**December Snowflakes - 2016**

Jez and MrsRose: it went down like this...

Him: sooo, what brings you in?
(Side note hubby went with me)
Me: ...well...I'm pregnant! (Big happy smile)
Him: ...oh. Who's he dad?
Me and DH: ................

Now... I get having a sense of humor. But I am 100% sure that's not the right thing to say to a couple.

And then he followed up that statement with "well it will be in interesting to see your next SA results since it would have been impossible with his first results"

Picture my happy elation of passing on what should have been exciting and excellent news evaporating. I kinda wanted to say to him "the father is the only man I've slept with the last 5 years you arrogant insensitive d!ck"

But I took a deep breath and said nothing. Hubby just gave him a look when he said it. Honestly I think we were literally stunned silent. I don't even know if he realized how inappropriate it was to say that. I'm beyond offended to be honest. I'm trying to not let it bother me but it totally is. I love my husband dearly. I have never wanted children with anyone until I met him. For crying out loud I'm about to be 35! I waited this long for the right man. Not any man or more specifically, any sperm. /rant

Anyway, Jez I think it's totally up to you. I'm hoping hubby can go with me if they let us hear the heartbeat since it's really the first "real" moment of the whole thing.

Seriously? SERIOUSLY?!
Please tell me you're going to switch doctors!
Thanks so much for your support ladies :hugs:
The bleeding has now stopped and I got a positive on a clear blue digi this afternoon so im not really sure what's going on. at the moment I'm just taking a step back and being cautious and hopefully in another few days I will feel more confident in this pregnancy. I never had bleeding with DS so it came as a shock!

FX, sometimes bleeding is just bleeding. Hopefully it was nothing!
Hey girls, been a rough couple days for me, been following y'all but wasn't able to post. Been bleeding heavily for about 3 days now, 99% sure baby is gone. We are at peace with it now, obviously still sad but we know God is in control. I'm getting blood drawn today to confirm. Best wishes for everyone, I'll update when I get the results.

Oh Livvy, I'm so sorry to hear this. Sending you guys big hugs
rose and Livvy I hope you get some more clear answers soon. I don't know how helpful pregnancy tests are in miscarriage, sometimes they can stay positive for a long time. I think only ultrasound can tell you for sure. If you're in doubt, my guide would be did the bleeding resemble a period? Bleeding and even bright red blood don't necessarily indicate miscarriage and some bleeding is very common. Heavy red bleeding lasting several days just like a period is much less likely to be ok but again without serial bloods or an ultrasound you never know. I'm not trying to give false hope, just facts. I hope this awful limbo is over soon for you.First trimester is so much harder than I imagined it would be. I don't know if it's the hormones but I'm swinging wildly from being so blissfully happy to last night breaking down in tears to my husband because I'm so terrified something is wrong and that there won't be a baby after all. He's trying so hard to be supportive but he never minded much if we had kids or not, we're mostly doing this for me and he's happy to support me but just isn't invested in the same way and I find that so hard. He loves me so much and I know if all goes well he'd love the baby too but right now if I did miscarry he'd only be sad because I am. Other than a big dose of crazy and a lot of Endo pain my boobs are getting more sore and I'm definitely more physically tired, I feel like I'm wading through treacle today my body is so heavy. Thankfully only mild nausea so far too. If I make it to 6 weeks we're going to book an early reassurance scan on my birthday at 8+1. The likelihood is all will be well and by then I just need to know.
Nina I switch to my OB in May so I won't get those kinds of comments anymore. Also hubby is going to talk to him next week about the inappropriateness of the comment. Thank you though. I'm so glad to know I'm not just being emotional.

Grace I agree and feel the same way. One moment I'm so happy. And then I stop and I'm washed over with a wave of anxiety. I already know my first scan will be incredibly emotional and scary. Until then I just have to enjoy knowing I am pregnant and no matter what I'm happy about it. :hugs: Hang in there.
Does anyone know offhand how quickly FRERs will fade after a miscarriage? Like if I took one while I'm still bleeding now, would it already be lighter or would I have to wait a while... I know hcg sticks around for a while but with my chemical my tests got lighter before I even started bleeding.

Are you able to get bloodwork done? I'm so sorry you're going through this. I know how awful it is.
Grace I feel the same, my DH is only really doing it for me too! He would be happy to stick with one so he doesn't understand the roller coaster.
I'm feeling much more positive today, no more bleeding I think I overreacted really as it only lasted a few hours. It was just a shock to wake up to that. As my tests were so faint the day before im feeling confident that the digi was positive as hopefully that shows some progression (I know digis can be hard to show positive very early). Af was due today and no sign, just lots of creamy cm which I had with DS. So I am just keeping everything crossed that all is ok. There's nothing I can do right now - it's too early for an US and my doctor can't even fit me in at the moment so I'll just have to keep positive and wait and see.
Mrsrose I had bloodwork done yesterday, will get the results today hopefully xx
Got my results, I should be 6 weeks today but my hcg was only 341. Going again tomorrow and getting hcg and progesterone levels checked.
Got my results, I should be 6 weeks today but my hcg was only 341. Going again tomorrow and getting hcg and progesterone levels checked.

I can't remember--was this your first set of betas?
After a terrifying day spent up A&E and a scare when she couldn't see anything in the uterus little jellybean seen in the uterus with a fetal pole even saw a flickering heartbeat ��������
Got my results, I should be 6 weeks today but my hcg was only 341. Going again tomorrow and getting hcg and progesterone levels checked.

Any chance your dates are really off? I'm really sorry to hear your levels are so low. At six weeks you'd typically expect a level of around 10000 or so.
After a terrifying day spent up A&E and a scare when she couldn't see anything in the uterus little jellybean seen in the uterus with a fetal pole even saw a flickering heartbeat ��������

Ah great news jellybean! So sorry you ended up there in the first place, what happened? But how wonderful that you've seen a little heartbeat xx

Livvy those numbers don't sound right, will be thinking of you tomorrow xx

My breasts are SO sore now! Since my BFP they mostly felt a little tender like with PMS but now they're getting quite painful -there's this constant low ache and then if anything brushes them, even just my arm, ouch!! It's reassuring to think the hormones are still rising so I'm not complaining at all. Bring it on little bean!
4/5: 80
4/7: 250
4/12: 2,228
Ultrasound scheduled for 4/26 at exactly 7 weeks <3
Livvy - I'm so sorry hon. I know from experience that being in limbo is the worst place to be. I hope you get a clearer picture tomorrow. Huge hugs to you xx

December, jellybe - numbers and scans sounding good. I also had a reassurance scan today. I was really nervous as I'd had a little bit of spotting a couple of days ago but we saw a little flickering heartbeat. It'll reassure me for a couple of days then I'll go back to worrying lol! MS is awful at the moment. It's all day everyday nausea. No vomitting yet though. Never had a trace of it with my previous pregnancies so its one as a bit of a shock!!!
Jelly, hilslo - So glad you got to see the heartbeats! I saw ours last Friday and I'm already scared to death that something bad has happened since. I can't wait for the next scan on the 22nd.

December - Your numbers are looking great! :happydance:

AFM, I'm really tired today. Going to acupuncture tonight which is always really relaxing so I'm looking forward to that :)
After a terrifying day spent up A&E and a scare when she couldn't see anything in the uterus little jellybean seen in the uterus with a fetal pole even saw a flickering heartbeat &#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;&#65533;

Ah great news jellybean! So sorry you ended up there in the first place, what happened? But how wonderful that you've seen a little heartbeat xx

my HCG isn't rising as quickly as it should and had some pain in my left ovary so was worried it might be eptopic so went up A&E today and eventually had a scan to re assure me, turns out I got cysts on my ovary but they will come and go through the pregnancy apparently x
Sorry you've had a stressful time Jellybe but glad all was fine in the end :) I am looking in to private early reassurance scans. I am trying to get a drs appointment but that in itself is a challenge - im going to call them tomorrow and be more insistent - but I expect they won't scan me early. If they won't offer me a scan then I have a clinic in mind who will be able to do it in a couple of weeks time.

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