When you get the letter saying to have visits at the contact centre take it.
My OH was in your exact position a couple years ago, He could of wrote your exact post. Split up with his ex before the child was born, refused access outside her house, on her terms. Constant abuse as she found out he has gotten with myself and very bitter about it as we met a very soon after they split up. The lot.
Short version is he when the baby was 6 months old he had enough an went to his solicitor, letters backwards and fowards for a while, he had to continue to go to her house to see the lil girl as his solicitor said this would look good, she refused to let him have her by himself, even for an hour in the park next to her house!
Court said they HAD to try medication before taking the next step and going to court, My OH went, she didnt show.
Went to court once. she used every trick under the book, his daughter doesnt know him enough, I dont want HER (me) there, court said they had to make progress so supervised visits by the mother was made at my OH mother house every week for 6 hours, done that for 5 weeks but on the 5th week my OH Mum accidently said my name when she was meant to say her grandughter name (Pure accident, shes a right mixer with names)!
The mum went mental, took the lil girl started shouting, saying she was going to lie in court some more and then she went to hit my OH, as she went to hit him he just grabbed her wrists and pushed her away so she couldnt touch him. (She did not have the baby in her hands at this point as she was put saftly in the car)
When they had to go back to court the week after she tried saying he had physcally assulting her, my OH took along a witness who said she was lieing and what actually happened.
My OH was then granted unsupervised visits as the mother couldnt say anything bad as she already looked bad for lieing about assult,
he got his daughter for 6 hours on a sunday and then the following week pick up 6pm, drop back 12.30pm the next day.
The main reason all along though for her not wanting my OH to have his daughter is beacuse I was going to be there. She doesnt want her daughter around me, She hates my guts and still does to this day.
But at the end of the day the court didnt take that into consideration as im not a threat to the child, he got granted the time he wanted.
Once granted contact though, his ex did use the 'Shes ill' ALOT, at least ever other week until he told her if it continued he will take her back to court. she stopped then and now its just once a month
Me and My OH are having a baby now, and we havent told her, dreading her responce as she will just flip, were not going to tell her at all though til i give birth, I dont want the stress of her constant texting abuse!
Good luck!