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Did you know you were prego before the test?


Our family of four...
Aug 11, 2010
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I've had more than one person tell me they just KNEW they were pregnant before they even took a test... like the moment they conceived knew... like told their friends and family (before a positive test) knew!!!!

I guess I can understand how that's possible... we are women and very in tune with our bodies... but I can't imagine it happening to me... I've thought "I could be pregnant" before... then go back to thinking "no way!" haha.

Just wondering if you, personally, have experienced this with other pregnancies or know some one who has?

Just curious :) Thanks ladies!
Hi Seoj

I haven't personally but have also never been pregnant :cry: But I know people who have too. One of my friends reckons, who now has 3 children, reckons she knew pretty much when she conceived with each of them. And she was right each time. But then again, she conceives very easily too, like first month every time :growlmad:

I think when you've been trying a while you just automatically rule yourself out, I know I do. So I really don't think I will ever know if it has happened until I get about 5 million positive tests :haha:

Ha ha - me too. I just discount it every month - its a way of self-protection I guess, as otherwise its just too emotionally painful to be let down. Thast why testing before AF is due is so soul destroying when you get that BFN.
When I had my son the only way I knew was when I was a day late!
Ok, to be honest the first time i had no idea. I was totally shocked and overjoyed. In retrospect i had a few clues but nothing that has stood me well for any future predictions, i.e. i have them and still get af, grrr. The second time i had a really bad painful cramp 4 days before af was due and i remember thinking 'ooh' but then though nothing more if it. then the day before af was due i checked my cp and it was really high and closed and i thought 'that's unusual' so tested and got a bfp.

So generally, no! But i will say this. Both times when we actually dtd i remember distinctly thinking after, 'i got pregnant from this'. So that's a bit weird!

But overall - no. Sadly :)
Guess I'll just have to wait and see... ah... those famous words! LOL. Hear them too much in this journey ;) BUT... I know in the end, whether I know before or not... once I see that BFP... WHO CARES HOW I GOT THERE!!!! lol.

Good luck to all you lovely ladies and sending you each some extra sticky bean baby dust!!!
With my first I had no idea, hubby kept telling me I was pregnant but we had been trying for so long I was in denial I think.

With my second I had a strong suspicion but tests were bfn still 2 weeks after af was due. eventually I resigned myself to taking one more test and moving on when lo and behold it was a bfp.

with 3 I totally knew, I hadn't had an af for 82 days and had been testing like crazy since about day 40, I took my last test on May 24th (incidentally my conception date) and then decided to just give up and wait.
2 weeks later I started feeling really tired and irritable and had a strong suspicion that I was pregnant.
Took a test and got an instant bfp. It was still a big shock though lol
I don't know what it is with the guys that they seem to have fore-knowledge. It's like a preternatural gift! Not me. No clue until the POAS.
my first pregnancy was chemical and not planned ... the reason I tested was because I knew something different was happening ... I just felt pregnant it was totally different from PMT .. the feeling was overwhelming !!!!
not even a hint,only had idea cos af was late no wierd feelings or any symptoms
Thanks for all the feedback ladies... of course, I'll just have to see how it goes ;) Fun fun!!! lol...

I actually ov'd yesterday... so I'm officially in the TWW... and so it begins! lol.

Good luck and baby dust to you all!!!
I've been pregnant twice in total (mc and then my LO) and definitely knew both times from about a week post ov.

Every other month of trying I think...maybe I am....I do feel a bit sick...etc etc but its not the same as the 'just knowing' feeling I got with my BFPs.
Nope never knew either time!

Carried on as normal until i feinted at work with my first early preggy and told my hubby and he said your prob up the duff..pmsl... and yes i was ..was bout 4 weeks

Second.. no idea no symptoms.. tested and again up the duff

I fell straight away though and wasnt exactly trying :D

This time MUCH more in tune with my body and older! buta still wont prob twig haha
I have been pregnant 3 times (1 miscarriage and 2 children) and each time i had a few symptoms like sore boobies but i never knew for sure until i took the tests. And TTC this time i think i am each month but have not been yet! so i guess i don't know when i am at all :)
With my last pregnancy (sadly ended in mc) I looked at a pregnant lady and thought "That'll be me in a few months"...I have NO idea where that thought came from. We werent trying, and it was the only thing that made me think....."hmmm I think AF should have been here by now". The next day I poas just knowing it was going to turn pos. And, there it was. BFP!
WIth my first pregnancy (m/c at 12 weeks) I knew - but don't ask me how! I had only been with my now husband for three months and we weren't trying for a baby, but because he had previously been told that he had fertility problems with his ex-wife, and had even been through unsuccessful IVF, we weren't using any protection either :blush: I just knew something wasn't quite right and took a test a day before AF was due.

The first words out of my mouth? 'Oh shit', followed by a massive grin! At the age of 37 I never thought I would have a baby - unfortunately, the jury is still out on that one 4 m/c later.

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