That's promising, rose! FX for you and anyone else waiting!
So Matilda has finally arrived! On the 15th in fact. Life has been super hectic since then and I no longer know what sleep is (currently 5am and nursing her after having had maybe 4 hours' broken sleep since she was born).
Ironically, after all my complaining about being overdue and how I felt like she will never, ever come, when she did come it was fast and furious - within about six hours of first having triage check my cervix at hospital (before which they assumed they'd have to send me home for 12 hours with cervadil), I had her in my arms, with less than an hour of pushing and the midwives scrambling to prepare for delivery. Had to switch off even the low dose of oxytocin because the contractions came almost instantly two minutes apart and I had to wait for an epidural. I have to say I'm proud of silently breathing through the contractions (thanks to hypnobirthing), but the idea of having to keep doing that for potentially many, many more hours seemed like torture to me. Turns out I was already up to 8cm dilated by the time I got the epidural! Oh, and it was such bliss. I went from feeling pretty miserable to absolutely fantastic and could actually enjoy the labour.
DH and I (me with a mirror) watched Tilly being born at 9:36pm on Dec 15. She was perfectly healthy, no cord around her neck or anywhere else like I'd feared throughout the pregnancy, and an APGAR score of 9 at birth at 10 at five mins. I got some perineal tearing because she came so fast (needed stitches) and she got a hemotoma on her beautiful little head where the midwife thinks she must've very quickly turned 100 degrees from a semi-occipital position, the long way around to the normal birthing position. Her arm must've gotten stuck during this ambitious twist, because she came out with an arm behind her head, like a diva. She was placed on my chest right after birth and we waited till the cord drained, and then DH cut the cord. She latched super quickly and we were so in awe of her generally. The placenta delivery was a bit more tricky because it didn't seem to want to detach completely within a good time, and the docs had actually turned up to do the allegedly not-very-nice procedure right when I managed to push it out during my final attempt, whew!
Later, the midwives gave me a "tour" of my placenta, which was pretty neat (we have pictures; great for Christmas cards) and noted that it was pretty old and tired-looking and that they were surprised it did such a great job for Matilda so much past her due date!
Anyway, we were home around three hours after delivery and somehow coordinated our entire visit to the hospital around a snowstorm, which started and then stopped all while we were there (my poor midwife had to get there halfway through, though she got to go home pretty early, so that makes up for it!).
Our baby Tilly was 7 lbs 8.3 oz, almost exactly as the ultrasound estimated days before, and mercifully much smaller than I had expected!
Some pics: