Hi all,
This is the first time this has happened but I am wondering if I didn't ovulate this month. I started OPKs on CD12 through 16 all with no smiley face (low reading). I ran out of those so used 1 wondfo test on CD 17 (neg) and 2 regular OPKs both which seem negative on CD 18 and 19 (today) The last three tests are the image attached. It looks like it started to get darker on the wondfo test (was darker before it dried) but then they are lighter now. Has this every happened to anyone?
This is the first time this has happened but I am wondering if I didn't ovulate this month. I started OPKs on CD12 through 16 all with no smiley face (low reading). I ran out of those so used 1 wondfo test on CD 17 (neg) and 2 regular OPKs both which seem negative on CD 18 and 19 (today) The last three tests are the image attached. It looks like it started to get darker on the wondfo test (was darker before it dried) but then they are lighter now. Has this every happened to anyone?