***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Kelly, the 2.3.4 is so interesting! I've never heard of it, but my LO has seemed to adapted that schedule on his own. I'd worried about how long he goes awake in the evening, but sounds like its okay since it's his 4 hour awake spurt
IST, that's fantastic news about Cait going harness-less :yipee: so pleased for you!

tooth, I wouldn't say it's too late - Millie still goes in her swing for naps however I am trying to phase this out and put her upstairs in the cot for daytime naps. I suppose it depends on when Joseph learns to sit unaided, then from there start to shuffle and pull himself in/out of things. That's when swings and rockers become useless or another thing for them to master falling out of!

Coco, oh she's just too cute!!

Not much to report here! We aren't weaning yet, although Millie has had the occasional chomp on a stick of cucumber or mango finger. We are Chinese good yesterday and she sucked the life from a prawn cracker! Not a great first food I know :rofl: she didn't eat it, it just ended up mushed down her front and on the floor for the dog to eat! She's definitely staring to pique interest in food though so I imagine we'll start to offer her bits of whatever we have to eat. Exciting but I too am also not looking forward to it. I want to keep and treasure these little baby bits for longer... plus the weaning poops are not fun!
Bean - hooray for Amber rolling!! Camden has been getting really close, rolling up onto her side, but hasn't made it all the way over yet. And how great that you and DH both got to see it!

IST - how exciting that Cait gets to be out of the harness part of the day! It must be so exciting to get to dress her up after all this time in the harness. Hope her x-rays come back good!

Coco - the pics of LO are gorgeous!!
ist - great news!!!

coco- adorableee!! She's so beautiful!

tooth - Not sure how much longer you can use it, but the swing is the greatest thing everrrr. We have the fisher price snugabunny swing and that thing has saved me from going insane.

KellyM - i never heard of the 234 thing. Is he able to stay up 4 hours?? I dont know if Ellie could do that.

We're having a rough time here. Ellie has been screaming and arching her back, especially during the last feed of the day. Luckily she's been sleeping ok the last 2 nights but her spit up color is yellowish now and I'm concerned something is wrong. We're going to see the pediatrician tomorrow... hope she doesn't have acid reflux!
Coco, adorable pics!!

IST, so excited for you and baby to be done with that harness. Please do post a pic tomorrow!

Does anyone's LO have a rash from drooling? Gabby is getting red patches under her chin(s) and neck from constantly drooling. I don't know what to do. I go through several bibs a day and try not to leave her in anything wet. Not sure what they do at daycare, however. Im not sure if I can put anything on it to help it go away. Anyone have any advice?
Sigh, Carter can't stay up for four hours and usually has another nap in the early evening or late afternoon but it's generally shorter than his first two naps. I don't strictly follow this rule but it does sort of help me know when to watch for tired signs and gives me a very loose idea of when he might nap. It is supposed to follow the natural rhythm of a baby's normal sleep pattern. Good luck with Ellie, hope you can figure out the yellow spit up thing. I bet it's nothing. :)

Chloe, Carter doesn't have a rash from drooling but sometimes his cheeks get chapped so I use coconut oil on them and it seems to work. You can try that or olive oil. It's a bit messy but is good for the skin.
Coco, adorable pics!!

IST, so excited for you and baby to be done with that harness. Please do post a pic tomorrow!

Does anyone's LO have a rash from drooling? Gabby is getting red patches under her chin(s) and neck from constantly drooling. I don't know what to do. I go through several bibs a day and try not to leave her in anything wet. Not sure what they do at daycare, however. Im not sure if I can put anything on it to help it go away. Anyone have any advice?

Ellie has had a rash on her left cheek and chin since Feb. It's eczema :( I've been putting aveeno baby eczema cream on it and it seems to keep it from flaring up or spreading too much. My ped said to use petroleum jelly.
Chloe, will she take a Binky? Nathan drools a ton as well but recently I've been better about putting his Binky into his mouth after he spits it (happens a lot) and it's controlled it quite a bit. Otherwise try doubling up on the bib - you'll still go through a ton of bibs but at least she'll be dry.

Sorry you're going through a hard time, Sigh. :hugs:

Coco: adorable!
Ack I forgot to say congrats Bean on LO rolling! That's so exciting and how lucky you got to witness it first hand! LO only rolled once when I wasn't looking and I'm pretty sure now it was a fluke as she hasn't done it since. She can only kick herself onto her side then gets stuck like that haha.

And IST - definitely want to see a picture of LO in her cute outfit out of the harness :) !

Just wanted to share this blog I stumbled upon whilst looking up ways to help baby strengthen core muscles: https://tripibabytips.blogspot.pt/ - there's a lot of cool tips on distinguishing different rashes, help with naps, ideas for stimulating play times, etc. I especially like the tips for reducing a low grade fever :)
Hi everyone! Lots going on here!

Bean - Congrats on Amber rolling. Ava sound like she's doing the same thing as Millie - kind of makes a half-hearted go, gets stuck in an awkward looking position and stays there :rofl:

Can't wait to see Cait out of her harness! At last!

Coco - gorgeous pics! We have been going swimming here every week since Ava was about 6 weeks, I think. There is no guidance in the UK that I know of to suggest waiting until 6/12 and we haven't had any problems, despite the amount of pool water she drinks! I have her in a thin sun suit over her costume (it's just got short sleeves and legs) but it seems to keep her toasty. She always sleeps so well afterwards too.

Tooth - sorry for the late reply. Ava sleeps 11 hours at night and 3-4 hours during the day (over 4 naps but the last is a catnap). Her awake times do increase slightly over the day too. No acrobatics here - she looks like she is out for the count and sometimes doesn't even move an arm between wakenings. Great news that Joseph can settle himself back to sleep. We're getting there too - she now sleeps 5-6 hours in the cot and the rest of the night with me, but not in full body contact anymore. It's slow, but it's progress!
coco, great website!

Thanks for the advice on rashes. I will try some oil and/or vaseline, and extra bibs, or at least changing them every 5 minutes instead of every 10!

Sigh, Sorry you hare having problems still. I hope it goes well at the pediatrician. Maybe they will give you some baby antacid to help if it is reflux.

bean, glad you have a roller! I can't wait for Gabby to roll. I keep showing her how, and she loves it when i roll her from tummy to back, but she can't quite figure it out on her own yet.

We have Gabby's neurologist appt tomorrow. Wish us luck! My dr was concerned about bones in her skull prematurely fusing together, which is why she sent us to a neurosurgeon, although the neurosurgen clearly was too busy for us, so we are off to a hopefully equally capable neurologist who will (i hope) tell us that her skull is still moldable and not fused (that would require surgery to open the skull back up..too scary to even think about)
Chloe, hope everything goes ok with Gabby!

I forgot to mention when someone was asking about nap advice: If Carter wakes up before he's been napping at least an hour I put him back to sleep. I have to rush in at the first sign of stirring before he wakes up too much though. If he wakes up too much then there is no putting him back to sleep but if I catch him early enough I can rock him back to sleep. It happened just now, he'd been napping about 45 mins when he woke up and I ran upstairs and rocked him back. I just learned this about him, but if I don't put him back to sleep and he has too short of a nap he's ready to go back down in another hour or so and then he just naps on an off all day. I tried letting him self settle but he just ends up waking up and won't go back to sleep if he wakes up all the way. Hope that helps, works for us. :)
Chloe good luck tomorrow!

Over here we had a horrible night, up every 1-2 hours. I'm so nervous because I start work tomorrow. Not sure how I will survive if he keeps that up.
daydream - could it be a growth spurt? :/

honey.bee thanks for the answer, I only read recently that we're supposed to wait until 6 months because of how thin baby skin is and how it absorbs the bacteria in public pools, but up until that point I never heard anything like this so :shrug: I'm really excited to start swimming, gonna hunt for cute swimsuits and swimming nappies hehe! got any tips for what to take to the pool? xx
We had the worst trip to the pediatrician!!! I got there at 10:15 right in time for her appointment and the receptionist tells me they have me down for 11:15. I told her they told me 10:15 and she told me to go wait in the room. After waiting an hour, I asked the receptionist how much longer and she said half an hour. I told her I've been here an hour already and she said well your appointment ws at 11:15 so you should've come then. No one came for us FOR 2 HOURS!!!!! Ellie was super cranky and FINALLY fell asleep in my arms and a few minutes later they come to get us and wake her up. Turns out she has a pretty bad ear infection. She has to go on Amoxicillan and I also found out that I have an infected wound (I had a cyst removed from my scalp in January) so I have to go on Keflex... paranoid about her taking amox and getting kelflex (through breastmilk). Dr said its fine but there's a chance of thrush argh!!! It's one thing after another over here. I'm seriously thinking of switching pediatricians. Love my doctor but the front desk people are )@*#)@*&#)(@*&$.
Oh sigh - sorry you had a rough visit :hugs:

Coco - we don't take anything swimming as we go to a special baby lesson. They have loads of things we use like floats, watering cans, bath toys and noodles. Our teacher has asked us not to put the babies in float suits/armbands as apparently this is not necessary if you are teaching them from such a young age? We use a suit like this: https://www.twobarefeet.co.uk/baby-swimming/baby-sun-protection.html which is brilliant for a bit of extra warmth (we stay in an hour sometimes and she is still not cold!). To be honest though, the bits she seems to enjoy most are floating on her back, swimming on her front and the nursery rhymes. Hope this helps x
Sigh I'm sorry you had such an awful appt. I find that I really like Cait's doctors and all of mine also but their staff (receptionists, nurses) are sometimes rude. I hope your next appt is a more positive one and I hope you and Ellie both get better soon!

Chloe good luck at Gabby's appt!

I myself had my yearly gyno appt. Not fun:wacko:

Here are some pics of Cait today and recently. The green onesie and Jeans with little pink shoes is what she wore out today, we were just playing with the tutu before we have to put the harness on for the night and Cait was eating it and playing with her feet (because she rarely sees them), and I though I'd throw in a few from the past few weeks of a tummy time we had while I was waiting for her harness to dry after she got poop on it :dohh:,and another is her just looking cute with her hair done!:flower: Some pics are better than others, she just moves sooo much and I'm always missing her smiles.

I hope you are all well!


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Oh Sigh that sucks! My OH would've had a few words by that point... it's hard enough planning around feeding/nap times, let alone when other people balls up like that.

honey.bee - I was already looking at a swimsuit just like that heh! I saw a baby swimming class on youtube and it looked like so much fun :) gah, now I'm getting excited!

IST - Oh my goodness she is beautiful! I can't believe the hair on her, she looks like a doll! So precious xx I bet she was loving it :)
Cait is sooooo cute!

Chloe, wishing you good luck at Gabby's appointment. Hope all is normal!

Sigh, that sounds like a horrible experience at the pediatrician. 2 hours is ridiculous. Regardless of whose mistake the time confusion was, if they knew they wouldn't be able to see you until 11:15 (or after as the case may be), they should have told you that! At least you could have gone somewhere to pass the time rather than sit around in their office.

I'm wondering how everyone is doing with tummy time now? Camden does great on the boppy and will hang out there for 15-20 minutes with no fuss, but if I put her flat on the floor she still only lasts a few minutes. On the boppy she holds her head and chest up really well because she's on an incline, but flat she really doesn't get her chest off the floor much, and she doesn't use her arms to support herself. We do a good bit of tummy time each day because of her torticollis - it helps strengthen her neck muscles and will help get rid of the head tilt, but I feel like I'm not seeing a whole lot of improvement with how high she can lift herself. When did your LO's start supporting themselves with their arms?

We have a big day on Thursday. Going to our second PT appointment, and then later in the day she's getting her cranial band. I bought some paint and flower stickers to decorate it and I hope to do that on thursday also because I'm pretty sure they allow it to be off more in the first day or two and then after that they have to wear it 23 hours a day, which doesn't leave much time for decorating. I hope she isn't too bothered by it, especially since she'll be at daycare all day friday, then she's spending friday night and most of saturday with my parents while OH and I are working.

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