**December Snowflakes - 2016**

Totally know what you mean, Jeziika! It still seems surreal that I'll have a baby in just a short amount of time.

Quick update from me: My BP has been really good since I was admitted on Friday, so if it stays that way, they'll hold off on inducing me til 38 weeks rather than 37. I'll be in the hospital til she comes, which is fine with me. Happy to be monitored closely in case my BP spikes.
Chrissytina, I have a big twin belly but have been dealing with that for months. I use a firm and somewhat flat throw pillow as a wedge for belly support and it makes a huge difference!

MrsRose that's great news! I hope things continue to progress smoothly for you.

I still have a few things here and there to do but am sooo ready to meet these babies (when they're ready). We'll be going from one kid to three kids all at once so I have no idea how that will work, but I'm excited to find out!
I just had my 35 weeks appointment. Found out I'm GBS + (they found out through my urine awhile ago which I didn't know). They weren't gonna check my cervix, but I had a rough day with my heart rate and anxiety yesterday so I insisted, and I'm glad I did! I'm 2 1/2cm dilated and 50%-60% effaced already. The doctor says she thinks this baby is coming before my c-section date. She also said she can feel her head pressing on my cervix, so she isn't stuck at an angle like DD was, and I now have the option of a vaginal birth if conditions are favorable when I go into labor, assuming I don't make it to my section date. I still am not sure if I want to risk that or not, it's something I need to think on, but OMG you guys I am so excited! I wasn't this dilated with DD until I went into labor with her. I know it's still a couple weeks pre-term so I'd be fine with her holding out, but to know things are happening is a huge relief on my end; this pregnancy has been so much harder than my last one was.

Great news about your BP, MrsRose! Let's hope it stays at a good level!
Mrs. Rose - glad to hear about the BP! I wouldn't mind being in hospital either if I had to wait. I know that sounds like a weird thing to say (and is much easier to say when you don't have other kids to look after), but I've never really been put off my hospitals, luckily.

Chrissytina - Hmm... I've had a LOT of discomfort in my belly when sleeping, but mostly only when rolling over from one side to another. I don't think I've had cramping at all. Maybe you could mention it to your midwife/OB to just see what they think?

Bubbles - Glad to hear it looks like you have the option of a vaginal birth! Your C section date was going to be Dec 5, was it? I think I remember because that's technically my due date, but there's absolutely nothing discernible going on here so I feel like she'll be "late".

Sapphire - I DEFINITELY cannot imagine having twins (though I'd love to), but that would be pretty surreal to go from one to three. And three girls! I'd love to have three little ladies <3
Jezika yes the 5th is my scheduled section date! If she holds on until then, and she very well may, that would be fine, but either way I'll be glad when she's in my arms and out of my belly! Also I might add that with my first, I didn't start progressing until I think 38 weeks? At my 39 week appointment I was I think 2 cm dilated and somewhat effaced though I can't remember exactly how much, 70% I think. That night I went into labor (I was 38 + 6) and had her at exactly 39 weeks. I thought for sure she'd be late too, but she was a week before her due date. I had even scheduled an induction for 2 days after my due date at my appointment that day, just in case she didn't come soon. Go figure! Anyway, just remember that things don't always progress quickly in the first pregnancy so keep that in mind! You never know until you're in labor! ;)
I am most definitely not totally ready for this baby yet but getting there!! Most of the big things are ready now, we spent some time assembling furniture today so the nursery is finally coming together but I still haven't packed my just-in-case hospital bag yet and after my baby shower there are still a few little bits of clothing we'll need to begin with.

My energy has picked up again a little so I don't feel so exhausted in the daytime but I am wanting to heard to bed by about 10:30 at night, between leg cramps and toilet visits I never sleep through so being in bed longer helps.

Genevevex I am SO glad you're stopping work now, it's definitely for the best considering how much you've been struggling, I hope you feel better for it. I'm nearly done myself, last day on the ward on Friday then just a training day next Tuesday and a couple of meetings Wednesday and I'm done! It's going to be so strange not working, when I'm feeling well I love my job.

MrsRose sorry you're on bed rest but glad your BP has settled, it was obviously the right thing to do.

Bubbles how exciting about your cervix! How are you feeling about the idea of a vaginal birth! It's so encouraging they think it's an option now but it's a personal decision that you have to be comfortable with so I hope you won't feel pressured either way if things do start happening.

Chrissytina have you tried putting a pillow under your bump? I have cramps sometimes now if my belly is sort of hanging to the side without support, I think it's just the way it stretches. Nothing to worry about but not very pleasant!

I can't believe our babies could be here so soon! It really doesn't feel real still, I think it's going to be a shock to finally have her out here with us. We're nervous and excited all at once!
thanks everyone who answered! Yes I do have a pregnancy wedge pillow made by Boppy. It does help a little but not really. Last night was so bad I actually used a belly band wrap to give some more support and that did make a slight difference. My belly is rather large even for how many weeks I am so it might just be that. I have a obgyn appt Wednesday so I'll ask the doc then.
Chrissy, I just realized we are exactly at the same point in our pregnancy! Are you due December 4th? My belly band wrap thing was also a saviour during sleep but I had to stop using it because it doesn't fit around my bump anymore :(
I just had my 35 weeks appointment. Found out I'm GBS + (they found out through my urine awhile ago which I didn't know). They weren't gonna check my cervix, but I had a rough day with my heart rate and anxiety yesterday so I insisted, and I'm glad I did! I'm 2 1/2cm dilated and 50%-60% effaced already. The doctor says she thinks this baby is coming before my c-section date. She also said she can feel her head pressing on my cervix, so she isn't stuck at an angle like DD was, and I now have the option of a vaginal birth if conditions are favorable when I go into labor, assuming I don't make it to my section date. I still am not sure if I want to risk that or not, it's something I need to think on, but OMG you guys I am so excited! I wasn't this dilated with DD until I went into labor with her. I know it's still a couple weeks pre-term so I'd be fine with her holding out, but to know things are happening is a huge relief on my end; this pregnancy has been so much harder than my last one was.

Great news about your BP, MrsRose! Let's hope it stays at a good level!

Yay, how exciting! Very cool that you have the option to go either way!
Doing a catch up!

How is everyone doing? Less than a month to go for some of you.

Good to know I am not alone in being disorganized. Somehow this baby seems very surreal to me. I don't know if it is the length of time we were trying or if its 2nd baby syndrome it just doesn't feel real. I'm sure it will be real when it is here. That said I have moments I look at DS and think - is he really mine - I then think back to the moment I held him for the first time still in the pool!!

Things I need for baby are
Change bag.
I plan to BF but used bottles occasionally for DS do I need new bottle teats?

However I have sorted Christmas for both baby and DS. Stocking fillers & wrapping to do.

Sorry I am in need of a rant. I told PiL "they (meaning consultants) don't really want me going over my date" I didn't feel the need to go into details as to why. Nor did either of them ask why. FIL "that's not true they let xxxx go past their date". Arrrr!
Why assume I have got it wrong based on some other woman's pregnancy (which you probably know nothing about)???
Ugh ladies I am so uncomfortable!! Since yesterday I've been having these horrible cramps in my lower back, they come in waves and are making me feel sick. I can't sit still or get comfortable while they happen. It doesn't seem to come with braxton hicks so I don't think it's prelabour but oh god it hurts!! I seem to have been emptying my bowels more often than normal so maybe it's my bowel that hurts? If anyone else has experienced similar I would love your theories as this sucks!!
Grace, sorry I can't really throw much light on your back pain.
Have you tried timing them if its prelabour I think they will be at regular intervals. Could it be your body trying to push baby into the right position - a pure guess from me.
I do know one lady who never had contractions - just backache!
Well I am probably on high alert because my mum and her sister both had back only labour and didn't realise they were in labour for ages! My mum said she never really had a break from the pain, it just steadily increased until it was time to push!
Grace I'd call and get checked just in case! All my contractions started in my back.
Did they come and go to start with bubbles? Mine will settle then restart after a couple of hours rather than get stronger and more consistent
Grace that is very much how my friend was. Didn't realise she was in labour. They were tying to induce her, all she had was backache. Her waters went she left the staff to change the bed while she went to the loo & change her pjs. Baby's head came out a shout for help they opened the door and helped her onto the bed where baby was delivered.
Mine started out being 15 minutes apart, but got closer together. The fact you feel them in your back though tells me they could be the real deal. I'd go in or call!

AFM, I contracted last night a good bit, 6-8 minutes apart for about an hour, but they calmed. I don't know what I should do, this didn't happen this early with DD so I'm at a loss as to whether I need to call and update my doctor or what since I'm already progressing.
Well they've settled for a good few hours so I'll just keep an eye for now, my mum had backache on and off for weeks before it became constant and turned out to be labour. I haven't had any blood, mucous or fluid otherwise I would be straight on the phone. Thanks though! I'm so glad I finish work on Friday, it's pretty tough to work through this.
Chrissy, I just realized we are exactly at the same point in our pregnancy! Are you due December 4th? My belly band wrap thing was also a saviour during sleep but I had to stop using it because it doesn't fit around my bump anymore :(

Yes due Dec 4! You too? I just went to the doc for my checkup and she said my belly is measuring normal size. Also I'm 1 cm dilated and 20% effaced, so it's possible those cramps were contractions I felt at night.

That sucks your belly band doesn't fit, this is the one I have and I'm sure it would fit you because it's very adjustable:

It helps for sleeping and for standing or walking long periods.

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