Congrats, Lolly! Makes me a bit broody too! I just got my first AF in 2 years, so i guess i can theoretically start trying now, but I think i will wait until the summer.
I too am AWFUL with brushing Gabby's teeth. she loves to brush her teeth (well, chew on the toothbrush), and asks for it by pointing whenever we are in the bathroom, but i rarely actually take her into the bathroom, so i always forget. If anyone has a good system to remember, please share! And I think teething may be the cause of some fussyness over here cheeks, clingyness, loose stools, runny nose, and her eyes have randomly been watering for over a week now. not gooey, just random tears when she is clearly not crying. I'm not sure what's up with that.
Me and DH are leaving G with my parents for 4 whole days this weekend while we go to NYC. I am sad/excited. I will miss her sooo much! 4 whole days! tonight is our last night with her until Tuesday night
I hope cait's tummy improves soon!
And I wouldn't worry about camden's lack of weight gain. I'm sure the cruising has something to do with it. 19 lbs sounds nice and healthy to me! I wouldn't mind if gabby was 19 lbs...would be easier on my back than her current 23 lbs....She has been pretty steady at 22/23 lbs for about 2 months now.