Dh finally agreed to number 2!!! Anyone else just starting to ntnp?


Mom and expecting #2
May 6, 2012
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So after months of no's and fighting and things dh has finally backed down and (reluctantly) agreed that we can try for number 2. :happydance:
He did have a few conditions:
- as soon as I find out I'm pregnant I have to start eating healthily (I actually plan to do this from now because alhtough I'm just below my pre-preg weight from number and am at a healthy weight I'm still a few kgs off my goal weight)
- once he starts working full time I can't expect him to change that just because we have another baby (I would never expect that anyway!)
- I have to go back to work once my maternity leave is finshed (I would love to be a sahm but we have some financial goals we are aiming for and I really want to achieve them so I'm ok with this)
- I can't pressure him and tell him we have to dtd at certain times and I'm not allowed to get all stressed out about it

With our first we also did ntnp and I got pregnant the fourth month after coming off the pill. I had never been on a baby forum before then and I had no idea about temping and opks and all of that. I just let nature do its thing! I'm really hoping that works out for us again because I hate all this knowledge I've suddenly gained!!!! :shrug:

Hoping there are a few others who are just starting out on this journey and want to chat and share our stories as we go along - whether is number 1,2 3 or more!
Hi! We've been 'unofficially' ntnp since Christmas but DH has only just admitted it :haha: we've been using the pull out method but with no pull out! We originally agreed to ttc when DS was 1 which is 10th May but haven't stuck to that and I'm currently in the 2 week wait!

My DH conditions are pretty similar to yours which I think are fair!

With DS1 we were ntnp and got pregnant 3rd month of trying, this time around we don't seem so lucky. I do need to start eating better though and would like to get back into exercising.

I completely agree regarding hating all the knowledge you've gained! I found this site when WTT and it was great but now that we've been (kind of) ntnp for 4 months I'm my own worst enemy when I get on this site!!! I don't want to start charting or using opk's etc as I think I'll stress myself out and drive myself and my DH mad!!

Look forward to getting to know you and any others who join! :flower:

Ps I LOVE the name Amber, its was on our list if we had a little girl
Hopefully we can encourage each other with the healthy eating and exercising! I know I need it a lot.

I have to admit I'm really hoping for a late March/early April baby so that I can get my 3 months maternity leave and then 2 months summer holidays. That would be my best case scenario. But I guess we'll have to just take it as it comes. Like you I don't want to get myself all worked up with temping and all that!
Here I am! I was on your WTT thread.

We NTNP with A November and December of 2011. We started actively TTC in January of 2012 and I chart, so I suspected a thyroid problem. I went to the dr. in June for testing, AND took soy isoflavones (like clomid) that month. Found out I am hypo, and also thanks to the soy we conceived that month. I can't use soy again...found out you're not supposed to if you have thyroid problems. So it will be all natural...if it takes a while I'll try to get clomid!
Yay sweetmere, I was going to tell you I'd started this thread.
Heres hoping it all works out for all of us!

Honeybee hows your tww going?
Hi Sweetmere!

Beanonorder, My tww is going ok, I'd forgotten how annoying it is trying not to symptom spot!! I thought it would be easier to relax 2nd time round.
Where abouts are you in your cycle? (If you don't mind me asking! :haha:)
Its cool, ask away! Af is due this week, probably Thursday. But that is from the end of my pill. So after this one I'm hoping my cycle regulates quickly again. Last time I came off it I got my first post-pill af 5 weeks afterwards which wasn't too bad considering I'd been on the pill for ten years!!! This time its only been just over a year.
A small part of me is hoping that it happens straight away because I'm terrified its not going to happen as easily as last time! All these things we have to go through!!!
Hope your cycle regulates as quickly as last time then! I've never been on the pill so don't know much about it however after having DS I decided to go on the depo provera. I only got 1 shot in July before we decided we wanted to try for another baby sooner than we planned and I stupidly read all these horror stories online about it taking years to even get your periods back let alone conceive. My depo ran out in October, I got my period back in November and it's been regular ever since so I think I got lucky!

What are your plans regarding eating healthy and exercising? I love the Jillian Michaels DVD's especially 30 day shred but my hip joints blocked during pregnancy so I have to go careful. I thought I might try the Jillian Michaels Yoga DVD instead.
I tried the 30 day shred last May. Sadly I didn't get to finish it. Something happened that I couldn't do it on one day and then I got sick so it faded away! The first ten days went well but I only made it to the second or third day of the second ten. I found it a lot harder to follow. The problem now is that I find it so hard to find time to exercise. I work full time so when I get home I want to spend time with Amber and make dinner. By the time she's in bed its 8pm and the last thing I feel like doing is exercising! But I know that I need to change my attitude, I just need a bit of encouragement! As for the eating.... I love chocolate.... and Easter is coming.........
Right, so af has arrived - I think its the first time I've ever been excited for it to come!!!! But now I know we're on the way finally....
Now comes the next problem of actually baby making!!!! dh hasn't been well recently so dtd has been basically non-existent. Lets hope that situation changes soon.
Hows everyone else doing? Any exciting plans for Easter weekend?
Doing okay here. You know how for some odd reason dh has been super in the mood on his days off? Well, I was tired after so didn't get up to pee. I just went to sleep. Now I have a UTI :( I will definitely be getting up afterwards now...ugh!

I plan on somehow hinting to my SIL that we are NTNP so she isn't shocked if somehow we announce a pregnancy. But tbh, for the next few months I ovulate on dh's work days...and he works 12 hour shifts so we probably still won't conceive until fall. But that's okay
Ah sorry about the UTI! I'm also a little prone to them so nothing stops me going to pee after!!!!
Maybe you'll get lucky and your dh will have a bit of energy on your O days?! I don't think my cycles have ever been completely regular enough for me to even know when I O. The first time round I was having 31-34 day cycles except for the month I fell pregnant. The first hpt I did was negative and then a week and a half later did another one and it was positive. According to my dates I would have been 7 weeks but when we had a scan I was only 4 weeks so that cycle was completely messed up!

I don't really want anyone to know we're trying again. I did eventually give in to my one friend and told her dh has agreed to a second one (because every time she see's him she brings babies up in the conversation so I wanted her to know she didn't need to do it anymore!) so of course she asked did we set a time frame. I didn't want to say I've come off BC already so I just said sometime this year. But I know she's going to be waiting for a pregnancy announcement! Another mutual friend said they were going to start ntnp in May so hopefully that will distract her!!!! But of course I hope the friend doesn't get a bfp WAY before me!!!!!
Well before A I ovulated on cd17!!! Now it seems to be cd19...and I had an 11 day luteal phase (although a couple of times it was 10 or 12) now it's stayed at 10!

I think I should O on Wednesday. But idk I'm trying not to pay attention and from here on out I'm not going to!

Yeah I hope she doesn't get one before you either! That would suck! ! :/ I always hated it when people would say oh it was my first try afterrrr we talked about how I was trying. Annoying. Hopefully it's quick for us though *snicker*
We have just (as in 2 weeks ago) decided to NTNP #2.
#1 was a 'woopsy baby' and is nearly 10 months now. As we have one (earlier than planned) we decided we might as well get started on the rest.
We haven't told anyone and don't plan to either
Hi zoikzoom! So glad you've come to join us! Our decision was also literally made two weeks ago!

Sweetmere you are really making me show my ignorance! How the heck do you work out your luteal phase?! If someone asked me that I'd just stand there staring at them blankly! Google here I come....
Hi can I join too? I have a just 2 year old an had my withdrawal bleed from the pill 10 days ago. Weirdly I swear I ovulated yesterday (pain and ewcm) so im hoping my cycles will settle quickly. We are officially ntnp from June though as we would like I 3 yr gap :) it was having an oppsie missed pill that got dh to realise he was ready for the next :)
I chart my bbt!!! I loved doing it. :) before that I wouldn't have even known what a luteal phase was lol.

Welcome guys!! :)

Me, SIL (9 weeks prego tmrw) and MIL were talking today and as they always do they make a joke about me having another soon. So I told them we weren't trying but we weren't preventing...but they know it took us half a year with A so i think they're the same as me, not expecting anything for a few months!

My SIL and I are about to go to the store together so I'm sure we will talk more! I think from how she acts she would be excited. I'd love to have cousins close in age but it's up to God!!

Oh and Happy Easter to you guys!
Hi certainturton! Glad to have more people joining us!

Sweetmere I'm glad you found your opportunity to tell your SIL and MIL. That is nice if you have cousins close in age. I would have loved that. But my niece is 15 this year and my other brothers aren't having kids. And my BIL has married a 22 year old Chinese girl still in university so they won't be having kids anytime soon. We don't live near any family anyway so I guess it doesn't matter.

This morning I got up at 6am and I exercised! And then I had a healthy breakfast of fruit salad and yoghurt. I'm quite excited I did it and I'm hoping to continue. Of course I got to work and my boss p***ed me off so that kind of ruined my day but I'll get over it!
Yeah I only have one nephew (6) and one niece (5) so they're young but still too old to really play with A!

I need to start eating healthier too. It is so hard!!! I'm also trying to quit drinking coffee in the tww.
Hows everyone doing?
Not much going on here. Dh and I finally got back in the groove and now I'm just waiting to see how long it takes for my cycle to get back on track.

Hope everything is going well!

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