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**December Snowflakes - 2016**

Oops! I meant good luck Jessicahyde! My brain can't keep track! Though I guess it could apply to you as well Jessicasmum! Glad there was no glucose in your urine
Oops! I meant good luck Jessicahyde! My brain can't keep track! Though I guess it could apply to you as well Jessicasmum! Glad there was no glucose in your urine

Thank you, just hope the test doesn't show for uti now instead.
Rose - good luck with your extension foundations! Our loft extension is in full force and we have the plasterer here for the next 3 days. Hopefully it will be finished next week and we will be able to start painting! I'm just hoping it is finished before baby comes! Building work is so stressful but worth it in the long run! We did a kitchen extension when my first was born and the disruption wasn't awful.

Your description of your toddler sounds like my DD in recent weeks and it's very hard to be patient - although to give her credit she's been an angel this week! Just keep repeating "it's just a phase" and it will end!

Glad the glucose was clear jessicasmum! Hopefully it's not a uti.

I've got really bad pain in my upper bottom area, made worse when I get up or change positions. I'm guessing it must be sciatica or something but it's very uncomfortable.
Hi everyone, just catching up on all posts as not been on for few days. Hope all went/is going well Jessica. Hate renovations etc, we have lots to do, mainly minor building - plastering/knocking down a stud wall, mostly cosmetic stuff, but I am dreading it. Probs wait til spring now. Certainly dont envy prospect of extensions etc 😣, but I'm sure will be worth it.

Well after the consultant and everyone else thinking my little lady would arrive early, she's doing a good job of keeping us waiting, haven't been this pregnant for 18 years (got to 39 weeks with second daughter). I am so ready now though, literally cannot walk anywhere without being in real discomfort. Poor husband has been doing all the school runs for the last 6 weeks or so, as well as most of the supermarket shops, he's been a total ledge 👌, and now to top it off I have painful haemorrhoids (sorry if tmi), but this baby is so low I have a ridiculous amount of pressure on rectal area which is cause, and serious insomnia, going back to bed for an hour or more during the day is now standard. Dont get me wrong I wouldn't change it for the world, this baby is so wanted and I do feel guilty for moaning sometimes, but I'm so done now. Xx
Just realized I updated on the Facebook group but not here! Wednesday I started having real blood pressure problems and ended up in the hospital for a little while. For a bit it was touch and go if they were going to deliver me that night ( issues with my liver results, protein spilling, bp super high, failed my reflex exam) but I ended up "passing" the new set of blood work whixh said my liver function was ok. I'm being booked in for an ultrasound to check how baby boy is holding up in the next few days. Saw my dr yesterday and I'very been placed on blood pressure medication to get me to 38 weeks, and I'll be having an induction consultation, and should have baby in the next 2 weeks. Don't know quite what to expect from the consult but we will see.
Just realized I updated on the Facebook group but not here! Wednesday I started having real blood pressure problems and ended up in the hospital for a little while. For a bit it was touch and go if they were going to deliver me that night ( issues with my liver results, protein spilling, bp super high, failed my reflex exam) but I ended up "passing" the new set of blood work whixh said my liver function was ok. I'm being booked in for an ultrasound to check how baby boy is holding up in the next few days. Saw my dr yesterday and I'very been placed on blood pressure medication to get me to 38 weeks, and I'll be having an induction consultation, and should have baby in the next 2 weeks. Don't know quite what to expect from the consult but we will see.

I hope the meds work for you. Are they recommending bed rest? Bed rest has kept my BP under control thus far--it's crazy what a difference it has made. Hope you can keep cooking baby for a little longer! It's looking like I'll be induced Mon or Tues next week. Eek!
Just realized I updated on the Facebook group but not here! Wednesday I started having real blood pressure problems and ended up in the hospital for a little while. For a bit it was touch and go if they were going to deliver me that night ( issues with my liver results, protein spilling, bp super high, failed my reflex exam) but I ended up "passing" the new set of blood work whixh said my liver function was ok. I'm being booked in for an ultrasound to check how baby boy is holding up in the next few days. Saw my dr yesterday and I'very been placed on blood pressure medication to get me to 38 weeks, and I'll be having an induction consultation, and should have baby in the next 2 weeks. Don't know quite what to expect from the consult but we will see.

I hope the meds work for you. Are they recommending bed rest? Bed rest has kept my BP under control thus far--it's crazy what a difference it has made. Hope you can keep cooking baby for a little longer! It's looking like I'll be induced Mon or Tues next week. Eek!

I've ever been on bed rest since just before 35 weeks. Whiche is how I made it this far without any significant crisis until now :/. It's very hard though with my two little boys. For whatever reason once I hit about 35 weeks with each pregnancy my blood pressure shoots up and I end up having to deliver within the month even with meds and bed rest.
Super exciting about your induction coming up!!!!
My teenie weenie bumbnie arrived! We are safe and well and home xxxxx
Congratulations Jessica! Can't wait to hear all about it and see pictures when you're ready but for now enjoy your snuggles and get plenty of rest xx
Congrats Jessica! Glad you are both well and home! I bet the boys are just loving up on her already!
Congratulations, I'm so glad to hear you're safe and well :) it seems surreal that these babies are starting to pop! Really doesn't feel like I'm due in 4 weeks
Hi everyone just wanted to let you know I had my baby! Henry arrived a little early at 37 weeks 4 days. He weighed 6lbs 7oz and was born November 17. Baby and mom are doing great! I can do a whole labor story when i get home and settled in. Hope everyone is doing well!
Congrats Chrissytina!!! Can't wait to hear the story! Glad you are both doing well!
Oh my gosh the babies really are coming now!! It's so exciting. Congratulations Chrissytina can't wait for all the details and of course pictures of your munchkin xx
I know! I can't believe how fast the babies are coming now! It's becoming so real that the rest could be here anytime!

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