December Testers, come here! PLEASE SANTA! BRING US BFP'S! ** 145 Testers, 38 BFPs**

fertility friend has notified me that my chart appears to be triphasic.

i know not all triphasic charts result in pregnancy but its a good sign anyways . fx for me
So Im the one that was really late and now I'm 11 or 12 days late. Took the test and it 's a BFN. So confused. I know I'm not imagining these boobs have been sore for days. What do you all think it could be? Btw I used kroger brand test strips; that shouldn't matter should it?
So I have 10 days until af and I already feel out for this month. I didn't take bbt this month trying not to stress and instead I stressed over not knowing when I ovulated or if I did
Hello ladies! I am 7DPO and I am having slight cramping. AF is due on the 15th. Will keep you ladies updated. We BD almost everyday but this is probably not my month.

xnmd1, FX for you, hoping that it is great news!!!

Monjon07, I don't think it should matter, but if you can buy other tests and compare, you never know you just might get your BFP since you are that late!!! Have you ever been that late before?
FX!! Let us know.

Meljenn, I have 8 days until AF shows. You are doing right don't stress about it. I used to take my temps and last month and this month I stopped taking my temps sicne I was getting too stressed. I used to get mad at myself if I have forgotten to take my temp for 1 day.
Hello ladies! Quick question.. if ive been cramping for the past 4-5 days or so and then yesterday right above my pubic bone i guess you could say i was very very sore. And now today my cramps have subsided for the most part, some random ones every once in awhile but nothing compared to the past several days. Af not due for another 7 days. Was this implantation? I have a lot of creamy white cm the past 2 days or so amd my cervix is still high, it hasent dropped any. Please i need some input. Tested yesterday with fmu bfn with a cheapie... confused...
Nov 18-21 AF
Cd5 bd
Cd6 bd
Cd7 bd
Cd8 bd
Cd9 bd, crabby!
Cd10 bd, crabby yet increased sex drive,Ovulation?
Cd11 bd, very minimal cramping while in bed in the p.m. wouldn't even tell if I wasn't paying such close attention
Cd12 bd, same as cd11
Cd13 bd, No out of the ordinary symptoms
Cd14 bd, dizzy spell, light cramping at night
Cd15 bd, cramping more, cervix high and soft, lotion like CM, dizzy spell during the day
Cd16 bd, cervix high and soft, closed? Can barely barely reach it, only can reach it if I push like I'm pooping then I can just feel the tip of my cervix (sorry TMI) cramping on and off all day, pink tinge when wiped in p.m. twice but almost not noticeable, tired yet restless.
Cd17 cervix high, can't tell if it's soft or hard, open or closed because my cervix is too high, slept awful last night with weird dreams, awful hot flashes this morning and irriatable, No bowel movement yet this morning which is odd, usually immediately in the a.m. (sorry TMI), nipples are puffy, dh noticed and oh yes they are definitely puffy, Back spasms, sneezing spells, i actually puked not too long ago but me and dh were arguing, which is not like us.... crabby much? Lol. I hope that was pregnancy puking and not just because we were arging. I never ever ever puke! Some mild cramping... hope everything is okay and a good sign..
Cd18 very stuffy nose today, headache, weird pregnancy dreams- probably due to me thinking about it, woke up a lot throughout the night, my nipples hurt soooo bad- can't even wear a bra, sneezing spells which I never sneeze- no allergies, main thing is my nipples are soooooooo puffy! White cm when going to rr- drips out slow. Awful taste in mouth, and gagging a lot. No bm all day which is strange...
Cd19 very very sore uterus, nips still somewhat sensitive- still no bra, still having sneezing spells. Awful dreams all night, lots of smells are repulsive- even coffee. Haven't drank any in 6 days... :( I feel like I can smell everything, BFN with fmu with a cheapie... lots of creamy white CM, cp still very high.
Cd20 no cramps this morning, my uterus is no longer sore, get a random quick pinch like feeling every so often in uterus area- kinda like a cramp but nothing compared to the past several days, have had no appetite for the past several days and now when I woke up I woke up starving, and I woke up twice throughout the night to go to rr and 1 other time I just woke up for no apparent reason, nips still tender but not awful, lots of creamy white CM which is odd because I usually don't have much CM and when I do its always like water- clear in color, still have that awful stuffy nose but it comes and goes, hair has been greasy for the past 8 days or so- usually wash every other day now it's everyday, kind of like a stray headache- not a headache but it's there (make sense?), cp still high

AF due dec. 15
I agree, i feel much better today also. But my uterus was so freaking sore this morning. I felt so much pressure everytime i sat down in the a.m. but as the day went on it got better, which is also making me second guess everything too. But i have never had these symptoms before af, ever. My nipples are still somewhat swollen and still tender. Dh says he has a feeling im pg. I hope hes right. :) i also have had a huge increase in cm... its like pure white, kind of like glue? Idk. Lol... tmi. Its weird because i usually dont have much cm, but now it drips when i go to rr. Weird? Or good? Lol. I really hope you get a bfp! I need to ease my mind somehow, lol. Af is due on the 15th.... when should i test again? I really dont think i can wait until after af is due.. lol. I am only 23 and i am supposed to get a hysterectomy due to me keep getting pre cancerous cells.... bummer..... :( but dr says to try now and see if we can be successful before i get it done..... he says that its not making me infertile but due to my precancer cells my cervix is very weak so i have to be very careful if/when i get pg. I have just been so worried about everything.. i told dh it makes me feel awful that because of me he may never be able to have his own child. And he gets so upset with me for saying that because he says he already has a child (my son/4 yrs old- not his biologically) but he is his dad, as im sure you all know what i mean by that. I just pray that we can have a child together as he is so amazing with my son Orin. Dh bas been my best friend and my rock through everything for 8+ years. We have been best friends since 15. I couldnt ask for a better man. I hope to give him the best gift ever... a child.

omg we are more and more alike daily! My dh is too not the father of my 6yr old son so I too would feel awful if I can't give him a baby of his own (plus I really want another with the man I know I want to truly be with forever) and again, he too always says that I need to stop talking like that because he already has a child too (aka my son) which is soooo amazing he feels that way and I love him even more for it but I really really hope we can make another baby and not just for us to enjoy, my son asks about a sibling daily! It'd just be wonderful to complete our beautiful family! I know exactly how u feel. 6months is a long time to try and I spend 8months before NTNP (but secretly hoping!!) it just NEEDS to happen soon!! So I did not take my FRER this a.m because I had to pee soooo bad that I couldn't even open the package!! Lol but I'm going to try to hold out from weeing for as long as possible and take my FRER tonight unless I can actually hold out until tomorrow a.m which would be great lol but highly doubtful I won't lose control this afternoon/tonight. Ill update u as soon as I take the test. 9dpo is still early so if its bfn, I won't get too down yet. Btw, it makes me feel even better that ur now feeling better also. Maybe implantation has happened stopping our horrible cramping! I'd jump with joy like never before!! Ur a great buddy to have on here for me...we have alot in common and I'm really grateful we started chatting. Ive been pretty positive this month but u have definitely added to my positivity! Thank u! If I'm not on for a bit today and u want to tell me something u can send a msg because this is a very fast thread and I cant find ur posts when I come to check back sometimes lol this was the only one I found from u after searching 20mins LOL. Fingers crossed I get an early *sticky* BFP tonight!!! And I pray to god urs is coming also! U may be a day or two behind me (from what u said when we first started chatting) so DEFF don't let any BFN's get u down so soon! Hugs to you!! xxxxx and loads of baby dust for both of us! =) And every other women hoping with everything you've got for your bfp as well! I knew this thread was lucky from the beginning and I will continue to pray and keep my fingers crosses tightly for all!

I am sooo sorry for all the woman the mean witch showed up for! =( your all in my prayers! Baby dust for next month!! Fingers crossed!!
Aleas- I forgot to mention, I too have been having very WHITE CM and usually its a lil yellow tinted at this point in my cycle..maybe just weird progesterone changes OR could be from pregnancy. CP and CM aren't very reliable though since some woman get yellow cm and some get white. I wish it didn't differ soo much from woman to woman! It'd make this an alot easier process and save alot of guessing! Lol. When r u foing to be testing again?

I also forgot, ive been crying like all day today...idk what's wrong with me! Very emotional and tired. If this is pms, IM SICK TO DEATH OF IT!!!!!!! Dh and I never fight and I feel like freaking out on him for NOTHING! I do not like this feeling but will happily accept it if it means Il have a beautiful healthy baby In 9months! Hehe.

So Im the one that was really late and now I'm 11 or 12 days late. Took the test and it 's a BFN. So confused. I know I'm not imagining these boobs have been sore for days. What do you all think it could be? Btw I used kroger brand test strips; that shouldn't matter should it?

Try a more sensitive test, like an First Response Early Result (FRER) and see if there's anything. If not, I'd make an appointment with a doctor for a blood test or something, that's very late.

Another thought I'm having is to wonder - did you have any bleeding at all that you chalked up to implantation bleeding? I had a cycle where I thought I had IB because there was almost no bleeding, but turns out I just had the weirdest, shortest, lightest cycle ever and well I'm ovulating right now! Straight into a new TWW! :) So some things to consider.
So want a BFP! So so bad :(

It's been a horrible few months and this would finish off the year lovely for me and my OH and make it something to look forward too! X
Well feels like AF on her way very soon.....cramping bad and looks like if they arrive tomorrow that's me down to 20 day cycle, 11dpo so ok LP just worried about drop in cycle each month anyone having or had same problem??
Well feels like AF on her way very soon.....cramping bad and looks like if they arrive tomorrow that's me down to 20 day cycle, 11dpo so ok LP just worried about drop in cycle each month anyone having or had same problem??

My cycles are decreasing as well, month by month. Past four months from 28 days to 23 . How old are you? My doctor reassured me that this is ok for my age (27 this week !). She told me that depending on when I ovulate this will not be a problem. This is the first month I am temping and opk due to my own concerns about lp length. My opks are getting darker and my period only ended two days ago.... I must ovulate wayyyyy, wayyy earlier than ff or I had ever predicted which I am glad I know now.

I have heard that vitamin d increases the lp? Hopefully I am right with D... Maybe ladies on here could clarify. I try to get it from the orange juice I drink with extra d and I have it in my prenatals. Good luck !!
If AF rears her ugly head I have another chance this month ovulation would be due roughly the 23rd Dec. So maybe we'll be getting a new year BFP! Definitely think AF is about to show horrid cramping and a BFN this afternoon. Although not sure when ovulation happened this month. How soon will some of you ladies be testing? X
Well feels like AF on her way very soon.....cramping bad and looks like if they arrive tomorrow that's me down to 20 day cycle, 11dpo so ok LP just worried about drop in cycle each month anyone having or had same problem??

My cycles are decreasing as well, month by month. Past four months from 28 days to 23 . How old are you? My doctor reassured me that this is ok for my age (27 this week !). She told me that depending on when I ovulate this will not be a problem. This is the first month I am temping and opk due to my own concerns about lp length. My opks are getting darker and my period only ended two days ago.... I must ovulate wayyyyy, wayyy earlier than ff or I had ever predicted which I am glad I know now.

I have heard that vitamin d increases the lp? Hopefully I am right with D... Maybe ladies on here could clarify. I try to get it from the orange juice I drink with extra d and I have it in my prenatals. Good luck !!

Lindreed, I am 31 nearly 32 hence why a bit more concerned. I came off pill end of July and gone from 28, 28, 24, 24, 22 and now looks like 20 2 cycles ago I got negative opk so certain I didn't 'o' FF gave me crosshairs but pretty sure I didn't. This cycle I definitely ovulated cycle day 9 and matched perfectly with FF crosshairs so I am currently 11DPO so fingers crossed but might get an appointment for peace of mind only good thing about short cycle this month is I expect another early ovulation which means hubs will be home as he was due away ovulation time although we really missed this cycle due to ovulating early so making up for it. Just frustrating with it changing all the time :-(

Good luck with your early bedding!!! This cycle i started opk day after period just to make sure! keep me updated hun :) :thumbup:

Oh forgot to add was on B6 since February with breaks as not meant to take it for long periods of time, i was taking it as hyperemisis preventative as suffered HG with DD and may help my body prepare if i get it again :)
So Im the one that was really late and now I'm 11 or 12 days late. Took the test and it 's a BFN. So confused. I know I'm not imagining these boobs have been sore for days. What do you all think it could be? Btw I used kroger brand test strips; that shouldn't matter should it?

Have you ever been this late before? The only thing I could suggest would be an FRER and a trip to your doctor. You could be having an ectopic pregnancy which is why you have symptoms but no positive hpt.

Hello ladies! Quick question.. if ive been cramping for the past 4-5 days or so and then yesterday right above my pubic bone i guess you could say i was very very sore. And now today my cramps have subsided for the most part, some random ones every once in awhile but nothing compared to the past several days. Af not due for another 7 days. Was this implantation? I have a lot of creamy white cm the past 2 days or so amd my cervix is still high, it hasent dropped any. Please i need some input. Tested yesterday with fmu bfn with a cheapie... confused...

How many DPO are you now?

Well feels like AF on her way very soon.....cramping bad and looks like if they arrive tomorrow that's me down to 20 day cycle, 11dpo so ok LP just worried about drop in cycle each month anyone having or had same problem??

I'm sorry. Did you recently get off of birth control? Your body could still be regulating. Are you doing anything different that you haven't been doing before like vitamins or any other supplements?

Well feels like AF on her way very soon.....cramping bad and looks like if they arrive tomorrow that's me down to 20 day cycle, 11dpo so ok LP just worried about drop in cycle each month anyone having or had same problem??

My cycles are decreasing as well, month by month. Past four months from 28 days to 23 . How old are you? My doctor reassured me that this is ok for my age (27 this week !). She told me that depending on when I ovulate this will not be a problem. This is the first month I am temping and opk due to my own concerns about lp length. My opks are getting darker and my period only ended two days ago.... I must ovulate wayyyyy, wayyy earlier than ff or I had ever predicted which I am glad I know now.

I have heard that vitamin d increases the lp? Hopefully I am right with D... Maybe ladies on here could clarify. I try to get it from the orange juice I drink with extra d and I have it in my prenatals. Good luck !!

Progesterone is also supposed to increase cycle length, especially if you have a short lp.
Hello ladies! Quick question.. if ive been cramping for the past 4-5 days or so and then yesterday right above my pubic bone i guess you could say i was very very sore. And now today my cramps have subsided for the most part, some random ones every once in awhile but nothing compared to the past several days. Af not due for another 7 days. Was this implantation? I have a lot of creamy white cm the past 2 days or so amd my cervix is still high, it hasent dropped any. Please i need some input. Tested yesterday with fmu bfn with a cheapie... confused...

How many DPO are you now?

Im not exactly sure.. i dont temp or use opk's, id have worse baby fever than i do now. Lol. I believe from what my body told me which i pay very close attention to, i believe i o'd on cd 11.. my nipples are no longer puffy but my areolas look darker. They were very puffy couple days ago which i havent had that since pg with ds.. i tend to o earlier than later. Im going crazy with this wait........ :/ input? If u need my cd from 1 to 20 (today) i can post it again..
It would seem then, if you o'd on cd 11 that you are 9 dpo. Its possible that what you felt was implantation, although when I was pregnant I didn't have the cramping that you experienced aside from some mild twinges every once in a while.

If it was implantation, you wouldn't get a positive hpt for at least 4 more days.
ugh i am very emotional again today. OH had a big fight and falling out with his dad today and now wants to be alone and has gone for a drive and im here alone and started crying. i am not a crier, i haye being like this. we were suppose to put up our xmas tree and now no bodys in the mood.

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