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Do U believe this is true?

I can't help but feel sorry for that poor boy. Not for the autism at all, that will shape him into his own wonderful character, but for having a Mum like he has. With her attitude, I can't help but feel she's going to damage him emotionally growing up. :nope:

Summed up my rambling perfectly! I didn't see this :dohh:
I can't help but feel sorry for that poor boy. Not for the autism at all, that will shape him into his own wonderful character, but for having a Mum like he has. With her attitude, I can't help but feel she's going to damage him emotionally growing up. :nope:

Summed up my rambling perfectly! I didn't see this :dohh:

Your reply put a smile on my face, it was well said! <3
I can't help but feel sorry for that poor boy. Not for the autism at all, that will shape him into his own wonderful character, but for having a Mum like he has. With her attitude, I can't help but feel she's going to damage him emotionally growing up. :nope:

Summed up my rambling perfectly! I didn't see this :dohh:

Your reply put a smile on my face, it was well said! <3

Thank you lovely! :flower:
OP you said the article freaked you out? What freaks me out is the mother's attitude. Check the comments written by Heidi. They're sickening. Whether or not those things cause autism I don't know (though I doubt), but autism, wherever you are on the spectrum, doesn't make a child any less wonderful than any other 'normal' child. We forget that although you can diagnose one disorder early on, it is not simply a case of autistic people and 'normal' people; everyone has their difficulties and quirks, however and whenever they become apparent. Some people are suffer from mental illness, some struggle academically, some are incredibly bad at anything athletic, some have a hair colour they dislike. Yep, those might seem quite trivial things, but for some they are incredibly painful realities, and for others they are blessings. Each person has their hardships and equally has their individualities that make them wonderful. Being autistic is no different: Yes it brings incredible strife but it also shows the most wonderful characteristics and is simply a part of a person as anything else is.

Thing is, the poster of the rather stupid article doesn't get that. What comes across in her comments is a hatred of her life, and even of her child. She doesn't write about her child as the wonderful little person they are, she just considers them as autism. It's vile. It is genuinely worrying in relation to the emotional wellbeing of that baby.

I'm pretty sure that "Heidi" is the author, right? Those were the comments I was referring to in my last post. Glad you noticed the same thing - it wasn't just me.
What a ridiculous article! If any of that was true then Maria ought to have autism considering the number of ultrasounds (not to mention x-rays and nuclear tests), the shit-ton of painkillers I took while pregnant, all the antibiotics while pregnant and breastfeeding etc. etc. Its just fear-mongering and guilt-inducing bullshit.
Thats the thing, I had only a few scans with Alex and loads with tori to ensure she wasnt coming premature. Alex is the one with autism!
^^ I am assuming she is, yeah!

I'd guess that aswell, all I see is an awful woman that can't accept what 'God' (if you believe in that) has blessed her with and this is her punishment for doing all those things she shouldn't have done. Incredibly ignorant. The worst part is that she goes on to repeatedly tell other mothers that she couldn't possibly be wrong and that it is their fault that their children also have autism. What kind of person says that?

Yes, I would be upset if my child was diagnosed with autism but I would never say how awful a life sentence it is. A good friend of mine battled cancer his whole life and eventually died from it at only 19 years old - that is awful! And yet he was one of the happiest, most wonderful people you could ever wish to meet.
I just read through the comments on the blog, and what I find really sad is the way Heidi keeps talking about the "limitations" of autistic children. There is no acknowledgment that autistic children can and do go on to lead full, happy lives, she only talks about the struggle and the hardships. I feel so sorry for her son, she's basically written off his whole life before it's even really begun.
I just read through the comments on the blog, and what I find really sad is the way Heidi keeps talking about the "limitations" of autistic children. There is no acknowledgment that autistic children can and do go on to lead full, happy lives, she only talks about the struggle and the hardships. I feel so sorry for her son, she's basically written off his whole life before it's even really begun.

I know, eh?
Her coments are way more disturbing than the stupid article!
There is a saying "if you have met one autistic child, then you have met one autistic child" they are very unique and have wide level of abilities. We suspect my husband has aspergers. He scores highly in all the questionnaires and now he looks it up he says how much sense it makes, he talks about feeling like screaming when people chit chat constantly, or how he cannot stand people chatting when they are leaving, he wants to scream "just leave" lol. Plus he doesn't get sarcasm even though he be, but like his boss called when he was sick and his boss thinks he is amazing as he is the top engineer and his figures pull the rest of the team up and make the boss look good, lol. He boss joked about "ok mate, well makes sure the plaster is dry before you stay painting" he just couldn't let it go and went on and on about it, I explained it was a joke and he got it but still went over and over it. Lol.

However despite his obvious issues, you wouldn't know, he is very well adjusted but a little quiet in some circumstances. He is great at his job as an engineer, he he great at public speaking, he more adjusted than a lot of other people.

My son right now is so far from normal, he cannot cope with children is own age, he can't cope with noise, or bright lights or crowds, etc etc. but eventually he will adjust and I don't know what he will be like as an adult, but I intend to do everything in my power that he research his potential. Obviously some children with autism have developmental delays etc but apart from things like social skills and self care my son is on track and actually ahead on most areas, he said he wanted to be a doctor the other day, I'm not sure if he can with an autism diagnosis but he is wanted to do that and had the ability I would do everything in my power to help. After all a huge number of doctors have poor social skills, my GP is extremely rude and obnoxious lol. I don't believe autism means your child's life is ruined, even if my son can't function in a professional role, if he is happy is don't care, if he is happy swearing streets or working in McDonald's then I'll be just as happy and proud.
There is a saying "if you have met one autistic child, then you have met one autistic child" they are very unique and have wide level of abilities. We suspect my husband has aspergers. He scores highly in all the questionnaires and now he looks it up he says how much sense it makes, he talks about feeling like screaming when people chit chat constantly, or how he cannot stand people chatting when they are leaving, he wants to scream "just leave" lol. Plus he doesn't get sarcasm even though he be, but like his boss called when he was sick and his boss thinks he is amazing as he is the top engineer and his figures pull the rest of the team up and make the boss look good, lol. He boss joked about "ok mate, well makes sure the plaster is dry before you stay painting" he just couldn't let it go and went on and on about it, I explained it was a joke and he got it but still went over and over it. Lol.

However despite his obvious issues, you wouldn't know, he is very well adjusted but a little quiet in some circumstances. He is great at his job as an engineer, he he great at public speaking, he more adjusted than a lot of other people.

My son right now is so far from normal, he cannot cope with children is own age, he can't cope with noise, or bright lights or crowds, etc etc. but eventually he will adjust and I don't know what he will be like as an adult, but I intend to do everything in my power that he research his potential. Obviously some children with autism have developmental delays etc but apart from things like social skills and self care my son is on track and actually ahead on most areas, he said he wanted to be a doctor the other day, I'm not sure if he can with an autism diagnosis but he is wanted to do that and had the ability I would do everything in my power to help. After all a huge number of doctors have poor social skills, my GP is extremely rude and obnoxious lol. I don't believe autism means your child's life is ruined, even if my son can't function in a professional role, if he is happy is don't care, if he is happy swearing streets or working in McDonald's then I'll be just as happy and proud.

Like you said about your OH, autism doesn't mean people cannot be happy, or even successful. My dad is on the spectrum too and for all of his flaws he's done very well in life and would be very rich if he didn't insist on paying all of his workers the same wage, and sometimes more, than he gets (not that I'm complaining, think it's wonderful!). Saying that children with autism are pretty much doomed to a crap life is so ignorant. And as you said with your son, what does it matter so long as they're happy?! Just think how many people have only the skills for that kind of work anyway, without having autism, and are still happy.
I just read through the comments on the blog, and what I find really sad is the way Heidi keeps talking about the "limitations" of autistic children. There is no acknowledgment that autistic children can and do go on to lead full, happy lives, she only talks about the struggle and the hardships. I feel so sorry for her son, she's basically written off his whole life before it's even really begun.

I know, eh?
Her coments are way more disturbing than the stupid article!
Indeed. Who is she anyways? "Mountain Mama's" real name? The way she shuts down everyone, says that they wrong and even slammed someone who is autistic in comments dumbfounded me. She's clearly in the anger stage.
Oh my goodness, I had to even read her comments to people and already coundnt stage her! Now, well let's hope I never meet her. What a horrible, bitter, twist woman! Honestly that poor child should be taken off her. She clearly isn't coping and hating the world for it.

I know you won't see it from this post, but I'm usually the see the good in everyone, see both sides type person, this woman I just can't find anything positive to say.

The slags off patents of autistic children and children with autism just because they disagree with her. Nasty vile woman.
Yeah, her comments were something else. I lost track of the "how dare you's", "You don't know's" the "I'm right, you're wrong" etc. :dohh:
My favourite was where she told another parent of an autistic child that their child obviousy didn't have autism after all because that parent was trying to say that her kid didn't share the symptoms she kept listing. Charming, eh? :dohh:
Yeah, because her child didn't have explosive poo (mine doesn't either) then clearly not autistic. What planet is this women living on? Her child obviously has a huge range of issues, she talks about him in so much pain, which is separate from autism, although we do know that autism is often accompanied with lots of other issues, the physical symptoms she keeps listing are not autism.
I've only just looked at the actual website (not the Gaia health one the mountain mama one whatever it's called) ...all I can think is wow....I have never seen so many stupid people in one place, it is actually quite frightening to see, let's hope they never join forces :/
I've only just looked at the actual website (not the Gaia health one the mountain mama one whatever it's called) ...all I can think is wow....I have never seen so many stupid people in one place, it is actually quite frightening to see, let's hope they never join forces :/

Lol :haha: very true. It's such a raw nerve for me right now ( as you may be able to tell :blush:) the woman is disturbing.
I've only just looked at the actual website (not the Gaia health one the mountain mama one whatever it's called) ...all I can think is wow....I have never seen so many stupid people in one place, it is actually quite frightening to see, let's hope they never join forces :/

Oh, they have. It's called the anti-vax movement. And it is becoming a public health threat.

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