Honestly? I just let him nurse as much as he wanted. Are you getting touched out or are you having concerns about his eating habits? If it's getting touched out, I'd say it would help to spend a few evenings and then a weekend with your OH taking over if that's possible and you just having some downtime to recharge yourself. Distraction is also a gentle way of decreasing feeds, but won't work for every toddler, especially if they're nursing more because of teething pain or have an illness coming on (it usually works best if they're nursing out of boredom).
If it's that your concerned about his diet and solids intake and you're not physically/mentally bothered by the increased nursing, I would suggest just to go with the flow and trust his body to tell him what he needs. Making sure he knows food is available is a good suggestion from pp, too. I'd probably personally make it cold-ish food in case it's a tooth thing. When in doubt, I offered refrigerated pineapple, watermelon, and mandarin slices between meals so that he got the fluid and vitamin c in case he had a cold on the way.