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**December Snowflakes - 2016**

Congratulations to both Jessica and Chrissy. Hope you are both recovering well and getting plenty of rest.

I spent today sorting out baby clothes, some of which I have looked at and wondered, why the heck did it keep THAT!
Congrats Jessica and chrissy! All these babies arriving is exciting!

I'm finally home with baby b after a c-section Monday. Baby A is in nicu as a feeder and grower.
Congrats Jessica and Chrissy!

Glad you are home now, Sapphire. I hope Baby A continues to thrive so she can be home with you all as well!
Congrats on the new arrivals ladies 💕💕💕
Congrats Chrissytina and jessicahide! So exciting you have your babies safely in your arms!

Great news sapphire that baby b is home - hopefully baby a can join you very soon.

I feel so far behind as I'm only 34 weeks! I felt reduced movement the last couple of days so I went to the hospital to get checked today and she started kicking for the whole 20 mins I was hooked up! A bit embarrassing but really glad I went to reassure myself and the hospitL staff were lovely.
By the way I'm updating the first page with births and I'm including the date of birth, how many weeks you were, the gender and the weight so if I've given the wrong information at any point just let me know and I can correct it!
Ah, congrats Jessica and Chrissy, and yay Sapphire that one baby can come home.

It's surreal to think there are women here due at the same time and after me who've already given birth. I feel like baby girl won't make another appearance for many more weeks!
Glad that you and baby B have got to go home Sapphire :) hopefully baby A won't be far behind joining you at home.

Phoned for my urine sample results yesterday and I've not got a uti so really pleased about that, I think I have just got thrush :blush: So need to get that sorted.

I was thinking that baby is going to arrive early but now I'm not feeling it so much. I suppose to only have until I'm 41 weeks to deliver before I'll have to have a C-section due to me refusing to be induced, I'm a bit concerned though as the C-section has not been booked in yet, I should of brought it up at my last consultant appointment but I was in a bit of a grumpy mood by the time I was in there so didn't really ask any questions just wanted to leave. My next appointment is 9th December when I'm 38 +1 so hopefully C-sections aren't all booked up in advance for the 29th December when I'm 41 weeks.
Jessicasmum, I was convinced that the twins were going to hold out until 38+3 until my c-section (over 3 weeks away) because I was so uncomfortable. Literally two days after I started complaining that I didn't know how my body could handle any more I went into labor :D. So there is hope that baby will arrive on or near its due date! Or maybe I'm just terrible at estimating when I'll deliver. I've been off by at least 3 weeks both times!
Ahh since yesterday baby has been shoving her head down really hard very low. It is sooo uncomfortable when she does it - it's a sharp, horrible pain mixed with the feeling of needing a wee! Hopefully it's her getting in position. I've got a midwife appointment tomorrow so will be interesting to see what position she is in. My hips have definitely been getting a lot worse in the last week or so too.
Right there with you rose! Experiencing literally the exact same thing today. Really feeling the pressure in my vagina as well. At my midwife appointment on Friday she said baby was 3/5 engaged, she's coming for a home visit tomorrow so I'm expecting her to say baby is close to fully engaged now judging by how i'm feeling! Fingers crossed this means we won't be waiting much longer
How do they assess to what extent baby is engaged?

And have all of you had your flu shot? My midwives haven't mentioned it at all, but I remember discussions on here making it clear that it's pretty important.

Oh, apparently I don't have GBS, so that's good.

Ayyy, and definitely feeling y'all on the pain and discomfort and feeling the need to pee. I cannot tell you how especially agonizing it is to get out of bed 3-4 times a night to pee. Or to just turn over in bed.
I'm not sure how you can tell either, my first time around as well and I haven't had my OB tell me anything about engagement.

All of my pain is really low, bowel area. TMI, but it feels like trapped air down there and it hurts when he moves them around! Otherwise, doing pretty well. Getting meals together to freeze, house is clean enough to my standards... I think, lol. Room is almost together. Then it will be wait time. And I don't wait well, I get bored easily and need things to occupy my head!!
Basically it's about how much of baby's head can be felt above your pubic symphysis. It's just a rough estimation in fifths of the head. So if they press down and it feels like most of the head is below the pubis but some still isn't they'll say 3/5 engaged. If only a tiny bit is felt it's 4/5 and if they can't feel the head at all anymore then that's fully engaged! This is not to be confused with "station" which is about position inside the vagina. Hope that helps!
Yes, that's very helpful, Grace! Lat week the midwife just said something like, "Yep, she's definitely moving her head further and further down." I wish I knew just how far down, though!

TinyLynne, that's a great idea re: freezing meals. I think I'm too lazy to sort that, though.

I just had my shower yesterday - was so special and fun - and I *THINK* ew have everything now. I haven't packed a hospital bag yet, but did put stuff aside like clothes for her and diapers and other bits. I need to put some relaxation music together for labour still and practice a bunch of hypnobirthing stuff with DH.
Hi girls, baby Olivia was born last night just before midnight at 38+3. She weighs 8lbs 3oz and is 20.75" long. I was induced and it took 17 hours from the time we started the pitocin. We had a few bumps in the road and nearly had to have a c section but thankfully it all worked out to deliver vaginally. We made friends with a doula while I was on bed rest in the hospital and when she heard we were having some complications she came in and helped until the baby was born. She helped immensely and even helped my husband be a better support person. I am so thankful she was there! I will definitely consider having her at our next birth!

We should be discharged tomorrow. I can't wait to go home and introduce her to our pugs and spend time together as a family! I haven't been home in 2.5 weeks!
Congratulations Mrsrose! I hope you're home with miss Olivia soon.
Wow, I haven't been on here for a while and so many of you have had your babies! Congratulations and I hope that the ones that are still in hospital will be home very soon xxx

I'm labour symptom spotting like mad (it's like being in the 2ww again!!). I feel completely different every day! The only constant is the increased tiredness. I'm shattered all the time and just want to sleep (very difficult with a 3 year old!). This week I've been extremely short tempered, completely irrational and emotional, heartburn is worse, bit of a funny tummy, appetite up and down, sleeping more at night that throughout the whole pregnancy, braxton hicks like mad.

Baby started to engage at my last appointment, which was the beginning of last week.
Phone your GP and ask about your flu shot asap. Swine flu in particular really attacks pregnant women, its not a good place to be. Even worse for my family who were told "we think we have her in time".

MrsRose congratulations. Hope your are doing well.

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