***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

OMG Joseph is sooooo handsome!! What a cutie!!!!

So Ellie mastered rolling from her tummy to her back this weekend and now we can't get her to do tummy time because she just keeps rolling back. Atleast she finds it funny now instead of crying.

And for some good news... If my scale is accurate, Ellie gained 9 ounces in 6 days and is now 14 lbs. I hope she keeps it up! :) I've only been eating oatmeal and the oatmeal cookies (they have flax meal and brewers yeast in them). I stopped fenugreek completely last week and Ellie is vomiting less and is less gassy so I think she was having a reaction to it.

Here's a few of her 4 month pictures I took last week :)


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Thank you sigh! Ellie is as gorgeous as always! I still remember the video you put on if her first smile, it was so lovely it brought a tear to my eye!
Bean - I'm sorry to hear your sad news. My thoughts are with you and yours x

Tooth - Isn't Joseph getting even more handsome by the day? Gorgeous and what a lovely smile x

Sigh - Lovely pics too and congrats to Ellie for her clever rolling and a big yay! to your magic Mummy milk!

Ocean - Has DP come down off his high horse???
Right back at you Expat :hugs:. Hopefully Rosa recovers quickly and doesn't require that you fly out of the country.

Agreed, Joseph is a cutie!

Glad your LO is gaining weight Sigh, and that your supply is up.

Bean, sorry about your gran.

Nathan has been fussy all day and refuses to nurse. He's taking a bit from a bottle (which is something) but no where near his normal. The temp is finally under control, but the ped told me to stop all meds to see if the fever is gone for good…sigh.

This is what the spots looked like on day 2. The ones on his tummy are fading but are still bright on other areas.


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Bean, sorry about your gramma...
The LO photos are so cute xx
Joeliza, I understand where you are from with the fussiness....Rosa has such a stuffed nose it's hard to get her to nurse.
She still has a temp - low grade but still there....37.9
I tried using the nasal aspirator and she screamed, then DH got incredibly mad and said we shouldn't use it...tried to buy a humidifier but they don't have them so I am boiling water and leaving pots around the house to keep the air moist, while the a/c is on to keep it cool.
We leave to Australia tomorrow (was going to go anyway for her immunizations) on the 1.30 flight, and I pray that she's okay for the flight. It's a 3 hour flight to Brisbane so I will just give her tylenol an hour before we go, and then hold her and breastfeed the whole way -- if she latches on -- if not I will bring a bottle of milk and beg Air Niugini to let me board with it...or express on the plane in front of everyone if I have to. DH isn't coming with me, he has to stay here for work, so it will be yet another adventure just the two of us. I'm also getting sick but I don't give a darn -- maybe it will help if I am building antibodies that I can pass to her...
Please just keep sending prayers and thoughts; I am keeping calm with her, but DH and I are still not even talking directly to each other about anything other than Rosa's fever, and even then, things are so tense. I feel pretty alone over here.
Expat when I was doing research on flying with a baby I read (in more than one place) that you can take more breast milk on the plane than the regular 100ml restriction and the airlines are not allowed to refuse.
I'm so sorry to hear about all the sick babies :( I hope they all get better soon, poor sweethearts xx Sending warm fuzzies and wishes to your bubs.

LO's 4 month shots are today and reading your posts has got me worried! Her last shots went unnoticed and I was hoping this time would pretty much be the same.

Happy 4 month mark to all the babies who have passed it :) The photos are too cute! What beautiful babies! LO was 4 months yesterday. I can't believe 4th tri is officially over. It sounds weird to say I have a 4 month old daughter. She did something new yesterday too - she grabbed a toy, brought it to her mouth and happily chewed on it hehe.

I am feeling like crap right now. Have another bought of mastitis coming on. Woke up feverish with flu like symptoms and my left breast has been sore/bruised feeling since yesterday. I though all my breastfeeding problems would be sorted by now! Luckily since I have the appt. today with LO I can be seen and hopefully sort this out before it gets really bad.
Don't be worried Coco! They'll probably go unnoticed again. Especially if they give your LO the exact same shots. Mine got 4 individual last time and the combined ones this time. Even so, many babies can take the combined with no issues. You'll be fine xx.

Nathan's fever is gone for good!!! Thank God. The spots are fading as well :happydance:
Good luck in Australia, expat! I hope Rosa is feeling better!

Sorry to hear about the other sick babies :( Gabby now has a cough, and it tears me up just hearing it!

I am so confused right now. Got a call from neurosurgen saying that I would be wasting my time if i came in with Gabby because no one knows if she needs any surgery. My ped told me to see a neurosurgeon just to be on the safe side, even tho she doesnt think anything is wrong with gabby's head. Neurosurgeon said they would sedate her and get images of her brain no matter what if i came in. So i cancelled and made an appt with a neurologist who will not be sedating my baby. I thought this was just a reassurance check, and yet my ped wanted me to see a surgeon. I am so confused and upset by this whole thing. I don't see anything wrong with Gabby's head, although I am probably biased. Why must the healthcare system be so confusing??
I'm sorry to hear about the sick babies. Cait is still healthy but I know when she finally gets sick I will feel awful. We did have a little incident though. On Sunday Cait was flopping her arms around and she poked herself in the eye. It looked fine that evening but when she woke up in the morning it looked awful and was leaking so we took her to the urgent care and they said it looks worse than it is, it's only a scratch. I do have to put antibiotic ointment on her eye though just so it doesn't get infected. I was so so worry but I feel better now that she is ok.

Bean sorry to hear about you grandmother. My thoughts are with you and your family.

Ocean I'm happy that Oli is ok. I hope you feel better and you know that you aren't the first to have such a thing happen.

I hope those of you having problems with your partners can resolve the problems. I know it is stressful and relationships are hard to maintain after baby. DH and I have been fighting occasionally also.

I also cannot believe Cait is already 4 months. Time has been flying! I still haven't gotten my period yet, but I am anticipating it. I'm sorta worried it hasn't some back although it's kinda nice not having it.I'm only breastfeeding at bedtime now and will be stopping completely in about a week so that I can begin taking regular birth control and perhaps some anxiety medications as I've been having some issues in that department again.

Hope you are all well. Also loving the pics! We have some super cute snowflakes!
Sorry to hear about the sick LO's, get well soon everyone!

Bean- sorry to hear about your gran. :hugs:

Chloe - why exactly did your pediatrician refer you to a neurosurgeon? I can't remember what you said they were worried about? Sorry there is confusion, it can be so frustrating!

Is everyone having their 4 month vaccines right when LO turns 4 months? Right now our appointment is scheduled about 2 weeks after because I'm only off on Thursdays and that's the first thursday appt available with the doctor we usually see. When I scheduled it the receptionist didn't seem to think it would be a problem, but now I'm second guessing. Maybe we should just see a different doctor to get in sooner?
Scooby, gabby was 4 months 1 week when she got her vaccines, I wouldn't worry. Camden needs a cranial band, right? Did you see a neurosurgeon or a neurologist, or neither? The ped says gabbys head is a little more oval than most so she referred me to a neurosurgeon to get it checked out, but apparently that was premature and I was told to go to a neurologist instead.
Scooby, I wouldn't worry about being off by a couple weeks. I am doing a delayed vaccination schedule to spread out Carter's vaccines so you can really do it how ever you want to.

Chloe, hope you get it all sorted with Gabby's doctors. The healthcare system can be quite a confusing mess!

I took Carter to a baby story time at our local library today. He was way bigger than the 6 month old there and just the same size as the two other babies that were 8 and 9 months old! I guess I didn't realize how big he really is! He loved seeing all the other babies and it was really cool to chat with some other moms.

Carter has started doing swimming motions when on his tummy. It's so funny to watch. Anyone else's baby doing this?

He's still not interested in sitting much but he did sit up for a few seconds today while I was holding his hands.
Scooby are Camden's shots booked for the 9th of May? So are Amber's. Don't worry about it, the most important thing is that she's getting them.

Anyone struggling with nappies here? We only have a choice of regular pampers and premium pampers and regular Huggies and Huggies gold. We usually use regular pampers, which are fine except they sometimes leak at night. So we decided to try Huggies gold at night but the first night it leaked terribly! Its so frustrating because Amber is regularly sleeping through the night and I don't want to have to start changing her because she wakes up every time. And I have tried a few times and at those times her nappy was still dry!
Scooby, you can choose when to have the vaccines, it doesn't make them any less effective if done in longer intervals. We've delayed our vaccine schedule too, Millie will be having her 16w lot done at 5.5 months (around 6 weeks after the last set).
Thanks everyone, I think I'll just leave our appt as is. Bean, I think we're scheduled for the May 16th.

Chloe, yes Camden is getting a cranial band. We didn't see a neurologist or a neurosurgen, we went to Cranial Technologies, and all they do there is cranial bands. We already knew the reason behind the asymmetrical shape of her head (she favored looking to her left because of her torticollis), I wonder if an oval shape specifically is a concern for another reason and that's why they referred you?
We are finally getting our own home, we have been living with OH's dad for the past two years with has been rather difficult.
We were offered it yesterday and hope to sign on monday. Its going to be lots of fun moving with a 29month and a 4month old.
Great news cookie! I moved on my birthday with a 2 year old and a 3 week old, on my own as OH was working and couldn't get the day off! It wasn't too bad :haha:
That's great, Cookie! Hope you will all be very happy in your new home.
I would just like to say that I've found the best socks ever! Robeez (the same company that makes baby shoes) makes socks too, and they stay on! They're the only socks I have ever NOT had to keep pulling back up. Amazing!

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