***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Carter has a johnny jump up but he doesn't know what to do when we put him in it. He loves standing in it though and spinning around.

So on this road trip C decided after 5 months of never taking a pacifier that he would become a binky addict all of a sudden. He now cries for his soothie and took a bottle several times (the same bottle he's been refusing for 3 months). It's so weird! And he is now mobile by rolling all over the floor. I can't leave him on the floor anymore because he rolls away and gets into things he shouldn't. All in one week my husband will be so shocked at how much changed while we were away.
KellyM - Wow you have a smarty on your hands :) That's great news about the pacifier and bottle! You got me thinking now about child proofing our place.

Has anyone started child-proofing their home for safety? I'm not sure where to start but definitely need to, especially since our place has an open floor plan. I figured gates for stairs, outlet covers, and securing cabinets in the kitchen. My friend told me to get one of those circular pen gate things because she went to the bathroom and came out to find her son chewing on the dog's toy. (LOL)
I haven't yet baby proofed but I am starting as soon as I get home! Getting on my hands and knees to check out the tempting hazards.
No jumperoo or anything yet here due to the hip troubles but the doctor did say that once she is out of the harness I can put her in them as long as her feet touch the floor so I'm keeping fx'd because I know Cait would love to jump. She just loves moving so much!

As for baby proofing, we are going to play it by ear. I babysat my uncle's baby from the age of 3mos to a year 3 times a week so I have an idea of what I need to change in my house but I'm not going to do it just yet. Cait is only just rolling around the floor and beginning to sit without help so as soon as she starts moving I'll start putting the locks on the cabinets and then go from there. I'll keep an eye out for any other hazards obviously as she becomes more mobile, but luckily I had no issues with the other child being here as I had time to supervise so I'm hoping it'll be much the same.

I hope you are all well!
Hi ladies!! DH surprised me yesterday by asking me to really consider stopping bf at 6 months instead of a year (as I had hoped). His view was that if we want another baby it might be good to try early, since it took us 1+ year to have Rosa and I am already 35. Since we are EBF I have had no sign of my period, so who knows when it will start again...
Anyone else thinking of this? Is there any chance I could start ovulating while BF and introducing solids at 6 months? Everything I have read seems to point to no on this....
And brava/bravo to all the clever mover and shaker babies!! Rosa just learned how to grab her feet...we are nowhere near rolling from back to front, and have only done front to back a few times...
Hi ladies, Im back again !!
I'v been so busy with everything ..seriously no time and just too lazy to go on the laptop .
Hope ya'll been doing good and the babies!
Yahya is 21 weeks i think?! Goodness cant even remember my son age but he is definitely 5 month! Times goes sooo fast!

Hope the snowflakes babies are doing all well and good.
I will read later what you girls have been talking about!
Expat - We're actually NTNP/TTC now and I am charting to see what is going on with my cycles. There are two threads you might like:
My period came back at the end of March despite EBF (I think because I had a day at work where I had to pump) but I'm still on my first cycle which is very looooong and looks anovulatory :(
It's a personal preference, of course, but I want to continue to BF Ava for the first year. I didn't want to compromise this by TTC but I honestly don't think I/you will need to. I think that as you introduce solids, you will find that your cycles return - that's why LAM is only described as a method of contraception for the first 6 months and if you are EBF regularly and your periods have not returned.
Omg Honey you're brave! Lol I'm terrified of having another just yet (not sure why!) but lovely for you, they'll be so close x
Eek Honey.bee that's so exciting! And I agree - you are brave! You too expatttc! Hopefully you can still continue BF as you had decided before without it interfering xx Excited for you both :)

We've been talking more and more about me getting back to work here. I was unemployed a few months before I found out I was pregnant so I haven't had a job in over a year and a half. I know someone who works at the airport who could get me an interview, the pay is good with benefits, honestly it's a notch up from the crappy jobs I've had in the past and we really need the money. I'm just so gutted about working full-time and missing out on my baby. I started crying when we were talking about it and how I'd have to give up breastfeeding (I can't pump to save my life and we can't afford a fancy automatic pump atm). Today I started researching combi-feeding and I really like the idea of BF at least in the mornings, nights and weekends.

Working mummies - how long did it take to adjust before it got easier? Also, has daycare scheduling (set naptimes etc) interfered at all with your LO's routine or did your babies adapt quickly and continue to sleep the same at night? Thank you xx

As for baby-proofing - we're going to completely baby-proof top to bottom the nursery (keep it her designated "independent play" room) and then do the basic proofing (cabinet locks, fixing furniture to walls) and play it by ear with the rest of the house/supervised play elsewhere.
Brave or insane - one of the two, I guess :rofl: Might as well get the crappy pregnancy sleep done before I remember how good it is to have s full night's sleep! My brother and I are only 14 months apart and I loved growing up with a ready-made friend at home. We'll see. If it works out, then great. If not, we'll have to leave it a bit as I will need to relocate my work....

Coco - could you work part-time? A gradual introduction might make it easier on you emotionally, if you can afford to do so? I've aleays worked full time but I'm hoping to go back 3 days/week and then build up to 4. As for the pump - are there second hand shops/websites you can use? Might make it a bit more affordable? I have bought loads of preloved things for Ava. If not, the combi-feeding sounds like a good compromise x
I sometimes think of having another soon and then I change my mind. This is a clear sign to me that I am not ready to make any decisions in that area so I'm leaving it until I can make up my mind and then I'll surely have to convince DH and go from there. One of the thoughts I had was waiting until Cait's 1st birthday and then TTC. The only thing is, it took us 6 months to conceive Cait and I don't want another December baby, so I'm unsure. It'll all work it self out I suppose. Congrats and good luck to those of you trying for another so soon! I concur, you are brave!

Coco good luck getting a new job. I know you and lo will adjust just fine. Best of luck and:hugs:
Honey.bee - I was hoping I would have the option to look for something part-time, but the months have been getting scarier and scarier and OH is just barely getting us by. To make the transition less of a "shock" I was thinking about putting her in daycare a couple hours here and there once I start going for interviews so the both of us could get used to being apart. Hopefully once I see how nice the ladies there are and that she's happy then it won't hurt me as much to work full-time.

We regularly pick up previously loved items for LO, but I'm worried about how hygienic using someone elses pump would be :/

I totally get the desire to have babies close together btw, my sister and I are two years apart and she's my best friend.

Thanks IST - I'll take that hug :)
Yes, all you ladies thinking about TTC are very brave! It's still all too fresh in my mind for me to think about having another one. I'm not sure if we are going to ever have another but I also wasn't sure about having one in the first place and I changed my mind about that so I'm betting I'll want another when Carter isn't a baby anymore and I've forgotten how horrible pregnancy and labor was. :haha:

Dear lordy it is getting so difficult to put Carter to sleep these days. I'm starting sleep training soon, just have to hash out a plan with dh. Carter is getting super fussy for naps and bedtime. Took two hours of crying last night and rocking, shhhing, patting, walking, singing, nursing or pacifier did not help. I think he might be teething or something but his gums look just fine so idk...:shrug:

Coco, I second the idea of getting a pump second hand and sterilizing it. It should be just fine. I was given my pump used (by my sister only but still it was used) and I just washed it well and it works great. But, combi feeding would be nice too. Your baby will be so happy to see you when you come home and get to nurse. I'm looking to go back to work here too, under pressure from dh and my mom and I'm dreading it. I don't want to leave my boy or get a job either! I was hoping to just do photography but I don't have enough business yet so I am being pressured to get this cleaning job working for my mom's friend and I hate the idea! :(
Wow gluck to those ttc! We won't start until her first birthday but probably later. DH wants 3 kids so we're debating whether or not to jsut get it all done with quickly or space them out.

We are starting solids this weekend. I don't think my milk is cutting it anymore and she makes smacking noises when we eat so I think she's ready! I tried giving her formula one night and she refuses to take it.

KellyM- Have you taken him to the doctor? We had a great night Saturday night where she slept 9 hrs straight, and then a HORRIBLE Sunday, Monday and Tuesday night. She was up 12+ times and on Tuesday I tried to co sleep with her and nurse her to sleep and she would not sleep. She was up from 1:30 AM to 6:00 AM... I was ready to jump off a bridge and called my doctor. It turns out she had a cold (with no symptoms, although she sounds stuffy when she cries now) and her gums are a little swollen and her right eardrum is a little red again. I put the humidifier on and put a few saline drops in her nose before bedtime last night and she only woke 4 times (a few months ago I would be complaining about 4 times but after those 3 nights, 4 times is great!). We've decided to sleep train her as well... it's getting way too stressful trying to get her to sleep sometimes and she cries every night anyways! I haven't been able to sleep properly because I'm so anxious and stare at the monitor all night afraid that she's going to wake up. We're not going to totally Cry it out... thinking of doing the pick up put down technique but leaving the room for a few minutes in between. We both took the week of 20th off from work to try this... hopefully it works!! She wakes up so much when we put her down at night or after feedings so our goal is to help her fall back asleep on her own if she's jostled awake. I found this great post on sleep so it's helping us develop a plan: https://community.babycenter.com/post/a5417415/how_to_successfully_teach_a_baby_to_sleep_-_3rd_ed
Coco, I went back to work at the end of Feb when Gabby was 3 months. They don't have set nap schedules for the infant room (under 12 months) so nothing got interrupted with her. She slept the same at night after starting daycare as she did before, and she was young enough to not have any separation anxiety. Mentally, it took me a couple weeks to adjust to not seeing her. I actually welcomed the relief at first. Work was like a nice break for me! But I still miss her while i'm at work.

Good luck to everyone who is going to try sleep training! I can't even imagine what I would do if i had to wake up multiple times at night. Last night was the first time in a long time that G woke us up at midnight and then 5:30 after going to sleep at 8 and I thought that was bad!
Sigh, he does have a bit of a cold but no fever and it seems to be the tail end of it. Could be why he is fussy but he's had colds before and was never like this so I'm not sure. He wants to chew on EVERYTHING even more so than usual. I hope he's not feeling bad. If his runny nose doesn't get better soon I'll take him in. He has an appointment next week anyway so hoping he clears up by then so he can get his shots. I have editing to do and my mom is watching him right now and he's pretty fussy still! Poor lil' guy!
Kelly, have you tried giving him some baby tylenol to see if that helps him out? Maybe he is in pain from teething and they just haven't broken through yet? Could be worth a shot, at least at night, to see if it helps him sleep?

For any US moms who may be looking for a good babywearing option, I have seen on Facebook from a lot of moms in various states that Marhsall's and TJMax have last year's Ergo for $60 (They are like $100+ anywhere else). I just went to my local marshalls and got the last one there, and sure enough, $60. We tried it out yesterday and i LOVE it. it doesn't feel like i'm lugging around 17+ Lbs when I put her in it. So great for my back.
Coco, remember that insurance can sometimes cover pumping if you can get a note from your Dr….I also remember that some hospitals had a rental scheme that was considered affordable if you’re interested...might be an option?

Regarding sleep, we are also having issues! I’m trying to read the no-cry sleep solution book but ironically, my reading time is when she’s awake now. lol….Rosa’s wanting to go to sleep later but still waking for feeds every 2-3 hours AND having a big chat session from around 4-5 every morning. I love listening to her, but at 4 am, it’s hard to then have the energy for the day. I was also thinking of taking on a few more short term consults from home (I did one when she was 2 months old for IFRC), but with sleeping like this now? No way that I could focus…

On the Ergo, we found one here for 60kina - which is $30. I couldn’t believe it. It’s even the real thing (so far as I can tell) not counterfeit so I bet one of the import companies got them from a shipment and have NO CLUE what they are, so they’re selling them so cheap. The only thing affordable in PNG!!!! Yaaaaay! Can’t wait to try it out!!!
Expat, it's totally possible to ovulate whilst bf'ing and chances are more likely once you start giving Rosa solids too :) I know 4 ladies on BnB well that are all pregnant (or have been) and breastfeeding. One is currently pregnant with her fifth and still feeding her 4th son! Good luck hun :flower: and you too Honey.Bee!

Sorry I've been AWOL ladies, we've had a busy week. DD1 found the back of an earring that I'd lost (the butterfly, except not the usual butterfly shape - it was just a round metal back around 1cm long) and she poked it down her ear canal :wacko: she had to go to hospital and was very close to being put under to have it taken out as she downright refused entry to anyone who came near! Luckily a lovely and very patient nurse came to the rescue with a teddy and some bubbles and they managed to fish it out. Oh you mummies have soooo much to look forward to when your cute little babies turn into crazy, mischievous toddlers!

Millie had her last lot of jabs on Thursday and they've really knocked her for 6 :( she's grouchy, restless, not feeding great and extra extra clingy. My poor girl :( she seems a little better today thankfully.

Just a quick stop by on my phone whilst I have a spare 5 mins, will try catch up properly tomorrow. Hope everyone's well x

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