Ladies, what symptoms are you having?
I've got constipation, stuffy nose, pelvic pressure and some minor food aversions.
I test this saturday. it's gonna be a long 5 days.
I'm 8 dpo and I'm really excited

to share my symptoms:
1-5dpo: nothing I don't usually notice after my ovulation
6dpo: felt weird sharp pain across my whole abdomen in the afternoon that only lasted a few seconds, later that night had really, really, REALLY bad gas, had a sharp pain over my left ovary and on and off tugging sensations in my uterus, I also got weirdly emotional about my weight and how I felt about myself
7dpo: bad smelly gas continued into the morning, slight pains on and off over both ovaries, slight lower back pain, yellow-tinged CM in the afternoon changing to brown and stringy in the evening, then none. Right before bed there was a dull ache, almost burning or itching sensation over both ovaries.
8dpo (today): woke up at 4:00 am with slightly tender breasts and hiccups (WTF?), too restless to go back to sleep, a very slight amount of brown CM, more of the ovaries aching up till right now, my boobs are swollen but that happens about this time in my cycle every month so it's not a reliable symptom. What was new was the ache that I felt in them inside, plus a couple of visible blue veins, which I've never had. I also lost my appetite before I was halfway done with my lunch, even though I had been SUPER hungry and looking forward to lunch all morning.
I'm getting really excited! Could this be my month for a

? Can't wait to
