***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

oh wow 5 hours?! is that in one continuous block nonstop? i feel so uncomfortable when i hear babies cry ... i can't imagine sitting through 5 hours of it. i hope it gets better for you both really soon.

my little man has a congested nose too so we just got some infant saline nose spray. hope it helps him tonight as he was a bit cranky last night since he couldn't breathe properly. has anyone tried it before?
Here is my birth story. Apologies that it’s quite long and also filled with TMI but I thought I'd just share how different things are here!
The basics: I woke up at 1am on the 26th with contractions at the bottom of my bump. At 1:30 they were making me pretty uncomfortable so I got up and walked around a bit. At some point I started timing and they were fairly regular so at 4am I woke my dh and at 4:30am I woke my mom. She felt a contraction and said they were real. We started preparing everything for the hospital and I continued bouncing and walking. My contractions were about 5 minutes apart and lasting 40-45 seconds. 6:30am I had a nice bath and tea and toast. By now I was feeling a bit tired so I rested on the couch - bad move. Everything seemed to slow down. Despite the fact it was snowing, my dh and I went for a walk in the hope things would pick up. I had another bath and got the contractions going again but still the same as before. We decided to head to the hospital because my mom said at the rate I was going I was going to be exhausted if we didn't get things moving faster. And this is where things went down hill!
A colleague called the hospital to tell them the foreigners were on their way. Now we were under the impression we'd go to the private room and I'd labour there and get checked every so often and when it came closer to the time I'd be taken to the delivery ward. But when we arrived I was taken away. My translator wasn't there so I didn't know what was going on. I assumed I was going to get checked and then taken back to my mom and dh. I wasn't - I was taken straight to delivery! They changed me and checked me - in the most violent manner I might add. I actually thought I was being raped. I was only 2cm. Then I was informed that my husband and mother wouldn't be allowed to come to me and that I would be alone. I completely freaked - I was in no way prepared for that. I couldn't stop crying and panicking. Eventually my translator arrived and because she has a good relationship with the hospital (a key thing in China!) she was able to get them to agree that my mom could come to me. I calmed down slightly but of course all I wanted was my husband. My contractions were getting pretty painful by now but I could still handle them. At some point I was allowed to go and spend some time with my husband - something they had a lot of trouble getting their head around. They just didn't get why I would want to see him. They then wanted to put a drip in so I had to say good-bye to him (not knowing it would 14 hours before I got to see him again). At 1pm they put a drip in and raped, sorry checked, me again and I was 3cm. I then had to go for a scan and ecg. I also discovered at this point that they offered no pain relief, AT ALL, for a natural birth. Between 1pm and 7pm I was checked 3 more times. The first time I was 4cm then 3-4cm and the third time I was back at 3cm. I was in a lot of pain and I said to my mom I didn't see the point of all the pain if it wasn't doing anything. We made the decision that a c-section was best. I had been in labour for 19 hours by this time and I was so tired. The doctor wasn't too keen on the op and tried everything to convince me otherwise. I was in so much pain I didn't want to hear it - I just wanted pain relief. I'm not sure how it came about but they broke my waters and said they were organising the c-section. When they came to take me to theatre the doctor asked if she could at least check me one more time. I had got to 6cm - in about an hour and a half. My mom then hesitated about the op and tried to convince me otherwise. I kept shouting 'cut' but because the doctors could see my mom was in two minds they kept asking me again and again. Somehow I ended up agreeing to keep going. Then they wanted to give me pitocin because I was slowing down again. I refused because I was so scared of how much more painful it was going to get. They kept telling me yes it would be more pain but it would be faster. Eventually my mom convinced me to agree. My mom was absolutely amazing. She coached me through every contraction and supported me through everything.
I would like to add that by this point I had already watched three other women give birth to their babies and there were three more in the room with me. Nothing private about this! And I have to say that Chinese women are AMAZING at pushing. If any of them pushed for half an hour it was a lot.
About an hour after the pitocin I was at 9cm. I was having a lot of trouble with my contractions because I really needed a poo! So every time I had one I tried to push it out but obviously I wasn't ready to push the baby out so it just caused me a lot of pain! I somehow missed going from 9cm to 10cm because the next thing I knew they were putting stirrup like things up for my legs to push. I eventually looked at my mom and said am I really pushing the baby out now or do they want me to poo?! I had been in labour for just over 22 hours when I was ready to push. I was completely exhausted and not quite with it. One of the doctors actually went out and bought me read bull and hershey's kisses. And the proceeded to feed these to me throughout my pushing. (Three red bulls and chocolate!!).
After about half an hour of pushing I noticed them getting some things ready and suddenly I was shouting 'I don't want an episiotomy'. Again my mom tried to convince me but I insisted I'd rather tear because everything I'd read said it was better. They agreed to wait. I pushed for another hour but I just couldn't get the head out. I was too tired. They told me if I had the episiotomy I would get the head out so again I shouted 'cut'. (I'm known as the girl who shouted cut!) About two pushes later, and a doctor pressing on my stomach, her head came out. And her body quickly followed.
My mom immediately phoned my husband so I could tell him our daughter had just been born. When my mom told me it was a girl I was so excited. I was happy with either but I know my husband was really wanted a girl. I could hear the tears in his voice when I told him.
Now I had to get the placenta out. A doctor began really pushing on my stomach and it was incredibly painful. But nothing was happening. Eventually the doctor reached inside of me to try and dislodge it and all I wanted to do was kick her in the face. She couldn’t do it so called the head doctor to come back and she had a go. I eventually managed to push it out myself as I thought I still wanted to clear my bowels. I was sure that during delivery they had pushed my poo back inside of me because that’s what it felt like. I discovered later that in fact all that had happened was I had given myself a very bad case of piles with all the straining to push! The doctor then began to stitch me up. But the anesthetic given for the episiotomy didn’t cover all the area that needed to be stitched, so some of my stitches were done with me being able to feel everything.
Amber was taken away almost immediately. Thank goodness the pediatrician had told me earlier in the day that this would happen. I was very sad not to have been able to at least hold her but at least my mom got some photos .
Very long, but that is a glimpse into having a baby in China.
Here are some photo's of Amber


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oh wow bean you sound like such a strong woman. i think i would have freaked out so much if i was in your shoes. i'm surprised you can recall so much detail .. everything is a blurr for me now, but i was kinda high on gas & air.

thanks for sharing. it was a fascinating read.

happy ny to everyone again ... its only 8.14pm here on nye and this household is in bed lol.
oh and she is beautiful. congrats again and well done :)
Oh bean what an ordeal. You've really had a tough time throughout haven't you? Your baby is very very cute so hopefully when you look at her she'll help you forget your bad times xxxxxx
Wow Bean, what a story. I am so thankful your mum was with you through all that! I am guessing you may opt for your subsequent births at home if you decided to have more! Well done mumma!!

Bay we are all in bed too lol! I hear fire works going off and am hoping they aren't going to add to the sleep deprivation tonight! How things change.....

Happy New Year Snowflakes x
Wow bean good on you. That's amazing! And she's beautiful and I'm sure so worth it. The manual placenta removal is terrible, I'm sorry they had to start that on you but so glad you were able to push it out on your own. Enjoy your baby girl! (Glad your DH was excited by the surprise, we knew we were having a girl and my own DH admitted later it was what he really wanted so he could teach her to cook and shoot photography!)
Oh my Bean! What a story. You are an incredible lady. I really don't think I could have survived that ordeal. Amber is gorgeous. Enjoy x
Hey lolly! Next time you update the list can you edit my date please? He was born 15th not 14th :)

I just checked in snowflake original thread. Only one active member left I think!
My blood loss seems to almost completely go then starts back up again just as i think i'm getting rid of it.
With bfing I also have a strong letdown, my older nursling thinks its funny to suck enough to get it spraying then plays with it.
BEAN - my goodness! I have to say, I laughed out loud at the red bulls and chocolate! The nurses STARVED me during my labor, and I'm halfway sure that is why LO was born with low blood sugar.
2016 - so sorry to hear about the screaming block! Summer has had a few periods like that, luckily usually in the evening time or daytime, not quite as emotionally wrecking as having it at nighttime.

Summer still doesn't go down well by herself since about 3-4 weeks. I think the first few weeks were because she wasn't aware at all, now she knows when she is alone or has been put down without falling all the way asleep. I went crazy looking into sleep training methods and exactly what I "should" be doing, but the best advice I found was to leave her alone and snuggle her to sleep because soon enough, she won't want to sit still with me! Once she is asleep she will go down anywhere...and we will start actually sleep training when she is 3-4 months old. For now, I'm going to relax about it.
Bean sorry it was so rough on you. Hope things are all good now.

Lo has been sick for almost a week now. We took her to the doctor on Wednesday and they said its just a cold and to go back if it got worse. Friday she wasnt doing any better so we took her back and they told us it was starting to get better, keep doing what we were doing. She still gets choked while she's eating because she's unable to breathe very good. I have went to almost exclusively pumping because she can sit up straighter while eating a bottle. Someone asked about the saline spray, it helps so much when trying to clear her nose out.
It's horrid when they are poorly. Flicka has been very congested with a cough too. There are ways to feed bolt upright but I use a sling so that really helps. I almost always have to feed this way to try keep her reflux from bringing all her feed back up immediately after!

HNY everyone!
Bean...just went back to read your story. OMG that's horrific hun they sound like ANIMALS! But you were a strong mama (like your mama by the sounds) and brought your daughter into the world safely. :hugs:
Happy new year snowflakes xxx been good getting to know you and share our pregnancies and births in 2012!xxx
Massive congrats to all the new mama's :D I have so msuch to.update on the list! I am still without internet & phone reception at my new house is shocking so not online much and can't update it right now but should be back on on the 3rd so will do it then and have a proper catchup.

Happy New year to you all, love Amber, Millie & I :) xx
Bean, that is quite a story! you are a strong woman! DD will love to hear her birth story one day as it is not your typical story! If you have another baby, i hope that birth is less eventful! Can't believe its the norm to leave daddy out in the waiting room during birth!

Hope your sick LO's feel better soon, 2016 & stark! Gabby sounds congested all the time, and grunts like some sort of animal, but I don't think she is sick. She has sounded this way since birth. The constant grunting/farting is getting worrysome, however. She always sounds so uncomfortable!

Happy new year to all!
Hi everyone! Finally made my way over here, so much to catch up on!! For anyone who missed my post in the other thread, my LO was born December 27th at 3:28, healthy baby girl! She was 7lb 13oz and 22in. She's been so spoiled rotten by everyone already. Hope everyone else is doing well, I'll try to catch up!
We just got NoseFrida because Summer is congested...and it is BRILLIANT!!!

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