***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Hi Scooby - we're doing a bit of both and seems to be going fine. I give Ava a purée at breakfast and lunch now and then some finger foods (fruit or veg) whilst we are having tea. She seems to like eating with us.

Sigh - good news on the infection clearing up and weight gain!

Ocean - forgot to say. Did you know that some councils offer incentive schemes for using cloth nappies?

Three words to describe my morning so far - prune blow-out :rofl:
Scooby, it definitely works doing a bit of both :thumbup: Amber was TW & BLW and she is a great eater now as a toddler. We will be doing mostly BLW this time with Millie but will help her out with spoon feeding when/if she ever has anything super sloshy :lol:

Nice Honey.Bee! Enjoy :haha:
ttc.lolly - thanks for the site, I thoroughly read through it last night and I'm super excited to start when she's ready :) I'm envisioning the looks and comments family will be giving us already... sod em!

I just came across this; 100 BLW Recipes - in case anyone is interested xx

Sigh - Aw poor thing, glad she's getting better from her ear infection. My sister had an ear infection when she was a few months old and my mum didn't know, we went on a plane and her little eardrums burst in the air! Argh just typing that made my ears hurt.

Scooby - Great news that the helmet doesn't affect her, the time should just fly by then, before you know it she'll be helmet free ;)
My sister had an ear infection when she was a few months old and my mum didn't know, we went on a plane and her little eardrums burst in the air!

OMG that SAME thing happened to me in 2003 on a plane. It hurt so much... I can't imagine what it was like for a lil baby to go through that kind of pain :(
I'm also curious as to how BLW would go with daycare. DH and I have been wondering what to do about that. We have a friend who tried it and daycare wasn't quite sure what to do with the fruit and veggie sticks she provided to them.

honey bee, LOL at prune blow-out!

sigh, glad everything is on the up swing!
Honey - thank you yes I've applied for my voucher :)

I'm loving the cloth nappies so think I'm going to stock up!

Breastfeeding is annoying me these days :( he's so wriggly, chomps down, turns his head, kicks, it's just not a lovely thing it used to be, it's a chore. Feel so ungrateful as I've had such good luck with it and no problems at all. I think when the teeth come ill wean him onto forumla or exclusively express.

Wrt BLW I'm definitely going down this route. Bought some bits yesterday in preperation such as the Tiny Diner for when out, sippy cup etc but one question, what if I make shepherds pie or risotto, how do baby eat that as its basically mush? Also what about porridge? I'm guessing with mushy food you would have to help baby?
Ocean I'm feeling the same way about breastfeeding. I'm trying to persevere til six months then I think we'll move over to just formula.
While reading some sites on BLW they all mentioned giving the spoon to baby for mushy food. Personally that just seems wrong to me because it takes a lot of co ordination for a baby to get a spoon with on it to their mouthes! For that reason we're going to be doing a mixture of TW and BLW.

Amber has been so clingy lately and its so unlike her. No sign of teeth but she chews on anything she can get her mouth on. She especially likes my finger! I didn't know someone with no teeth could bite so hard!!
Ocean, you can do a bit of spoon feeding along side BLW. My friend makes thicker porridge for her baby or makes it thick, pours it out on to a microwaveable plate in lines and zaps for a few secs and they go a little harder and like oaty finger biscuits! I haven't tried it yet but I'm going to give it a go. Giving the spoon is a good idea, just to get them used to holding one and what it's for, but I wouldn't expect a lot of food to go in their mouths with it :lol: although saying that, I know a few BLWers who have 9 months old who are more than capable of spoon feeding themselves :shock:

Have you tried Oliver with formula Ocean? When my uncle passed away a few weeks ago and I had to go up north for the funeral, we thought about giving Millie formula for the day to save me pumping enough milk on such short notice. We tried her several times (a couple of days before I was due to leave) and she point blank refused it, literally would not even entertain the thought! OH thought she'd take it if she was hungry enough but she kept refusing it at each feed and I wasn't going to let her go without anything to the point of total and complete hunger before she gave in, so I just buckled down and expressed! She obviously did not enjoy the taste :dohh: I initially was only thinking of bf'ing for 6 months, but after our little experiment it looks like that's no longer an option! I had changed my mind prior to this happening anyway and decided to do a full year. Good job really!
I know how you feel Ocean/Bean and of course it's your call but maybe hang on in there if you can, until LO starts weaning? I am definitely finding it less of a chore now we've started solids. I think it is because Ava is settling into a routine so her feeds are less frequent. Also, with DH enjoying feeding her, it does feel a little less "all on me".

Tooth number 2 about to make an appearance now. Aaaargh!
OMG that SAME thing happened to me in 2003 on a plane. It hurt so much... I can't imagine what it was like for a lil baby to go through that kind of pain :(

Ouch!! Yeah, mum says she screamed the entire time, poor bubs.

Bean/Ocean - I can relate. :/ Chomping down, jerking around, tugging and pulling. That and she's a really fast eater, a "long" nursing session would be 10 minutes, but it's usually 6 or 7 minutes of super speed nomming. My nips are so so sore. If I jump in pain or yell "OW" she thinks it's funny and does it again! Bless her though at the end she always looks up at me and smiles so lovingly.

I think, like ttc.lolly, I'm stuck with EBF. LO is rejecting bottles :/ what a mess I have got myself in :nope:

RE: BLW and spoon-feeding, I don't see why you can't do a bit of both, the only thing I have read is that if you start BLW then sometimes the baby will most likely just naturally reject being spoon fed as self-feeding is way more fun for them.

Arghh, good luck Honey.bee! Terrifying yet exciting nonetheless :)
Eek - sorry to double post, but I was cleaning up my pinterest and stumbled on this - had to share for the mummies with teething bubs xx


And the link, though the photo is pretty self explanatory. Mummy's milk popsickles :) (they recommend using only on 5/6 month olds and always supervising)
Wow, honeybee, two teeth already?! Cool! But painful and hard for you I bet too. Hugs

We are on a trip to Austin from our home in Colorado and the drive was two days. It's been rough on Carter, he's exhausted from it and I feel bad for him. I have a wedding to shoot here tomorrow so I had to do the trip. I'm nervous how he'll do for my parents while I'm away. It's the longest I've ever left him for and he refuses bottles. Occasionally we've had luck with a sippy cup so I'm hoping he'll take that. I'm nervous about how he'll go to bed as he usually boobs to sleep. Just going to try not to think about him and how he's getting on while I'm working and just focus on my job. It's going to be hard!
wow KellyM I can't even get Ellie to sit in a car for 10 minutes without screaming!! I'm shooting a wedding on the 25th and know exactly how you feel. I'm sending a medicine syringe with my mom incase she isn't able to get Ellie to drink from the bottle. I'm so scared that I'll be so worried about her that I'll screw up or be off my game. I'm also scared that I'll be engorged and won't have time to pump.... 8 hr gig eek. good luck today!

Ellie slept last night and I feel human again. She slept at 8:45pm, woke and fussed at 1 am, 2:30 am, 3:15 am and 4:30 am but put herself back to sleep each time. She then woke at 545 am for the day but babbled to herself until 6:15 ish. When I went to get her, I realized that I had left the ceiling fan on all night (and the temps dipped last night) so her hands were freezing cold... I felt so horrible that I brought her to our bed and fed her lying down and she fell back asleep from 6:55 to 9:15! This is the first time she's slept this long at night! I'm worried that I might be creating a bad habit of bringing her to our bed though.
You'll do great Sigh! Don't worry.

The wedding was awesome last night and Carter did well for my parents. They had a hard time putting him to bed but so do I so it wasn't much different from the norm. He actually drank from a bottle and took a pacifier! I'm so amazed! He drank many times and took all the milk I left for him. I was able to pump twice during the wedding so it worked out well. He did nurse three times last night after i got home though so I know he missed me. :) It was the longest I've been away from my baby, I missed him but I also missed my job a lot. I hope I can get more work soon, felt good to be back.
Oh, I forgot to mention that the one night I leave Carter for the first time and he rolls over back to tummy! I can't believe I missed it. It figures, the first time I go back to work and he does something like that. lol He's been practicing it all night so he has slept awful because he's just rolling and spinning around in his crib.
lol, Kelly, that's usually how it goes. They do everything when mommy is NOT looking! There are many more firsts to come and you will see them.

Cait is doing really well. We are working our way through all of the purees and she hasn't rejected any or had any reactions. She loves meal time and smiles as soon as she gets in her high chair and makes 'mmmmm' noises as she eats. We were working on a schedule but that has since gone wrong. She also seems to be sleeping worse and I'm trying to work that out. I also plan on moving her to her bedroom. If I don't do it soon I will surely do it once she is out of the harness in July. My problem is, she keeps rolling to her side to sleep, and that is fine by me, but I am worried that she will roll all the way over with the harness on and she won't be able to roll back. She is much less mobile with the harness on obviously and she still has to wear it at night until Mid July. Once she is harness free all of the time I think I will feel better putting her in her room so that if she rolls she can right herself. I still need to work on a schedule but I'm getting a bit more energy and feeling more confident so it's really only a matter of time I guess. Sorry about the rambling, I am in a hurry.

Hope you are all well!
Oh btw, coco, the paci-pops are adorable. Such a great idea.

I forgot to mention that I stopped nursing Cait at night and I'm finished with it. I already miss it but I'm happy that she nursed as long as she did, even though it wasn't her main source of nourishment. It's been four days and last night my boobs were a little leaky, but they are mostly empty as I'm not uncomfortable at all. I think I will be better at nursing my next child having had the experience with Cait and hopefully the next one will take to it easier but I will be more confident.

So happy and sad at the same time! My baby is getting so big!
Hi all! Wondering when everyone started putting LO in the jumperoo/exersaucer type toys? I got Camden's out last week and she seems to enjoy it for 15 minutes or so at a time. She does a little bouncing around, but is a little too short to reach most of the toys still.

I got an amazing deal on a Peg Perego Pliko stroller on Sunday, I'm so excited!! Found it at a consignment store for $79, and it looks brand new. I can't wait to use it!
Hi all! Wondering when everyone started putting LO in the jumperoo/exersaucer type toys?

Weird you mentioned it because I put her in it today for the first time! I have the fisher price rainforest one (my sister gave me hers) and ellie was on her tippie toes so I put one of those foam puzzle tile things under it so she can stand on her feed and kick a little more. She def likes it but she's in a clingy phase so she was done with it after 10 minutes or so.

KellyM - Glad it went well! Yay for rolling over!!! I'm sorry you missed it :( Ellie refuses to stay on her tummy since she hates it so I have no idea how we're going to convince her to roll on to it lol.

Ellie slept horribly last night. She was up 12 times. She would wake and cry/scream until we got her and then fall asleep in my/DH's arms within a few minutes. I finally fed her at 12 and she fell asleep, only to wake as soon as I put her down and decide that she wants to play. She would not go back to sleep until 2:30. It got so bad that I ended up pulling out a floor mattress and sleeping with her the rest of the night on that with my boob out (and she barely ate from it, just kept nibbling ever 45 minutes or so). When she's next to me she can sleep until 9 am but in the crib she sleeps until 5 am.
Sorry about your sleep troubles, Sigh. Hopefully they will be short lived. Babies cant be this needy forever! Hang in there!!

I put gabby in the jumperoo when she was around 3 months, although she didnt really start enjoying it until 4 months. Now at 5 months she absoltely loves it. I have to move it up one notch because she is already too big for the lowest level, but this level allows her to fully extend her legs while having her feet fully planted on the ground, so she practices standing that way, and of course she jumps around a lot. And she loves to spin the little ball with the beads in it. We have the rainforest jumperoo as well. got it second hand because i didnt want to invest the money if she didnt like it. Best investment!

Gabby still has no interest in solids. Just likes to put toys, fingers and toes into her mouth. I haven't actually tried purees, but i'm trying BLW so the apples, peppers, cucumbers that she has tried she just kinda makes faces and sticks her tongue out, and doesnt want to grab the food at all. I guess it will happen when it happens.

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