I agree, i feel much better today also. But my uterus was so freaking sore this morning. I felt so much pressure everytime i sat down in the a.m. but as the day went on it got better, which is also making me second guess everything too. But i have never had these symptoms before af, ever. My nipples are still somewhat swollen and still tender. Dh says he has a feeling im pg. I hope hes right.i also have had a huge increase in cm... its like pure white, kind of like glue? Idk. Lol... tmi. Its weird because i usually dont have much cm, but now it drips when i go to rr. Weird? Or good? Lol. I really hope you get a bfp! I need to ease my mind somehow, lol. Af is due on the 15th.... when should i test again? I really dont think i can wait until after af is due.. lol. I am only 23 and i am supposed to get a hysterectomy due to me keep getting pre cancerous cells.... bummer.....
but dr says to try now and see if we can be successful before i get it done..... he says that its not making me infertile but due to my precancer cells my cervix is very weak so i have to be very careful if/when i get pg. I have just been so worried about everything.. i told dh it makes me feel awful that because of me he may never be able to have his own child. And he gets so upset with me for saying that because he says he already has a child (my son/4 yrs old- not his biologically) but he is his dad, as im sure you all know what i mean by that. I just pray that we can have a child together as he is so amazing with my son Orin. Dh bas been my best friend and my rock through everything for 8+ years. We have been best friends since 15. I couldnt ask for a better man. I hope to give him the best gift ever... a child.
So Im the one that was really late and now I'm 11 or 12 days late. Took the test and it 's a BFN. So confused. I know I'm not imagining these symptoms...my boobs have been sore for days. What do you all think it could be? Btw I used kroger brand test strips; that shouldn't matter should it?
Well feels like AF on her way very soon.....cramping bad and looks like if they arrive tomorrow that's me down to 20 day cycle, 11dpo so ok LP just worried about drop in cycle each month anyone having or had same problem??
Well feels like AF on her way very soon.....cramping bad and looks like if they arrive tomorrow that's me down to 20 day cycle, 11dpo so ok LP just worried about drop in cycle each month anyone having or had same problem??
My cycles are decreasing as well, month by month. Past four months from 28 days to 23 . How old are you? My doctor reassured me that this is ok for my age (27 this week !). She told me that depending on when I ovulate this will not be a problem. This is the first month I am temping and opk due to my own concerns about lp length. My opks are getting darker and my period only ended two days ago.... I must ovulate wayyyyy, wayyy earlier than ff or I had ever predicted which I am glad I know now.
I have heard that vitamin d increases the lp? Hopefully I am right with D... Maybe ladies on here could clarify. I try to get it from the orange juice I drink with extra d and I have it in my prenatals. Good luck !!
So Im the one that was really late and now I'm 11 or 12 days late. Took the test and it 's a BFN. So confused. I know I'm not imagining these symptoms...my boobs have been sore for days. What do you all think it could be? Btw I used kroger brand test strips; that shouldn't matter should it?
Hello ladies! Quick question.. if ive been cramping for the past 4-5 days or so and then yesterday right above my pubic bone i guess you could say i was very very sore. And now today my cramps have subsided for the most part, some random ones every once in awhile but nothing compared to the past several days. Af not due for another 7 days. Was this implantation? I have a lot of creamy white cm the past 2 days or so amd my cervix is still high, it hasent dropped any. Please i need some input. Tested yesterday with fmu bfn with a cheapie... confused...
Well feels like AF on her way very soon.....cramping bad and looks like if they arrive tomorrow that's me down to 20 day cycle, 11dpo so ok LP just worried about drop in cycle each month anyone having or had same problem??
Well feels like AF on her way very soon.....cramping bad and looks like if they arrive tomorrow that's me down to 20 day cycle, 11dpo so ok LP just worried about drop in cycle each month anyone having or had same problem??
My cycles are decreasing as well, month by month. Past four months from 28 days to 23 . How old are you? My doctor reassured me that this is ok for my age (27 this week !). She told me that depending on when I ovulate this will not be a problem. This is the first month I am temping and opk due to my own concerns about lp length. My opks are getting darker and my period only ended two days ago.... I must ovulate wayyyyy, wayyy earlier than ff or I had ever predicted which I am glad I know now.
I have heard that vitamin d increases the lp? Hopefully I am right with D... Maybe ladies on here could clarify. I try to get it from the orange juice I drink with extra d and I have it in my prenatals. Good luck !!
Hello ladies! Quick question.. if ive been cramping for the past 4-5 days or so and then yesterday right above my pubic bone i guess you could say i was very very sore. And now today my cramps have subsided for the most part, some random ones every once in awhile but nothing compared to the past several days. Af not due for another 7 days. Was this implantation? I have a lot of creamy white cm the past 2 days or so amd my cervix is still high, it hasent dropped any. Please i need some input. Tested yesterday with fmu bfn with a cheapie... confused...