***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

welcome scooby :)

i just tried fess little noses spray and aspirator and it worked better than i expected! can'tbeliece i never heard of ghis stuff before.

dh decided to help me by cutting our toddler's hair last night (i usually cut it) ... and he butchered it! gave my son a redneck do .. he's now sporting a cross between a mullet and anne hathawY's short do in les miserables. not happy haha
Just got home from the hospital as they needed to check Amber's jaundice level. Its only come down half a point but she has been constipated. They gave her an enema which wasn't nice to see. But the nurse lifted the nappy to see if it was helping and as she did poo exploded out of Amber and all over the nurse. :rofl:
It was just too funny to watch! Hoping now her tummy will work properly now and that will help in reducing the jaundice.

I have a BF question - is it normal for me not to feel the let down? Amber is feeding well and we don't seem to be having any problems. But I can't say I 'feel' anything happening other than her suckling. Its still a bit painful at times but mostly just as she latches and then it goes away. (I hope I haven't jinxed myself now!)
Bean, totally normal not to feel let down early on. I usually don't feel it until well into my second week and not at all feeds. Funny re poo explosion! All my 3 have had jaundice (not badly) and as my milk supply picked up it washed it away (so to speak). Enjoy being at home :)
Has everyone named their babies? We're still struggling to come up with a name good enough for our boy :D lol

I really like Oliver James or Hugo James, what do you girls think? Looking at his face both suit him, arghh it's so hard!
I like both Ocean - Oliver has more options for shortening if that appeals? Oliver James is a lovely, classic name.

Bean - I didn't feel let down initially but do now, especially if Ava has not fed for a while.

Happy 2013 everyone x
Ladies I have a weird question for you all. I have been feeling but achy and few sharp pains up inside vagina sort of area. I thought if have a check what's going on in there and as I ended up with emergency section wasn't expecting anything to feel different. I was shocked to feel cervix really low and like big hard tender lump. Anyone else checked or know if this is normal? Am worried I might have a prolapse? I did have 12 hours induced by drip labour so did have cervical stress and changes but didnt push. Any thoughts?
I started to feel the let down somewhere towards the end of week 3. Now I feel it all the time...even at random moments, walking around the store, eating dinner, etc, and its quite annoying!

Welcome, Scooby!

Ocean, oliver is a lovely name, but whatever you decide will be great.

Bean, lol at poo explosion! I hope this takes care of the jaundice.
I would call the OB...nobody wants a tender cervix :(

I'm 100% torn between Hugo and Oliver...I do like that Hugo is a bit more unusual, though!

And yay for poop-spraying nurses! Lol - baby must feel so much better!
I have a serious case of cabin fever. This morning I've pumped three times, showered, fed baby twice, changed diapers, did two loads of laundry, ran the dishwasher, cleaned bottles, and wrote half of my thank you cards and a recipe I want to try later this week. DH was at the store for most of this and when he gets home says nothing about cleaned kitchen. I'm hooked up to pump again and LO is due for a feed starts fussing in her swing. I said "oh good she's up I have a bottle ready to go for her right there". What does he do?! Nothing!! Mother flipping NOTHING! And of course she drifts off to sleep. I want to backhand him right now. Like WTF dude, do you want to put out a little effort?
bean, lol! Hope baby is feeling better now!
I've still been having heavier bleeding, but hardly anything on pads, just when I go to the bathroom. I have clots, sometimes fairly large ones almost every trip to the bathroom. It seems to be slowing down today though. I've also had some pains on my sides, feels like pulled muscles. Another thing I've noticed since having baby is that on the right side by my belly button my stomach comes out a bit more than on the other side, and sometimes it feels like that area is moving around a bit? Or like it's something moving in there? Don't know how to explain it. Anyways, I think there might be a chance I have a hernia there. I think I'll call my doctor tomorrow and see what they think. I don't have an appointment with them until Feb.
Tessa is doing great though! I remember with DD1 that she would only poop every few days, but Tessa poops pretty much with every diaper and has several big ones a day. Is that normal? Maybe it's because she's not on formula as well like DD1 was? Are your babies pooping so much?
Here's a little pic I took of her today :) Happy New Year's everyone!!


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Juless, Iz poops 24/7 I swear. I have heard that breast fed babies poop a lot more often. Plus her poop is super nasty looking, ick :haha:
Jules I initially had that but it was my uterus. I imagine it can't still be that for you.

Its almost 3:30am here and I'm feeding LO. Feeling very good about myself as I've managed two stretches of since 11pm. Only an hour and a half to two hours but its a huge improvement from the night before!

I'm sad to say it looks like Amber is already constipated again. I feel so bad for her! So tomorrow I'll be removing dairy from my diet to see if that makes a difference. I'm devastated by the idea of this as milk and cheese are two of my favourite things!! And as I was writing that I realised I'll have to give up chocolate too!
Ocean - i really like oliver. But whichever name you go with will be perfect.

Lilly - men can be so frustrating. I'm sure he'd help more except he's probably just not used to it all, so baby and housework aren't at the forefront of his mind. My husband was like that, and yes i wanted to break his nose at times. So you can imagine how apprehensive i was at hospital thinking about our toddler being dehydrated, hungry, sleep deprived and sitting in full nappies. But he really surprised me since he had to take it all on full time while i recovered and bonded with our newborn. Just keep giving your oh gentle reminders and it will stick eventually lol.

Juless - gorgeous little girl! I love her angelina jolie lips.

Bean - hope amber feels better and starts pooping lots for you, so you won't have to cut out dairy and definitely not chocolate.

Afm, dh went back to work today and i'm a little anxious how well i will handle our demanding toddler who needs constant stimulation ... And of course the baby who loves to nurse and poops at least every hour haha.

I've been so spoiled this past month and hardly lifted a finger. It's definitely going to be a shock to the system. Babymoon over haha.
Welcome all new mommies!
Bean, what a birth story! So happy you got through it!
Jules, Tessa is beautiful!
Happy new year to all of you!

My bleeding has nearly stopped but I still have a soreness down there, especially when I try to have a bowel movement which is still difficult most of the time. My bp was high after giving birth but it seems to finally be dropping a bit also. I feel happier emotionally but as I said before I still don't feel like myself. It's very sad and I wonder if I will ever feel the same again. I don't have any regrets, don't get me wrong, but I just feel strange. I hope that I can feel normal again someday.

I'm a little nervous about last night. Caitlyn has been having her awake time between 11pm and 3am. She is pretty active during this time and I am exhausted of course. So I finally get her to go to sleep at about 3am and I pass out quickly. Then she doesn't wake up until 8:30 am! Is she supposed to sleep that long!?!? She was just whining in her sleep when she woke me up and I sat up and checked the time and thought she must be starving! But she wasn't really crying crying, just wimpering in her sleep. I quickly got up to feed her and she nursed for a little and had 2 oz that I pumped the night before but she was still very tired and then she went on to sleep 2 more hours! I was shocked. I was happy to get the sleep but at the same time it made me really nervous that she haden't eaten. Should I worry about this? Also is there any way that I can maybe get her to be less active at 11-3? I'm also worried because I feel like she doesn't eat enough early in the day and then she eats a lot in the evening. I'm just worried about every little thing still!

Hope you're all well!
Ocean.... I am thinking Hugo. Boys names are so difficult I think. I know a few Oliver's but no Hugo's. Good luck!

Lilly... I think most men (not all), just don't see what needs to be done and need to be thoughtfully guided in the right direction. I try to look at what my DH has done (like going to the store) not what he hasn't done. Mind you most days I am like, seriously you did not think to do that. They are just different from us.

Bay.... Hope first day went ok with the double juggle without DH.

AFM... We had friends over NYE with 3 boys and they decided to bring a gastro bug with them! Not happy. Dd2 was vomiting overnight and poorly today. Makes for a fun night with a newborn thrown in the mix! Eyes popping out of head now and want to overdose on coffee but that's no good for the breast milk!! Ahhhhh joys of motherhood! X
Bay I hope your first day alone went well!

I'msotired I'm sorry you feel that way - hugs! I'm not quite sure about the sleeping thing. i did read that you shouldn't let a newborn go more than five hours without a feed. But I don't have any experience so maybe that's wrong? Also, have you tried taking stool softners? I've been battling with constipation and I started taking some and its worked wonders - even with these blasted piles.
My bleeding hasn't been at all bad. I would class it as a light to medium period - not even a heavy one. I was so stressed out about it and imagined myself pouring blood all over the place. I spent a fortune on all these big maternity pads and I haven't even used them! Now its hardly even there.
Amber was constipated again so I looked up ways to help. The general consensus from other moms was to use an earbuf/q-tip with vaseline. We tried that this morning and instant relief! No exploding poo this time though! I really hope its her medicine causing this and not me.

Lily I hope things get better with dh. I'm grateful mine has been pretty good so far. I just gently reminded him yesterday that when I ask for something regarding Amber he needs to do it right then not after a smoke or something.
Ocean - both names are wonderful. Have you tried going periods of time calling him by each to figure out which one "feels" like him?

Imsotired - my LO does something similar. He is harder to get down between midnight and 3am, but sleeps like a charm after that until noon (waking up a few times to eat, but going right down). He will go four hours between during that time, and once did go five hours. From what I read, as long as they are gaining weight (and have passed their birth weight) then it shouldn't be too worrysome, but five hours is a little long and may impact your supply if LO makes it a habit. I try to make sure he gets at least 8 feedings in a day and don't worry too much about the longer spurts because he will do a few closer together ones in the evening.

Lilly - that sounds pretty common. I have to ask my DH directly if I need him to do something. He doesn't pick up on it himself.

AFM - We have been doing pretty well. Like I said above, LO sleeps well in the morning, so our household has started sleeping in pretty late. But we are getting enough sleep, so our mental wellbeing is greatly improved. Today we gave him his first bath at home.. a little late considering he's two weeks old, but the thought of doing it intimidated me so much! Once we went ahead and did it, it was not bad at all! I felt silly for worrying so much.

We also switched to the cloth diapers today because he seemed to be big enough to fit them. So far we haven't had any blowouts in them, so I think we've got a good fit.

I finally finished writing our birth story and posted it, as well as a few more photos to my journal (the link is in my signature). It's long, warning you now :)
Has everyone named their babies? We're still struggling to come up with a name good enough for our boy :D lol

I really like Oliver James or Hugo James, what do you girls think? Looking at his face both suit him, arghh it's so hard!

Both names are wonderful but I like Hugo the best because it is less widely used. I'm a big fan if names that aren't far out unusual but not common at the same time. Don't worry taking your time naming him - we had 3 names pre picked for DS then didn't want to use any. It's such an important decision you have every right to take your time so you are 100% certain. When we found the right name we just knew. :)
We had the name picked out for our little man before he was even concieved and it seems to suit him perfectly.

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