I didn't enjoy it until 3 months on, we had a lot of problems up until then. But after the problems were resolved I did really start to enjoy it. I'm at the point now where I could take it or leave it. I haven't "enjoyed" it for months, but I don't dislike it either. It's just a normal part of the day.
You are in the very early stages, which TBH I don't think anyone enjoys!
I have a love/hate relationship with BF even at 8 months. I love all of the benefits, but hate that my boobs are on demand 24/7 and that every night after a long day of work I still have to pump before bed to make sure LO has enough milk for the next day. I hate always being on call every 3-4 hrs (with the exception of night time, thank god!), whether it be to nurse or pump.
Nursing does lead to some amazing bonding w/LO, though. When she's sick/tired/cranky, putting her on the boob instantly melts away all of her problems. She smiles at me while nursing, which at first I thought of as very weird, but now it's the most amazing thing - knowing we're so close and she's so happy
You are in the very early stages, which TBH I don't think anyone enjoys!
I have a love/hate relationship with BF even at 8 months. I love all of the benefits, but hate that my boobs are on demand 24/7 and that every night after a long day of work I still have to pump before bed to make sure LO has enough milk for the next day. I hate always being on call every 3-4 hrs (with the exception of night time, thank god!), whether it be to nurse or pump.
Nursing does lead to some amazing bonding w/LO, though. When she's sick/tired/cranky, putting her on the boob instantly melts away all of her problems. She smiles at me while nursing, which at first I thought of as very weird, but now it's the most amazing thing - knowing we're so close and she's so happy
The smiling while nursing bit made me melt