***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Hi everyone,

Haven't felt like posting because it feels like I only have negative things to post. I should be grateful to have a healthy baby but right now I'm so bogged down by the reflux and constant screaming I am absolutely hating motherhood atm. :cry:
Feel like my life has gone to sh*t I don't eat proper meals I end up swallowing huge chunks when I can grab food here and there but mostly I just eat chocolate - minimum 3 bars a day. I keep forgetting to brush my teeth think its been 2 days now and I used to be fastidious twice a day. My whole body aches and I'm miserable with everyone especially my husband. I hate him and don't even want him near me.
What an awful person I am to say that! And no I don't have PND because this is all brought on by sleep deprivation, physical and emotional exhaustion...there's good reason for me to feel miserable.
I find myself wishing Flicka's life away until the day her reflux gets better. I can't enjoy her she just eats pukes and cries all day. My son was the same and I hated it then too. And those with babies that aren't like this will just think I'm shit and will never understand. :cry:
2016 - you are not an awful person. It is hard! You are doing so well. Remember this too shall pass hun x
2016 I'm so so sorry. I wish I could just give you a huge hug right now momma! I definitely understand about wishing the time away, not brushing teeth, eating crap food (I've had corn dogs as my last four meals practically). The good thing is since you've already been through it with your son you know it will get better. It doesn't help now, but it will. And don't worry about posting negative hun, that's what we're all here for to support each other. Especially when people like DHs don't understand and it feels like nothing is going right in our days and nights.

AFM I feel like bawling. Had my two week pp visit today and stitches were checked. My freaky fast healing body caused them to heal smooth but with gaps between stitches and I have to go back Monday to have them cut out the sutures, scrape my skin to make it raw and then restitch me. They told me I had done too much too soon and after second stitches are in am on one week of bedrest. It doesn't sound like much but I hate being inactive and can't just laze around my house all day doing nothing. I actually resent my baby a little bit for tearing me right now and I hate myself for feeling that way because its my own damn fault they've pulled themselves loose and didnt heal properly.
Lillylee - ouch! :hugs:

2016 - i think many of us would come undone if we had to care for a screaming baby all day long, so i don't think you're an awful person, just normal considering your circumstances. Some days i forget to brush my teeth too because i get overwhelmed ... And that's with a chilled out baby! And i scoff food down too. But man, 3 bars a day is alot of chocolate! You are really stressed out.

I really admire you and lillylee for being so honest. We may not be able to relate 100% but i don't think the lovely ladies here would judge. Keep venting if it'll help.
2016- I don't think you sound awful at all. My lo has been very laid back except for a few days when she was sick. Those days were so stressful. I couldn't imagine having her not feeling well from reflux all the time. :hugs: I hope things pick up for you soon.

I have been exclusively pumping for almost two weeks now. But the past 4-5 days my supply has gone down quite a bit. I really didn't want to use formula if I didn't have to. But I go back to work Monday I don't have enough stored for more than a few days. Right now everything I pump she is eating right away. Is there anything I can do to increase my supply?
Stark how often are you pumping? How long are your pumps lasting? Are you using a good quality breastpump? Are you taking any herbal supplements?

According to everything I've been reading the first 12 weeks are the most important for establishing a supply. I try to pump between every 2-3 hours but usually it's more like 3.5-4. I massage my breasts while I pump. Also MOTN (middle of the night) pumps are super important and your body produces the most prolactin between 1-6 am so do not skip a pump during that time. I'm taking fenugreek and blessed thistle as they supposedly work better together. And I pound water like frat guys pound beer. I was using an older borrowed pump and going for 30 minutes a session but just got a brand new PISA and am getting the same amount in 15 minutes.

Also power pumping. It mimics the cluster feeding that babies do. Spend ten minutes on and ten off pump for an hour. Some ppl say once a day some say a few times a week.

Trying for 8-10 ppd is ideal. I'm getting 7. Keep up the great work! Let me know if you have any other questions.
Stark how often are you pumping? How long are your pumps lasting? Are you using a good quality breastpump? Are you taking any herbal supplements?

According to everything I've been reading the first 12 weeks are the most important for establishing a supply. I try to pump between every 2-3 hours but usually it's more like 3.5-4. I massage my breasts while I pump. Also MOTN (middle of the night) pumps are super important and your body produces the most prolactin between 1-6 am so do not skip a pump during that time. I'm taking fenugreek and blessed thistle as they supposedly work better together. And I pound water like frat guys pound beer. I was using an older borrowed pump and going for 30 minutes a session but just got a brand new PISA and am getting the same amount in 15 minutes.

Also power pumping. It mimics the cluster feeding that babies do. Spend ten minutes on and ten off pump for an hour. Some ppl say once a day some say a few times a week.

Trying for 8-10 ppd is ideal. I'm getting 7. Keep up the great work! Let me know if you have any other questions.

I was pumping every 3-4 hours but I've been doing it every 2-3 for the past three days. I usually pump around 15 minutes per breast. About 10 minutes I'm actually getting milk out and then five more minutes because I read somewhere that it was good to pump after the flow quit to up supply.

I've only been taking prenatal vitamins and I drink water constantly. I haven't been skipping night pumps but I usually only do one around 3am.

It's 6:30 now and I'm pumpibg for the 6th time, so I should get 8 in today.

Thanks for the info. I'm just not sure what else I can do?
How much do you get each time? Some people say eating oatmeal helps. Like real oatmeal not the instant kind. I think the supplements have really helped me. Other women take a medication call domperidone. It's more for indigestion but there is a pharmacy online that sells it. I'm waiting it out to see what I can get for supply before taking a prescription medication though.
Originally I was getting 4-5oz depending on how long it had been since I had last pumped. Now I'm getting 2-3oz. So far I've just barely kept up with what she is eating so I imagine unless it changes I will have to start some formula. I will look into starting the supplements though.

I just got my work schedule today and for the first week I will only be working four hour shifts so maybe I can get this all figured out before the next week?
2016... Big hugs hun, not much joy for you at the moment. As others have said there is light at the end of the tunnel. Is Flicka on any meds? Antacids. Are you BF? My little man is windy and chucky which is foreign land to me as girls never were. I tell you it does change the whole motherhood experience that's for sure. Hang in there and as hard as it is try to cut back on choco bars as they will give you instant rush but they will make you feel worse in long run. Do you have any family that can help, hold baby while you shower etc? Big hugs.

Lilly....Sorry to hear about your wound. Mine is a bit red and sore this morning. Not fun. Hope it's fixed quickly for you! Hugs.

Quick DH has LO.... It's after lunch, shower opportunity! Xx
Thanks for the kind words ladies. Yes she is on meds for the reflux (Domperidone and Gaviscon) but think she might need Ranatidine as well? Problem is DS reflux was worse with Ranatidine so the paeds understandably not keen on giving it. See him on Friday so will see what he says. Wondering if there might be an allergy there so am cutting out dairy and eggs. This is a serious ask for me because most days my diet is pretty much the same - bowl of cereal with lots of milk, chocolate bar, cheese or egg sandwich, chocolate bar, casserole and rice, chocolate bar! And lots of milky cups of tea!
So now I can't have most of it...feel totally lost but I think it will be a good way to get myself off all that chocolate. It is incredibly bad I know and am ashamed. :( It's a miracle Ive not gained anything but that's probs because I spend most of the day pacing the floor with LO. Worth a try.
:hugs: 2016, I can't imagine how tough it must be for you right now. Hopefully they can find a mix of meds that can bring your household some sanity.
2016, hang in there, no one is super human so don't be ashamed of feeling a bit low, xxx

On another note, how long did you ladies bleed for PP? Was it smelly or odourless and did any of you pass an incomplete placenta at birth? My birth notes say mine was incomplete but they didn't tell me this at the hospital so the health visitor is unsure wether its accurate or not and has just told me to keep an eye out for clots or smells!!!! Nice
2016, I hope you're able to find some improvement in LO soon!

As for bleeding, mine is finally slowed down, almost gone but not quite. I'm feeling terrible though. Since Friday I've been feeling a bit of stomach upset (not often, juts here and there), but slowly my muscles and joints have started aching and today it's awful. I can barely get off the couch. I'm going to make a doctor's appt in the morning to have my thyroid checked and make sure I don't have a UTI or something. My thyroid became overactive after the birth of DD1, so wouldn't be surprised if that's happening again. Either way, I hate that I actually had more energy and felt better when I was pregnant! I'm getting quite a lot of good sleep as Tess just wakes up a few times during the night and then goes right back to sleep again. I just want to feel halfway normal so I can enjoy being a mommy to my two girls.
Oh 2016 lily lee and jules I am sorry you girls are having such a hard time. Hope things improve for you and sending you hugs. Xxxx

I was also going to ask how long you all bled for?

Also and advice for baby acne? My gorgeous boy now has a pimply face!
I'm three weeks PP and my bleeding is down to spotting now. I did pass quite a few clots and there was a few days it kind of stunk at the end :blush: can't wait for it to be officially gone.

Tooth I was told there isn't anything to do about baby acne, not sure if that's true or not.
2016 :hugs:

Congrats to all the new mum's since I was last online :flower: I finally have the internet installed at home now so will have a proper catch up in the morning x
Hi ladies, I've been wondering about bleeding also. I'm 10 days out and have pretty much slowed to spotting over the past few days, although there are still some small clots passing. Also, when will having a BM stop being such a chore? It's so freakin uncomfortable!

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