It's worth having a look you don't have to make any decisions.
Are you getting any other help? I'd say Portage but I think they only get involved when there's 2+ areas of delay
I totally get the not following instructions thingThomas is very gentle and is happy to just get on with his own thing so when I've picked him up other kids will be listening to a story and he'll be playing with trains
Hi Lynne - did nursery give you a reason why they couldn't deal with him? Your son sounds gorgeous and you sound like a fab mum x
Hi Lynne - did nursery give you a reason why they couldn't deal with him? Your son sounds gorgeous and you sound like a fab mum x
Aww thanks it's not always easy as I'm sure you all no lol but I will always try my best where juniors concerned.
He's actually ment to get 16 hours a week but we started off with 2 hours 3 times a week and never moved off that. They say he needs a smaller group or more 1 to 1 time and they can't offer that. He's very much on his own agenda they ll sit and have a group story or whatever and he won't sit for any great length of time if he doesn't want toxx
I always wondered why he didn't like books too much apart from pop up books or flaps and feely ones.... That must be why!!
I'd go and look at the other nursery to see how's feel but really I can't understand what the issue is with his current one? If he wants to wonder a bit is that a huge issue? My son is like nursery security he just patrols the windows! He tends to play for ages pouring water from one cup to another or sat in the sand pit. He was observed last week in nursery by the salt, OT and play therapist. They saw how he mostly does his own thing but how nursery encourage him to do short bursts as the group then go and have his own time etc.
Surely there is still a ratio of 1-4 or 1-6 depending on age. A small group of 4/6 Ish a d they could be in a quiet area doing an activity?
Also it is such a small time actually in the nursery maybe he needs longer to warm up? I know the first hour my son is just gazing out the window. Monday is worse as he's out the routine a bit. Cold they not do some now and then cards to encourage him?
Sometimes specialist nursery is deff the way forwards but it seems a lot of them give up very quicklyxxx
Wow rough day here T is hypersensitive to everything right now
But I got a letter from his disability hv and community nurse talking about continence products. We have an appointment at the end of November. I think they're going to give us free nappiesI hope so at least they did say we had to wait until he's 4 last time I saw them.
Thanxyeah he's not really getting much from nursery at the moment he dose enjoy it but he won't follow instructions like the others and there not really helping much with the potty though he's brilliant in the house will use the potty no problem for 1s and 2s because of his speech delay he doesn't say when he needs he just go's bit at nursery I have to put him in pull ups same as when we go out. They said themselves there just giving him things to keep him happy so he's not learning or growing from it. As far as I'm aware this nursery has had alot of money put into it I'm a little uneasy about it 1 it's been set on fire 3 times 2 it's not in the best of area 3 it's a lot further away from the 1 he's at now (I can see from my window). I guess i won't really no till I've been able to look round it and ask my questions ect.
I remember you and Thomas from a good while backxx