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***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Hahahahaha potty training lol. I haven't started yet due to everything That's been going on. Ella in hospital than non stop sicknesses between the babies. And when angel is sick I only get like two or three hours alseep. So by the time morning comes I don't have energy to fight with one year old n two year old potty training. Took angel to doctors this morning and her breathing sounds same as last week so they put her on steroids.
bbygrl I don't blame you for not potty training yet with all you've been busy with. Nice weather is coming and maybe you can start the girls then. I'm sure once they are over all of their sickness they will catch on quickly. I hope your LO feels better soon and you get some much needed sleep.

We plan on just starting potty training in May or so. I think I'm going to just get a step stool and a potty seat for on the toilet. As someone else said, I'm not too fond on the idea of having to clean out a little toilet everytime she goes, so I'm hoping the potty seat will do the job. If not then a little potty it must be I guess. I'm just going to go with the flow and see what works.

How about pillows and blankets, is anyone using those yet? The only reason I ask is because I was also thinking of introducing a 'big girl' bed with some safety rails but I wasn't sure how she would do with a pillow. Again I'm not going to rush it and I'm just going to go with the flow but I'm just curious.

I hope everyone is well.
I attempted training last night Ella did a drizzle on seat and isn't to fond of sitting on and angel the baby when pee on it.five times. Yes I have introduced pillows due to the fact angel being sick n stuffy it helps them sleep being propped up and never took it away she's had it for two months now and I've been using blankets for awhile.
Dominik still co-sleeps so yes there are lots of pillows and blankets. But he hates having any blankets on him and will kick them off.

And potty training!? Eek I don't think we will introduce that until he is 18m+!
Dominik had a doctors appointment today. He weighed in at 31 pounds and is 32.5 inches long!
Wow Lulu he's a big guy! Amber is 23 pounds and about 30 inches long. Considering she was so far behind for so long she has certainly caught well!

So last night I managed to get Amber into bed by 7:10pm! She was having a very bad yesterday with her teeth really bothering her. She only had one nap (not sure how long, I forgot to ask dh) and was pretty grumpy in the afternoon. But she slept til 7:40am and is in a wonderful mood! She smiled when I went in to get her and for the first time in months she didn't kick, scream or cry when I changed her nappy. It was awesome. I'm sad now to be at work because I don't get to enjoy this good mood. Hopefully it will still be there this afternoon.
Lulu- your boy is a bruiser at 31 pounds! Pretty sure Camden still hasn't hit the 20 pound mark and she was 31.5 inches at her year doctor visit. So funny how different they all are.

I bought a little padded potty seat thingy yesterday but haven't tried it out yet. Maybe next time I see her with her poop face on I'll try popping her on there and see what happens.

As far as blankets, Camden has been using a quilt for several months now. I'm less concerned about smothering at her age and more concerned about her getting a thin blanket wrapped around her face or neck with all the moving she does. So I feel the quilt is pretty safe. I haven't tried giving her a pillow because again, she moves around like crazy and wouldn't keep her head on it anyway.
Thats what I was thinking about the pillow Scooby. That she would move around and not use it anyway. Cait has been using thin blankets just about forever but I was thinking of something a little heavier. Maybe I'll just put them in her crib and see if she takes to them. No rush of course.

LuLu Dominik sure is a big boy! We have had a lot of large boys in our family as well but Cait is average all the way. 22lbs and 30.5 in. It was a welcome change from all the great big boys we have that my grandparents have a hard time lifting. We currently have a 6 mo old in the family weighing in at 19.5 lb. Quickly catching up to my 15mo old. lol

I hope everyone is well!
Wow, that is a solid man you have there, Lulu! I think G is around 24/25 lbs now. She has her 15 month appt next week (2 weeks late) so i'll get the official weight then. I definitely have noticed her thinning out in the thighs, although her belly sticks out quite a bit still. I imagine that is normal for this age, tho.

We still use the sleep sack because gabby can't sit still when she sleeps. So the blanket and pillows would be pointless and I fear her waking up cold. She gets around fine in the sleep sack and I like to think it helps prevent her from climbing out. She is becoming quite a little climber elsewhere and I have seen her attempt to climb the bars during nap time. I put a blanket on her during nap time but it rarely stays put since she is always awake when i put her down and stands up to protest the nap.

How soon after your LO wakes up in the morning do you give them milk or food? I am ending the BF in the morning tomorrow and I don't know if i should go in there with a cup of milk when i take her out or not.
Chloe, when Camden wakes up in the morning our normal routine is to go downstairs, she sits in her high chair and snacks on some dry cheerios while I run outside to take the dog to potty, then when we get back in she has her milk. It's been that way since I stopped breast feeding, and she doesn't seem to mind.

Speaking of the dog, is anyone else struggling with caring for their pets the way they used to before baby? I feel so overwhelmed by them, especially the last couple months since we moved. We have a dog and 3 cats. Before I became a SAHM I was a veterinary assistant and animals were my life. I did a great job keeping up with everything they needed and was able to spend plenty of time with them. But now they just seem like so much work, and the dog barks at every little sound, and one of my cats has a urinary problem so I have to constantly clean the litter boxes (like 2-3 times a day) or he'll find somewhere else to go. I feel like a horrible pet mommy, especially since my standards for pet care used to be so high. Ugh, so much changes when you have a baby! Anyway, sorry for the rant, I love all my pets to pieces, some days it just feels like too much for me.
Wow, that is a solid man you have there, Lulu! I think G is around 24/25 lbs now. She has her 15 month appt next week (2 weeks late) so i'll get the official weight then. I definitely have noticed her thinning out in the thighs, although her belly sticks out quite a bit still. I imagine that is normal for this age, tho.

We still use the sleep sack because gabby can't sit still when she sleeps. So the blanket and pillows would be pointless and I fear her waking up cold. She gets around fine in the sleep sack and I like to think it helps prevent her from climbing out. She is becoming quite a little climber elsewhere and I have seen her attempt to climb the bars during nap time. I put a blanket on her during nap time but it rarely stays put since she is always awake when i put her down and stands up to protest the nap.

How soon after your LO wakes up in the morning do you give them milk or food? I am ending the BF in the morning tomorrow and I don't know if i should go in there with a cup of milk when i take her out or not.

That is exactly how Dominik is. He has thinned out some since he started walking, but he still has a big belly and pudgy cheeks. I was a very chubby baby as well and thinned out around two years old.
Hi Lulu and Joeliza :wave:

bbygurl - ugh so sorry you guys are going through this! Hope your LO is on the mend soon!!

IST - wow that's a lot of milk! We struggle to get Ellie to drink 3 4 oz sippys a day.

I've been MIA again... i know lol. I am finally over (knock on wood) my 3rd bout of Mastitis since October. This was the worst yet with horrible fever spikes. My attempts to wean are not going well, no matter how slow I try. Ellie is down to 3 feeds (morning, after nap, and before bed) and also has a few "snack" feeds a day (for like a min or 2). I wanted to have her weaned by June but am worried it's not going to happen.

Ellie is 15 months today. Time is FLYING by :( I miss my little chuboo munchkin! We had her appointment today and she is 31 inches, and 22.5 lbs. She is talking alot, mostly gibberish with words here in there. The cutest thing though... she asks for help now when she needs help. "HEPPP HEPP!" lol. She can also count, mostly to two but she's gone to 4 a few times. We are doing a lot better with food but it still takes FOREVER to feed this girl, esp when she is in her NO mood.

Here's a video from yesterday. She said, "Sheep." lol.


Hope you ladies are doing well!!
Cait is a member of the chubby belly club for sure.

scooby i feel rather bad about my dog also. she is getting old and kind of sickly and i feel like i should be giving her more of my time and attention but it's hard with the baby. I can't be taking her out as often as she'd like because i don't want cait out in the cold and I don't like to leave her unattended for long. and on days when the dog doesn't want to go out I'm forcing her and hurrying her getting frustrated. once my dog passes I don't think we will be getting anymore pets until cait and whatever siblings she may have are old enough to help care for it. It is pretty stressful with the little one.

lol sigh. I love the video. :haha:
Sigh- it won't let me view the video :(

Camden counts too, in her own special way. She thinks she's counting to 3, but she says "twoooo, twoooo, twoooo", it's hilarious!
haha sigh that video is awesome! Ellie is really a little girl!
Everyone comments on how Amber still looks like a baby! My two friends babies have only just turned a year but when people see us they always assume Amber is the youngest. She still often gets mistaken for a boy, although her hair has grown its very whispy so constantly in a mess! Drives dh mad.

Amber has decided to knee walk. Its hysterical to watch! She tries to move as quickly as she crawls so she kinds of hops along. Still no interest in actual walking.
Wow, it's been so long since I've been on here. Things have been crazy. I can't possibly go back and catch up on it all but I just thought I'd pop in and read back a few posts.

I've missed you ladies! Carter is keeping me so busy. He's running and climbing everywhere all the time. I'm getting cabin fever but it's too hard to take him out anywhere. He's talking quite a bit now, says no a lot, but has about 25 words in his vocabulary, although he's forgotten some.

Carter recently had to have eruption cysts on his molars cut open at the dentist. It was a nightmare but now the teeth are finally through. AND....DRUMROLL PLEASE......HE'S STARTED STTN! Not every night, but most of the time he sleeps through. Last night he was up twice but he's gotten a cold and is teething again so maybe why. I'll take it over the horror that was our first year any day.

So that basically catches you all up on what's going on here. I hope I can get on regularly but who knows.

Anyone still breastfeeding? Carter wants it pretty often still and I tell him no sometimes but I'm getting tired of nursing and have been contemplating stopping even though my goal was two years. I'm just over it!
Good to hear from you, Kelly! I stopped breastfeeding at 13 months, mainly because my goal was 1 year and because I just didn't want to do it anymore. Camden didn't care when we stopped. I did it sort of slowly started around 11 months, cutting out feeds and replacing with freezer stash, and later cow's milk. At 12 months we went to nursing first thing in the morning and last thing before bed. Then at 13 months it was over. While I did enjoy for the first year, I'm glad it's over.

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