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Do U believe this is true?

I've only just looked at the actual website (not the Gaia health one the mountain mama one whatever it's called) ...all I can think is wow....I have never seen so many stupid people in one place, it is actually quite frightening to see, let's hope they never join forces :/

Oh, they have. It's called the anti-vax movement. And it is becoming a public health threat.

Very true and 5/10 years down the line they will we scratching their heads when there as just as many autism cases but measles, rubella, etc is a problem.
I've only just looked at the actual website (not the Gaia health one the mountain mama one whatever it's called) ...all I can think is wow....I have never seen so many stupid people in one place, it is actually quite frightening to see, let's hope they never join forces :/

Oh, they have. It's called the anti-vax movement. And it is becoming a public health threat.

Very true! One of the dark sides of the internet.
I've only just looked at the actual website (not the Gaia health one the mountain mama one whatever it's called) ...all I can think is wow....I have never seen so many stupid people in one place, it is actually quite frightening to see, let's hope they never join forces :/

Oh, they have. It's called the anti-vax movement. And it is becoming a public health threat.

But didn't she slate the woman that commented that she had never done any of those things including vaccinations and had 3 autistic children? :wacko: bunch of cuckooos.
I've only just looked at the actual website (not the Gaia health one the mountain mama one whatever it's called) ...all I can think is wow....I have never seen so many stupid people in one place, it is actually quite frightening to see, let's hope they never join forces :/

Oh, they have. It's called the anti-vax movement. And it is becoming a public health threat.

But didn't she slate the woman that commented that she had never done any of those things including vaccinations and had 3 autistic children? :wacko: bunch of cuckooos.

She sarcastically suggested the woman should offer herself to be used in pharmaceutical propaganda....very, very strange woman!!!
She's unreal! Have we figured out if she's "Mountain Mama" or that "Cam" person that says wrote the article?

This Heidi apparently is a Mod on whatever it is she's on. :wacko: I feel horrid for her, no one should feel that amount of anger.

HOWEVER, I felt that same type of disparaging anger when I first found out about Claire's diagnosis. Even though I knew it was coming, I went through a total anger phase where I was SO mad at all things. :blush: As much as I'd like to initally tar and feather her (so to speak) we don't know where she is on the whole diagnosis route. At times, you can be okay with things for awhile, then get sad, angry or depressed about it. I've also found that you can switch in and out of feelings. I'd be okay for awhile, then back to being bitterly angry. I'm in an acceptance phase right now, but that's not to say that I'll have some sort of instance happen where I resort to anger.

Not trying to justify what she's saying, because at times I think she's being vile. However, there's often more than meets the eye.
She's unreal! Have we figured out if she's "Mountain Mama" or that "Cam" person that says wrote the article?

This Heidi apparently is a Mod on whatever it is she's on. :wacko: I feel horrid for her, no one should feel that amount of anger.

HOWEVER, I felt that same type of disparaging anger when I first found out about Claire's diagnosis. Even though I knew it was coming, I went through a total anger phase where I was SO mad at all things. :blush: As much as I'd like to initally tar and feather her (so to speak) we don't know where she is on the whole diagnosis route. At times, you can be okay with things for awhile, then get sad, angry or depressed about it. I've also found that you can switch in and out of feelings. I'd be okay for awhile, then back to being bitterly angry. I'm in an acceptance phase right now, but that's not to say that I'll have some sort of instance happen where I resort to anger.

Not trying to justify what she's saying, because at times I think she's being vile. However, there's often more than meets the eye.

Very true, Tiff. I was really wondering if she had been given adequate support through all of the diagnosis journey and beyond. Maybe some of the bitterness coming out in her comments stems from something like that?
I thought that she said that her son was seven years old? She wrote that he told her every day what a great mom she was. I didn't get the impression that this was fresh news, but maybe he was diagnosed later.
I am guessing that this is also a person who is channelling her anger at just about any target she can find. I mean, she blames everything from soft drinks to ultrasounds in her rant (sorry, her "article"). It felt like she was just trolling for someone to fight with. :shrug:
I agree she is definnatly angry, and I can understand that, we haven't been officially diagnosed yet, and I get so angery at how long it takes and the lack of support along the way. In the last two weeks my son has been excluded from breakfast club and now only doing 850-1030 because they cannot cope with him, as well as constantly threats of exclusion even though they acknowledge he has no control over his meltdowns. I can take him out this time of year as he cannot deal with crowd, or the lights or just sheer amount of stuff about. Our church has a kids Christmas party today which I cannot take him to as he cannot cope with parties, too much noise, other children, etc, on top of that they requested that an adult per child under 3 stay, I have 2 year old twins and Sam to supervise, hubby is working and I canny physically watch them all, when I know Sam is going to be a nightmare.

I get anger, I get angery that my son isn't "normal", that I can't take him and do normal things, that breaking our routine equals disaster, that no one understand how limiting it is having a child like this and now trapped I feel, going to the shops or to see santa is just not an option. (If hubby is around we try, because it means one of us can handle him and take him away of needs be, but alone I cannot)

I get anger, but she hates the world, instead of taking reassurance she isn't alone, she is horrid to other parents, she cannot see beyond herself, it seems like she has seriously perps all and possible mental health issues that this situation has just over whelmed.
Do i believe it's true? No.. what a load of shit!
I must admit I read this post n I shat myself this is my first pregnanccy I've already had 3 ultra sounds n take. Loads of medication pregnacy safe according to my doc but then its like don't listen I wish I didn't read this its made me upset n hurt .. Be grateful u have children even tho you not readin this blog anymore ur child is unique u shudnt need to give them a label just because they different all children r individuals and if u can't deal with it give the child to someone who deserves the child .. I might be wrong sayin. This so apologise but I really think this child deserves better then complaints the child deserves love .. Watch this movie it might help lady : temple grandin ..
I think the article says more about Catholicism than autism. I'm not going to chastise myself for any decisions I've made with good intentions. (Not that Lucas is autistic, though a few people have questioned it because of some of his traits). I have several family members with autism and their parents aren't beating themselves up. There is just no need to, especially when all you have to back yourself up is Dr Google.

Idk, I don't doubt that there are links. Just about everything is linked to autism these days - some of it must be credible research. But the whole post reads a bit like that DHMO site. (If you haven't seen it - www.dhmo.org - hilarious).

These sorts of things I think if people want to believe it, they will. This lady wants a reason to chastise herself, so she's found one.
I mean I might be off the mark but I've had several "scary dairy" friends (I seem to attract them?), and it's always the same - articles that tell them flouride kills are absolute law, but have never considered an opinion or piece of evidence that discredits it. Won't touch non-organic milk because of hormones but takes drugs every weekend. One friend lectured me on using spread instead of butter because I was 'poisoning' Lucas, but would regularly front carry her son with a cigarette in her hand! :wacko: She didn't want to know about second-hand smoke so she didn't pay any attention to it.

I'm digressing from the point... I think it's balls :lol:

I couldn't read past your first line. I strongly disagree on that one. If you think that Catholics are anti medical, you know nothing.

And to think all I was going to comment and say was "oh FFS"...
Maybe you should have read past the first line; she wasn't implying that all Catholics are "anti-medical".
Maybe you should have read past the first line; she wasn't implying that all Catholics are "anti-medical".

Thanks for stating the obvious *rolls eyes*

I'm not sure what I'm missing. Her first statement wasn't explained what she meant by that. And if she did then I'm so sleep deprived that I'm missing it.
Well it clearly wasn't that obvious to you... :dohh:

Her first statement is supported by the second sentence. If you don't understand then that's your issue, but don't tell someone they "know nothing" when you don't even bother to read more than 1/20th of their post. Sheesh.
No need to be rude to me.

But please do explain how her second sentence supports the first?

I think the article says more about Catholicism than autism. I'm not going to chastise myself for any decisions I've made with good intentions. (Not that Lucas is autistic, though a few people have questioned it because of some of his traits).

I'm really not seeing not. I'm really not trying to be mean but trying to understand where the Catholicism comment came from.
And I went back and reread it sevral times. If I am misunderstanding it, please explain. I would like to understand. I'm not out to degrade anyone but you are making me feel like I'm not allowed to comment. I just feel further explanation is needed for me.

I gues that is just my issue in y our words.
And I went back and reread it sevral times. If I am misunderstanding it, please explain. I would like to understand. I'm not out to degrade anyone but you are making me feel like I'm not allowed to comment. I just feel further explanation is needed for me.

I gues that is just my issue in y our words.

I read Kate's comment on Catholicism not being about anti-medical but about a guilt complex some Catholics are stereotyped with, sorry I don't know how to word it well....um like the mother felt it couldn't be an accident but she has to be to blame and it was almost punishment?? Like it couldn't just be chance?? Apologies if that isn't what Kate meant at all it was just how I read it, not making a judgement on the comment either way just explaining how I personally read it :flower:
And I went back and reread it sevral times. If I am misunderstanding it, please explain. I would like to understand. I'm not out to degrade anyone but you are making me feel like I'm not allowed to comment. I just feel further explanation is needed for me.

I gues that is just my issue in y our words.

I read Kate's comment on Catholicism not being about anti-medical but about a guilt complex some Catholics are stereotyped with, sorry I don't know how to word it well....um like the mother felt it couldn't be an accident but she has to be to blame and it was almost punishment?? Like it couldn't just be chance?? Apologies if that isn't what Kate meant at all it was just how I read it, not making a judgement on the comment either way just explaining how I personally read it :flower:

I was referring to the fact that the author clearly has it ingrained in her to feel guilt. She wants a reason to feel guilty because it's the way she was raised, so she's given herself one (and is trying to give it to every other parent of autistic children).
I could have opened with "The article says more about guilt" - but the author herself explains that the reason for her guilt is her Catholic upbringing in the opening lines of the article, so I went with that.

I've never once considered that practicing Catholics are "anti-medical".
And I went back and reread it sevral times. If I am misunderstanding it, please explain. I would like to understand. I'm not out to degrade anyone but you are making me feel like I'm not allowed to comment. I just feel further explanation is needed for me.

I gues that is just my issue in y our words.

I read Kate's comment on Catholicism not being about anti-medical but about a guilt complex some Catholics are stereotyped with, sorry I don't know how to word it well....um like the mother felt it couldn't be an accident but she has to be to blame and it was almost punishment?? Like it couldn't just be chance?? Apologies if that isn't what Kate meant at all it was just how I read it, not making a judgement on the comment either way just explaining how I personally read it :flower:

My apologies to her then. I meant no harm. I just didn't connect it like that. I have no brain power these days.

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