Ouch sequeena! Hope you're able to rest up your ankle

HMS/EDS of any form can hurt alot
Getting rid of the dummy and sleep clinics are brilliant ideas! We haven't used a dummy but sleep can be hard.
RachA, bendy would fit hypermobile, there's a lot to deal with though so one thing at a time. Love her pic!!!! Its very clear. I hear you though
2 years?! Why so long feathers? What is involved in Noonans? Its always hard to get any dx, but its positive to have an answer and then to get a plan

My neighbor has identical twin boys with Williams syndrome, they're 10 now and great friends with my bigger boy.
Thurinius, does he do the whole hands over ears when he doesn't want to listen or things are too loud? I cant help laughing when my kids do that!! Same when we're in the car anywhere and at least 2 of them spend the journey hands over ears and humming
Ruaridh, my 6 year old had the last step for his electric wheelchair yesterday, he had to get measured and then we had to look through and decide model and colour (red with requested yellow lightening painted on lol). It was the assistive devices specialist from the durable medical equipment part of our insurance that came not a PT. He was really helpful with Alasdhair too, recommended a gait trainer and gave us the name of the right orthopedist to get in with, we go next month

2 positive progress reports from my ASD kids too, so great day!!! Then today I have 2 off school with flu/virus, cant win with kids huh?!
Hope everyone is well