Developmental disorders/learning disabilities/genetic syndromes & more support group

Hi girls :hi:

Long weekend here, my fur baby is really sick. She's a 5yo Jack Russel and is Hayleys best friend. Off to the vet again today and hoping for the best.

DD is doing pretty well. Speech therapy is not coming aling like I had hoped but OT and PT she is doing really good in. She has managed to say "bubbub" (bubbles) a few times this week. ;) That's a whole new word for her. And we have finally got her drinking from a straw. :happydance:

How's T doing sequeena? Hope he is doing well :hugs:

:hi: wantabean. Welcome :hugs:

:hugs: to all the other special needs moms out there struggling.
Thanks for the warm welcome :D the only rests he has had to date was an MRI and an EEG but that was the seizures. His consultant has had a very "wait and see" approach though he has said from the start that he expects Cam to have problems. Cam was ment to be discharged from his care at 2 but they decided to keep him on untill he is 3 due to his delays. I would put money on him being on the spectrum but i don't want to label him untill it has been diagnosed. I am however suck if waiting and i feel personally that I need help in how to teach him so that he can progress. I spoke with his nursery today and told them i would like to have a sit down to discuss my concerns and ways to help him. His worker immediately agreed and the head of the nursery would like to join aswell so i think they have noticed too. Fingers crossed they listen because i am sick if medical people treating me like im a child that is over reacting. I have never yet been wrong about Cameron.

Essie that's rubbish about your wee doggy, hope she feels better soon. bubbles us a great word congrats. My youngest is obsessed with bubbles, makes me laugh :D

Sequeena that is gonna be one smelly cast lol hope T recovers quickly :D

How gas everyone been today? I had a rough one :( I sat this morning trying my best to get Cameron to dress himself while is younger brother who us 14 months younger and was 2 months premature dressed himself. It definitely makes things mire obvious now that Adam is flying past Cameron developmentally :( Don't get me wrong, i an so proud of Adam but it makes me feel bad for Cameron :(

Love the video of Thomas!

Our dog has pancreatitis. :( Hayley likes to share her food with her and it has made her ill. :nope: Have to be more diligent about keeping people food out of the dogs reach.
yikes! Essie, hope the poor dog feels better soon! Pancreatitis sounds rotten! And yay for a new Word! Go Hayley!

Welcome Wantbean2. Sounds like a rough go for your little guy. Hopefully you guys start to get the assessments and help you need.

Glad to hear Thomas is doing well... That is gonna be one smelly cast... I don't think I could stomach it at this point... my sense of smell has become superhuman these days!

G is doing well. Walking (drunkly) pretty much everywhere. His balance is terrible. I think his ears are starting to fill up again, so hoping we get a conclusive answer soon! Apparently we will be starting Speech Therapy sometime in December.

"Bug" is doing well - 12 weeks tomorrow! I cant believe how fast this pregnancy is going! I got a Doppler the other day. Took a few days, but I managed to find the heartbeat yesterday. MS is easing off, except during/after night shifts. It takes me a day or 2 to recover from them. Shift work SUCKS while preggo!
Thanks bumpin :D im definitely ready for the challenge. Reading through this thread helped loads :) congrats on bug and thank goodness ms is easing off. Congrats in finding heartbeat, that's my favourite noise ever lol xxxx
Evening all :hugs:

How is your dog now essie?

Can't believe you're already 12 weeks bumpin that's amazing :hugs:

I am so exhausted today :( Thomas slept 7-8pm and 8-9pm last night with a waking in between then was up for the night at 10pm :( he didn't go to sleep until 2am but before that he managed to pull gauze from inside his cast and he was in agony :cry: I gave him some painkillers and he calmed down then went to sleep. I was woken at 7am by my OH who forgot his damn house key :dohh: and couldn't get back to sleep :(

I took him to baby clinic and he was weighed. He's 28lbs exactly at 26 months :) the doctor checked his thumb (well, what he could see by shining a light down the cast anyway) and it doesn't look infected which is good news. He's also been referred to physiotherapy. Another one to add to the list. I feel like tearing my head out my calendar is just full of appointments, some clashing and need to be sorted. I've not spoken to my solicitor since June because so much has gone on I feel awful for it but this is much more important than chasing up legal stuff. My OH isn't much help either.

Thomas has been so cheeky today. Climbing everything, dancing, running, jumping etc. he found his hide n squeak eggs and every time he fit them into a hole he'd say 'eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh'. Even when they didn't fit :rofl: do you think I praise him too much?? :haha:

Tomorrow his portage worker is coming, family are visiting and I have a food shop being delivered. I'm not stepping foot out my door!!
Hi ladies :hi:

Sequeena :hugs: Poor Thomas. Tired boy and mum today, good you don't have to go out. I'm so envious that you get groceries delivered to your home! No grocery stores that I know of deliver. Thomas did "Wheels on the bus" so well! His speech therapist will have loads to work with, his receptive language is looking good mama. Good work. DD can't do that yet.

Oh my goodness. I had a very similar night with DD except snot is the culprit. Colds suck. :( Tizzy evidently does not have pancreatitis (had her to vet AGAIN) but a sore back. I really thought it waz her tummy she was painful in but seems she eithet has a pulled muscle or an inflamed disk. Pain meds and rest for 10 days. No running, no jumping and no climbing. This is an 8lb Jack Russel. Keeping her still is freaking impossible. She's lightning fast and can climb better than any cat. So have been sitting in the bathroom with her in my lap keeping her asleep. Lol. This HAS to be what having 2 babies is like. :haha:

Ladies have you ever ran over a parking curb? Be honest. I completely smashed one today with DH, DD in the car. I was so frustrated and distracted that I just plowed right over one in my MOMS' car! Oi! I bent a cross member and punched a small whole in the exhaust. Now her Caddy sounds like a log truck. Today was a total fail. Have a photography session booked tomorrow but I am so thinking of canceling. I can re book anytime. Just want to sit in, cook, and play with DD. Thursday is Halloween pagent at the rehabilitation hospital and taking car to the garage. I'm just burnt on driving. And DH has not shut up about it! We stay pissed off at one another anymore....sigh. That's a whole other post though and my thumbs don't have it in them. One highlight of the day, found some adorable clothes for DD today. Lots of sparkle and stars. ;) brightened my day right up.
:hugs: sequeeena I've seen those eggs I really want to get them but dh thought they look rubbish :nope:

:flower: hope fur baby soon recovers.

It does sound like you like your lo may be on the spectrum somewhere, I hope you get the answers you need. Have you tried the then and now boards for him to t and help him follow his routine?

Bumpin 12 weeks has flown by. :hugs:

Nothing new her except lo has managed 5 weeks at nursery without attacking anyone :flower: he has started using a push along walker I'm very proud of that x
Annanoushka what great news I'd be proud too :)

Essie I don't drive :haha:

The eggs are a pain as he keeps losing them but they are good as they make noises and it's a shape sorter :)

Thomas' hand/arm is itching in the cast so he's having piriton liquid twice s day. Part of me hopes he will sleep but it doesn't seem to help him like that.

How was Halloween for you all? Thomas didn't like trick or treating.

Awwww how cute does he look?! We hardly had anyone knock and I had loads!! Will take him next year if he's walking :). Poor thing being so itchy. Hopefully it's healing up nice for you. I used to use a ruler on my leg cast. I hadn't had surgery tho so wasn't really dangerous.

Love T's costume! He's so stinking cute! How's his arm doing?

Well the in-laws visited and brought Hayley loads of goodies. We didn't trick or treat but we dressed DD and the dog up like little bumble bees and handed out candy. We had quite a few kids show up. Everyone loved the baby bee and her lil bee friend :cloud9:

I let everyone feed her candy so it's past midnight and she's just now starting to wear down. She has been signing "more" like a little candy junkie. :haha:
Hi every one! I think I posted in here a long time ago!
Will give a brief run down!
I've been concerned about my little girlie Charlie since she hit 2 in December last year, well its taken bloody ages and lots of pushing on mine and nurserys part.
She had her ears checked, all clear, had an assessment with salt, confirmed she needs therapy as she doesn't talk, seen a pediatrician who said all she could see was a very difficult child and that I really had my work cut out so refered us to CDC for assessments (she told me this info the day before my 2nd baby was due! Lovely lady lol).
Anyway we are now 2 assessments down with 3 more to go! I will meet with a different paediatrician on Wednesday next week to give her all my info.
We should get a diagnosis or at least a plan of action on the 20th nov when we meet the team for the summary!
Hope that makes sense as I'm on my phone!
My concerns with Charlie are: speech, behaviour, no eye contact at all, very very anti social, wants to be on her own all the time. Appears vacant at times, ignores us when we talk to her, hates loud noises. Gets distressed if made to join social activities.
There is lots more to that list, that's just a fraction of the bits I've noticed!
Hi nick, yes I remember you :) glad things are finally moving it can be a real nightmare getting the right help for our children especially when you can't tell straight away what the problem is. Assessments aside how is your lo doing? Congrats on your second lo too :)

Did you get a pic of hayley and the dog in their costumes essie? Sounds like a fun night :D

Today has been real tough for me :( T hasn't been completely out of control - head butting and biting but the biting happens every single time he hugs me. I don't know why he's doing it but it's really upset me :(
Hi nick, yes I remember you :) glad things are finally moving it can be a real nightmare getting the right help for our children especially when you can't tell straight away what the problem is. Assessments aside how is your lo doing? Congrats on your second lo too :)

Did you get a pic of hayley and the dog in their costumes essie? Sounds like a fun night :D

Today has been real tough for me :( T hasn't been completely out of control - head butting and biting but the biting happens every single time he hugs me. I don't know why he's doing it but it's really upset me :(

We did get pics. Some are on FB. I can't post them on here from my phone, grr. We had the exact same problem with Hayley biting. Just like that to, here she would come in for a cuddle and bam. She broke the skin on my chest. Her speech therapists have recommended we do chewy tubes with her. They are on Amazon. We have an assortment of safe teething toys in a special box (oral box) that I give her access to all the time while discouraging her from biting anything or anyone else. The STs give her chew breaks during therapy and anytime she's a little to squirmy and cranky I give her the box. She hasn't bit me or DH in weeks.
Oh and added bonus for Hayley is it strengthens her "talking" muscles as well. Helping her learn to coordinate her muscles for speech and saving mama from pain. Her bite is like an alligators because high tone engages when she's excited or angry. Her jaw muscles can clench with massive strength and not let go for several seconds.
Well I went on to get a link to a few toys we got DD and found them intermingled with sex vibrators and dog toys :rofl: oh my! I typed oral stimulation toys in the search box, maybe try rewording that :haha:
Hi nick :hi: hope you get good news on the 20th dear. :hugs:

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