!!

We're also in the 1 - 2 nap phase. Its very frustrating. If she's only going to have one I'd much rather it was in the early afternoon. Oh well I suppose it will happen in time.
I had similar experiences with AF, my first 3 cycles I would say. Got me kind of excited, but tested negative, then AF showed up a week or so after. I figure it out by the 3rd cycle and didn't bothering testing.

We've made some progress in the utensil usage category! Camden has been doing great with a spoon the last few days. She still needs some help scooping food out of the bowl, but she holds it the whole time and I guide her hand to get food on the spoon, then she does the rest by herself.

As for talking, Camden still isn't saying much that's recognizable. She still says meow and woof, those are her most reliable. And she says Ma, or Mama. But other than that she's inconsistent. Sometimes it seems like she repeats things that we say, but she won't do it often enough to be convincing. She jabbers up a storm, it's just nothing intelligible. But it is the same things over and over, so I'm hoping it all really means something and someday we'll figure it out. It truly sounds like a foreign language at this point.
Thanks ladies! Got my + digi today so very pleased :)


Funnily enough my cycles returned to regular around 8months postpartum. I was not ovulating regularly and had long cycles whilst ttc Millie. I think bf'ing and/or pregnancy helped kick start them back to normalcy.

Millie really only says mama, daddy, hi, bye bye and "Berrr" for Amber. She signals well and has great understanding of things we talk and ask of her so I'm not worried. Amber was a late talker too, but both girls have been early with physical development and I think that's normal (to be one or the other). They all do catch up with one another sooner or later, and when you have a very cheeky 3 year old who does NOT stop yapping you soon realise how blissful life was before they could talk :rofl:
Congrats again, lolly. So exciting! My AF has finally arrived and I'm so excited that maybe I'll have some nice regular cycles and in a few months I'll get a bfp.

Cait has had 2 playdate with 2 different kids now. I'm so happy to see her interact with other kids. She's no pro but it's a start. Though during her last play date I found it hard not to compare them and I felt that Cait wasn't as advanced. The other child is about 2 months older though so I'm trying not to worry about it. I KNOW not to compare but sometimes it's hard.

Everything seems to be normalizing here now. She seems to be sleeping fairly well again and eating well again. I think it might have just been teething.

Scooby, Cait does a lot of what Camden does as far as talking. There are certain things that I know she uses with meaning and some she just repeats on occasion. There is still a lot of babbling going on. I think it's probably normal.

I hope everyone is well!
congrats lolly!!! so happy for you!

ive not been around much but trying to catch up as i start preparing for ttc baby #2 :) x
Thank you ladies, and good luck with all the ttc! Can't wait to follow your journeys :)
Congratulations again lolly. I was super brood but my babies health has kinda slowed it down a bit. Ella my two year old was on the mend but she developed a rash on her peeper, inner thighs and up her butt just outside the diaper. I think she is having an allergic reaction to her antibiotics. And my poor angel is still not any better. I've been having alot of issues with our pediatricians office misdiagnosing Ella. January 8th they told me it was allergies took her to er and it was her hemoglobin so low that she could of died. January 23 they told me that she was sick with a viral took her to er and she had infection. Took her Monday and said it is a allergic reaction to her diaper the same diapers she has been wearing her whole two years. So yesterday I switched doctors and got an appt for Feb 5th for both babies but imma call today to try n get okay today. If not I'm going to er with both. As far as angel she's walking and talking like crazy. I think she talks so much because she has two older sisters. I can't even begin to type what she says Cuzco it's so much. But here are a few. Sissy, mom/mama,ball, Thank you, please(lease) , more, eat, Dada, Mimi, papa, mamaw(Mommom ).

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