***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Coco, have you thought about babywearing around the house so you can get your housework done? It's sometimes the only way I get anything done at home!
Thanks for the recommendations, Lolly. Glad you found something that worked for you and Amber. To be honest, I've never really tried homeopathic remedies, but I know there are lots of Mums who swear by them. Ava has seemed to want to chomp on anything and everything so I have given her cooled teething rings, a cooled damp taggy blanket/flannel and also chilled her fruit purées which she seems to have been enjoying. As soon as I could see the tooth about to push through, I massaged her gums and this really seemed to calm her down, more than anything else actually. I think the worst bit was the pressure before it erupted. Now that the edge is partly through she seems less bothered and has slept pretty well the last few nights. I also have a nuby bubbler which a friend gave me so I might give that a go and report back!

Coco - I wonder if LO is teething? Ava was pretty clingy the week before (she's pretty clingy in the afternoons at the best of times) but I found putting her in the carrier and going about my jobs seemed to do the trick. She even napped a couple of times in the carrier which she always used to resist. I guess with so much going on developmentally, there will be clingy phases about now. We were given the wonder weeks chart at our baby group and if it is right, there is a sunny spell just round the corner!
Tess has a tooth pretty close to coming out I think! She's been chewing on everything for a while now, but it's getting more frantic! I find rubbing her gums calms her down a bit too.
Afm, I've been feel really sick and nauseaus for about a week now. Took a test, juuuust to be sure before I went to roller derby practice and it was negative - phew! Guess I'm just still getting over whatever we've all been sick with. If I was pregnant again, I'd be excitied, but I'd much rather wait for a while longer! One good thing is the OH has pretty much agreed on a third baby! (Going to try to get 4 outta him though, at least, lol!). We talked about the timing and such and he didn't say no, he just said he wants to wait until he gets a couple raisies at his job and we're more established. So excited!!
Juless, love the updated avatar pic of Tessa!

Expat, glad you are enjoying the sun!

Gabby has found her feet and won't let go now! She is constantly grabbing both feet and smiling away. And last night I put her to bed with her head at one end of the crib, and this morning, her head was at the complete opposite end! I have no idea how she did this, as she doesn't roll, doesn't sit up, and was in a sleep sack. anyone else have their LO do this???

Gabby has been in her own room since 2 months and has never known the difference. Good luck with the transition! It definitely helped mine and DH's sanity not being able to hear every little grunt.
Hugs to those of you with teething babies. I'm nervous for that milestone as Carter already sleeps badly.

Last night was ok though, only woke twice. I can't tell if he genuinely needs to eat or if he's just in the habit of it but he seemed to have had a good meal both times last night so I don't know... I swear he has a little alarm clock inside that goes off at midnight every night. It never fails, always at 12. I can't wait for the day he goes down to one night feeding or even sttn. It will be like heaven! But I do love nursing him anyway. :)

I second the carrier idea for you coco. When my boy was clingy and I need to get things done this is what I did all the time in the early days. He's too heavy for it now, kills my back at almost 19 lbs. He really likes the swing though. When I need to do dishes I will put him in his swing in the kitchen facing me and talk and sing to him while I clean. He is close to me and can see me and likes watching what I'm doing while he chews on a toy and swings away.
Chloe - H moves ALL over his crib during the night.. and he is swaddled!! I watch him on the video monitor and the way he does it is by putting his legs in the air and flinging them to the side. We still haven't broken the swaddle, but he is waking up with one arm out at least every morning. Maybe next week when we are in a clear sunny period in the Wonder Weeks we will try breaking it. He is getting very good at rolling back to front now, so want to avoid issues with the swaddle and that new skill.. we have a motion monitor, so I feel completely safe with him being swaddled.. but I think it's getting to be time.
Thanks for the suggestion ladies, I put her in the baby carrier and she calmed down immediately! She never liked it before so it was a bit of a shock. It doesn't have very good back support for me so I might have to invest in a good make (we bought this one as an afterthought for cheap).

I figured if I move her to her room at this age she shouldn't put up too much of a fuss. Thanks for the good luck :) And LOL at finding her at the other end of the crib... maybe your OH is messing with you? :haha:

Speaking of teething, I gave LO a cooled teething ring, but I think she still needs a little more practice grasping...

https://s1325.photobucket.com/user/cococobain/media/DSCF1311_zps5e2443f4.mp4.html :)

Oh and whoever said they were going with BLW - keep us updated when you start will ya? I just started reading up on it and I'm super interested, but a little bewildered on where I would even begin! xx
Oh Coco - that's adorable! That cute little licker!!! She found her fist though so I don't think she'll need too much practice.

Good news! Had Ava weighed today. 16lb 2oz - Catching back up with her centile!
Lil angel has had a white speck on bottom gum for like two weeks now but it ain't cut thru. Like lolly my Ella didn't cut her first tooth til she was ten in ahalf months old but in pain for months before. So I'm hoping angel cuts early n doesn't have the endless pain for.nothing coming thru. But @ the same time Ella's still cutting her teeth. So it will b a handful with both of them. Angel Co sleeps with me but when I put her on the floor she turns herself the opposite way. And she's been rolling from back to front And front to back lately. She. Lovesitting up and standing up. She also chews on everything. And yYes she chomps down on my nipple and turns her head. It hurts so bad but I think she does it when she gets distracted and when she's done. I haven't quite figured out how to pop her off when she does it as she always goes down with her face.
Thanks for the cloth nappy tips. I bought two bambino miosolos to try out and really love them as they're all in ones so very easy to use and wash.

Oli has been very clingy this week too, screams if he goes to anyone apart from me
Or my sister or mum!

Cot is not going too well, I've been putting him down at 8pm and he keeps waking up after 20 mins or so so have gone back to cosleeping until he's more settled.

His last vaccination tomorrow, the booster :)

Love the baby pics, gorgeous! And yay for first teeth! So exciting! No sign of any here but loads of fist chomping and dribbling so not far off I guess!
Hahaha Coco, that video is adorable and too funny! I think your chuckling in the background adds to the funny :rofl:

bbygurl, poor little Angel, I hope that tooth cuts through quickly :hugs: it's not nice is it when they take forever to come through.

Honey.Bee, great news on Ava's weight!

Well Millie is completely sitting unaided now, she went from sitting unaided but being quite wobbly still and not holding herself if she fell to the side (so faceplanting!) to hardly any wobbling and putting her arm out to stop herself from toppling over in literally a day! Amber was sitting unaided by 5.5 months so Millie's pipped her to the post slightly. Where's my baby going!? Here's a video from yesterday - please excuse my awful recorded voice :lol: I'm bunged up with a cold too so I sound extra odd. And yes Amber is sat right up to the TV. My bad :rofl: I'm ill, that's my excuse!

Oh and whoever said they were going with BLW - keep us updated when you start will ya? I just started reading up on it and I'm super interested, but a little bewildered on where I would even begin! xx

Sorry Coco, I forgot to reply to this. What did you want to know? We've started to introduce foods to Millie now and so far, so good. In fact, she's loving it! Here's some pics from today of lunchtime. She had a breastfeed right before and then chowed down on some wholemeal slices with a smidgen of marmite (vegetable extract spread, if you're not familiar with what that is!?) and some mango & banana fingers. It was exactly what her big sister had for lunch, so no extra work on me having to purée or faff about spoon feeding. She pretty much demolished the lot, I was left with some soggy mushed up ends to clean up and that was it. Success!

Big hugs to all teething/drooling/chomping babies :hugs:

Clever Millie! What a grown up girl. She looks very steady too. Hope you feel better very soon Lolly. I think it must be pure survival when you are I'll with two LO's.
Omg check out Millie!! Amazing she looks so grown up! Can't wait to start solids xx
Millie is adorable! I can't believe she's sitting up already - congrats! :)

I guess our biggest concern is what foods to start with and how big/small chunks we're supposed to offer. OH is worried she might choke (he also asked how can they chew without teeth - I told him if he ever felt the gummy bite of a breastfeeding baby he'd know they are perfectly capable!) We don't know of anyone who has gone this route before so it's exciting. Did you read any books/follow a blog or site on it?

I'm in no hurry to start solids though... not looking forward to stinky nappies!

ocean_pearl - does he nap in the cot during the day? sorry it's not working out, but if he's extra clingy/going through a spurt or ww then maybe postpone the transition until he's back to his normal self?
No advice on the clinginess Ocean as Millie is terrible for it. I can't leave her sight, not even for a second! When OH is home he can kinda distract her so I can make dinner, go the toilet etc, but when it's just me & the girls during the day I can't get anything done!

Ahhh thanks ladies :) coco, generally I'll just give her whatever it is we are having providing its not too high in salt/sugar but preferably none at all. This site has lots of info and great recipes to try out too; https://www.babyledweaning.com/ a good snippet from that site that explains blw and answers all your questions is here -
baby-led weaning is, it must be said, a somewhat cheesy term for just letting your infant self-feed. You cut food up into manageable sticks and offer it, they eat. It’s really pretty simple.

The key difference between BLW and traditional weaning, when you think about it, is in the order that children learn to eat. With a puree, they learn to swallow first and then chew, which works fine until they meet a lump. With BLW, the babies learn to chew first and swallowing might come some time later.

It’s ‘baby-led’ in the sense that you let them do what they need to do while they’re learning, and as the parent you resist the urge to get wound up in knots about how much they’re eating, whether they like the food you thought they’d like and whether it’s smushed into the nearest curtain. The main thing is… it’s all good clean (messy) fun.

If you fancy giving it a try, here are some tips from the parents who contribute to our lively Baby Led Weaning Forum

Have a good trawl on the internet for blogs, info and in particular video clips of BLW babies. Seeing little tiny 6-month-old babies demolishing their food and hearing the gasps of admiration from the proud parent behind the camera (and by parent I mean Dad. It’s always the Dad), will do your confidence the power of good.
Next, forget ‘baby food’. Food’s food, as long as you’re not adding salt. To start off with, think chip-sized because it’s an easy shape for little 6-month-olds to grip, but you’ll soon move on to smaller pieces as it’s more interesting for a child developing a pincer grip.
As a first food most people steam carrots (to about the degree that they can be smushed ‘twixt your thumb and finger), cut up cucumbers, make toast fingers or crinkle cut bits of mango, that sort of thing, but remember if there’s no reason whatsoever why your baby can’t have a pile of Spaghetti Bolognese or mashed potato to dig into if that’s what the rest of the family is having.
No bowls, they’re just asking to be flung heavenwards. Put the food on the highchair tray or table and remember, it’s all a learning experience for the baby at this point. They really don’t care whether the experience is ‘oooooh, mango is in my mouth’ or ‘ooooooh, a bowl is flying across the room’.
As an experienced eater yourself, you already have all the ‘equipment’ you’ll need to feed your child, but there are some things to consider. An easy-to-clean highchair is a must, so head to Ikea for a fifteen quid Antilop, which will even fit in the shower for a hose-down on a bad broccoli day.
There will be mess, oh yes there will, so if you are weaning in summer don’t be afraid to eat outside or semi-naked (and the baby too, if you like, hem hem) and for winter Ikea and Tommee Tippee make great cover-all and pelican bibs.
Putting a wipe-clean tablecloth under the highchair is a good idea if you have carpets and some people find that a crinkle cutter is handy to make food extra-grippable.
(Slightly bitter) experience suggests that the more effort you put into making something special for the baby, the less likely they are to eat it. Give them what you’re having. If they hate it, fine, they’re getting their calories from milk anyway.
Of course it would be perfect if we ate every meal as a family, just like the Waltons but this isn’t always possible. Try to keep your ‘social activity’ head on, though, even if it’s just you and your baby sharing a sandwich at lunch. Keep smiling, keep enjoying, keep paying attention. It’s just good manners at the end of the day, something it’s never too early for a child to learn.
Don’t get too hung up on three meals a day, it may take a while to work up to that. Whatever’s convenient and enjoyable for you is best.
And don’t put too much on the highchair tray at the one time, just a couple of pieces of food will stop them feeling overwhelmed.
Actual hunger can be frustrating for the babies when they’re still getting to grips (quite literally) with things. Timing ‘meals’ to between milk feeds seems to be best, and because it’s just finger food you aren’t limited to staying in. There’s no reason why you can’t pack a wee Tupperware with some carrot or cucumber, buy a banana when you’re out or just pull some bits out of an undressed salad.
Never put food into a child’s mouth, let them put it in by themselves so that they can control it as it moves backwards. If the baby gags, remember that it’s their way of moving food around in the mouth and don’t panic. Some parents have found that making exaggerated chewing faces and noises reminds the child to get back on track.
Nappies and their contents will soon fascinate you in ways you never thought possible. Raisins rehydrate, little pieces of still-green broccoli sneak through the digestive system and bananas produce poo with strange black threads. Look and learn, ladies.
Have a camera ready to capture those first gummy, carroty smiles because as daunting as it may seem, weaning is a very short time in your child’s life. So remember to enjoy it…
I hope that helps, but definitely check the site out. I follow a few blogs and ig accounts to with other tips & recipes, just give me a shout if you need any further links or info :)
Millie is sooo cute!!! I can't believe she's sitting up - thats great!!

Ellie had a follow up appointment today - ear infection is clearning up and she now weighs 14 lbs 10 oz (She was 13 6 on 4/8 so a big jump for her!). I can't figure out how we're going to teach her to roll from back to front because she has suddenly become SO clingy. She hated the Mobywrap but I tried it one last time this week and she loved it. She won't sit in her stroller so I have to wear her now when we go for our walks. She's also afraid of strangers and loud children (we had a FUN time dealing with all the crying this past weekend at my nephew's 4th birthday party). She did the cutest thign this week though...she started grabbing my face and giving me a kiss and making a "Muahh" noise :)

KellyM - I send DH to get Ellie during her 5 am feeding wake up because if he's able to calm her down fairly quickly then she probably isn't very hungry. She's been waking 11-2 ish and 4-5 am so I send DH to pick her up at the 4-5 am wake up and she falls asleep in a few minutes on him. He can sometimes get her back in the crib but he usually ends up holding her and sleeping until 6:30- 7:00 am. I read somewhere that eventually she'll get the point that the "kitchen is closed" at these times and either wake up at 7 or before 4 which is what we want.
Aww millie is so cute. Carter is sitting too but he braces himself with arms on the floor. Wont be long til he sits unaided I think.

Sigh I am reading Good Night Sleep Tight by Kim West and am going to try cutting down to one night feed when we get back from our trip. The book seems to have some good techniques so I'm going to give it a shot. Glad ellie is doung well!
Hi everyone! So much to catch up on! Wanted to say that Camden is doing great in her Doc Band and still doesn't even notice that it's there. We go for our first adjustment tomorrow.

I can't believe some of your babies are already sitting unassisted! They are growing altogether too quickly. I put Camden in the jumperoo for the first time yesterday, and she entertained herself for about 30 minutes. She didn't do a whole lot of jumping, just a little bounce here and there, and she fits down in the seat so far that it's hard for her to reach most of the toys, but she still seems to enjoy being upright.

I would really like to try BLW, but with her being in daycare I'm just not sure how practical it is for us. I wonder if we could do a little of each...some purees and some whole foods? Has anyone heard of this working?

Sorry to those who are still having sleep troubles. To whomever asked about moving baby to their own room, we did it at 5 or 6 weeks, can't remember now. It went extremly smoothly, that's when she stopped waking for feeds overnight. I missed her a lot the first few nights, but we all adjusted eventually.

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