do we have the right


spammy sexington
Sep 2, 2008
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ok so please no harsh comments :thumbup:


I ask only cos i was reading a magazine about a week ago and this family were harrasing another family on the same street just cos they had diffrent colour skin came from a diffrent place and dressed diffrent to us, i am seeing more and more about this :shrug:

now me i dont have a problem with it people have the right to dress in what they want they cant help where they come from either so who are we as a society to attck them :shrug:
now i dont agree with these that come over and live off benefits or are in this country when they are ilegal immigrents :nope:

just wondering as karl seems to think if they live here they should dress and act like us as in talk english and respect our church and beliefs
I don't agree with people name calling others for any reason at all. I do think that they should be able to live in piece in our country and dress according to their beliefs. It's a very complicated subject though really as my OH believes that if you choose to live in this country you should addapt your lifestyle accordingly. I don't know, but i think name calling and abuse is out of order xx
yeah i agree with you :thumbup:
karl sounds like your OH i mean i dont like it when i walk past and they start talking language :nope: :nope:but i wouldnt dream of saying they have no right to how they want to

name calling i think is unaceptable xxxx
I hate racism on every level. Then again, i also hate positive discrimination.

Illegal immigrants very rarely claim benefits - they have no NI number to do it with and technically don't exist in this country. Also, people that are claiming asylum and waiting on an appeal have it really tough. They are not allowed any money from the government but are not permitted to work either. Must be hard going and no one would put themselves through that unless things were terrible where they fled from. Most asylum seekers or refugees would love to contribute to society but the government stops them so i think name calling is highly unfair.

Personally I love living in such a culturally rich area, i like to learn about others' food, languages and customs. Why should they have to sacrifice all that to live in safety or work hard to earn a living for them and their families?

What I really object to is being called racist for saying 'the black bloke in the red shirt'... as if by describing someone by their colour is something you shouldn't do! I have no problem being called white, the person i'm describing has no problem being described in that way. More often than not it's a nosey do-gooder gone PC mad!
Racism pisses me off no end! Sure, people who move to a new country should respect the beliefs and customs of their new home- because everyone should respect others' beliefs and customs! But respecting another culture does not necessitate conforming to it, beyond the obvious avoidance of law-breaking or serious taboo. I live in the Twin Cities (Minnesota) now, which has a huge SE Asian population (Hmong in particular) and a huge Muslim population (esp. Somalian) and I LOVE the diversity. Everywhere I go I hear interesting languages, see beautiful traditional clothing, find food from every corner of the globe- it's awesome.

I think people really need to step back sometimes and try to walk in someone else's shoes. How awful would it be to move to a foreign country to try and make a better life- especially if you loved your home country and it broke your heart to leave- and now you will spend the rest of your life enduring abuse just for wearing your favourite beautiful outfit, speaking the language you are comfortable with, teaching your children about your heritage, eating your favourite dinner? And let's face it- would a French or Norwegian immigrant (for example) get the same treatment?

It's especially ridiculous in the USA when people act all "Conform to our ways or go back where you came from!"- if they really feel that way, they ought to be eating fry bread and speaking Chippewa!
Racism pisses me off no end! Sure, people who move to a new country should respect the beliefs and customs of their new home- because everyone should respect others' beliefs and customs! But respecting another culture does not necessitate conforming to it, beyond the obvious avoidance of law-breaking or serious taboo. I live in the Twin Cities (Minnesota) now, which has a huge SE Asian population (Hmong in particular) and a huge Muslim population (esp. Somalian) and I LOVE the diversity. Everywhere I go I hear interesting languages, see beautiful traditional clothing, find food from every corner of the globe- it's awesome.

I think people really need to step back sometimes and try to walk in someone else's shoes. How awful would it be to move to a foreign country to try and make a better life- especially if you loved your home country and it broke your heart to leave- and now you will spend the rest of your life enduring abuse just for wearing your favourite beautiful outfit, speaking the language you are comfortable with, teaching your children about your heritage, eating your favourite dinner? And let's face it- would a French or Norwegian immigrant (for example) get the same treatment?

It's especially ridiculous in the USA when people act all "Conform to our ways or go back where you came from!"- if they really feel that way, they ought to be eating fry bread and speaking Chippewa!

Off topic but I love the Twin Cities! I have a good friend there and it is such an amazingly diverse place.
Racism is disgusting on any and every level.

I love our diverse society, as DJ said.

I believe that, aside from law and order obviously, just because someone chooses to stay in a country does not mean they have to sacrifice their identity or deny their heritage to do so.
Racism on any level is disgusting. I live above a Polish couple, they don't speak English very well, but they're very friendly. They're not loud or rude to us at all. They make a huge effort to speak English, that obviously helps them, but I don't think they should stop speaking Polish and live like us just because they're here. Plus their dinner always smells so much better than mine! :rofl:

But seriously, these people generally aren't hurting anyone. They don't come over just for a free ride, they come for reasons. Whether it's a threat to their lives, wanting a better future for their children or just wanting to experience a new culture. Who am I to say they can't or look down on them for being here?

There's one thing I don't understand about this country. If we see a white person from America, France, Spain etc. our reaction is generally 'oh cool, where abouts are you from? Do you have such and such over there, whats the weather like?' But if the same person saw an Asian running a corner shop, the reaction is much different. I don't see anyone asking questions about their culture.

I have no problem at all with people coming over here, I would hope they would accept me if I went to their country.

As for religious wear, I fully respect anyone that's willing to wear their chosen religions symbols/clothing.
If someone told me I can't dress the way I want to because someone else doesn't like it, I'd tell them where to bloody go!

We aren't living under a fascist regime, we don't all have to talk the same language, praise the same God, and be like everyone else.. and that's what I love about this country. It is culturally diverse and that has actually really helped this country a lot!
Kimmer - i ask everyone! It's the best way to learn new things :)
I do too! I'm sure I bug some people. A lot of people love telling me about where they're from. It's fascinating!
I loooove learning about other cultures; ever since I was little I've wanted to be an anthropologist! I never went to uni though, so I guess I'm an amateur anthropologist as a hobby- I love to make friends with people from different cultures. I've had so many great experiences; singing in a noraebang (Korean karaoke room), attending a quinceanera, praying with my ex's Buddhist family, wearing traditional Hmong clothes to my wedding rehearsal, visiting a traditional Chinese healer, and- definitely not fun, but still interesting- attending (unfortunately several) Native American funerals. If I could travel around the world, I would!

(Sorry for going OT :blush:)
i dont have a problem either as like you all said they brings so much to this country from places like indians/chinese/italian/morrocan/mexican and any other kind of foods :thumbup:

now karls grandma was indian his grandad met her while he was working for the arm and was based in india and he said that its the best place he ever lived and he has lived all over :thumbup: wish he could have taught my kids to speak indian but he was really old when the were born so he didnt have the memory :cry:

anyway i would love to travel the world to see how other cultures live and what kind of things they do :cry: maybe when the kids have left home i can do this :thumbup:
No reason you couldn't do it with the kids Aly! Save up and take them somewhere full of culture... i would highly recommend Cuba and it's not mega expensive considering it's the Caribbean. Havana is an amazing place :)
my aunts been to cuba 4 times and she loves it :thumbup:

yeah i will better get saving now as it will take me 2 years lol
I also hate racism.

BUT, I absolutely despise when someone of foreign descent (if I am to be very PC) pulls the racism card for no reason whatsoever.

There was a girl I went to high school with and she was black. She was a Hindu and came from Sri Lanka, and both her and her sister achieved amazingly academically.

However, due to her "superior knowledge" or whatever, she was really up herself.

I can't stand people who are completely up themselves, but I never once said anything hurtful or racist or derogatory to her or behind her back.

One day, she asked if she could hang around with me and I explained to her that, no, she couldn't.

She got extremely defensive asking why I didn't want to be her friend, shouting at me saying "you just hate me because I'm black!" and I simply said, "no, it's because I don't like your attitude".

Next day, I'm dragged into the school office with the head of my year and the campus police officer getting into trouble for racism.

I honestly could not believe it.

Especially as there was no racially inspired comments made to her, and also the fact of me having many other friends who all had a variety of ethnic backgrounds.

Eventually nothing was done about her "claims" but I've noticed it happen quite a lot nowadays where foreign children, and adults, accuse others of racial remarks etc, where the person is then given into serious trouble for it, even if nothing was done!

Fair enough, in Glasgow, you very commenly hear (and I apologise), people using words like "paki", "nigger", and even referring to people as "black b*stards".

If you are to be using language like that, then yes, fair enough, you are being racist and deserve to be punished for it.

But when someone just says something to a foreign person and it is seen as racism, it makes my blood boil.

Especially as a lot of foreigners in Glasgow are quite offensive to "fucking whiteys" but nothing is done about that, because white people apparently cannot be victims of racism - which is utter bullshit IMO.

Whoa, I'm ranting here so I shall shut up, but hopefully you will understand what I mean :haha: :blush: xx
I know what you mean Vhal - that's what i class as positive discrimination.

One thing that makes me chuckle every time i hear it is when people are quite obviously prejudiced but defend themselves by saying 'i'm not racist. My aunt/cousin/best friend/dog is black'. As if that makes it impossible to judge someone for their colour, religion, accent or heritage!
I know what you mean Vhal - that's what i class as positive discrimination.

One thing that makes me chuckle every time i hear it is when people are quite obviously prejudiced but defend themselves by saying 'i'm not racist. My aunt/cousin/best friend/dog is black'. As if that makes it impossible to judge someone for their colour, religion, accent or heritage!

I remember this one girl at school who was very racially prejudiced, but when one day was pulled up for a racist comment to a teacher (she called him a "paki") she was like

"OMG you've got to be kidding me, I've fucked black boys before! I'm no fucking racist!"

:dohh: xx
I hate racism. I don't understand it. One of my ex's was racist in a 'jokey' way although I don't think you can be racist as a joke :shrug: What does annoy me is how PC has gone mad. Nativity plays being banned in schools where there are a few muslim children for example. And the story from a while back now where an air hostess was told to remove her crucifix necklace but her muslim colleague was allowed to carry on wearing her burkah (sp?) I believe if you move to a country you should take on board their basic values and principles and respect them. But name calling and racial hatred acts like graffitti-ing on someone's house just because they are a different race etc in general is terrible
In Springburn, where I went to school, the shops are no longer allowed to display Christmas decorations and the Santa's Grotto that used to come every year for children has been stopped because it doesn't fit in with every other culture.

I think this is absurd, because if a high number of Brits/Americans moved to a foreign country, they wouldn't expect them to completely change their way of life for them? They would adapt to their way of life.

And TBH, I know a lot of foreign people who celebrate Christmas, so I can't understand the point of removing the festivities from the local shopping centre. Especially as the Santa's Grotto was something kids looked forward to every year (I know I did when I was little!) xx
I asked a hindi, muslim and a sikh what they thought about banning nativity plays and they thought it was ridiculous. It's the councils, governments and corporations being scared!

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