***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Great news for Gabby and Nathan!

Lolly - so right! DH spilt some of my milk the other day when he was charging about the kitchen in his usual way. I was livid!!

Chloe - I am going VERY slowly with the solids because I'm conscious that we are doing this early. Just one meal a day and about one ice cube size per meal (I'm following Annabel Karmel's baby and toddler planner). If Ava had her way she'd be eating more but I don't want her to cut down on her milk at this stage. I always feed her about an hour after a BF so she isn't overly hungry and add my milk to the purée too. So far we have tried baby rice, pear, banana, carrot, papaya and parsnip which have all disappeared without any persuasion!! It's hilarious seeing her face with the new foods - after the first mouthfull she licks her lips and almost reflects on the taste and then there is a big smile and we're off!
Bean I'm happy I'm not the only one still sleeping next to the bassinet.I'm sorry you had to miss the memorial. I'm.also happy that I'm not the only one who has started with the baby food. I'm on my phone.so difficult to respond. Hope you are all well!
IST - We've got Ava's cot pushed up against the bed too. I'm beginning to move her there from co-sleeping. We're following Elizabeth Pantley's "travelling crib" method but I'm planning on having her in our room for the next couple of months.
We are going very slow with solids too. He has about 1/2 a tablespoon at a time and not every day. So far he's had avocado, sweet potato, banana and applesauce. He's not super excited about his solids but he does swallow it and makes priceless faces. I'm glad we aren't the only ones too!
Sorry u had to miss the service, bean :hugs:

Is anyone sad about starting solids? I feel like I want to wait as long as possible in part because solids means she is growing up! I'm super excited to feed her real foods, but I really want to hold on to that tiny baby who only needs me to thrive for as long as possible. Such conflict! And gabby isn't very interested in Solids yet. We let her lick various fruits and she makes faces every time. She has only liked maple syrup so far, which of course we will not be feeding her by the spoon full :)
Chloe, totally get what you mean about being sad starting solids. It took me awhile to get over it but I'm excited at the same time. I'm happy to know that he didn't go crazy on solids and want to stop breastfeeding like my wild imagination pictured.

Well, it's finally happening. Carter is consolidating his naps (knock on wood)! He's been taking 1.5 hour naps three times a day and I'm loving it!!!! Still up every two hours at night some times though. I'm hoping night time sleep will follow suit soon.
I'm sad just thinking about solids! Although LO is starting to look quite interested in food. I was eating Doritos while holding her today and she never too her eyes off me, watched me take each one out of them bag and put it in my mouth. I still haven't decided when we're going to start them with her. Is anyone doing the baby cereal, or is that obsolete now?
I'm sad just thinking about solids! Although LO is starting to look quite interested in food. I was eating Doritos while holding her today and she never too her eyes off me, watched me take each one out of them bag and put it in my mouth. I still haven't decided when we're going to start them with her. Is anyone doing the baby cereal, or is that obsolete now?

Hah hah! Lo watched me eat every single chip out of my bag today with wide eyes, following the chip from the bag to my mouth like a puppy watching a treat being waved around. :haha: I haven't done cereal yet, figured I'd do something with more vitamins and nutrients than just rice but I do plan on making my own rice cereal with our baby bullet. I've already made purées with it and I love it.
I am not excited about solids because we cloth diaper and I don't want to deal with those poops! I've enjoyed the easy EBF poops. Sigh.
Hi ladies! Haven't been on for a few days! Sounds like you're all making progress with solids!

Glad the poorly babies are better!

Honeybee... Great news in getting Ava into the cot!! Is it still working? I've got the no cry sleep and the no cry nap books now but am struggling to get time to read them due to Joseph's lack of napping!

Kelly... How did you manage to extend naps? Still 20-40 mins here. He's so much more grumpy than he used to be when he slept longer on the day.

Really struggling to get him to nap if anyone has any tips? Won't sleep in car pram bouncer chair cot or me!!! The only time he naps is if he's happened to drop off feeding. Then I have to be super still for the duration.

How many hours total sleep are your babies getting?

Also anyone else's doing acrobatics through the night? He's feeding 3-4 hourly but wakes between to wriggle. He flips about in his sleeping bag like a little mermaid! Last night he slept partly with his legs up the cot bars and was even upside down at one point!! (180 degree spin not on his belly). He manages to go back to sleep himself but is very noisy and wakes me every time! This is a new thing so am getting only an hour or so solid sleep at a time then no peace during the day!

Am starting to seriously wonder if he's going to be hyperactive or something?? I'm starting to become quite stressed with it all.
I'm so excited - Amber rolled over today! And she did twice just to make sure I knew it wasn't a fluke!! Best part was my dh and I both got to see it happen for the first time.

Tooth I'm sorry you're having such a hard time with naps and night time sleeping! Amber naps anywhere between 20 minutes and 2 hours. She usually does a decent nap (at least an hour) in the morning and another in the afternoon. I've been doing the eat, play, sleep routine. At the first sign of tiredness I rock her to sleep and then put her down. I'd say in total Amber gets 12-14 hours sleep a day.
We started with rice cereal the day after Easter as Cait was so so interested in the food she saw everyone eating at the table and I swear she chewed every bite with us. She actually began crying even though she had just had a bottle. I started with just a tbsp of baby rice cereal mixed very watery with her formula on a spoon. Then after 2 weeks of that everyday she started green beans for a few days and now we are on carrots for the next few days. She is a pro with her spoon now, although she still wants to occasionally put her bib or her fingers in her mouth with the food. She's doing well.

I really love having the baby in her bassinet near my bed. It makes me so much more comfortable knowing she's there. Also, on those nights that she does wake up a few times I can just roll over and get her. She does soothe herself most nights but sometimes I have to feed her or rock her to sleep. I hope that she can do the same in her crib when I move her there. I'll feel more comfortable moving her when it is warmer so she can sleep without a blanket as she likes to pull them up to her face. She still sleeps with the blanket because I keep her leg out of her pajamas due to the harness. When it's warmer maybe I can put her in her crib with just her onesie.

Tomorrow Cait goes to wearing her harness only evenings and nights, so she'll be out of it about 8 hours during the day. I'm so excited to put real clothing on her and have a harness-less baby! I'm so excited! By the end of August she'll be finished with it completely as long as her x-ray is good. I can't wait!

Hope you are all well
Really struggling to get him to nap if anyone has any tips? Won't sleep in car pram bouncer chair cot or me!!! The only time he naps is if he's happened to drop off feeding. Then I have to be super still for the duration.

How many hours total sleep are your babies getting?

Also anyone else's doing acrobatics through the night? He's feeding 3-4 hourly but wakes between to wriggle. He flips about in his sleeping bag like a little mermaid! Last night he slept partly with his legs up the cot bars and was even upside down at one point!! (180 degree spin not on his belly). He manages to go back to sleep himself but is very noisy and wakes me every time! This is a new thing so am getting only an hour or so solid sleep at a time then no peace during the day!

Am starting to seriously wonder if he's going to be hyperactive or something?? I'm starting to become quite stressed with it all.

What's sort of working for us is that we extended her awake time to around 2 hours. Since I did that she's been taking atleast 1 long nap almost every day. She still naps in her swing but it's progress!

Ellie flips out a night too which is why we moved her to her own room at 11 weeks. It still wakes me up even though I have the monitor on the lowest volume setting. She kicks, swings her arms around, squirms and shakes her head. She even shouts, yelps, babbles and cries in her sleep.
Yay Amber! Good work little lady. That's so awesome that you and your dh got to see her do it for the first time bean!

IST, bet you are so stoked to get Cait out of that harness during the day and she'll probably be stoked too. Happy for you guys. :)

Toothfairy, I don't have any tips for naps. Carter just started doing it on his own. I think eventually Joseph will consolidate his naps, just takes time and they start sleeping better. Carter is still waking at least three times a night for feeds or because he poops and wakes himself up that way so the naps are a blessing but I'm waiting for night time sleep to improve. I just put him down during the day either rocking or nursing at the first sign of tiredness which is what I've always done but now that he's older he can stay awake longer. Before, he was down every 1.5 hours and only for 30 mins or so. Now he can loosely follow the 2,3,4 rule with an extra 30-45 min nap in the evening about two hours before bed time.

Basically, the 2,3,4 rule is like this: 2 hours after waking in the morning is the first nap, 3 hours after waking from that nap is the second nap, and 4 hours after waking from that nap is bed time. This helped me structure his naps a bit but I still always take his lead on things if he's acting tired. It only started working the last couple of weeks though, when he could stay awake longer and like I said he still needs a third nap in the evening. Good luck! :)
hey all. i see everyone has different places were baby sleeps at night. i still co-sleep with baby.. im sucking it up this time with dd1 i didnt do it very much and now she doesnt even like cuddling. we can barely hold her without having a fit to b put down and go. as for solids i tried banana a few bites and she had a few bites of my pudding and a few bites of sherbert which she really liked.
I'm so.... That's exciting news! Post a photo if her tomorrow in a special little outfit!

Thanks for all the advice! I might try the 2,3,4 thing Kelly.

Do you think it's too late and a waste if money for me to buy a rocker or swing? We never had one, just a simple bouncy chair which he rarely sleeps in and can almost climb out of now!

It'll be a while until he's in his own room as I'm still up to feed a few times through the night so easier to have him close by.

Also thinking he might not be doing too bad total hours sleep as he does about 12-13 through the night (straight back off after feeds but wakes kicking and wriggling for a few mins) and has 1.5-2 hours max in short catnaps through the day? Maybe he's getting most of his rest at night?
no i dont think its too late for a swing but look for one that sits up. around 3 and half months with dd1 we got her a new one. but it sits up and lays back a lil bit ill see if i can find a pic. ella loved it and once we get a chance to go to storage we will be getting it out for angel. and ella still took naps in it..
i earched for a pic but apparantly i didnt take any of her in it which is surprisig to me lol
Oh wow, if you don't check in after a few days a lot really does happen! LO and I have left OH to deal with a nasty mite infestation at home and are staying with my mum's for now. We've been here since her 4 month jabs last Tuesday. She was so good, didn't even cry! She had a warm forehead on Thursday but no temp and again on Friday so I gave her a low dose of calpol and she's been fine since.

The weather has been so nice lately, around 22ºC, we've been out and about everyday to the park or to the hairdressers or shops. Being with my mum has been a blessing, I feel like a new woman. I get to have long luxurious showers or - gasp! - bubble baths while she looks after her grandaughter. I even got to get a quick haircut the other day :happydance: She is also helping me to become a far more relaxed mother and have more fun with LO in the meantime rather than worry about other people's judgements.

I think LO must be hitting a growth spurt because since Friday her milk intake has increased from 6 feedings a day to 9 or 10! Thankfully I'm better from my bought of mastitus. Her bedtime routine right now is boob at 6.30 and asleep by 7. Sometimes she wakes up at 10/11 for a feed, other times at 5am, but she always wakes up for the day at 7.30. Then it's an hour long nap at 9am, another hour at noon and another hour at 3.30pm.

Anyone using a paci find the paci is too small now? I have the MAM 0+ which of course is too small now and LO gets very frustrated trying to suck on it. The only other size though is 6+. I guess I'll have to give it a go as I'm not about to scrap her only sleeping aid!

I'm amazed at all the babies already starting solids! Quite impressive! I can't even imagine LO eating yet, she doesn't even properly sit up assisted let alone unassisted. She's only just really started grabbing things and pulling it to her mouth to suck on/chew on this past week. I'm not sure she's even lost the tongue thrust reflex... so it's just breastmilk still. However it is exciting to know I'm getting that little bit closer to introducing solids!

Congrats to all the mummies finally getting some sleep thanks to their babies going down for naps/sleeping better at night. Sooner or later they will all get there! The wait can be so difficult though :sleep:

I'm happy to hear your LO is in tip top shape Chloe! Thank jeebus it wasn't anything more serious. :hugs:

Anyone thinking about when they're going to take their LO's swimming? I hear we're supposed to wait until 6 months of age for public pools, but what about your own? My SIL has a pool and I'd love to take baby there for a little splash sometime soon.

Ah and finally to end of this beast of a post - pics of LO at the park today!
I swear I fall more and more in love with this baby everyday :cloud9:

EDIT: that's weird, I swear I resized these in photobucket, don't know why they're so huge. sorry xx
Once our pool warms up I will b taking her in. I took Ella in at like four or five months and she's just fine.

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