Good luck for today Jessicahide! Hope all goes well!!
Jezika I haven't felt any contractions (a few BH but have been having those for
Months) either. I didn't feel anything with DS until a few days after his due date, hardly even any Braxton hicks. I think I'm just more used to what they feel like this time. With DS I felt my first contractions at about 4am. It took days for them to build up
Tommy sorry you fell
hope you're ok.
Laura glad the scan went well and everything is looking good!! I'd love to know what baby weighs now - I haven't had a scan since 20 weeks. My bump is measuring same as the week as it did with DS so I think this baby might end up about the same weight - he was 8lb 4.5oz.
Sorry you have a yeast infection bubbles that's nasty
there have been loads of times this pregnancy where I've been itchy/sore down there, luckily I haven't developed thrush or needed treatment but it's been driving me mad. I've been having loads of showers with just water to try and avoid it, as I don't want to have that problem when I'm in labour it's sooo uncomfortable and irritating.
We are starting to dig our extension foundations this weekend! I am not looking forward to the mess but it will be really nice to make a start. I'm hoping the study part might be ready in early spring so then we can get the study moved downstairs and create a really girly bedroom upstairs
the rear bit won't be done for ages but that bit is a luxury really and will involve disruption to the kitchen so whilst I'm very excited I'm also not in a huge rush for any knocking down of walls to happen
probably do the brick work and then leave it closed up until spring once the weather is warmer. That should also allow us time to save a bit more money (hopefully!!)