***December Snowflakes 2012 Parenting***

Camden can sit unsupported for a few minutes, but she's still unsteady when she shifts her weight and hasn't learned to use her arms to help steady herself, so I'm always right there to keep her from falling over. She rolls back to front often, and front to back sometimes. Over the last 2 weeks she has mastered the skill of grabbing onto (and chewing on) her feet. It seems like whenever she's awake she's playing with her feet! We've been doing rice cereal once a day for 2 weeks now, and some days she's more interested than others. But she sits nicely in the high chair, and I've been giving her a sippy cup with water in it and she knows just what to do with it. She doesn't seem to be able to tilt it up enough to really get much out, but I'm sure she'll figure it out.

Sorry Carter is sick, poor little guy, hope he's feeling better soon!
Thanks all. He seems to be happier today but still has a rash and low grade fever. Dr. said he's contagious and my sister's kids are staying here for the weekend so I'm betting they all get it. :(

Go Camden! Carter is starting to sit too but he can only do it for a couple minutes at a time before flopping over.

We upgraded to a "big boy" car seat today. We had the graco infant carrier and stroller frame system but he has gotten too big for it already. He's about 19 lbs and the limit is 22 lbs on the seat so he's close to the max but his feet also hang over the edge of the seat. I had to buy a new seat and a stroller too since we had the combo thing. I can't believe he's getting to be such a big boy so fast. It's crazy!
Kelly, I hope Carter feels better soon! I haven't had to deal with a feverish baby yet but I know its only a matter of time, and i dread the day i do. I too have a 19 lb baby and a 22 lb carseat, so i'll be switching soon as well. Which carseat did you get? Do the ones for older kids have bases like the carrier ones or do you just strap the seat into the car?

Gabby sits unassisted for a few minutes before flopping over. she is really good at catching herself when she flops forward and can use her abs to lift her back up, but if she goes back or to the side, she is not good at catching herself and just flops.

I bought G spoons today to start purees. I was going to exclusively do BLW but she doesn't actually eat anything that she grabs to chew on, so I feel like in order to actually get her to consume anything, I should try to feed purees too, while also letting her grab at food and chew on it. Anyone else trying both purees and finger foods? Or those of you who exclusively do BLW, how long before your LO actually swallowed food? I worry that i am doing something wrong.
Chloe, we're doing both. He gets spoon fed/puréed baby porridge & puréed fruit, yogurt & puréed fruit, weetabix & puréed fruit..........he doesn't exactly eat, he plays around with his tongue and he takes the spoon from me and puts it in his mouth, which is extremely messy:thumbup: we also give him finger foods; apple, banana, melon, cucumber, pepper, toast (he LOVES toast) he sucks munches on all these but not sure how much he swallows!at this stage (I think) it's all about discovery of flavours, textures etc rather than nutritional value, so I just let him get on with it! I wasn't actually sure if he'd taken anything until his poo stated to change :haha: I think I'm going to try pasta and sauce tomorrow!

Edit: only stated weaning a week ago!
Chloe, we bought a safety 1st convertible car seat that goes up to 80 lbs and it seems quite nice. It stays in the car, no base like the infant seat and it buckles into our car's LATCH system.

SO, I feel really horrible about this and had to post somewhere to clear my conscience. Carter is sick with a rash and fever that started yesterday morning and I've been babysitting for this 19 month old girl the last two nights and tonight. Well, when I got here tonight she had a rash on her face and felt warm and I instantly knew she had caught what Carter has. I almost told the parents yesterday that C was sick but didn't want to alarm them because they are going to a wedding and are from out of town and I'm their only option to watch their girl. So, I didn't say anything and now she has caught it and I feel awful. Now, the parents don't really know she is sick, they said the rash could be from the sunscreen or lipstick she got into and that she could just be warm from being out in the sun all day but I know she's sick. She's sleeping now but I don't want to say I know what she has because then they'll think I'm a jerk for not saying anything earlier.

I don't know if she could have caught it from us that fast or if she got it from elsewhere but she came down with it just a day after Carter, two days after I first came into contact with her. No real point to this I guess except I just wanted to confess that I feel really guilty for not telling them yesterday that C was sick.
KellyM - eek thats a tough one. Maybe you could tell them you just got a call that your son has the same rash and fever? How is he feeling btw? Hope he gets better soon!!

IST - yayy for Cait in her own room! I know it's hard at first but it'll get better :)

Ellie sits unsupported and can steady herself with her arms, however she has no fear so she'll reach for something suddenly and end up face down on the floor. The funny part is one time she leaned forward and ended up on her tummy, but she still refuses to roll back to front.

Last night started off horribly but then we got two 2.5 hr stretches of sleep. Before that she was up every 10-45 minutes. She is definitely fighting something and has slight congestion... I'm starting to worry that this isn't a cold and is something more. DH has asthma caused by allergies as a child so I hope she doesn't have the same thing.

I am on a mission to up my supply. I'll let you ladies know if anything works.
Gosh Yahya is not even there yet with sitting unsupported. I think maybe for a couple of seconds he will sit unsupported. Bu that is it
How did you you guys encouraged or 'teach' them to sit?!
Mygod this is my second child and it feels like my first hahaha

Sorry for the babies not feeling well
Yahya still recovering from his virus he had this whole week
He still vomit when i breastfeed hflty
I've been wondering about switching from infant carrier to big car seat, glad you guys mentioned it! Camden still fits in hers fine, it's the Chicco key fit 30 so goes up to 39lbs, and her legs don't hang out or anything, but dang is she heavy! Carrying her and the seat in and out of daycare is so difficult! I think I decided that once she is able to sit really well on her own and I feel comfortable with her in a restaurant high chair and the seat part of the grocery cart then I'll switch to a regular car seat. I have my eye in the new Chicco convertible one. It has lots of different adjustments so I think it would be really comfortable, but it's $299. Not sure I want to pay that much!

Edited to say that her carseat goes up to 30 pounds, not 39! Silly typo.
Samia hope ur lo gets better soon.

C still has a fever. I was taking his temp rectally today as it's most accurate but he kept farting on the thermometer. Not sure how accurate it is when he keeps blowing hot farts on it! Hee hee!
KellyM - Sorry, your poor LO being sickly is not funny, but farting on the thermometer gave me a giggle! I hope it doesn't last long and he gets better soon :hugs:

Samia22 - Firstly, hugs for your sick LO! Hope he's feeling better and back to his normal self soon xx Secondly, we're not much closer to sitting up either over here. She only just managed to sit up for like 3 seconds before toppling forward. She also thinks its funny and makes a game out of falling sideways, so I'm not sure how long it's gonna take. The only thing I'm doing to encourage is to gently pull her from lying into a sitting position and to have her sit upright in the stroller and place interesting things on the tray so she sits up straight and reaches forward. They'll all get there eventually, once they find it more interesting than being horizontal I suppose :)

Chloe - I haven't started BLW yet, but I have heard (as baby bell said) that there's little actual consuming of foods in the first few weeks :) It's all about discovering new textures and fun than calorie intake. I don't see why you can't do a little of both though, puree is another texture too!

Ps Happy six months to all the babies I missed! Wow, the time has flown by!
Hi everyone!
We've just come back from a week visiting my parents and there's loads to catch up on!

Scooby - a very precious picture - one to treasure.
Bean - what stunning eyes Amber has! Such a pretty thing x
BbY - yep, peas in a pod!

Kelly - I hope Carter is feeling better today. It's your call - but I think I would still tell them. You could say that you got home to find Carter with the same rash and it took a while to click - blame it on the baby brain? If it was me, I think I'd rather know so I could be prepared.

Sigh - hang on in there. I wish I could give you the magic answer but we still have nights like yours too and I know how totally exhausting they are. What I would say though is make sure you are BOTH on board with any sleep strategy because its tough enough without arguments too. Ava will now go to sleep for naps and at night with about 10 mins of fussing but she still wakes frequently after about 3-4am. She is still dependent on me to go to sleep, although less so than in the past and she's still in our room. It's been a long and slow process for us. I know now she prefers to feed to sleep but doesn't need to (Pantley's pull off did the trick for us but with pressure under her lip, rather than chin for some reason?). Take care of yourself and go with what feels right for you as a family.

Some good news for you all though - I know there has been mention of teeth and BF but do you know what, it really hasn't made a difference to us (much to my surprise). Both of Ava's bottom teeth are half through now but I notice her tongue covers them as she suckles. She has also stopped the tugging at my breast so much now that they are through. I was absolutely dreading BF with teeth there but actually I can't say it makes any difference.

As for solids - we use purée and finger foods. I actually think Ava prefers the purée as she can get it in faster (!) but she enjoys copying me when we eat together. I love Annabel Karmel's baby and toddler meal planner - some of the things I've made for Ava give me food envy! For those struggling with cereal, why not try some root veggies? Sweet veg like carrot, parsnip, sweet potato etc can be mixed with expressed milk and are great first foods. Once you have introduced a few foods you can mix and match e.g. Parsnip and apple, peaches and banana - I purée my veg and freeze in ice cube trays and then pop into a sandwich bag. That way you can add a cube of whatever you fancy to make a meal. I know it's not for everyone but it works well for us and I do enjoy cooking food with love x
Thanks girls!
Coco; i should try that too maybe gently

Ifeel like everything is all so new to me again its like how did i do last time
I have started giving him fruit etc and baby rice but he just wont take it, turns his head away and if i give it to him a bit he is almost like choking
He rather eat the table of the highchair haha...

What is BLW?
KellyM - Sorry, your poor LO being sickly is not funny, but farting on the thermometer gave me a giggle! I hope it doesn't last long and he gets better soon :hugs:

Samia22 - Firstly, hugs for your sick LO! Hope he's feeling better and back to his normal self soon xx Secondly, we're not much closer to sitting up either over here. She only just managed to sit up for like 3 seconds before toppling forward. She also thinks its funny and makes a game out of falling sideways, so I'm not sure how long it's gonna take. The only thing I'm doing to encourage is to gently pull her from lying into a sitting position and to have her sit upright in the stroller and place interesting things on the tray so she sits up straight and reaches forward. They'll all get there eventually, once they find it more interesting than being horizontal I suppose :)

Chloe - I haven't started BLW yet, but I have heard (as baby bell said) that there's little actual consuming of foods in the first few weeks :) It's all about discovering new textures and fun than calorie intake. I don't see why you can't do a little of both though, puree is another texture too!

Ps Happy six months to all the babies I missed! Wow, the time has flown by!

I laughed so hard when he did that. He let two big ones rip while I had the thermometer in his bum and I was cracking up. I have a second grade sense of humor so I thought it was hilarious. :haha:

We make our own food here too. It's super easy and less expensive not to mention healthier than jarred food. I make a big batch and freeze them and mix and match things like sweet potato and apple with a little cinnamon. Carter loves it! :)
Kelly and Samia I hope your babes are feeling better.
Kelly lol at thermometer farts and I'd just mention to those parents that your child had the same thing as it must be going around. Just so they keep an eye on their lo and you will have a clear conscience.

Cait is about 15 lbs, probably a little over and about 26in. We have the graco snug ride which goes to 22lbs and 29in so I'm keeping my eye on it to make sure she doesn't go over. I'm obviously going to keep her in it while she fits but I've been looking at new car seats as well. I know that even with the new seat she will have to stay rear facing but I really have to do my research and see what's best....:shrug: I feel so scatter brained.

Cait is sitting for a few minutes at a time unassisted which is fine. Shes scooting along on the floor and rolling all over. I have a feeling that within the next month I'm going to turn my head and she'll be gone, crawling away! I'm dreading it and excited about it all at once (it seems to me that this happens a lot in parenthood, ie breastfeeding, moving baby to her own room, etc)!

Cait is still sleeping in her crib in her own room. It's nice to have my room back but I miss her. Bean, I'm very paranoid too and I am always getting up to check on her. I'm really not getting much sleep because I am so anxious but she is sleeping great! She's been going earlier and earlier ans sleeping longer, though sometimes still waking once or twice for a bottle. She seems to sleep great in there, not bothered by every snore Daddy makes or every creak as Mommy rolls over. She even self soothed tonight and put herself to sleep in her crib. I"d better knock on wood and hope she keeps it up! I also hope that I can sleep a bit better and not be so paranoid.

Oh, also she has her first real diaper rash! She isn't all that bothered with it but I am! I'm constantly slathering on the cream!

I can't believe our babies are 6 months! (Cait will be shortly, anyway) It's amazing how time flies! I hope you are all well!
Oh my goodness Kelly!! That's awesome! Can't believe how mobile he is! You're gonna have your hands full soon!!!
Thanks Kelly! The rash is looking better today so far.

Carter sure is a handsome little guy! So clever too trying to crawl! It won't be long before they are all crawling! It's exciting but going by so fast...:nope:

Cait woke up at 530 in the morning for a bottle but then went back down and woke at her normal time around 8/830. I'm sleeping awful without her right near me but she is sleeping fantastically! She went down at 930 last night and at 830 on Friday, usually between 9-11 though. This from a child who used to think bed time was at 230am I'd say it's a huge improvement! And She put her self to sleep last night also, so it's a huge huge step for us. I only hope we can keep it up! I'd better touch wood!

I'm feeling a sore throat coming and hoping I don't give it to Cait. I'd be her first and if she's anything like me she'll be VERY ill when ill. Even worse if she's like her father she will complain a lot about it, lol. Fx'd it passes her up! Also, tomorrow is the day we go from 16hrs of harness wearing to 8-10 (nights only)! She sees her regular pediatrician on the 13th for shots and then she see the ortho for a harness adjustment on the 18th. If all goes well, July 15th will be her last night in the harness.:thumbup:
Wow Kelly - he's so nearly there. Ava is nowhere near that mobile. She has a good go on her front but its more like swimming on the spot (or in circles!). Carter is getting his bum up and knees grounded - its not going to be long!

IST - great news! Just over a month and you can be harness free! You have been so patient. I'm glad it's all paying off for you. Great news on the sleeping too. I'm really delighted for you.

On the sleeping front, how many of you with BF babies still have LO in your room and when do you plan to move them out? I feel like the time might be approaching, but DH is not convinced (but he's not the one going to her throughout the night......) Ava still wakes frequently and I wonder if a little distance might help. I feel sad as I type this but at the same time I can't go on as things are. Some days I'm like a total zombie and I don't think I enjoy my days with her as much as I could if I was less sleep deprived. On the other hand, getting up constantly might be worse, certainly in the short term so I'm really not sure what to do...... Any advice very welcome x
Hi girls, will do personals later. I have flu - fever, chills, aches, nausea. And dh is out of town. How do u girl gather the energy to take care of your lo, and also prevent them from getting sick? I'm terrified of her first fever!
Honeybee - we are EBF and we moved H to his own room around two months. He's just up between 1-3 times a night, and it's really not bad going to his room to get him. We have a video monitor though, so I can look to see if his noises are just sleepy noises or if he's waking up.

Chloe - Oh no! I'm sorry you're sick. When I was sick I still had to care for H all the same, Gabby will get your antibodies while you're fighting your illness. I've noticed H gets much less sick than DH or I do for that very reason. So I wouldn't worry much about her getting ill, but moreso about your wellbeing. I know it's just exhausting and hard to keep up. Is there someone that can come and help you?

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