Did you subconsciously know something was wrong when you MC?


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2010
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Hi all.

I was talking to my mum last night, she had 2 mc. she said she felt like she knew she wasnt going to carry the baby to term, and something would go wrong. she even mentioned it to the Doc at one point.
I felt like that with my pregnancy, ( i am normally an optamist!) i would always say 'if' we have this baby, rather than 'when'. And i booked myself a private scan to 'check' if things were okay.( no one else i know have had private scans) now i had no reason to think i would mc, OH was sure i wouldn't, but i had a feeling.
I have spoke to a couple of friends who have healthy children, and they said at no point they ever doubted that things would go wrong, even One friend bleed heavy when preg, but never doubted for one moment.

I am wondering if prehaps as mothers we subconsiously know if things dont seem right, to prepare us for the worst.

what does anyone else think? did anyone else have a feeling when they mc?

Hi sarah,

I didn't know as such. We went for a scan on Christmas eve as I'd had a bit of brown spotting at 8+2. All was fine and we saw a heartbeat, it was measuring as being a week under what it should be, so we were asked to come back a week later on New Years eve.

A couple of days before this we were debating whether to tell some close friends who we were seeing. I got really nervous about telling them- to the point where I got in a bit of a panic about it all. We did tell them, but then the next day at our follow up scan we found out that there was no heartbeat, which did come as a complete shock. Part of me wonders if somehow subconsciously I knew that something wasn't right.

Overall, I had been very hopeful for this pregnancy, so who knows.

Best of luck for a sticky BFP for you very soon.
I said a few times, during my very short pregnancy (MC started even before 5 wks although when ERPC was done at 5+1, it was 6-7 weeks' size) that something wasn't right. As it was my first pregnancy I basically just put it down to it not feeling at all like I expected. Turns out something wasn't right.

I think we all need to listen to our subconscious a bit more.
i did, i'd been having dreams for about 3 weeks there was no heart beat.. so wen it came to scan.. i knew :(
I had pink discharge so called the EPU and they told me not to worry as lots of women get it and it was no cause for concern and I didn't need a scan. After that I kept on thinking something wasn't right and worrying all the time. I even spoke to a member of my family about it and they mentioned it after I found out I had a MMC, and said it was strange that I kept on saying I was worried about having my first scan as I was scared things wouldn't be okay

Hope we all get our sticky BFP soon :flow:
I really had a feeling. I tried to block it out and told myself it was me being paranoid but now obviously I know I wasn't. I never could visualise myself with this baby, I never had those doubts with my first pregnancy.

It does make me wonder though how I will feel during my next pregnancy, maybe I'll get those doubts again becuase of what I've been through??
I knew with all my miscarriages that I wouldn't make it. The hardest one had to be with the twins. I knew I wouldn't end up with two but when I started feeling weird at 12 weeks with the remaining one there was something wrong. Spoke to midwife, gp etc and they all said that I was past the stage of miscarrying and that the chances were slim. Once I started bleeding they still said I was over reacting and didn't believe me until at 14weeks I went for a scan and my LO had become detached and was ready to be delivered. I delivered in the scanning room and I never want to go through that again.

So yes, I do believe that a maturnal instinct inside kicks in when something isn't right. Yes we all worry about it not working out but we know deep down that it is just worry. But when things really go wrong, something kicks in and lets us know.
The bleeding cause me to blieve things weren't ok. The day after testing I started bleeding n was told it was a chem. Baby dust to us all
I knew both times that things weren't quite right. The first one I knew as soon as I saw the bfp, the other one I started feeling like I was going to lose it about a week after I saw the bfp.
I thin on some level i knew mine were not quite right. I have never had a successful pregnancy though, so they have all felt the same. I am really praying I will have a peace in my heart if we ever have a pregnancy that will stick.
After one loss we are all a little ruined for peace, especially in the early stages.
I believe we are all saying yes to this question, I knew when I started spotting at 6 weeks... went in for a scan saw the hearbeat and everything, left bled a bit then started full on bleeding, told my mom something wasnt right the night before.. that we as women know our bodies better than any one else, the next morning went into the er, to be told I had had a natural mc.. but I knew that morning went i used the bathroom that I had lost it... heres hoping we all never have to go through any of that again...
Yes. With my first pregnancy, I was irrationally worried something would go wrong from the start. Everything I read and everyone I spoke to reassured me that usually things don't go wrong, stop stressing, etc. But I was so frazzled I requested an early ultrasound at 8 weeks, and sure enough the baby was measuring 2 weeks behind, and the follow up showed the baby's heart was slowing down. So my worries came true.

The second time (chemical) I was confident because my symptoms were very strong, but one morning I woke up feeling "less pregnant" so took a test and sure enough it was negative again.

This third time, again everyone around me who knew told me "this is the one" but I kept trying to tell them to tone the happiness down because I wasn't feeling confident myself. I actually burst into tears as I walked into my first appt. Sure enough, my first scan revealed an empty sac and low hcg levels.

It's heartbreaking but I think I did have "mother's intuition" about all three. :(
i didnt know, with my first i was convinced it was doomed (i was bleeding) but everything was fine, but even up to delivery i was having panics the baby wouldnt be ok. it was so slow, worrying all the time.

with this one i was convinced it was all right up to the day when i didnt hear the heart beat right away. both of us just knew. i had my auntie call out and tell me how silly i was being etc etc, i wish she was right but she wasnt.

i didnt buy anything, or even take pictures of my pregnancy tests or anything. so i guess in a way i did know.
Really interesting thread - I think I knew. I had an ectopic and neither my husband or I allowed ourselves to get excited. My twin was really excited (her and her hubbie were the only people we told before things went wrong) but we never really allowed ourselves to be. I wasn't surprised when I had an ectopic as I think I knew it wouldn't work out. I'm hoping next time it does and I'll feel different and excited like I'm supposed to!
Hi all.

I was talking to my mum last night, she had 2 mc. she said she felt like she knew she wasnt going to carry the baby to term, and something would go wrong. she even mentioned it to the Doc at one point.
I felt like that with my pregnancy, ( i am normally an optamist!) i would always say 'if' we have this baby, rather than 'when'. And i booked myself a private scan to 'check' if things were okay.( no one else i know have had private scans) now i had no reason to think i would mc, OH was sure i wouldn't, but i had a feeling.
I have spoke to a couple of friends who have healthy children, and they said at no point they ever doubted that things would go wrong, even One friend bleed heavy when preg, but never doubted for one moment.

I am wondering if prehaps as mothers we subconsiously know if things dont seem right, to prepare us for the worst.

what does anyone else think? did anyone else have a feeling when they mc?


Hi sorry if i do this wrong very new to it, i think i knew something was wrong too. I lost at 7 weeks Oct 10, i remember saying to the midwife at my first appointment that when i was younger carrying my son i felt invincible but carrying this baby, well this one feels fragile. I lost a week later. I just felt that every move i made would dislodge the pregnancy, i dunno! :( it felt as if it wasn't comfortable. :wacko:
I think I knew something was not quite right. Two days before the bleeding stopped I had severe cramping, but I had that similar to when I was a teenager with gas. So I figured, maybe it is just bad gas. The following day I was much better, but I was unsure if I wanted to tell my brothers and dad, but did it anyway. I think I knew something was up, but didn't listen to it. Even after the bleeding began the doctor wasn't sure I was having a miscarriage, because my cervix was still closed. But I KNEW. Everyone wanted me to think positive, but I already knew.
I knew something was wrong - I didn't allow myself to get too excited and weirdly I kept having strange dreams - I would wake up really suddenly in the night in a panic, thinking I'd lost something or forgotten something really important - I would even leap out of bed and start looking for this thing - the dreams stopped once I lost my little Ben. Funnily enough, at the final scan for a moment I had absolute certainty that it would be okay, then the doctor said it wasn't looking very good and I instantly knew the truth.
PS Boston Blonde - so sorry for your 3rd....x
yes from the beging of my pregnancy I kept saying it just does'nt feel right I dont feel pregnant, we had a scan at 7w4d seen baby and heartbeat all was great but I still was not convinced, we went away on holiday for a week and when we were away I had a dream that I was drownding and I stopped breathing (in my dream only). We came back from holiday I had a bleed went to hospital and was told I'd had a mmc at 8w4d. I will alway think that dream was my body and minds way of telling me that our baby had stopped growing and its heart stopped
The first miscarriage was my first pregnancy and i wasn't sure how i "should" feel so just assumed really that all would be okay so it was a really horrible awful shock to miscarry.

Then with my pregnancy with our son i was of course convinced things were going to go wrong and spent a lot of time worrying during the pregnancy and even the birth.

This last time i expected to be a bit more chilled out having carried a baby to term and everything been fine but from the start i felt something wasn't quite right. I had very faint lines on tests, they took a long time to get darker. I didn't have hardly any symptoms (unlike with our son when i had every symptom going) and our first early scan at what should have been 6+4 showed only 2 pregnancy sacs with nothing in either. We'd had an early scan at 6+6 with our son and seen him with his heart beating away so although it isn't unusual not to see much at such an early scan and the sonographers, Drs and nurses felt there was still hope etc, for me, that was HUGE deal that we didn't see a heartbeat, or even a baby, or even a fetal pole or even a yolk sac! IYKWIM? Then things just went down hill from there really, more dubious HCG levels, more dubious scans etc. By the time they told me on 13th December that the pregnancy was not going to be ongoing i couldn't have been less surprised to be honest.

I also found that right from the start i kept saying weird stuff like "If i'm pregnant" and "If we're having another baby next year" etc. And at one point it must have even rubbed off on to OH because we went to the Christmas Markets and he had a beer and i said "Mmmm i could just have a sip of that" and he said "Well why don't you have one...it's not like you're driving today" completely and utterly forgetting i was pregnant :(
This was my first pregnancy but I knew something was wrong from the first bfp. I didn't quite believe it. Not just because I never had this happen, but just because I didn't feel right. I believe I have low progesterone but my doctor wouldn't draw blood and check for it because I didn't have a history of MC.. So over the next couple of days, I still had a feeling that this pregnancy was not going to last. Sure enough I started spotting this past weekend which turned into full on bleeding and my hcg was 156 and progesterone 3.6! Now I'm just waiting for it to pass. Hopefully by itself. So I can start again and this time the doctor will check my progesterone as soon as I conceive.

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