that seems a bit strange. He can already take sips of water out of my cup and/or watter bottle..
And what is a muselin??
I think it's our equivalent of light baby blanket/puke rag
that seems a bit strange. He can already take sips of water out of my cup and/or watter bottle..
And what is a muselin??
and by puke rag, you mean burp cloth, right? lol!
Hi there, I haven't read any other replies, but just wanted to let you know I had the same problem with DD1. I exclusively breastfed her for three months and she would not take a bottle for love nor money. She would shake her head from side to side with teat in her mouth, and scream. I was at my wits end when someone suggested taking my top off and holding her close to me whilst feeding her. Bingo it worked first time, having tried every teat, bottle milk under the sun and it was that simple x
OP please don't think I am rude poster, I just wanted to kindly ( I mean kindly) point out that if your baby nurses to sleep and always does, your mom is going to have one hell of a time getting him to sleep with no boob. I would start changing that right now before you go, if you work on it for three weeks you should come right ( probably faster).
Also I don't want to be negative but my first never took a bottle, honestly never, I tried it all, every kind of bottle I could get my hands on, different people feeding him, but he would proper strike. He went to daycare every day for 5 hours from 6 months old, and never took a bottle for almost a year. I would nurse him before I went there, and as soon as I came back , and in between the daycare lady gave him my expressed milk with some rice cereal by spoon.
My second managed to take the bottle and honestly I don't know why the first wouldn't.
I would imagine your son won't have the choice cos his mom won't come rescue him from his strike so he would probably cave but its just something to keep in mind.
I hope you manage to get him onto that bottle and have a lovely holiday!