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***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Bean, I know you already know,but try not to worry! I felt the same way about both speech and walking literally a week ago. But all of a sudden Camden started saying all sorts of new things and will sometimes try to repeat what I say. She also just got brave enough to take a step on Sunday, and then yesterday she was taking 3-5 steps at a time! It just happened all at once. I know how hard it is not to compare her to babies her age...I had a coworker whose baby was born 2 weeks before Camden, and she crawled at 5 months and pulled to stand at 6. Camden didn't crawl until 8 months, and didn't pull to stand until 10-11 months. I just have to keep reminding myself that everyone is different, and things will happen in their own time.
I concur with scooby, bean. We had a playdate with my friend and his daughter who is 5 weeks older than Cait. While I was impressed by how many things the little girl can do and say there were other things that Cait could do that she could not. Everyone is different and they all change and develop at their own pace. I'm sure Amber is doing just fine and will be walking and talking before you know it!

We have been struggling with a cold that has just finally broken. It was a nightmare but we are all finally on the mend. I am now trying to get Cait to drink solely from a sippy cup. Progress is slow but we're managing. She really loves her bottle....
We still only have 2 teeth here but I'm sure that there are others on the way. Overall we are doing well. Cait is trying to copy a lot of words and actions (where's your nose, etc) but it's not consistent yet. I'm sure she is well on her way and we keep trying.

I hope everyone is well!
Hi ladies, For so e reason, i felt compelled to log into bnb and check this thread today. Wow! I am in awe that you've all kept in touch. Good stuff.

I've only stalked for the last page, so i'm nowhere near uptodate, but congrats to Lolly. Happy, healthy nine months. Very jealous, would love to be pregnant again too, but we are nowhere near ready.

Good luck to all, and take care :)
Thanks Scooby and IST, and I know you're right. Changes do happen so quickly and there are things Amber can do that others can't. Like if I ask where is your nose she always points to it and she's learning ears, mouth and eyes. And she's very confident - even the teacher at Jitterbugs commented on it. Sometimes its just so hard not to compare!

Its nice to hear from you again Bay! Unfortunately Lolly had a mc. Hope everything is going well with you though.

So we are going to be big and brave and leave Amber with strangers and go on a date tomorrow! The church I go to is have a 30 minute talk on marriage at 10am and are offering free child care from then until 1pm so parents can have some alone time. I am a little nervous but I feel a bit better because a) they are from the church and the same people who do regular Sunday childcare (I haven't done that yet) and Sunday school and b) my friend is doing the same thing. Let hope it all works out!
Thanks Scooby and IST, and I know you're right. Changes do happen so quickly and there are things Amber can do that others can't. Like if I ask where is your nose she always points to it and she's learning ears, mouth and eyes. And she's very confident - even the teacher at Jitterbugs commented on it. Sometimes its just so hard not to compare!

Its nice to hear from you again Bay! Unfortunately Lolly had a mc. Hope everything is going well with you though.

So we are going to be big and brave and leave Amber with strangers and go on a date tomorrow! The church I go to is have a 30 minute talk on marriage at 10am and are offering free child care from then until 1pm so parents can have some alone time. I am a little nervous but I feel a bit better because a) they are from the church and the same people who do regular Sunday childcare (I haven't done that yet) and Sunday school and b) my friend is doing the same thing. Let hope it all works out!
Hope your date went well, Bean!

Lolly - :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Fingers crossed for a sticky bean soon. I am super-broody too but still have to convince DH!

Wow! Our little ones are doing so much. Ava has suddenly grown up. She is walking now (and very proud of herself) and chats CONSTANTLY. Unfortunately her favourite word is currently 'no' which comes complete with a sadly shaking head! Her second favourite is 'Dat' (That) which she uses with a pointy finger to great effect. She uses Mama, Dad, Cat and 'Ch Ch' (Cheerios - she s obsessed!). We managed to stop BF about a month ago. It was sad but the right time, I think. Weirdly, Ava still won't drink milk and I have to be sneaky and make sure she has lots of calcium rich foods and hide milk in porridge etc.

We've had the sleep issues making a reappearance over the last couple of weeks and currently going through the 1-2 nap transition too. I miss the predictable routine we had!

Forgive me, I can't remember who asked about the order of teeth coming through - it is perfectly normal for the lower and upper incisors to be erupting simultaneously. The thing to look out for is a big difference between sides of the mouth and an abnormal eruption sequence (your Dentist should pick this up at check-ups). As for brushing - the guidance is once at night and once at another time of day. For ease, I tend to build brushing into our pre- nap/bed routine so that I remember. That said, Ava loves brushing her teeth (she is quite an odd child ;) ) and whenever we go into the bathroom 8 get "Dat, Dat" at the sink! I'm sure I'd forget otherwise.

BBY - hope your babies are on the mend.

Lots of love to you all xxx
Honey- Camden loves brushing her teeth too! She always reminds me when we go into the bathroom for bath time by pointing at the sink. So cute! She even brushes them herself when I hand her the toothbrush (I help at the end to make sure we didn't miss any).
Honey - OMG we are going through the NO thing too. She started 2 days ago and now everything is "NO!" I miss my sweet lil happy girl but I guess I should be very thankful that we had only a few tantrums until now.

We forced Ellie to 1 nap after a few months of floopiness. She is now napping at 12:30 for 30 mins - 1.5 hrs (I still never know lol)

Hope you all are doing well!
The date went well thanks Honey. Amber was quite happy with the other children around.

Amber's temper is getting so bad now! She screeches when she doesn't get what she wants and its just awful. We are going to try and ignore it for a few days and see if she lets up a bit when she realises she's not getting a reaction. When dh is looking after her she mostly plays fine but when I'm around she whines a lot because she either wants me to play with her or pick her up. It makes me feel bad when I go to work and leave her.
Oh i knew there was a dentist on here, must be Honey :) Gabby has her teeth coming in on the left side of her face much more than the right side. The right side has slowly started to catch up, however. What does this mean? She has 1 in and 2 more on their way on the right side, and 5 in with 1 more on the way on her left side. We haven't taken her to a dentist yet, and her last Dr appt she only had 2 teeth, so we had no worries back then. I will ask at her 15 month checkup in 2 weeks.

I feel for you all with the 'no's' Gabby yells no to our cats constantly. And she loves to do things she shouldn't do just to hear us say no to her. ugh! I've really been trying to give her tons of attention for doing things right so she doesnt feel the need to do things wrong in order to get attention, but that isn't working out so well yet....
I feel yall on the tantrums and such. Camden does the same screeching, it's sooooo loud and high pitched!!! She usually does it when she's sitting in her high chair waiting for me to bring her food. I'm trying very hard to wait until she is calm and quiet before giving her whatever it is she's screeching for. Luckily she hasn't started saying "no" yet, but she shakes her head no whenever she's doing something she knows she's not supposed to.
How did I miss this thread!? I was on the December Snowflakes one but never joined this!

My LO was born December 11, 2012 (1 hour away from being a 12/12/12 baby!). His name is Dominik.

Would love to join this thread to relate to others about all the fun and crazy toddler moments!

Here are a couple pics.


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Hi Lulu! Fancy meeting you here :) I knew our toddlers were close in age but didn't realize they were that close! Glad you found this thread!
Better late than never Lulu!! What a handsome little dude you have :) adorable!

I'm glad I'm not the only one with a stroppy kid! Millie's a little better actually, she's listening and taking note when I tell her no and not to hit mummy. She's lashed out at her sister a couple of times, just a little push or hair pull :wacko: but we've been firm and told her no and it's not happened since. Poor Amber!

Afm, firmly back on the ttc train! Had a very faint line on an IC today but not sure if it's an evap. Going to test in the morning with a frer :argh:

And regarding the most recent topic, I too have a feisty toddler. He also screams in the highchair during dinner unless I get him food right away (which he usually refuses anyways!). And his favorite word is no lol.
Welcome lulu! Nice to have someone else join us!

Yesterday Amber finally let me look in her mouth and I can see she is getting four teeth at once! Two on the top and two at the bottom. The top two are very swollen and at the bottom I can see the white specs of the teeth so I think they are about to cut through. So I guess that explains miss grumpy-pants! Poor little girl!She waited so long to get any teeth and now she's rushing them all out!

Lolly, fingers crossed for you!

Scooby how are your pacifier issues going? I still haven't gotten round to taking Ambers away. I've been sleeping really badly lately so I'm just not feeling strong enough to deal with it right now!! And again, I feel bad taking it away while she is teething! Hopefully we'll get a break after these teeth, before her molars come in. Then I might give it a go!
I've eliminated the paci with the exception of naptime and bedtime. She doesn't seem to notice they're missing the rest of the day unless she happens to see one laying around somewhere. I think I'll try and get rid of them from naptime next, then we'll do bedtime. I think she'll go to sleep ok without it, I'm just not sure how she'll self settle when she wakes up overnight.

Poor Amber with all her teeth coming in! Camden still only has 4 on top 2 on bottom.
Yes I'm also worrying about the self-settling at night. This morning she woke up at about 6am and she couldn't find one so she ended up getting into a complete state and completely waking herself up. So that has put me off even more. We also basically keep them for naps and bedtime. Oh well.... I guess we'll get there eventually!
Dominik never took a pacficier, really. So I don't have to worry about that. But he is seriously the worst sleeper. He only falls asleep while nursing (although daycare is able to get him to nap), and he still wakes up several times throughout the night :(

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