Do you enjoy BF?


Big family = Busy family
May 20, 2013
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I wonder if there's something missing from me, I dont enjoy BF my LO.
I'm doing it for the health benefits but when she needs a feed I dont enjoy it.
Is this something that will change with time?
I fed my first to 10 months and am 6 weeks in with my second, and in a word, no, i don't enjoy it. It was a means to an end for me. However, from about 8 weeks in with my first, it was pretty easy, but still a task rather than a joy.
I hated it at first but after a few weeks I can actually enjoy it in the sense that I felt really odd not being pregnant anymore and that I used to do so much to support him and so breastfeeding for me is something I love to do as it is still a little thing only I can do for him and it makes me feel closer, my body is still the thing that provides him with nutrition, for me it has helped ease the transition from doing everything for him on my own to other people being able to look after him too (I know this probably all sounds really stupid). Although physically it still hurts sometimes, and when I'm tired or he has been feeding for seemingly hours on end I can find it draining and he's only 6 weeks old so I haven't been doing it for that long x
Am I right in seeing that your baby is only 2 weeks old?

If so, I'm not surprised you are not enjoying it. At that stage, your baby is so needy, you are hormonal, stressed out, and adjusting to being basically nothing but a milk dispenser.

I promise you it will change. I did NOT like breastfeeding during the first month either. However, I remember around 4-6 weeks, there was a turning point. My son went longer between feeds, he became more efficient so feeds took half the time, I was more confident that I knew what I was doing, I started to nurse in public. Basically, nursing went from a chore to something I enjoyed doing and was proud of.

I enjoy it so much that, despite wanting to cry all the time and quit those first few weeks, I am still breastfeeding at 17 months.

HANG IN THERE!!!!! :hugs:
Its too early to say if you enjoy breastfeeding. Its exhausting but it gets better. And if you still dont enjoy it then thats okay. You are doing a great thing for your baby.:flower:
Honestly yes, it was hard for 7 days and I had a cry on day 1 about how sore my nips were getting but now at 7months the feeling is unbelievably amazing.

I know I've given my angel the absolute best start with breastmilk and started her healthy path in life. We have an umbreakable bond in which I provide something specifically designed for Millie which no one else in the world can provide.

I love it and I'm proud to say my daughter is breastfed!
I enjoy it. My lo is only 3 weeks old (tomorrow) and although I hated the sore nipples and hated the fact that he would feed for an hour or more a lot of the time, things are already improving. He only feeds for twenty or so minutes now and I don't have the sore nipples anymore and I love the bond I have with him. When I was pregnant I was so determined to bf since I didn't with my first and now that I'm doing it, I'm extremely proud that I'm giving him the best start in life by giving him my breast milk. That in itself makes it enjoyable for me.
I'm hoping to breastfeed for as long as he wants!
Thanks for all your replies.
Maybe its just the strain of it being early days and sorting out my other children too.
Saw the Health Visitor who made me feel so guilty to even think about stopping or supplementing with formula.
I really want to enjoy it but still struggling with it come nearly 3 weeks. I yearn for the day I can wack em out and it be easy without pain.
I'm trying to wean out the ff I'm using to top up bf as when she comes off the boob she seems to be ravenous still. Today I'm doing ok so far, with bf.

I'm doing it for a few reasons:-
1) cause I really want to be end
2) it's easier than having to make up ff
3) it will weight (desperate to get back to pp weight - totally selfish I know, but that's what I feel!)
4) it's got everything that my daughter needs in a boob! Ready to go!!
Honestly yes I love it :D

At the start I enjoyed it but a few weeks into it it started to get really sore and I didn't enjoy it at all.

Your baby is so young and I am sure you will come to love it. If it is something you really want to do try and stick it out as it will get so much easier and I'm sure you will come to love the bonding time with your baby :D
You are in the very early stages, which TBH I don't think anyone enjoys!

I have a love/hate relationship with BF even at 8 months. I love all of the benefits, but hate that my boobs are on demand 24/7 and that every night after a long day of work I still have to pump before bed to make sure LO has enough milk for the next day. I hate always being on call every 3-4 hrs (with the exception of night time, thank god!), whether it be to nurse or pump.

Nursing does lead to some amazing bonding w/LO, though. When she's sick/tired/cranky, putting her on the boob instantly melts away all of her problems. She smiles at me while nursing, which at first I thought of as very weird, but now it's the most amazing thing - knowing we're so close and she's so happy <3
I didn't enjoy it until 3 months on, we had a lot of problems up until then. But after the problems were resolved I did really start to enjoy it. I'm at the point now where I could take it or leave it. I haven't "enjoyed" it for months, but I don't dislike it either. It's just a normal part of the day.
I didn't enjoy it until 3 months on, we had a lot of problems up until then. But after the problems were resolved I did really start to enjoy it. I'm at the point now where I could take it or leave it. I haven't "enjoyed" it for months, but I don't dislike it either. It's just a normal part of the day.

This is a good description for me "a normal part of the day."
Like brushing my teeth... I am not excited to brush my teeth, its just something I do.
I had a hard time with nipple pain the first two weeks, but now I love it! I hope to nurse LO for 24 months. :flower:
I love the early morning feed & the nursing to sleep session. I even don't mind the night feeds. But I don't enjoy feeding during the day at all. The timings and durations vary too much and it's been difficult to surrender that kind of control.

But what I do love about bf at any time of day:
Baby looks excited when she's in my lap and she knows the booby is coming. If booby touches a part of her face she starts opening her mouth. And recently I feel she wants to lift herself to reach. I also love the look on her face while bf.

I think it'll get easier, it has gotten much easier. I don't enjoy every bit of it. And like you, I kept doing it because of the benefits.
You are in the very early stages, which TBH I don't think anyone enjoys!

I have a love/hate relationship with BF even at 8 months. I love all of the benefits, but hate that my boobs are on demand 24/7 and that every night after a long day of work I still have to pump before bed to make sure LO has enough milk for the next day. I hate always being on call every 3-4 hrs (with the exception of night time, thank god!), whether it be to nurse or pump.

Nursing does lead to some amazing bonding w/LO, though. When she's sick/tired/cranky, putting her on the boob instantly melts away all of her problems. She smiles at me while nursing, which at first I thought of as very weird, but now it's the most amazing thing - knowing we're so close and she's so happy <3

The smiling while nursing bit made me melt <3
You are in the very early stages, which TBH I don't think anyone enjoys!

I have a love/hate relationship with BF even at 8 months. I love all of the benefits, but hate that my boobs are on demand 24/7 and that every night after a long day of work I still have to pump before bed to make sure LO has enough milk for the next day. I hate always being on call every 3-4 hrs (with the exception of night time, thank god!), whether it be to nurse or pump.

Nursing does lead to some amazing bonding w/LO, though. When she's sick/tired/cranky, putting her on the boob instantly melts away all of her problems. She smiles at me while nursing, which at first I thought of as very weird, but now it's the most amazing thing - knowing we're so close and she's so happy <3

The smiling while nursing bit made me melt <3

Not only that, but the laughter is amazing too. So many of our nursing sessions end up in giggles. He loves when I make faces and blow on him and tickle him. All other times of the day he will barely sit still long enough to give me a quick hug...but when he's nursing, he's MINE, and he nestles into my side and it's the most relaxing part of both our days. :cloud9:

Sometimes he laughs so hysterically that he spits milk all over the place. I have quite a few pics of him nursing with milk on his forehead.

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