Did you subconsciously know something was wrong when you MC?

I don't know if I "knew" something wasn't right. I know I had been wanting to get pregnant for a couple years and had been trying for 6 months, so it was something I REALLY wanted. Part of me thinks I just wanted it so badly and was so terrified of losing it, that I couldn't let myself get attached. I, too, often said "if" instead of "when". I told some family and friends about my pregnancy, but half of me always said it with reservations, like I wasn't really sure I was pregnant or that it would last. As much as I wanted it, I always had some disbelief that my pregnancy would end in a healthy baby. That didn't make losing it any easier, though.
the first time i miscarried i thought everything would be ok but this time i knew that something was wrong once i started spotting.
TTC since April 2009. M/C May 23, 2010...I had a weird feeling that morning before I started bleeding...the thought flashed through my mind but I said to myself everythings fine don't even go there. I guess sometimes we just know right. It took so long to get pregnant its just so frustrating. After M/C did four rounds of clomid ovulated only twice, second time a failed IUI. Hoping 2011 will be a good year for us all.
i knew that my pregnancy wouldn't last. i told my husband at 6 weeks that something wasn't right. we were allowed an ultrasound and there was a heartbeat. i felt rather silly for being such an alarmist. at 10 weeks, again, i knew that it wasn't right and we went to the OB who found the heartbeat with a dopler and tried to reassure me all was fine. at 12 weeks we went for an ultrasound and learned that the baby had anencephaly and we had to terminate the pregnancy. can't explain it,but i had a strange instinct that not all was well throughout - never allowing myself to get too excited despite reassurances from everyone else. when we were told that the baby wouldn't survive, i was strangely composed as if i expected to hear the news. sadly, i guess your gut feeling can be true.
I had a mmc 6months ago, it was my first pregnancy and for the second I found out I was pregnant I knew something wasn't right. I kept having really strange dreams about the baby and I just knew I would never get to meet him/her, didn't stop me hoping I was wrong. Found out at the 12 week scan that I had mc, I would have been due in 3 weeks time :( But I took a pregnancy test last night, 1weeks before af due and I got a faint positive and I feel very hopeful about this baby, fingers crossed.
i knew.... i'm sure i did.....even though it was my first pregnancy.
i was the same - i kept saying - "all being well" when i referred to the baby or pregnancy. when i got my notes from the midwife i didnt even look at them - not once.
i was scared to death about feeling like this - i even googled it at one point and i was neurotic about taking pregnancy tests - (ill know this makes no difference in the future)
i started to bleed at 7 weeks and after a scan later that week it confirmed id had a missed miscarridge.
im so hoping that in the future i wont feel like this.
baby dust to everyone xx
I had pink discharge so called the EPU and they told me not to worry as lots of women get it and it was no cause for concern and I didn't need a scan. After that I kept on thinking something wasn't right and worrying all the time. I even spoke to a member of my family about it and they mentioned it after I found out I had a MMC, and said it was strange that I kept on saying I was worried about having my first scan as I was scared things wouldn't be okay

Hope we all get our sticky BFP soon :flow:

This is exactly what happened to me. Pinkish discharge a week before the emergency scan at 10 weeks picked up the mmc at 8 weeks. Throughout the pregnancy I didn't really have any symptons to speak of and continued going to the gym and generally being active and healthy - when I quizzed the midwife at the 8 wk appointment she said some people just don't get symptons. I just knew something was wrong with the lack of symptons and the night before my scan - I said to my husband I just don't feel pregnant - and I was right, I wasn't. The whole experience has completely changed my life. :cry:
sorry for everyones losses.

I definately thought something was wrong - I didn't allow myself to get excited even though we had been ttc for a year. I just knew that this pregancy didn't feel right even though I didn't know exactly how it should 'feel'.

My husband and mum got quite annoyed at me being so negative so I tried to put on a brave face and pretend to be excited but all along I knew. Started to bleed at 7 weeks and an emergency scan showed that my pregnancy was ectopic. I wasn't surprised but equally devastated. I kept hoping and praying that my negative thoughts were normal and just due to anxiety. I now truely believe that we all knew what was happening - makes me feel more sad knowing that we have such a close bond with our little ones from the very beginning.

I can't wait until the day that I am pregnant and can feel happy and excited about it. Lots of baby dust to us all xxx
So sorry for everyones losses.

I actually thought that something was wrong on the Tuesday (found out i was MC on the Thursday) i rang my OH because i was worried and he said not to worry as i worried with my daughter too and she turned out fine, but with my daughter they did think something was wrong and did an Amniocentesis, everything turned out fine though.

I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong on that Tuesday though and i was crying my eyes out for most of the day because i didn't know who to ring, in the end my OH made me feel better and i didn't ring anyone :nope: Then on the Thursday i started spotting, thats when i went to A&E and they said i was having a MC :cry:

I feel so bad about not ringing anyone though, even though i know nothing could of been done anyway :nope:
I had a feeling the morning after I got the positive test, so I took another one. The line was fainter and I just knew. Three days later, I began to cramp and bleed and ended up at the ER. The whole time my mom [who was one of the few people I had told] was telling me I was worrying too much, and I got so mad at her.

I think you just know... Women's instinct and all that.
oh god:nope: i knew it wasnt right even before i got pregnant :(
I am another one who just knew things weren't right from the start. I wouldn't let my DH get excited (I kept saying "If this pregnancy works out") and I was downright negative myself, never excited. The few people we told I added the disclaimer: "IF"

And of course we did not do any planning or purchasing for this baby. My DH and I didn't really ever talk about it at all.

Part of it was a lack of symptoms but also I just felt like nothing was there and just didn't feel pregnant.

Even before we learned anything was wrong, I was more worried about how my DH would take it when we found out the bad news.

When the day came when I found blood in my underwear, I was calm, like "ah, today's the day it ends". We went for an emergency ultrasound and the doctor's news came as no surprise - the baby was not alive.

I cried of course, but more out of disappointment and anger that I had been right.

Now, only a few days after learning this pregnancy is over, I don't feel much grief, as I had never bonded in the first place. I feel relieved that the stress and guilt of feeling so negative for 12 weeks is over. And I also feel hopeful that we will have a successful pregnancy soon and I will know it from the start.
I had a strong gut feeling, i was really really worried. I have 3 children already and never quite had the fear as strong as I did with this one. (I think it is fairly normal to worry throughout pregnancy). But I was pushing and pushing to get in and get seen asap because I just felt like something was wrong. And unfortunately, I was right =( WHen we they brought up the monitor, I just knew.
For the first few weeks after we got our :bfp: I was over the moon, making plans, daring to dream and making small purchases. Then at about 6 weeks something changed and I didn't feel so maternal.
I remember forcing myself to rub my tummy knowing it was what was expected of me and hoping that if I did it enough it would become second nature. I never confided in anyone as I felt like a terrible mother - we had been trying for this baby for over 6 months and all of a sudden it was like it was happening to someone else and I couldn't enjoy it.
At almost 10 weeks I passed an apple seed amount of brown blood, I knew straight away it was a MMC and even told the doctor that. She agreed to book me in with the EPU the next morning and foolishly I let everyone talk me round that everything was fine. A pregnant friend even joked I would get an extra scan and be able to see our baba wriggling about on the screen.
As soon as the sonographer started questioning our dates I knew I had been right and it was a mmc.

So sorry for all of your losses, I really hope that 2011 brings us some good news sticky :dust: xxx
The first time with my blighted ovum - yes. I felt something was wrong from the beginning because had bad cramps.
I felt right from the start something wasn't right. I wasn't sure if it was a defence mechanism that I was using because it was something I wanted so bad and didn't want to get too attached. But looking back I knew I was making excuses for things that I wasn't sure about e.g loss of symptoms - people told be they come and go but I knew how I felt wasn't right. I really really want to get get a BFP soon!!
I had a dream that I was bleeding and having a MC and it made me really worried. I told DH and he thought I was taking a dream too seriously, but I knew. The next day I started to bleed. I was only 6 1/2 weeks along but had already planned out the next year of my life. Yes, I think we know our bodies even when there's no real discernable evidence to give to someone else.
I have had three MC and one great pregnancy in this order.. MC (July 2006), had my son (March 2007), MC (September 2010), MC (December 2010).. Each time I MC I knew something was wrong, I could feel it in my bones. I didn't get the feeling anytime during the pregnancy with my son. With the Sept. 2010 MC, I told my doctor something was wrong, and he told me not to worry so much.... two weeks later I went in for bleeding, and I was in the process of losing the baby....I switched doctors...not because I MC, but because he should have been more sensitive with me. Also every time I have been pregnant, I knew before I took HPT. My sister says I can tell when the sperm hits the egg!
I feel a bit like the black sheep here but when I first conceived, I was so overjoyed and the possibility of a miscarriage didn't even cross my mind! I was on top of the world and it took me by complete surprise when I started bleeding around 6 weeks. Once the bleeding continued and I passed a couple clots, I knew exactly what was going on. :(
2 weeks later when DH and I conceived again (fast, I know!), I didn't let myself get excited, I talked about IF we have the baby, I didn't rush out to buy anything, I half expected to see blood every single time I went pee (soooo stressful) and in the end I had a perfectly normal, healthy pregnancy. I felt robbed of my excitement with my son (in the beginning anyway.....once he started kicking I relaxed somewhat) but I think it was just because I didn't want to be devastated again so I was mentally preparing myself for the worst. Not the greatest attitude but we do what we have to to make it through! We're TTC #2 at the moment and when I see that bfp, I know I'll be kind of so-so about it (still excited of course though), not knowing which way the wind will blow.

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