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***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Sigh, great video!

Scooby, thats funny about the counting. Gabby also only can actually say "two". If i say 1, she says '2', and if i say "A", she says "B". She said T U V the other day too when we were singing the alphabet song. but didnt do it again after that. its funny what these babies come up with!

Kelly, I am only BF at night. I just cut out the morning BF after gabby turned 15 months. Now my morning routine sucks and i'm still trying to figure out how to best get her dressed in the mornings without making her cry. I have about 10 minutes to wake her up and get her dressed so DH can then take her to daycare. the 10 minutes used to be strictly BF and she was perfectly happy when that was over, but now she cries if i take her from crib to changing table to get her dressed, so i dont know what to do. and she has no interest in a sippy of milk.
I am still breasftfeeding. I really want to be done with it but there is no way he is sleeping without boob. I only nurse him at night though (and throughout the night as he wakes up a lot). I am going to start trying to get him to sleep without the boob though because I think that will help him learn to get himself back to sleep in the middle of the night.

Dominik's new words this past week are bubble and up. He has said plenty of words before by copying me but wouldn't say them again. But these two words he has said several times and he even pointed to the bubbles container and said "bubble!". So excited that he is actually calling something by its name (besides mama, dada, and doggie).
Big news here today, Camden pooped on the potty!! I'm so proud! No idea if it was just a fluke, as I never thought 14 months was really a potty training consideration, but I'm taking it as a good sign!
haha Scooby, good for Camden! Will be awesome if you can get her potty trained sooner rather than later! I've heard its easier to potty train girls than boys, I wonder if that is actually true....

I am really starting to feel like a failure in the discipline department. Although Amber is hitting me less she still does it sometimes. And now when she screams she has started lying on the floor. :wacko: I feel like its just a matter of time before she starts kicking her legs and having full out tantrums :cry: I am trying so hard to be consistent, not to raise my voice or get flustered by her, to take her away from things she shouldn't be doing and redirect her attention and also to try voice her feelings - like 'I know you're mad you can't have that but its dangerous'. I feel like its getting us nowhere. Dh really struggles to control himself when she starts screaming so of course that doesn't help. And I also think part of it boredom/lack of attention. He hasn't been great at spending good quality time with her so when I get home she just wants me. He is trying to improve this so hopefully that will help. I am terrified that we are creating a monster and that the grandparents are all going to be so judgemental when we go home in June. :nope:
And of course this is not helping in my case to convince dh to have another baby.....:dohh:
Yay for Camden!:thumbup:

Bean I think toddlers just go through stages of stubbornness and it sounds like you are doing all of the right things to start correcting her. DOn't worry about judgemental grandparents as they will probably just be over the moon to see the baby and if they judge, who cares. It's your kid, not theirs and their opinions don't really matter. Just roll your eyes at 'em and tell them you're working on it. Hang in there. This bold toddler stage doesn't last forever.

Cait is getting her top front teeth finally. And not too bad. Only 2 restless nights and 1 day of feverishness. I so hope the rest of her teeth come in as easily as the first 4. I'm wondering if having such a great baby now is a sign that I'll be doomed with my second!? 4 months until ttc!:happydance:
Bean, don't feel like a failure. I think we are all pretty much right there with you. I have resigned myself to the thought that these babies don't know right from wrong, and they don't know much about consequences, and so they are going to test you to see what they can and can't do. Keep doing what you are doing...that is what I am trying and well, and we can't expet it to be an overnight thing. And don't give two thoughts to what the grandparents will say. They don't see her daily, so whatever they may say, good or bad, they are not saying based on having all of the facts. So take it all with a grain of salt. unless of course they say you are doing a wonderful job, then you can take it all in:) but one bad showing doesn't mean you are doing anything wrong.

Scooby, yay about pooping on the potty! has she repeated it? did you see her poop face and then quickly place her on the potty or did you put her on it and then she just happened to poop?

Well, gabby has quite a bout of illness now. She had a cold, which turned into a fever and now a rash all over her body (dr thinks Roseola), and on top of that her normally perfect ears are infected. So we have antibiotics. And she hasn't slept well the past 2 nights, and we had to keep her home from daycare on Friday and Monday. She was in so much pain sunday night, but is getting better. Good news is at her 15 month appt she weighed 23 lbs 11 oz and was 32" tall. So she is very proportional!
Poor Gabby, that's an awful lot for a baby to take on. Hope she's feeling better soon!

As far as the potty, I saw that she was trying to go so I rushed her to the potty and then she went. We've tried twice since then when she looks like she's trying to go, but once she gets on the potty she gets distracted by EVERYTHING! Toilet paper, cartoon characters on the seat cushion, toilet lid behind her. I gave her a square of toilet paper to hold, hoping it would keep her from unraveling the whole roll, and she actually knew what to do with it! She wiped several times (even though there was nothing that needed wiping) and then dropped it in. Apparently they are paying attention to much more than I realized!
Cait had a dr appt monday and she is 30.5 inches tall and 21lb5oz. She weighs less than i thought but otherwise she is doing well.

Her vocab is growing rapidly lately. she tried to call the dog by her name yesterday! It came out like 'I I' but our dog is named Ivy so pretty close. She's also doing more animal noises.

I put Cait on the potty yesterday and she was none too happy. I think I will try again when she is in a better mood. she also really just wanted to play with he minnie mouse potty seat, lol. I guess we have time.

Other than that, no real news. I am still dieting and exercising and plan on ttc this summer. I have a cold coming on now and I'm praying Cait doesn't get it. DH bought me a new tablet so if my typing sucks thats why...That's all here.

Chloe I really hope Gabby gets better. The poor girl!
Scooby Camden is so clever knowing what to do with the toilet paper.They really do take a lot of notice when we do things, don't they?!

I hope everyone is well!
IST Cait and Amber have exactly the same measurements now!

Chloe sorry Gabby has been so ill! Not much fun. Amber has woken up with a cold again. She was coughing through the night and has a croaky voice and runny nose this morning. But her spirits are still high so thats good.

Amber is still showing no interest in walking. I do think she is capable though. If she is distracted I can get to stand by herself but she immediately goes down when she realises what she's doing. And she took two steps between the table and the ottoman. Anyway, I'm sure she'll do it in her own time. She still calls me dada but she is trying to say dog/cat and she says hi and ow pretty clearly. She still calls her bottle a dutton. Oh and she's also saying 'ta' which we use as give it to me basically - like 'ta for mommy'.
Screaming is still continuing and dh and I are now at odds on how to deal with it. He now wants to put his hand over her mouth and say hush but I feel that is not acknowleding her feelings and telling her she isn't allowed to feel that way. But I don't feel like the fight that is going to come with me telling him thats how I feel. Parenting is hard sometimes.....
bean that's awesome that Cait and Amber are the same size.

it's quiet here. hope everyone is doing well.
Hi everyone! It has been pretty quiet here. Nothing super exciting going on at my house. Camden got a new smart trike last week and she loves being pushed around in it rather than the stroller. She has also decided that walking is now her main form of transportation rather than just a few steps here and there. We've been going to a baby class at the library once a week which she loves, and I'm considering signing her up for a tumbling class at this place called The Little Gym. Anyone doing any classes yet?
it has been quiet! hope everyone is well.

We are still all sick at home. Gabby gave her cold back to me and DH, so it's been a lovely time for us. We go back to the Dr on saturday for vaccines and to make sure Gabby's ears have cleared up. She thinks she is a little diva now, waving to everyone like the queen of england and blowing kisses to everyone she sees. its hilarious! She is also starting to repeat familiars words any time me, DH, or TV says them, like baby, mommy and daddy.

Question: Gabby is really good at repeating words, saying mommy and daddy, but she never calls out for either me or DH by name. She just reaches up and says 'eh eh eh'. Do your LO's call for you by name? I dont know if i should be worried just yet. She definitely knows who we are, beacuse we can say give to mommy, or give to daddy, and she will do just that, even if mommy or daddy is not in the room, she will go find us to give us something.

Oh, and no classes for us other than swimming yet, but that's more because i am not a SAHM. If i was, i think gabby is at the age where i would sign her up for something. Not sure what, however...
Camden does say both mama and dada, but she doesn't really use them when she's trying to get our attention to call out to us. I think it may be a little early still.
hi all

Amber has been sick with a cold and we are struggling to get her over it. It doesn't seem to bother her at all but she coughs a lot at night which wakes me up a lot!
Still no walking... I'm trying not to let it get to me but sometimes it does. She has started coming to us and grabbing our fingers because she wants walk. Its really cute when she does it and she likes to go all over the house. So maybe this is a step closer.
Amber calls both dh and I dada and she does call us from time to time. When she wakes up in the morning or from a nap she often calls and then occasionally when she is playing or can't see us and wants us.
I take her to a music and movement class which she absolutely loves. The interaction is also good. I looked into some other classes but they are ridiculously expensive here.

We got the first of Ambers modelling photos! Some of them are just gorgous. When I'm home I will try and post a few for you to see. They're from before she had teeth so its so funny to see the gummy smile again!
Hi all! hope all is well!

I'm on my 4th bout of mastitis and it sucks!! dr wants me to meet with a surgeon to have some tests done to see why I keep getting it and I'm really freaked out. NOT FUN. I've pretty much been sick since February with plugged ducts, mastitis, then last week I passed out in the bathroom and had a fever for a day (No idea what that was about) and now this week mastitis again. blah.

E calls us by name... Mommy and daddy. She isn't as good at repeating things but she knows a lot of random words. I caught her "reading" a book today and it was so cute... lots of gibberish mixed with a word here and there. They really do grow so fast! :(
Angel only calls out for me mama and my grandmother who is home all day with us mimi and random papa dada and mamaw. But they dont always get called
Sigh, that sounds awful! Is there a reason you are continuing to BF given all of the issues it has given you? Have you considered stopping? Hope you recover quickly and surgery isn't necessary!

Bean, can't wait to see Amber's photos! I have heard it can take babies up to 18 months to properly walk, so you've got some time still.
Hi ladies :wave: apologies for my absence, we moved house in January and as it was a new build we had to get a phone line installed before our broadband could be connected and it's just been a disaster :wacko: it's finally being sorted, after almost 3 months!

Glad to see you're all doing well :hugs: nothing new to report from us really! Millie was 16 months yesterday, my how time flies! She had her evil mmr last week and has been unwell the past few days which is horrible :(

We are still ttc no3, hoping we have a bit better luck from here on out!
Cait says mama and dada and she does use them in reference to dh and I. Sometimes she mixes them up and I will get called dada and visa versa but when I say, 'no, I'm mama' she laughs and thinks it's hilarious. She also says dog, the dogs name, pop, papa, baba for her cup of course, bubble, shoes, nose, eyes, no of course, ready, peekaboo, i did it, i got it, and stinky. She will sniff her shoe and say 'shoe stinky!' It's taken her a while to get them sounding like words and now she is working on using them correctly and she's doing pretty well. She makes counting sounds, the counting rhythm, but doesn't use the correct words. She doesn't yet seem interested in potty training and I still can't get her to drink much water. She knows how to use her fork but still often opts to use her hands I think because she gets frustrated and using her fingers is easier. She now has 4 teeth and some more may be poking through soon.

bean I hope that Amber feels better and I can't wait to see the pics! I agree, you have a few more months for Amber to properly walk.

sigh the mastitis sounds awful! I hope that you can get rid of it and stay healthy! So cute about Ellie reading the book. They really watch everything we do and they learn so quickly.

lolly, congrats on the move but i'm sorry to hear you haven't had success ttc yet. I hope that you get your bfp soon. We are going to be ttc in July and I can hardly wait.

I hope everyone is well
Some of the photos are too big to load :nope: but I've loaded a few that were smaller enough.


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