December Testers, come here! PLEASE SANTA! BRING US BFP'S! ** 145 Testers, 38 BFPs**

omg believe me I know! I stupidly peaked at my test from this a.m that I threw away and it originally showed up within 3-5mins after testing as what looked like a real really strong evap line, didn't even have to squint, and now there's a pinkish tint to the evap not getting myself excited bcuz I know ur not suppose to read after 10mins but I'm just wondering if you or ANYONE else have had an evap line on a pink dye cheapo test with color to it..? I thought color only showed in the test area if there was hcg present even if many hrs have past..? Weird. IV heard of it happening and have had it happen w blue dye tests but so far never the pink ones. Any experiences would be helpful. Again I know I shouldn't trust these results due to the time frame, I'm just curious if that has happens to anyone and if they were or weren't truly pregnant in the end. I will be testing again saturday for better results. If this some how is a real positive, I'm pretty sure itd show up by sat on a FRER or even the same cheapo that I used today. We shall see! No congrats until I know for sure plz as they get me a bit excited! LOL and I dont want to jinks myself! Fingers cossed!

baby dust to all!!!!
Secretely jumping for joy! Hehehe

lol Ill let u know in the a.m what FRER says. Today (8dpo) I feel sooo much better which is makin me second guess everything but my bbs still hurt extremely bad and I am still have on and off slight cramps in my stomach and my cervix feels kind of swollen and ive nevr felt the opening area of it feel the way it does now but my cervix acts like its on something all the time! Lol. Tomorrow will still only be 9dpo so it might still be too early. If its bfn, I guess ill be testing again Monday lol. Thank goodness my friend had all those tests to give me! Fingers crossed!!!!
Nov 18-21 AF
Cd5 bd
Cd6 bd
Cd7 bd
Cd8 bd
Cd9 bd, crabby!
Cd10 bd, crabby yet increased sex drive,Ovulation?
Cd11 bd, very minimal cramping while in bed in the p.m. wouldn't even tell if I wasn't paying such close attention
Cd12 bd, same as cd11
Cd13 bd, No out of the ordinary symptoms
Cd14 bd, dizzy spell, light cramping at night
Cd15 bd, cramping more, cervix high and soft, lotion like CM, dizzy spell during the day
Cd16 bd, cervix high and soft, closed? Can barely barely reach it, only can reach it if I push like I'm pooping then I can just feel the tip of my cervix (sorry TMI) cramping on and off all day, pink tinge when wiped in p.m. twice but almost not noticeable, tired yet restless.
Cd17 cervix high, can't tell if it's soft or hard, open or closed because my cervix is too high, slept awful last night with weird dreams, awful hot flashes this morning and irriatable, No bowel movement yet this morning which is odd, usually immediately in the a.m. (sorry TMI), nipples are puffy, dh noticed and oh yes they are definitely puffy, Back spasms, sneezing spells, i actually puked not too long ago but me and dh were arguing, which is not like us.... crabby much? Lol. I hope that was pregnancy puking and not just because we were arging. I never ever ever puke! Some mild cramping... hope everything is okay and a good sign..
Cd18 very stuffy nose today, headache, weird pregnancy dreams- probably due to me thinking about it, woke up a lot throughout the night, my nipples hurt soooo bad- can't even wear a bra, sneezing spells which I never sneeze- no allergies, main thing is my nipples are soooooooo puffy! White cm when going to rr- drips out slow. Awful taste in mouth, and gagging a lot. No bm all day which is strange...
Cd19 very very sore uterus, nips still somewhat sensitive- still no bra, still having sneezing spells. Awful dreams all night, lots of smells are repulsive- even coffee. Haven't drank any in 6 days... :( I feel like I can smell everything, BFN with fmu with a cheapie... lots of creamy white CM. Cp still very high. Hasent dropped any.

AF due dec. 15

that looks exactly like my notes and then today (cd 21) I felt better except minor cramps and extremely sore/swollen bbs still and ive had headaches just in the a.m though. God plz let this be good for us! Hopefully ill get a bfp tomo to leave u with even more hope =) fingers crossed and baby dust!!
I agree, i feel much better today also. But my uterus was so freaking sore this morning. I felt so much pressure everytime i sat down in the a.m. but as the day went on it got better, which is also making me second guess everything too. But i have never had these symptoms before af, ever. My nipples are still somewhat swollen and still tender. Dh says he has a feeling im pg. I hope hes right. :) i also have had a huge increase in cm... its like pure white, kind of like glue? Idk. Lol... tmi. Its weird because i usually dont have much cm, but now it drips when i go to rr. Weird? Or good? Lol. I really hope you get a bfp! I need to ease my mind somehow, lol. Af is due on the 15th.... when should i test again? I really dont think i can wait until after af is due.. lol. I am only 23 and i am supposed to get a hysterectomy due to me keep getting pre cancerous cells.... bummer..... :( but dr says to try now and see if we can be successful before i get it done..... he says that its not making me infertile but due to my precancer cells my cervix is very weak so i have to be very careful if/when i get pg. I have just been so worried about everything.. i told dh it makes me feel awful that because of me he may never be able to have his own child. And he gets so upset with me for saying that because he says he already has a child (my son/4 yrs old- not his biologically) but he is his dad, as im sure you all know what i mean by that. I just pray that we can have a child together as he is so amazing with my son Orin. Dh bas been my best friend and my rock through everything for 8+ years. We have been best friends since 15. I couldnt ask for a better man. I hope to give him the best gift ever... a child.
I agree, i feel much better today also. But my uterus was so freaking sore this morning. I felt so much pressure everytime i sat down in the a.m. but as the day went on it got better, which is also making me second guess everything too. But i have never had these symptoms before af, ever. My nipples are still somewhat swollen and still tender. Dh says he has a feeling im pg. I hope hes right. :) i also have had a huge increase in cm... its like pure white, kind of like glue? Idk. Lol... tmi. Its weird because i usually dont have much cm, but now it drips when i go to rr. Weird? Or good? Lol. I really hope you get a bfp! I need to ease my mind somehow, lol. Af is due on the 15th.... when should i test again? I really dont think i can wait until after af is due.. lol. I am only 23 and i am supposed to get a hysterectomy due to me keep getting pre cancerous cells.... bummer..... :( but dr says to try now and see if we can be successful before i get it done..... he says that its not making me infertile but due to my precancer cells my cervix is very weak so i have to be very careful if/when i get pg. I have just been so worried about everything.. i told dh it makes me feel awful that because of me he may never be able to have his own child. And he gets so upset with me for saying that because he says he already has a child (my son/4 yrs old- not his biologically) but he is his dad, as im sure you all know what i mean by that. I just pray that we can have a child together as he is so amazing with my son Orin. Dh bas been my best friend and my rock through everything for 8+ years. We have been best friends since 15. I couldnt ask for a better man. I hope to give him the best gift ever... a child.
Oh Aleas I really hope you get your sticky and lucky bean this month!!! Good luck with everything! :hugs:
Hi, today is 12 DPO. I have been testing since 8 DPO and I may have a squinter on an IC this morning... does anyone else see it!? :wacko:

View attachment 706883

I think I see something, but I'm not sure if it's just pixilated. Good luck!

Im not sure whats going on with me I was just asking the other day when I ov bc I was kinda confused from my tests anyway I know it is cd 22 for me and I just got this, the tests were not touching or dipped in the cup, separate cups same sample smu, what do u think?

It looks like a positive hpt to me. Opk's can be positive during pregnancy as lh an hcg are similar in structure.

I got this yesterday wasn't fmu but afternoon after lots of tea. EBay cheapies are super faint, saving my other fr for Monday. Really hope its a sticky x


Hi all.. AF was due on the 4th or 5th .. BFN this morning. Starting to get really confused and discouraged. Only thing giving me hope is my temp is rising and i weirdly dont have my monthly pimples or really sore breasts. Tue temp was 98.02, Wed 98.06, today 98.16 ..... I'm pretty sure I'm 13dpo because I used an OPK that said I was at peak on nov 23 but maybe i actually ovulated later. Does anyone have any advice? When should I test again? I have spent far too much money on HPTs this month haha ...

I would wait a week if you can. Some people don't implant until 12dpo and would have to wait until 16+ dpo for a positive.

Girls, maybe you can help me. I posted this elsewhere but this is a much more active thread. So I just started fertile week and last night we tried to :sex: but bf wasn't able to finish the job, so to speak. He said it's cuz I'm not into it enough. I just want to have a baby. :cry: I'll do anything to make this happen. Anyone have advice for me to help him finish the job? Also, he's 44 - is this an age thing?

If you aren't into it, he's not into it. If you aren't enjoying love making then maybe you should put ttc on hold and focus on the two of you. I know it sounds like a tall order, but you are putting so much pressure on both of you and lost the magic in the baby making process.

I agree, i feel much better today also. But my uterus was so freaking sore this morning. I felt so much pressure everytime i sat down in the a.m. but as the day went on it got better, which is also making me second guess everything too. But i have never had these symptoms before af, ever. My nipples are still somewhat swollen and still tender. Dh says he has a feeling im pg. I hope hes right. :) i also have had a huge increase in cm... its like pure white, kind of like glue? Idk. Lol... tmi. Its weird because i usually dont have much cm, but now it drips when i go to rr. Weird? Or good? Lol. I really hope you get a bfp! I need to ease my mind somehow, lol. Af is due on the 15th.... when should i test again? I really dont think i can wait until after af is due.. lol. I am only 23 and i am supposed to get a hysterectomy due to me keep getting pre cancerous cells.... bummer..... :( but dr says to try now and see if we can be successful before i get it done..... he says that its not making me infertile but due to my precancer cells my cervix is very weak so i have to be very careful if/when i get pg. I have just been so worried about everything.. i told dh it makes me feel awful that because of me he may never be able to have his own child. And he gets so upset with me for saying that because he says he already has a child (my son/4 yrs old- not his biologically) but he is his dad, as im sure you all know what i mean by that. I just pray that we can have a child together as he is so amazing with my son Orin. Dh bas been my best friend and my rock through everything for 8+ years. We have been best friends since 15. I couldnt ask for a better man. I hope to give him the best gift ever... a child.

Was it in your uterus or cervix?
As for me: had a pretty eventful day today! Temp at 98.12 so still high :) Had a pretty crazy dream last night and woke up in a panic. Went to work and got a call from my hubby (and then my sister). My moms dogs got into a fight and one was hurt pretty badly. My husband dropped everything and drove over there to help my mom out and then came and got me to check them out and doctor the dogs up. In my panic, I left work in below freezing temps wearing nothing but a t-shirt, sweat pants and snow boots. I was then stuck outside for 10 minutes before someone leg me in the building. Hubby and I made gingerbread houses with my side of the family and then caught hunger games 2 before heading home.

My boobs are a little tender, I'm bloated and I feel like if I pushed hard enough I could manually start my period. There is some pressure and mild twinges on my right side.
Today I've had slight cramps but mainly crampy legs and lower back ache. I remember this achey feeling early on with my other two but seems too early to be noticing so who knows what's going on, if anything. Babydust to all!
Cervical cancer.. ive had biopsies, colposcopies, and leep precedures and the cells keep coming back. At one point it was stage 3 severe...... twas no good... trying to stay positive...
And last time i had it done i ended up in the e.r. because i started hemmorging.. thats why they are doing a hysterectomy.. :(
Have you had the hpv vaccine? I had bad cells for several years and after doctors talked about hysterectomy I got the vaccine and have had normal tests since.
Well ladies.. I just got blood results back from my Dr. I went in because I was having heart palpitations. I read that it can be caused by pregnancy due to increased blood flow. Anyway he decided to check my electrolytes and thyroid. I got the call this afternoon that my thyroid is elevated. He wants to do a blood draw again next month. I've been having issues for a couple of years but thyroid was always normal. I am thankful to have somewhat of a diagnosis... but very emotional at the same time. I read it can cause issues when TTC. Hopefully he gets me on some meds and regulated soon so our want for a baby can be a reality. I do still plan to use my OPKs this cycle so I can see if my body is doing anything.

GL to everyone still waiting to test.

That's great that you found out though! I've been struggling with hypothyroid for 4 years and I can tell you that things always start getting better once diagnosed. And you are right, its much harder to conceive with thyroid issues and it's also hard to keep a pregnancy with unchecked thyroid issues.

I just had my thyroid removed in August because the doc couldn't regulate it with medication. I'm a little worried it will make TTC harder but I've been assured that I should be fine But I still worry!

I just wanted to give you some hope that things could turn out really well for you soon ..
I was trying for 6 months to get pregnant with my 2nd son and finally just broke down and cried to my doctor that something was not right and she did some tests and found out my thyroid was underactive. So I went on thyroxine and 10 days later got pregnant! Turns out my thyroid levels were where I didn't have any symptoms of hypothyroidism... Just affected getting pregnant. So I hope you can get on the right medication and then a bfp!! And thinking about it afterwards I was blessed NOT to get pregnant with my thyroid levels too low because it can cause a lot of problems for the baby.

I'm glad to hear it worked for you that quickly!! I'm hoping now that mine is out and my medication is closer to normal that I'll be able to get my BFP.

AFM: I am on CD8, should O in about 10 days? I got a reading done by Cheri22 the other day! She said a Girl in December, A Girl in July and a Boy in October. My reading was for up to 4 children and I am somewhat surprised that she stopped at 3 because thats exactly how many children i want. Also, I have only ever had 3 names picked out for baby names I liked, 2 girl's names and 1 boy name. Girl #1 sounded like me the most, Girl #2 sounded like a mix of my husband and I and Boy sounded JUST like my husband.

I'm hoping December means that I'll get my BFP this month!! (It can be either conceive month, month I find out in, or birth month) and not March, or next December!!! :p
Well I'm out, AF came today. :-(

Baby dust to the rest of you.
Im out, AF came late last night.....please change my test date to Dec 31st (I'll test early to hopefully get a BFP this December! :) )
Sorry to all of you whose been caught by the witch :hugs: hope you all get bfps soon :dust: xx

Here's my bfps from this morning, can't believe we caught first time again, just hope this one is a keeper xx


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