Determined to get a sticky BFP?

ohh 3 is LOW sweetie very low.... mine was 1 last Friday with a BETA level of 98.... and the doctor was seriously concerned....

you regular???

Week 5 - Gestational Age (Fetal age 3 weeks)

Progesterone levels also can have quite a variance at this stage of pregnancy. They can range from 9-47ng/ml in the first trimester, with an average of 12-20ng/ml in the first 5-6 weeks of pregnancy

here's the website I am getting this info from

yes Im regular with 31 day cycles but I dont ovulate untill day 21/22. I am sure this has something to do with the mirena coil that I had removed last august.

Apparently my bloods taken last tuesday at 7 wks 3 days were hcg 89 (so low ) and progesterone 3. Only nnobody had bothered to check system for results when I went back with bleeding. ( untill yesterday that is)
... how far along were you?

Guideline to Progesterone levels during pregnancy:

• 1-28 ng/ml Mid Luteal Phase (Average is over 10 for un-medicated cycles and over 15 with medication use)

• 9-47 ng/ml First trimester

• 17-146 ng/ml Second Trimester

• 49-300 ng/ml Third Trimester

*There are many averages for progesterone levels. These charts are a very broad guideline—speak with your health care professional for more specific guidelines for you.

**Remember - These numbers are just a GUIDELINE -- every woman’s hormone level can rise differently. It is not necessarily the level that matters but rather the change in the level.
ohh 3 is LOW sweetie very low.... mine was 1 last Friday with a BETA level of 98.... and the doctor was seriously concerned....

you regular???

Week 5 - Gestational Age (Fetal age 3 weeks)

Progesterone levels also can have quite a variance at this stage of pregnancy. They can range from 9-47ng/ml in the first trimester, with an average of 12-20ng/ml in the first 5-6 weeks of pregnancy

here's the website I am getting this info from

yes Im regular with 31 day cycles but I dont ovulate untill day 21/22. I am sure this has something to do with the mirena coil that I had removed last august.

Apparently my bloods taken last tuesday at 7 wks 3 days were hcg 89 (so low ) and progesterone 3. Only nnobody had bothered to check system for results when I went back with bleeding. ( untill yesterday that is)

OMG TAS I was the exact same... BETA levels 98 and Prog levels 1 at what I THOUGHT to be 7 weeks and 2 days last Friday
we were so the same, so we are very low then, they didnt tell me to follow it up with my doctor its a good job Ive looked into it myself. It sounds like this could be why I mc then do you think? x
we were so the same, so we are very low then, they didnt tell me to follow it up with my doctor its a good job Ive looked into it myself. It sounds like this could be why I mc then do you think? x

possibly sweetie possibly....

I know next time I get preggos.. blood work ASAP for me and I will have that level checked right away..
yes me too definately. thanks for the info kelster x
nooo problem anytime :)

I only want the bestest for everyone.. :hugs:
Kelster, you didn't hijack my thread. I'm happy that you girls are as motivated as I am to demand some answers and be holding your babies by next summer! :winkwink:

I've known of Progesterone to be the cause of m/c in friends so, if you suspect, press your DR/MW for some answers. I've also heard that you need to be taking the supplements around the time that you ovulate. If they tell you to come back for them once you get your next BFP, you may want to fire off some questions. Research medical journals online and check the statistics of carrying on a successful pregnancy with taking supplements before the BFP vs. after. I'm sorry if I'm pushing but I'm just so tired of being told to "go home and wait to miscarry!" I want answers and every doctor that I come across lately has been bombarded with questions and their answers rebounded with research.

The first m/c, I suspected Progesterone because the u/s dated us 7-10 days later than when I should have ovulated. However, this last pregnancy, I was taking Vitamin B6 and I think I ovulated on Day 11 or Day 12 of a 28 day cycle. They checked my HCGs after spotting during the first m/c but not Progesterone. This last one, they did not test anything - even after I asked them to. It's anyone's guess as to what's causing our miscarriages but, just stay on top of the doctors, and we'll get our answers ... and our babies!
Hi Californiamom,

I'm in the exact same boat as you.

We already have a son, but have had 2 MMC one at xmas and one 2 weeks ago. I have a scan tomorrow to see if baby has come out, if not then I have to have another D&C.

My plan was also to give my hubby some vitamins with Zinc and folic acid, I think we're going with the pregacare his and hers conception, so I'll be taking them too, starting from this month, we're going to be trying again in August to give my body time to get back to normal. I guess we're lucky that we don't smoke, take drugs, only drink on occassions, hubby is a very fit rugby, weight lifting player so I'm hoping just taking these vitamins will help us get our sticky baby!

Fingers crossed for us both, it would be great to keep in touch and check how we're both getting on, seen as our cases are so similar!


Chimpette, I'm so sorry you are going through this as well. It's so hard to predict what will work - if anything at all. Have you been through the standard tests yet? Maybe you can demand that your doctor order the blood work for you to at least give you peace of mind that everything in your body is working properly? As far as OH, vitamins are a great start. Maybe you could also add 25-50mg of vitamin B6 to your supplement? My doctor actually recommended this to me years ago to help boost energy levels.
I have spoken to midwife today and told her how angry and upset I am and she has refered me for rec mc testing today!!! yeay just got to wait for my appointment now. x:thumbup:

Great news, Tas! I hope you get some answers. They ordered my blood work already but said to make sure the HCG was no longer in my system first. I plan to go next week.

Padbrat, I'm thinking of you too. I really hate the "limbo" period and hope that you get some answers soon. Biking can definitely affect the little swimmers. I'm not sure if that causes abnormalities (which could cause m/c) or just prolongs the conception process. Ask your doctor. If that could be a cause, ask OH to stop for two months. I know that it must be hard on the men, watching us like this but their world doesn't stop over it ... like ours does, even if just temporarily. I was really upset with the first miscarriage. This one upsets me but I feel stronger and ready to fight.

Kelster, I would demand the tests too! They say that, over 35, you shouldn't be trying for over 6-12 months without investigation. I know that you weren't actively trying but you can say that you were ... and now you have two m/c. I bet they will test you too, if they aren't already in the process.
ok glad you didn't think we highjacked your thread :lol:

I have to say I got lucky and it only took me 6 months to get preggos again after the 1st MC but I will be damanding additional testing if this doesn't work by Aug of this year... told hubby gonna relax these next 2 months, even though I REALLY want to start trynig ASAP.. I am gonna give myself a break

I have 2 vacations coming up soon.. and I want to enjoy them and let it all hang out .. LOL knowing what may lie ahead.. ya know what I mean???
Hi Californiamom,

I'm in the exact same boat as you.

We already have a son, but have had 2 MMC one at xmas and one 2 weeks ago. I have a scan tomorrow to see if baby has come out, if not then I have to have another D&C.

My plan was also to give my hubby some vitamins with Zinc and folic acid, I think we're going with the pregacare his and hers conception, so I'll be taking them too, starting from this month, we're going to be trying again in August to give my body time to get back to normal. I guess we're lucky that we don't smoke, take drugs, only drink on occassions, hubby is a very fit rugby, weight lifting player so I'm hoping just taking these vitamins will help us get our sticky baby!

Fingers crossed for us both, it would be great to keep in touch and check how we're both getting on, seen as our cases are so similar!


Chimpette, I'm so sorry you are going through this as well. It's so hard to predict what will work - if anything at all. Have you been through the standard tests yet? Maybe you can demand that your doctor order the blood work for you to at least give you peace of mind that everything in your body is working properly? As far as OH, vitamins are a great start. Maybe you could also add 25-50mg of vitamin B6 to your supplement? My doctor actually recommended this to me years ago to help boost energy levels.

No, my doctors won't test me or the hubby until our 3rd micarraige, but they just keep saying there's obviously nothing wrong with us, cos we have our son... makes me so angry! Grrrrrrr

Maybe they could tell that to my 2 angels in the sky... I can't bear the though of losing another one, which is why I'm in agreemetn that my next pregnancy WILL be successful, and I WILL have a healthy bouncy baby next year!

Kelster, we stopped preventing in August last year and got pregnant in September. Then, we miscarried in October. We didn't try/didn't prevent for a few months and I started charting in February, was pregnant in March. I still feel like something isn't right though. I get pregnant easily but, both times, it felt so different than when I was pregnant with DD. I'm just not willing to risk a third miscarriage.

Chimpette, the doctors weren't taking me seriously either. I pushed and they finally agreed. All they need to do is draw a few viles of blood and then they can rule out thyroid, blood clots, etc. If it's any of these things, it will happen again. However, it could be purely chromosomal/bad luck. A close friend of mine had two m/c's in one year (also trying to conceive her second child) and she gave birth to a beautiful boy on Saturday! It will happen for all of us very soon!!!!!!
Californiamom, when you say blood clots do you mean an autoimmune disorder that causes them? I just looked this up and saw that things like lupus can cause blood clots that block the placenta?

I agree with you that if they can do a few simple blood tests it's more than worth it just to know!! I can't imagine going through this AGAIN if I don't have to....

Also, thanks again for the link you posted. I've passed the info onto my hubby.
Hi all,

Like Kelster says Californiamum... so sorry for hijacking your thread, was just so nice to talk to someone who is going through the same thing about normal things - almost forgot what was happening to us for a while, it cheered me up.

I am now really concerned that they haven't checked anything for me with this pregnancy. I only had my hcg levels checked once and nothing else... am concerned my thyroid is causing this and they haven't bothered to check my levels...

Kelster - my cycle has always been pretty regular, but I don't ov until day 18 or 19, though to be honest I only know that through doing the CBFM for 3 months... the month I forgot to use it because we had a helluva move here from germany I got this BFP!

It makes me REALLY angry that we have to lose our babies 3 times before they will look at us... I could have a 3.5 year old running round my feet with 3 year old twins, but no, I have to lose this one too before they will help us!!!!

Be calm, be calm (takes a deep breath).

I have looked at the vitamens... thinking about the pregnacare mens and womens vitamens... it is a start.
morning ladies :wave: how is everyone doing this morning?

Padbrat- I did have my thyroid checked out last Oct and everything was fine- so I know that is not the cause of any of this.. I kinda sorta had a feeling it is my progesterone levels for some reason; hence the reason I asked him to check. Also no cysts anywhere, which I was happy about. I had once a while back but it disappeared on it's own...

Cali- wow you did get preggos fast.... I would def have them check your levels... like you said it takes all but a FEW minites to go into the office and have then draw blood... you don't even NEED to see the doctor..
Hi everyone are we all full of pma today? :flower:

Im still feeling on a mission today, I did lots of research yesterday and am sure that my miscarriages are down to the stupid mirena coil, I wish id never hed it but you put your trust in doctors dont you! well not any more ive realised we need to take control ourselves.

The coil works on progestreon and it thins the lining of the womb it makes sense that it could be that.

california mom, glad you are having your tests soon, keep us informed

Hi Ladies,

Well I have ordered all our vitamins that should last us 3 months, I've got pregnacare conception, and I ordered the hubby Wellmen conception, so hopefully once August hits and we start trying we'll all fine and dandy! Fingers crossed. Boots are doing 3 for 2 on vitamins so got the wellman conception from there, and I ordered my one's from amazon.

I fall pregnant quickly too, so i'm hoping I do again when we start trying.

Ive been using pregnacare conception since we have been trying for our baby I have been reading about fertilaid!! same kind of thing but says helps progesterone and hormone balance. What do you think ladies? have you heard anything about them?. x
I've asked this in the LTTTC thread but haven't got any answers so far -

My OH and I got married 7 years ago, and started trying straight away. I have a 20 year old and he has a 12 year old from previous relationships, neither of which we had any difficulty in conceiving.

However, nothing happened for us. After a while we got some tests done, and a post coital test showed that I had killed off all his sperm, so we were told that I was hostile to him. We were told it would not be impossible to conceive, but very unlikely.

Anyway, after a few years we sort of got used to the idea it was never going to happen and got on with life.

However, completely out of the blue in February, we fell pregnant. I had a MMC at 9 weeks.

We have been completely thrown by this - we thought it was not possible for us to conceive, now we know it is. But, I am 42, mearly 43, and time is running out for us. We are definately thinking about trying again, but we are too old for assistance on the NHS and to be honest the odds of success are so small its not something I would want to consider paying for.

But - can we get a referral to anyone that could advise us on what we could do to maximise the chances, rather than full IUI/IVF? It's not necessarily as straightforward as just trying again - I haven't got 7 years to hit the jackpot again :cry:.

Can anyone advise whether we can get any help as this is all new to me? I am in the UK.

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