**December Snowflakes - 2016**

Rose...I'm so incredibly sorry. Sending lots of hugs.

Honey- it seems all first appointments are a let down. Mine didn't do a test either. He just took my word for it. Glad there's a plan to better manage your pain and happy you got some sleep!! :)
Hey girls, been a rough couple days for me, been following y'all but wasn't able to post. Been bleeding heavily for about 3 days now, 99% sure baby is gone. We are at peace with it now, obviously still sad but we know God is in control. I'm getting blood drawn today to confirm. Best wishes for everyone, I'll update when I get the results.
Hey girls, been a rough couple days for me, been following y'all but wasn't able to post. Been bleeding heavily for about 3 days now, 99% sure baby is gone. We are at peace with it now, obviously still sad but we know God is in control. I'm getting blood drawn today to confirm. Best wishes for everyone, I'll update when I get the results.

Oh Livvy, I am so sorry. Wishing you all the best. Please keep us updated. :hugs:
Hey girls, been a rough couple days for me, been following y'all but wasn't able to post. Been bleeding heavily for about 3 days now, 99% sure baby is gone. We are at peace with it now, obviously still sad but we know God is in control. I'm getting blood drawn today to confirm. Best wishes for everyone, I'll update when I get the results.

I'm so so sorry for your loss Livvy, I can only imagine how you're both feeling. Please take care of yourself at this difficult time xxx
Thanks so much for your support ladies :hugs:
The bleeding has now stopped and I got a positive on a clear blue digi this afternoon so im not really sure what's going on. at the moment I'm just taking a step back and being cautious and hopefully in another few days I will feel more confident in this pregnancy. I never had bleeding with DS so it came as a shock!
Thanks so much for your support ladies :hugs:
The bleeding has now stopped and I got a positive on a clear blue digi this afternoon so im not really sure what's going on. at the moment I'm just taking a step back and being cautious and hopefully in another few days I will feel more confident in this pregnancy. I never had bleeding with DS so it came as a shock!

Well that's good news! I've got my fx for you.
Hey girls, been a rough couple days for me, been following y'all but wasn't able to post. Been bleeding heavily for about 3 days now, 99% sure baby is gone. We are at peace with it now, obviously still sad but we know God is in control. I'm getting blood drawn today to confirm. Best wishes for everyone, I'll update when I get the results.

Oh Livvy I hate this. :( :hugs: Sending lots of good vibes your way.
Hey girls, been a rough couple days for me, been following y'all but wasn't able to post. Been bleeding heavily for about 3 days now, 99% sure baby is gone. We are at peace with it now, obviously still sad but we know God is in control. I'm getting blood drawn today to confirm. Best wishes for everyone, I'll update when I get the results.

Livvy I am so so sorry to hear this, just heartbreaking. My heart goes out to you and many hugs are being sent your way.
5w today...got betas drawn at noon hoping to have results by 5pm tomorrow. I have not had spotting since my weird two incidents on Saturday. Still hoping this baby is hanging on...we'll see what the results say. I am sorry to everyone else who is in limbo like me. Try to remember that some women have spotting even bleeding and still carry to term...only bloodwork can give you a definitive answer at this stage. Crossing my fingers we all get to bring home babies in December <3
If it makes anyone feel better, I've got two healthy babies, from two pregnancies I bled red the whole time.
Does anyone know offhand how quickly FRERs will fade after a miscarriage? Like if I took one while I'm still bleeding now, would it already be lighter or would I have to wait a while... I know hcg sticks around for a while but with my chemical my tests got lighter before I even started bleeding.
Hi everyone! Hoping I can join this thread. I got my first BFP last week (first preg!!) and due to being super irregular, got in to see my MW right away. By LMP I was 10 weeks, but I had a really off cycle and after 2 BFN, I had no idea where I was. She did a trans-vag US that she said showed I was either really early or had a non-viable pregnancy. She drew betas and I just found out that my HCG went from 990 to 2660 in 48h so she is hopeful that I am just super early! Estimating a due date of 12/10 based on what little she could see, but I go for an U/S next week to confirm dates and viability. After all the uncertainty with the first U/S, I am nervous that there will be even more since I'll only be 6 weeks 3 days for the second U/S. Does anyone have experience with an U/S around 6 weeks? She said if they don't hear a heartbeat, they will just have me come back the next week to check, but she wants to make sure the pregnancy is at least progressing. SO hard not to worry and overanalyze every little thing- especially having never gone through any of this. Reading through this thread has been so helpful though. So far, my only symptoms are sore boobs and cramping for the past 2 weeks (no blood), so really hoping this little bean is sticking good and growing big. Thinking of everyone else waiting for lab results- the waiting is so stressful!

Congratulations on your BFP and H&H 9 months to you! Welcome to the group!:flower:

Welcome Amari and congrats! I am sure everything will be just fine :)

AFM the MS has most def hit.. I can't even look at meat with out feeling nauseous and all day yesterday I had the feeling like I was going to ralph. I've been trying to eat a lot of fruits and veggies but I need some protein.. can't stand eggs right now either. Haven't been able to sleep the past couple nights despite feeling super tired. I wanted to grab a cheapie hpt from walmart last night just to see how dark the line was but I forgot lol I do like my new prenatals, they didn't seem to upset my stomach like my old ones did which means I don't have to try and remember to take them right before bed, I can take them whenever.

Any girls who had some bleeding have any updates?

I hope your MS lets up soon and you feel better !:hugs:

Hope everyone is doing well. Praying for the ladies who have had bleeding. Please update up when you feel up to it. You are al in my thoughts. My heart breaks to hear such scary news.

Welcome to all the new preggos!! Our little group is not so little anymore! :haha:

I hit 5 weeks today. Yay! A lovely little milestone. I had my first doctors appointment. Really all that happened was he sent me away with a wack of paperwork to get lots of bloodwork done and he told me to come back in 2 weeks and he will send me for my first scan (probably around 8-10weeks)

I'm happy to wait since I really don't want to have it done and not see enough or have them tell me some thing stupid like they can't find a heart beat. I really don't want that stress. Plus by then baby should really look more like a baby and less like a cute blob so should make for awesome scan pictures!

How's everyone else doing? Still no MS for me yet. But my boobs are HUGE!

Happy 5 weeks!:flower: Good luck with your first scan! H&H 9 months to you!

Hi ladies. I went in to the fertility clinic today for repeat blood work and another scan because the er report was wonky. They did see a sac measuring spot on 5 weeks, but that was it. She said it could be early still and a normal viable pregnancy, it could be a non viable pregnancy trying to miscarry or it could be an ectopic pregnancy with a psuedo sac. We won't know until next week when I go back in for another scan to see the yolk sac and fetal pole.

I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers that your baby bean continues to grow and be healthy! :hugs: Yes, when it is that early that can happen, so try not to worry yourself and keep up the PMA. Take good care of yourself! :hugs: H&H 9 months to you!

I got my beta results today. At what I guess was 19dpo, my numbers were 1214. At what I guess was 22dpo my numbers were 3170.

They doubled which was great, but the doubling time could have been better, it was about 50 hours. Trying not to stress too much on that.

The doctor at the walk in clinic also referred me for an urgent early ultrasound to investigate bleeding and date the pregnancy. I hopefully will get in within the next 2 weeks. Wish me luck.

I think I'm about 5w3d today. 2 weeks since I found out about the pregnancy.

Those are great numbers! I hope everything continues to go great! H&H 9 months to you! :flower:

Good luck counting and Jrepp. It's very stressful to be in limbo, I know. Crossing fingers for you both.

BabyForIris - I had my first doc appt today too (in Toronto, no less) and was given/told the same thing, though my dating u/s is scheduled for next Monday, which puts me at 7 weeks. I was wondering whether the tech will let us see the u/s images. What do you think? Usually they're very secretive about it and don't say/show anything, just send the results to my doc. I'd hate to not be able to see it.

Feeling increasingly nauseous recently to the point where any kind of smell makes me really, really queasy. I just have to push through the nausea and eat anyway, which is usually fine. Really not looking forward to it getting worse, though.

I hope your naseua lets up and that you feel better soon!:hugs:

Gah I am going crazy. Thought I would get my second hcg results today but now it is too late and I don't think they will come in until tomorrow.

My numbers came in. 3009 today. They were 1008 4 days ago. Going up but not as fast as I was hoping. Doubling time 60hours and increase of 75% in 48 hours. Not terrible but not amazing either... going for round 3 on Wednesday.

Good luck with your next betas! H&H 9 months to you!

I've just started bleeding :( looks like it's not meant to be
I am so sorry hun! Big huge hugs to you!:hugs:

My GP visit was pretty uneventful. He didn't even do a test, was just happy to believe me! He doesn't care when I ovulated, only when I had a period so until a formal dating scan I'll be considered a week ahead of where I know I am, 5+6 today according to them instead of 5 weeks. I guess it should mean I get seen earlier. He's fine with me taking painkillers but has given me lower dose pills so I can take less when possible and slowly cut down. He's not overly concerned about the Endo but said decisions about any extra care I need aren't up to him anyway, I have to call the midwives and go from there. With my Endo history I may be seen early on by an obstetrician and it'll be up to them if they want any extra scans etc. Knowing how slow the NHS is I think we'll probably have to go ahead and book a private scan if we want one. OH wasn't convinced this was needed before but it would help me a lot I think.

I slept for 7.5 hours last night which is the longest since my BFP! The pain is still pretty bad but I'm managing. I'm feeling quite nauseous now, can't tell if it's from my painkillers or from my little sprout! I'm still pretty tired despite the sleep, may need a nap when I get home.

I am sorry that you are having so much pain. :hugs: I hope it lets up soon! I always thought that pregnancy could pause endometriosis growth? :shrug: I have stage 2 endo but luckily it doesn't cause me many problems. I had lap surgery before I did my first IVF and my dr removed some of it and that is when I discovered that I first had it. I also had to have a polyp removed along with scar tissue.

Your dr can give you a list of medications to take that are safe when pregnant, and one of the things that helped me sleep when things got really bad with my first pregnancy was beandryl, just the regular pink bednaryl, it is safe to take when pregnant and always knocks me out like a ton of bricks. I am on it now because the progesterone in oil I was injecting into my behind made me break out in an itchy rash! :wacko: I take it before bed because it makes me so sleepy! Good luck I hope that you can get some rest!
I don't think I ever shared the picture of my 2 embryos I transferred for my FET cycle and I just wanted to share them with you girls! I go for HCG bloods on Thursday! Wish me luck! Although I probably won't get my results back until Friday since my RE has a half day on Thursday! :nope:

Does anyone know offhand how quickly FRERs will fade after a miscarriage? Like if I took one while I'm still bleeding now, would it already be lighter or would I have to wait a while... I know hcg sticks around for a while but with my chemical my tests got lighter before I even started bleeding.

With my miscarriage in January my tests were lighter and lighter each day. Did you try testing again? I am so sorry you are in limbo :(
Hey girls, been a rough couple days for me, been following y'all but wasn't able to post. Been bleeding heavily for about 3 days now, 99% sure baby is gone. We are at peace with it now, obviously still sad but we know God is in control. I'm getting blood drawn today to confirm. Best wishes for everyone, I'll update when I get the results.

I am so sorry for your loss hun! Big huge hugs to you!:hugs::hugs:
Thank you wanna xx

December, I did but I don't know why I keep torturing myself...
Rose and Livvy, so sorry to hear this may be an MC - I know how heartbreaking that is. Sending lots of hugs your way and hope that all might be well after all.

Wannabepreggo - that's such a neat pic! I always wondered what embryos looked like, and that's such a clear image. Also weird (and cool) to think that might be the earliest possible photograph of your future baby/babies! I mean, that's crazy cool.

Jellybe - let us know about the testing and what the doc said. I had sharp pains in both my ovaries for like the first week after BFP. It only stopped a week ago (and of course now I'm worried about it having stopped). I've not had any spotting at all though, so hopefully that's good.

For ladies who've had nausea, do you find that sometimes the nausea abates? I've been feeling nauseous a LOT, including earlier today, but tonight I feel fine.
ETA: Okay, I spoke to soon; I feel nauseous again. And the smell of my B complex vitamins makes me want to gag.
Livvy huge :hugs: I know exactly how you must feel as I thought I was in the same position yesterday. I'm hoping and praying that things turn around :hugs:

Wannabeprego that pic is amazing!! :D

Jezikea I already feel a bit nauseous at times. I was awful with my son and it didn't even start this early so I hope it doesn't get worse very quickly. I was sick most days with my son for about 3 months. It was always worse in the morning.

Afm - no more bleeding and I had some cramping yesterday which I am hoping was bean moving around getting more stuck in. I remember having that with my son. My cm has also gone more creamy again so im hoping and praying everything will be ok. I think I overreeacted yesterday as the blood was red at first, but there wasn't that much of it really.

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