Chloe, when Camden wakes up in the morning our normal routine is to go downstairs, she sits in her high chair and snacks on some dry cheerios while I run outside to take the dog to potty, then when we get back in she has her milk. It's been that way since I stopped breast feeding, and she doesn't seem to mind.
Speaking of the dog, is anyone else struggling with caring for their pets the way they used to before baby? I feel so overwhelmed by them, especially the last couple months since we moved. We have a dog and 3 cats. Before I became a SAHM I was a veterinary assistant and animals were my life. I did a great job keeping up with everything they needed and was able to spend plenty of time with them. But now they just seem like so much work, and the dog barks at every little sound, and one of my cats has a urinary problem so I have to constantly clean the litter boxes (like 2-3 times a day) or he'll find somewhere else to go. I feel like a horrible pet mommy, especially since my standards for pet care used to be so high. Ugh, so much changes when you have a baby! Anyway, sorry for the rant, I love all my pets to pieces, some days it just feels like too much for me.