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**December Snowflakes - 2016**

Hey guys, just a reminder if you want to join the Facebook group, send me.off a message with your Facebook details and I'll add you!
Jezika prizes could be simple things like box of chocolates. Sorry if I'm not much help. But baby showers are fairly new in the UK.

I'm slowly coming round to the idea of being induced. I have a sweep booked for the 16th, would I be right in thinking that they are likely to want to induce within a few days if that doesn't work?

Purely with the logic that I would then be in / out of hospital in time for Santa. I'm also guessing that the hospital will want as few patients as possible over Christmas too.
Quick update: I spent the afternoon in l&d for preterm labor. I was having contractions 2-2.5 mins apart all morning that lasted about a minute each. They gave me a bolus of fluid and a dose of terbutaline. Happily, my nurse proclaimed that they "fixed me" and discharged me. Now I really have no idea when these babies will arrive!
Quick update: I spent the afternoon in l&d for preterm labor. I was having contractions 2-2.5 mins apart all morning that lasted about a minute each. They gave me a bolus of fluid and a dose of turbutaline. Happily, my nurse proclaimed that they "fixed me" and discharged me. Now I really have no idea when these babies will arrive!

Chances are if they've already tried to come then they will again pretty shortly, 35w + is good going for twins. My friend had hers at 35+3 and they were both good weights and needed no extra support. Terbutaline usually only works in the short term. I'm assuming they've already given you steroids? X
Baby shower prizes were sweets - little tubs for most games, and whoever guessed the number of sweets in the bottle correctly got to keep it. There was also a nice bottle of wine for the winner of guess the date/weight but obviously I am holding on to that for now until I know the winner :)

Jessicasmum hope the next urine test is clear and you don't have to have another glucose test.
Jezika yes those sticks do test for UTI, they look for blood, protein, white blood cells and nitrites which can all be markers for infection.

I was feeling better, had no cramping at all yesterday but I woke up at 5am today cramping again! They said I have to call the hospital if this happens which I'm procrastinating because i'm not thrilled to maybe spend my day being monitored, though that might not be necessary. I will call as soon as I'm dressed!

Sapphire oh my gosh your babies tried to escape! Good thing you've managed to keep them in for now, you're so close now. If they were born now though chances are they would do great so don't let it stress you out. Whatever will be will be!

Re baby shower games, for the record at my shower last weekend it was just 11 of my best ladies including my mum and aunt eating delicious food and catching up with a few gifts given too. No games required and we all had a fab time!
Sapphire I've just noticed your update - for some reason I didn't see it earlier when I commented!! How exciting. I am sure it won't be long before your babies come, hope all goes well and you recover quickly :hugs: looking forward to hearing your news!
Well this story gets yet more confusing! I ended up going to the GP and it turns out my urine never grew anything, despite signs of infection on the stick, so I don't need antibiotics. Since this morning the cramps have become contractions so I have an appointment at the pregnancy assessment unit in 30 minutes to see if I'm dilating or if this is just BH after all. I've been trying to time them, they've been about every 2 minutes lasting 30-45 seconds and feel like period pains and BH combined but I know this could still be nothing at this stage. We've got a bag packed just incase!
Grace that is exactly how my friends labor started! Good luck and keep us posted! Really glad you don't have an infection!
Grace, that sounds like me yesterday! You're at a great stage in your pregnancy.

My daughter was born at 36+0 and came home when I was discharged.

Good luck with whatever happens!
I'm assuming they've already given you steroids? X

No steroids since I'm past 34 weeks. If the terbutaline hadn't worked, they'd have delivered. I'm just hoping that I'm not in and out of the hospital all week! I'm trying to schedule a follow up appointment with my ob for today or tomorrow.
Sounds like they will be here any day now, Sapphire! FX you aren't in and out of the hospital all week though.

Grace, with them being so close together it sounds like early labor to me. Do keep us updated.

Haven't been posting on here much but I have been keeping up with everyone. Two nights ago, after a surprise baby shower my MIL gave me (it was so nice!), I came home and was having contractions/super painful BH that were coming every 8 minutes on the dot. It lasted for a few hours. Almost went in, but they tapered off finally. I didn't sleep much because of it though. Last night I didn't have any issues and DD has been with MIL/SIL for the weekend so I've gotten to catch up on sleep and other things around the house. It's been nice. I'll get DD back this evening though so back to the same old until this baby is born! I do miss her being here though at the same time I'm enjoying the silence.

My 36 week appointment is this morning. Curious to see if I've progressed. I've been getting bouts of lower back pressure lately, something I don't remember happening the first time around. I'll mention it when I go in though, plus all the contractions/BH I got the other night. The contractions/BH seem to happen a couple of times a week like that and always at night.
The contractions are just braxton hicks by the looks of things, not strong enough to register on a monitor but I still have to be examined by a gynaecologist which is what I'm waiting for now. The cramping is constant though in my back and lower tummy, I'm so uncomfortable. What's going on 😣
So frustrating Grace. I have no idea what it could be. I was monitored a couple of weeks ago after an impaired driver hit me, and I felt no cramping or anything and it kept registering that I had pretty regular contractions... I'm not sure how much I trust those monitors they use, it is only measuring differential pressure on the surface that they put it on. So if they put it right on baby's butt or something it might look constant, though it might not be elsewhere.

Hope you get answers and relief soon.
Cervix wasn't dilated but baby's head is engaging now so apparently that's why I'' cramping
My babies arrived via c-section at 35+1. Baby A was 5lb6oz and Baby B was 4lb13oz. We're keeping names and pics private at the moment. Babies went to nursery for a few hours for low blood sugar then stabilized quickly. More update to follow later.
My babies arrived via c-section at 35+1. Baby A was 5lb6oz and Baby B was 4lb13oz. We're keeping names and pics private at the moment. Babies went to nursery for a few hours for low blood sugar then stabilized quickly. More update to follow later.

Congrats!! Hope the three of you are doing well!
Congrats Sapphire! What great weights too! Hope you are all well!

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