Zig...just saw your post from the other day. A kegel is basically where you squeeze your vaginal muscles...kind of like when you vaginally squeeze your partner during sex (sorry, don't know how else to describe it). And I'm so jealous of your only 2lb weight gain!
Ok, so took a bump pic this morning...will post when I get home, and yes, definitely a bit of a pop there. Still the same weight though, baby is just growing at this point.
Loving all of the movement I'm getting too! I was starving earlier and sat down to eat and as soon as I started eating the baby started bip bopping around, lol. My son would go crazy in there about 15 mins before I would be hungry, this one is a bit more patient than he was, lol.
So they almost jacked my bw again. The spinabifida test they told me was out of range cause they looked at my lmp instead of my due date before...they called me today and said they draw they had for the retest had the wrong date, it had 7/1, but that they had something from me on 6/27. Hubbs recently had bw done last week and I thought they got it mixed up. I kept telling the lady I didn't have any bw done last week and she kept telling me I must have went back in. I told her no and that whatever she had was not from me! But she kept saying she had bw from Friday. She finally looked at the chart and saw that it was a smear from the docs on Friday when I went to have her check and make sure all was fine. I told her yeah, but that wasn't bw. She said, so you did have it done on 7/1. And I damn yelled "yes" at here. What a bunch of idiots!
Looking forward to vaca tomorrow through tues/wed! Hoping we miss the hurricane which I think we will.
Also looking forward to my scan and seeing my munchkin next Thursday!
Oh, and I also got 3 pair of maternity shorts today for $23!