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***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

She was 12 months then.

Wow scooby, I just noticed your new avatar! Camden is totally a little girl now! She is gorgeous! Amber still looks very much like a baby - grow hair!!!!!!!
We had some professional pics done the other week and I'm really happy with how they turned out. Unfortunately Millie was her usual grumpy self and so wouldn't be photographed alone :dohh: and wasn't much of a smiler haha, but she still looks cute so it's ok!


Hope you're all ok xx
Cute pictures Lolly! Amber has gorgeous hair!

So I've decided to take Amber to the doctor this afternoon. She has had this cough now for two weeks and I just can't get rid of it. Its not affecting her during the day, she just coughs badly in the early hours of the morning, so I don't think she's actually sick enough to see one. But I want to get paediatric antihistimine drops to try clear her nose and I don't trust the pharmacy to actually give me what I want. I'm also going to address her lack of walking with the doctor. I was reading yesterday that although she's still in the normal range that now is a good time to check with a doctor if there is any reason that is holding up the walking or if she's just a late walker. I won't get a chance to speak to an English speaking doctor again until we're in South Africa so I figured I'd take advantage!
Thanks ladies :)

Ahhh poor Amber, coughs are so irritating. I hope the doctor can help you guys out xx and maybe give some advice on the walking too, but I'm sure she's fine and just a late walker. A girl I started talking to through BnB who's little boy is around 3 weeks older than Millie just took his first steps the other day, and now there's no stopping him. They learn and grow at their own pace, but no harm in getting info or just to out your mind at rest :flower:
Your girls are adorable, lolly!

Bean, i hope you can get some relief for Amber's cough! And that the doctor gives you some reassuring news about her walking. Keep us updated!

Gabby has been a real bear to get to sleep the past 2 days. she used to lay in her crib and put herself to sleep, but now she cries when i put her in the crib. and last night she was up at 430, so i brought her into my bed where she was just happy (and awake) as could be! times like this make me wonder how anyone can keep their sanity with more than 1 kid??
Doctor said Amber just has a viral infection and has given us some medicine to try clear her nose/cough. He also looked at her walking and standing and he said there doesn't seem to be anything to cause concern. He agrees it is probably a confidence thing. He said if she still isn't walking at 18 months we must take her back. But she has actually been taking a couple of steps today which has been fun. So maybe full on walking is just around the corner!

My allergies have gone mad so I'm suffering a bit here. I love the fact that we are moving into spring but this is such a hard time of year for me! Every time new plants flower I suffer terribly....
I've been having awful sinus headaches myself. Other than that, nothing much new. Cait gave me a hard time at bedtime last night but once she fell sleep it was fine.

Lolly, beautiful pics!

bean i hope amber feels better.

i hope everyone is well
Lolly & Bean - ADORABLE kiddos!!! Love the pics!

Hope you all are doing well! :)
Lovely photos Bean and Lolly.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you Lolly on your ttc journey xxx

Chloe - apologies for the late reply but as long as teeth on each side of the mouth erupt within 6 months of each other, that is considered 'normal'. Hope this helps? I've started a blog on all things teethy - toothfairyblog.org. Would love to hear what you all think.

Potty training? Crikey - hadn't even considered that! I have a stubborn baby too but what she is learning is that she has an even more stubborn Mummy ;)

Oh....and I'm growing a 2014 December snowflake! :)
Congratulations honey! That is amazing news! And I'm with scooby on being so broody! I hope all goes well!

Today (the 4th for those still on Thursday evening) is our 5th wedding anniversary. And dh and I have already gotten in a fight. :'( I want to call the babysitter and cancel this evening and tell him I'm not interested in doing anything....
Awww, so sorry bean. I'm the same as you, that would just ruin my whole day. But I'm sure if you cancel your plans you'll regret it later. Maybe try to make the best of what's left of the day? :hugs: I know that's easier said than done.
Congrats, Honey! And thanks for the reassurance. we definitely fall within that 6 month window. 6 months ago, gabby was toothless! I'll check out your blog!
Oh n my poor angel is cuttinh 7 teeth at once. Her first molar is about half way thru. The two on the top next to.her front two just cut thru she is cutting her forth bottom tooth its right at gum and the three other molars are right at the gums. She has been so restless and xranky at night if i give her tylonol she fine thru night if i dont we r up n down

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