I just had my 35 weeks appointment. Found out I'm GBS + (they found out through my urine awhile ago which I didn't know). They weren't gonna check my cervix, but I had a rough day with my heart rate and anxiety yesterday so I insisted, and I'm glad I did! I'm 2 1/2cm dilated and 50%-60% effaced already. The doctor says she thinks this baby is coming before my c-section date. She also said she can feel her head pressing on my cervix, so she isn't stuck at an angle like DD was, and I now have the option of a vaginal birth if conditions are favorable when I go into labor, assuming I don't make it to my section date. I still am not sure if I want to risk that or not, it's something I need to think on, but OMG you guys I am so excited! I wasn't this dilated with DD until I went into labor with her. I know it's still a couple weeks pre-term so I'd be fine with her holding out, but to know things are happening is a huge relief on my end; this pregnancy has been so much harder than my last one was.
Great news about your BP, MrsRose! Let's hope it stays at a good level!