***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Scooby what a lovely pic of Camden and great grandma! SO adorable and Cait has the same dress.

bbygurl beautiful pics!Your girls look a lot like their mama!

We haven't had too many diaper leaks but get them occasionally...I'm hoping it doesn't become a habit. Cait is sleeping fair lately. It's really a hit or miss but she usually doesn't wake more than twice so I guess that's better than 4+ times. I'm trying to keep her on a schedule but I'm just so tired some days I let it slack a bit. A few good nights rest does not make up for 5 or more months of interrupted sleep. I'd love to get on track so I could have more time for things...Otherwise we're ok.

Hope everyone is doing well!
Tooth we're also not having much luck with porridge. I'm leaving it for a bit but Amber is so interested in our food. I'm thinking of trying some puree instead of porridge.
I had a problem with leaking nappies a while back. And we don't have a whole lot of choices like night time nappies etc. But now Amber hardly wets her nappy at night. I'm a little concerned about it but she's gaining 150-200g a week and sleeps from 9pm to 6am without waking up.

I think I'm going to completely stop breastfeeding soon. Amber is clamping her gums on my nipple and then either pulling her head back or turning it down. It is SO painful. And she is doing it all the time. I checked that I still have milk and its flowing fine so don't know why she's doing it.
I think I'm going to completely stop breastfeeding soon. Amber is clamping her gums on my nipple and then either pulling her head back or turning it down. It is SO painful. And she is doing it all the time. I checked that I still have milk and its flowing fine so don't know why she's doing it.

Ellie was doing this frequently at one point. It turns out she had a cold/ear infection. She still does it occasionally if I talk while she's eating (if she gets startled) or if she's drinking and suddenly turns her head to look at something.
Joseph also does this but it's usually when he's tired and fighting against feeding. It's gonna hurt when teeth come in!

Bean someone said here and I also have read that is important for breastfed babies to have some cereal intake as its fortified in iron. Formula milk also is but breast milk doesn't contain enough for babies after 6 month especially if you were anaemic during pregnancy which I was. So I worry about him not having cereal.

A terrible night for us. Up 7 times with him. Once he just wanted to be aware chatting for over an hour! I'm shattered. I did wonder how many other snowflakes mummies were also awake with us at 3am!!
Toothfairy, Lewis and I were awake at 3am infact I think we were up most the night lol
Bean someone said here and I also have read that is important for breastfed babies to have some cereal intake as its fortified in iron. Formula milk also is but breast milk doesn't contain enough for babies after 6 month especially if you were anaemic during pregnancy which I was. So I worry about him not having cereal.

I'm 99% sure that's not the case, I think breastmilk is supposed to be far superior to the iron fortified stuff they sell.

Why not use iron supplements as a protective measure for every baby?

The iron in breastmilk is bound to proteins which make it available to the baby only, thus preventing potentially harmful bacteria (like E.coli, Salmonella, Clostridium, Bacteroides, Escherichia, Staphylococcus) from using it. These two specialized proteins in breastmilk (lactoferrin and transferrin) pick up and bind iron from baby’s intestinal tract. By binding this iron, they
1.stop harmful bacteria from multiplying by depriving them of the iron they need to live and grow, and
2. ensure that baby (not the bacteria) gets the available iron.

The introduction of iron supplements and iron-fortified foods, particularly during the first six months, reduces the efficiency of baby’s iron absorption. As long as your baby is exclusively breastfed (and receiving no iron supplements or iron-fortified foods), the specialized proteins in breastmilk ensure that baby gets the available iron (instead of “bad” bacteria and such). Iron supplements and iron in other foods is available on a first come, first served basis, and there is a regular “free-for-all” in the baby’s gut over it. The “bad” bacteria thrive on the free iron in the gut. In addition, iron supplements can overwhelm the iron-binding abilities of the proteins in breastmilk, thus making some of the iron from breastmilk (which was previously available to baby only) available to bacteria, also. The result: baby tends to get a lower percentage of the available iron.
I got that off kellymom, here's the link: https://kellymom.com/nutrition/vitamins/iron/

I think she mentions about mums who were anemic during pregnancy also, as I read that's your main concern. I mean, if baby likes it than great, but if he's refusing the cereal then I don't see the harm in bypassing it and offering pureed solids instead :)

I also read someone saying they stopped selling huggies in the uk - why is this I wonder?? Just recently they stopped selling huggies out here too (I live in portugal) I was gutted! I'm contemplating making the switch to cloth atm, but for a while huggies were my favourite brand (especially the newborn ones with the yellow strip that turned blue if baby peed, those were awesome in the beginning) :shrug:

Aww scooby, the picture with the grandma is too precious! I love baby and grandma pictures :)

Bean - hugs! I know how it is... Mia has ALWAYS done this. She tugs and pulls the first half then chews the rest. Thankfully she only takes about 7 to 8 minutes to breastfeed so I just bite down and wait for it to pass. The only time she nurses peacefully is at 4 in the morning :dohh: Do you think maybe she is distracted?
Bean, it's likely a phase that will pass. Carter is getting better about that. For awhile he was so distracted during nursing that he ate poorly and wriggled about with my nipple in his mouth (ouch!). He seems to be back to normal lately though. It was about a month of struggle during nursing and the only time he ate well was at 3 am.

Last night Carter slept 7:45pm to 11:30 and woke for a shush pat, right back to sleep until a feed at 4 am and then slept til 6:45 am! Wow, that was an amazing night for us. He only ate once which is awesome! Hoping we are coming out of this regression.

Anyone else's baby sleeping on their tummy now that they can roll? Carter rolls onto his tummy and it freaks me out because he smashes his face into the mattress. I guess he can breathe but I always go in and turn his face more sideways because it makes me nervous.
scooby - cute pic! she is an awesome baby! Ellie is starting to get better in the car but we barely go to DH's parents house because she can't handle the 2 1/2 hr drive.

KellyM - YAYY Go C!! Sleep makes you feel human again doesn't it :)

Ellie has been waking up again and sounds a little sniffly. I hope she isn't getting a cold again. I have no idea where she could be getting it from... we haven't had visitors (except for yesterday), we don't take her out that much and DH and I are fine. Ellie woke at 9, 10, 1130, 1230 (fed), 200, 330 - DH went and held her for an hour and then put her in the crib at 430 and she woke immediately, 515, 605, 620. DH basically didn't sleep after 330. My cousin has an almost 8 month old and she is sleep training him (using a ferber like method). She visited my parents on Wednesday night and I got a first hand look at what it's like. She did her bedtime routine, fed him, and then put him in his pack and play to sleep at 7 pm with a few small toys. She said good night and came downstairs with the video monitor. He whined, then cried, then screamed (scream... pause look around... scream) and then he played for 10 minutes and fell asleep. He only cried for about 10 minutes on and off and was asleep within 20. Her son was a cat napper like Ellie and she said she nap trained him first and now he sleeps 1.5 hrs in the morning and 2-2.5 hours in the afternoon. He is such a happy baby too. I know we have to do something for Ellie because she only sleeps about 10-12 hours a day (including naps) and always seems exhausted but doesn't want to sleep. She cries so much when we try to get her to nap or sleep for the night... it breaks my heart. DH is pushing ferber but I'm not 100% on board yet. My supply also tanked again despite the fact that I eat oatmeal everyday. We tried giving her formula but she won't take it so for now she's just getting BM and solids 3 times a day. Sorry for the long babbling post... feeling really down over here.
Oh sigh! Big hugs. Sounds like a tough time. Joseph's also a car napper and have been having a few weeks of bad nights too. Not as bad as your night last night though. But I can identify with having a tired grumpy baby!

Not sure of the sleep technique you mentioned but I've bought the no cry sleep solution and the no cry nap solution books by Elizabeth pantley. To be honest I've flicked through them but don't seem to find time to read them as Joseph is always awake!!!! They are a bit gentler than the controlled crying if you don't fancy it.

Thanks got the link coco I'll look into it.
Not sure of the sleep technique you mentioned but I've bought the no cry sleep solution and the no cry nap solution books by Elizabeth pantley. To be honest I've flicked through them but don't seem to find time to read them as Joseph is always awake!!!! They are a bit gentler than the controlled crying if you don't fancy it.

Tooth - my friend read it and sent me her notes so I just sent them to you via a PM. Its pretty much what we're doing now, except for the fact that I can't seem to break the nurse to sleep cycle. Last night was the worst... I fed her and she wasn't able to fall asleep because the milk stopped flowing and screamed until she fell asleep. I let her eat/suck for 45 minutes and I'm pretty sure she's getting enough (she has 4-6 wet diapers) but she isn't satisfied poor thing.
Thanks sigh! Sounds useful but a challenge!! I had seen something in the book about babies sucking to sleep. But you've kind of mentioned it in your message. I had a quick look to see of I could find detailed into this is best I could find got you. You've probably tried it but here it is anyway!! https://www.pregnancy.org/article/when-your-baby-wakes-frequently-feed-pantley-pull

I think honey bee had some success with it. I don't have any advice about milk flow. Maybe she's feeding lots to try build up more supply if she's having a growth spurt or needs more? Sorry I can't help. Do you have a lactation specialist or similar you can contact for advice?

I just keep reminding myself that this doesn't last forever!!!
Sigh :hugs: seems like your having a hard time, hopefully nothing will come of the sniffles.

Lewis had a shocking night last night, after all the work we went to training him to self settle, he seems to have forgotten how :dohh: and is back to waking every hour and staying awake for ages and not going down with out a screaming match :shrug: I think he might be away to start a wonder week though, week 26? Is that one?
But then this morning we went to baby sensory, it was teddy bears picnic today....we both had tons of fun! And Lewis rolled back to front during class ( first time if you don't count the time I was trying to nap. Him in his cot and he was having a tantrum about it and accidentally rolled:dohh:), I got such a surprise I said rather loudly to my friend 'did you just see that' which interrupted a class and ended in him getting a round of applause from the class..........he been so close for ages, been rolling front to back from 14 weeks. He then did it another 4 times in class :happydance: now to master sitting up lol
Thanks sigh! Sounds useful but a challenge!! I had seen something in the book about babies sucking to sleep. But you've kind of mentioned it in your message. I had a quick look to see of I could find detailed into this is best I could find got you. You've probably tried it but here it is anyway!! https://www.pregnancy.org/article/when-your-baby-wakes-frequently-feed-pantley-pull

I think honey bee had some success with it. I don't have any advice about milk flow. Maybe she's feeding lots to try build up more supply if she's having a growth spurt or needs more? Sorry I can't help. Do you have a lactation specialist or similar you can contact for advice?

I just keep reminding myself that this doesn't last forever!!!

Yep, I do this now. I haven't had any luck holding her chin (that only seems to wake her more) but it works if I remove and rock her. However, it only works if she's asleep. I've tried when she's drowsy and it jolts her awake and then she nurses vigorously expecting a let down and gets really mad when there is none...
Thanks for the encouragement everyone! I think if I'd been lucky enough to exclusively breastfeed I'd be inclined to persevere but Amber is still such a poor feeder that the formula has taken over as her main source. I'm not sure if she's chewing because she's distracted but I did notice she chews on the bottle teat in the same way. Anyway.
I have Amber a bit of banana this morning and she was definitely more interested in it than rice cereal. This evening I have her the cereal with a bit of banana mixed in and she did have a little.

Big hugs sigh! You are so strong just to still be surviving all this!

As for the iron thing -I'm so tired of contradictory information. Everything I've read so far has said that they are born with a supply of iron but this is usually depleted by 4-6 months and that's why we're encouraged to give iron fortified cereal or iron rich food because breast milk isn't giving enough. This doesn't really affect me because I know Amber is getting the iron she needs from her formula but annoying for those EBF.
Sigh and tooth and all of those not getting much sleep, I know what it's like, so big hugs.

Bell, Cait sometimes forgets how to put herself to sleep, or self soothe also. It seems like every few days she'd rather cry until I intervene or rock her/ feed her to sleep. It's annoying on one of those nights you're just ready to drop.

Bean I'm sorry to hear you are considering stopping BF. I stopped completely about 1 month ago. I still miss that closeness with Cait but it was for the best and because she was only getting a little here and there I thought it best to just stop and give her the bottle instead. She is still a finicky eater but she's doing well. And on the plus side, I can now take allergy meds and anxiety meds if needed because I don't have to worry about my breastmilk. I miss it but it's good for us just the same. I hope, if you do stop, you will feel ok about it too.

Last night Cait slept in her crib, out of our room! I had to feed and rock her to sleep but when I put her down she didn't wake up. I gave her a muslin blanket and she slept on her side (can't roll over with the harness that she still wears at bedtime). I turned the monitor on and took it with me to bed. I was so nervous and it felt so strange not to have her 2 feet away. It's definitely a change we would need to make eventually anyway so the sooner the better I suppose. I'm so torn about it, just like stopping breast feeding. She did pretty well though, better than I did. She tends to flop about in her sleep, I think because she doesn't get too comfortable with the harness, which woke me many times and I had to go in and check on her. I slept awful but she only woke at about 250 am, drank about 4 oz, and slept until about 830 am (she went to bed at about 1130). Not so bad. Hopefully I can get her to go earlier tonight any maybe not wake for that nighttime feeding. Then we can work on her putting herself to sleep in the crib as she did in the bassinet in our room.

I hope you are all well.
Sigh, sorry you are feeling down!

Carter slept so horribly last night and I think he is coming down with a cold too. We all have it so it was bound to happen. He napped so much today probably because he didn't sleep well last night and isn't feeling well today either. I was out babysitting for someone last night so dh had to put him to bed and he cried off and on for two hours until finally dh took him for a drive and he slept in his car seat. I'm realizing he has a serious boob before sleep addiction. I don't nurse him to sleep anymore but he still needs it before bed or he won't settle sometimes.
So C started feeling worse today and was super fussy. He then broke out in a rash all over his body and now has a fever along with it. My poor baby! Now, I'm stuck over here babysitting for this friend of a friend while my dh and lo are home. I hate not being home right now while my poor baby is sick! We called the dr. and are keeping an eye on him but his fever is low enough that she just said to keep him cool and hydrated, not much more we can do. My poor baby :cry:
Sigh and tooth and all of those not getting much sleep, I know what it's like, so big hugs.

Bell, Cait sometimes forgets how to put herself to sleep, or self soothe also. It seems like every few days she'd rather cry until I intervene or rock her/ feed her to sleep. It's annoying on one of those nights you're just ready to drop.

Bean I'm sorry to hear you are considering stopping BF. I stopped completely about 1 month ago. I still miss that closeness with Cait but it was for the best and because she was only getting a little here and there I thought it best to just stop and give her the bottle instead. She is still a finicky eater but she's doing well. And on the plus side, I can now take allergy meds and anxiety meds if needed because I don't have to worry about my breastmilk. I miss it but it's good for us just the same. I hope, if you do stop, you will feel ok about it too.

Last night Cait slept in her crib, out of our room! I had to feed and rock her to sleep but when I put her down she didn't wake up. I gave her a muslin blanket and she slept on her side (can't roll over with the harness that she still wears at bedtime). I turned the monitor on and took it with me to bed. I was so nervous and it felt so strange not to have her 2 feet away. It's definitely a change we would need to make eventually anyway so the sooner the better I suppose. I'm so torn about it, just like stopping breast feeding. She did pretty well though, better than I did. She tends to flop about in her sleep, I think because she doesn't get too comfortable with the harness, which woke me many times and I had to go in and check on her. I slept awful but she only woke at about 250 am, drank about 4 oz, and slept until about 830 am (she went to bed at about 1130). Not so bad. Hopefully I can get her to go earlier tonight any maybe not wake for that nighttime feeding. Then we can work on her putting herself to sleep in the crib as she did in the bassinet in our room.

I hope you are all well.

Allergy medicine is also something I'd like to be able to take properly again! I keep getting sinus infections because I can't take enough medicine to clear up my nose!! I think I'm going to push through to six months and then start to reduce it
Good on you for trying Cait in her own room. I've been thinking about trying it tonight. I'm so torn between waiting til she's six months and just doing it now. I guess I'm paranoid something is going to happen. And of course she's sleeping through from 9pm to 6am and I'm terrified that moving her is going to mess that up! :wacko:

Exciting stuff - Amber sat today! She's balancing herself with her arms but she's stays up all on her own. She did do a face plant this morning which she wasn't happy about. But in general she can stay up for quite a while.

Kelly sorry you're little man is sick. So hard to be away from them. :hugs:
Iv been following you guys quite awhile but just so lazy or busy to reply
I have to say @ Sigh: your so strong l, iv read you had trouble sleeping with your baby
If im not wrong. I remember with my first son having trouble sleeping at night that i ended up having sleeping problems

@ rolling over ...Yahya hasn't rolled over yet although i saw him almost rolling from back to tummy
I think he could have done way sooner if i had let him play on the floor more often
(been doing lots of DIY)

Any babies sitting up already?

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